But Zhou Ye's expression didn't relax - after all, there were four companion stars not far from Sovereign's mother star. In fact, these four companion stars are not the original planets of the Sovereign mother star, but were pushed to the side of the Sovereign mother star by the Sovereign family using technological means.

The four companion stars were transformed by the Sovereigns into their industrial gathering place, as well as a place of leisure and entertainment. And use the gravitational waves generated between several close planets to produce energy for their use.

Zhou Ye didn't move them at first, but first surrounded Sovereign Star because all Sovereign fleets were anchored here. Destroying the parent star is equal to more than half of the success.

Of course, Zhou Ye was not unguarded against them at all. Between the mother star and Ring 1, Ring 2, Ring 3, and Ring 4, Zhou Ye arranged three lines of defense with the controller as the main ship and the mothership as the auxiliary... The defense was They come to trouble themselves at critical moments.

Now that the parent star's extinction plan is nearing completion, it's time to consider taking down those four ring stars.

Although the population of Sovereign above the four ring stars was less than one tenth of the population of the parent star, Zhou Ye did not have the habit of keeping a tail.

"Master, your dessert is here..." Just when Zhou Ye was thinking about what to do, the voice of the master Milia interrupted his thoughts.

"My dessert?" Zhou Ye asked in confusion. "what is that?"

"It's the singer of the Sovereign tribe that you appointed..." Milia said with a sudden pause, "Master, the commander of the a1 defense line reported that there was a small spaceship taking off from Sovereign's home planet. Trying to force his way through their defenses, he asks you, do you want to intercept?"

"Of course it was intercepted...Wait-" Zhou Ye stopped his words and looked carefully at the three-dimensional image in front of him, only to see a red dot flying towards the Sovereign Ring 1 star... He smiled, "Tell the defense line. Commander, let them go... and in the future, don't intercept the spacecraft from Sovereign's home planet, let them go to their ring star-"

"...This, why is this? Master?" Milia asked curiously.

"These guys must have been infected with the genetic virus, but the guys who are still in the incubation period... let them go there to help us take down the four ring stars of Sovereign..." Zhou Ye said a little bit about the mother star and the ring 1 The inconspicuous red dot in the middle of the star said: "They are the pioneers who won the four ring stars without blood..."

"What if they don't fly to the ring star?" Milia asked.

"Anyway, those infected with the virus are dead. Besides, I have blocked the surrounding stargates. Where are they going? The other nearest stargates are millions of light-years away. Do they dare to go?" Zhou Ye laughed Dao, he is in a good mood now, and the surprises those fugitives brought him have saved him a lot of trouble.

"Congratulations, Master, the problem that bothered you has been solved." Milia said with a smile. She knew that these four similar planets had always troubled Zhou Ye. When Zhou Ye set up the battle plan, Zhou Ye had a headache for these four ring stars.

It's not that he didn't consider the situation of the fugitives from the mother planet, but the probability is too small. In Zhou Ye's opinion, a qualified government would definitely block the planet and give the other four planets a place in such a situation. The people of the tribe left a little hope for survival.

But now it seems that the people in power of the Sovereigns are really not very good... The situation with the smallest probability has appeared. This saves Zhou Ye a lot of problems... It's not that Zhou Ye doesn't want to attack five planets at the same time, but his troops are really not enough... At present, this is all Umbrella can take out... After all, one is trapped in one place. The gap between an organization and a nation that has long entered the interstellar age is measured in light years.

If Zhou Ye didn't happen to have the means to restrain the Sovereign fighters, he really wouldn't dare to let Umbrella come with such a snake to swallow an elephant.

Zhou Ye, who had solved a problem, was in a good mood... He remembered what Milia just said. "You said the singer I wanted was delivered?"

"Yes, Master, Fiona is now waiting for your summons outside the door." Miria said with a smile.

"Let her come in and let me see how beautiful the real Sovereign treasure is." Zhou Ye stretched his waist while sitting on the chair and said.

"As you wish, Master." Milia said, waving her hand slightly.

The door of the command hall opened, and a beautiful golden woman wearing a long black dress walked in, it was Fiona after bathing.

"Why invade our home planet..." As soon as Fiona walked in, she angrily questioned Zhou Yelai. "Invaders... Executioners... Murderers... Perverts..."

In short, Fiona threw all the cruel words she could think of to Zhou Ye.

"Bold--!" The Valkyrie standing behind Fiona was terrified. This girl was so obedient just now, why did it suddenly become like this. She couldn't imagine how her Master was furious.

"Don't pay attention to her, let her go on..." Zhou Ye waved his hand and stopped the Valkyrie who wanted to step forward to subdue Fiona. He is in a good mood now. Facing Fiona who is like a fried golden cat, Zhou Ye find it interesting...

"Yes, Master." The Valkyrie retreated knowingly.

Zhou Ye just watched this beautiful golden girl with such interest in front of him, speaking about himself in the language of all the intelligent races known in the galaxy. Through the translator, Zhou Ye knew that she was turning over and over again for nothing more than a meaning, and said He was an inhuman executioner.

After talking for about ten minutes, Fiona finally finished all the words in her stomach... Finally, she said fiercely: "You will die yourself.

That heart, I will never sing even a single word of singing for you, the executioner..."

"Pfft—" Zhou Ye almost laughed, this girl actually thought that he asked her by name just to hear her sing? But it is true that the Sovereigns who abandoned the traditional knowledge of reproduction have no idea what will happen between men and women.

"What are you laughing at?" Looking at Zhou Ye with a smile on his face, Fiona asked dissatisfied.

"I'm laughing... You will obediently sing your song to me..." Zhou Ye walked towards Fiona as he spoke. "And it's my own singing voice..."

"You're dreaming... woo..." Before Fiona could finish her words, Zhou Ye completely blocked her... Zhou Ye would soon teach her how to sing his own beauty. wonderful singing...

Chapter 487

Three days later—

The entire Sovereign mother star and the four companion stars of Ring 1, 2, 3, and 4 have become a ghost.

The five planets that were originally brightly lit are now pitch black. Only the dotted lights are pitifully dotted above, which is still the defense area established by Umbrella's landing troops. Now all the Sovereigns, except for those who joined Umbrella's religion, have been completely destroyed.

It can be said that from the original perfect race, there are now only hundreds of thousands of Sovereigns from the Umbrella religion.

Zhou Ye stood in front of the window and looked at the dead planet in front of him. He felt a little emotional in his heart... War has become more cruel after entering the interstellar era. Zhou Ye is more willing to destroy others than to be destroyed by others.

"Master..." Fiona picked up Zhou Ye's clothes and put them lightly on Zhou Ye's shoulders. He asked softly, "When will the new student program start?"

"It's time to start..." Zhou Ye said and took Fiona into his arms, "Let's go, it's time to start our new life plan..."

"Of course, Master." Fiona said, breaking free from Zhou Ye's arms, turning around and calling out sisters Fili and Julie, who were still sleeping on the couch. "Fili, Julie, it's time to get up..."

"Master, please let us go..." Between half-dreaming and half-awake, Fili was still begging for mercy... One can imagine how intense the battle just now was.

Fiona rolled her eyes when she heard Feili's sleep talk, and said directly, "Master is leaving... I don't want you anymore..."

"No... Master, we can still bear it..." With Julie's exclamation, the two women were completely awake. "Fiona?... You can't let us rest for a while... The master loves you, so every time you beg for mercy and let you go, we are tossed miserably..."

"It's not that I won't let you rest..." Fiona blinked her eyes innocently and said, "Master is going to land on Sovereign Star, do you want to accompany Master or wait here?"

"Of course I'm with the master..." Sister Feili said in unison, and hurriedly got up and started putting on her clothes...

Half an hour later————

The largest airport on Sovereign Star is heavily guarded, and tens of thousands of beautiful girls in golden priest robes are waiting here anxiously. They are all members of the Umbrella religion who have just joined the religion. Between life and death, they choose life.

They only know that by joining this sect, they can get the right to live... They can survive... Between life and death, they chose to bow their heads and live.

And the priests of Umbrella's sect really mean what they say. After joining the sect... each of them got a pill, and after taking this pill- they never happened to those around them again. that kind of situation.

And now, they are arranged here by priests, waiting to welcome their only master, the only supreme master of the Umbrella religion. Their hearts are uneasy... They don't know what the master who has invaded their hometown will do to them.

They didn't have to wait too long - a luxurious medium-sized ship stopped firmly in front of them. Ayesha, the high priest who led them, stepped forward quickly, and at the hatch, hugged a handsome young man who had just walked out of the hatch.

"Master, welcome to Sovereign Star." Ayesha said excitedly.

"Ayesha, thank you for your hard work." As soon as Zhou Ye got off the spacecraft, he saw tens of thousands of Sovereign girls standing on both sides holding unknown bouquets to greet him. He knew that these belonged to Ayesha. Missionary results.

"It's not hard, for Umbrella, for the Sovereign family, Ayesha is not hard at all." Ayesha bowed her head and said respectfully: "Please allow Ayesha to introduce this planet to her master."

"Of course." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded.

Ayesha directly took Zhou Ye and the Fiona girls behind him, transferred to a Sovereign aircraft, and flew towards a semicircular temple.

This used to be the temple of the Sovereign family, but now, it has become the headquarters of the Umbrella religion.

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