"..." Hearing Fiona's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but think of the night that killed Fiona. But forget it, since she doesn't want to, let Yolanda do the job.

After returning, Zhou Ye told the two little slave girls what he thought, but the two girls also cried and refused to stay here... In the end, they had to use the most primitive and fair method, drawing lots - three-person lottery , leaving two...

In the end, Ayesha and Yolanda had to serve as the high priest of Umbrella and the first female speaker of Sovereign—they cried when Zhou Ye left, it was a pain... Zhou Ye almost couldn't help taking them away. In the end, Zhou Ye had to promise that after he was done with the Difan Group, he would come here to build a two-way random door for them, so that they could go at any time. find him...

Only then did they reluctantly let Zhou Ye go... Of course, the madness before parting was indispensable that night. Even Ayesha personally presided over the consecration ceremony of tens of thousands of church members in order to leave a deeper impression on Zhou Ye's heart... Well, it's really just consecration...

Chapter 489

Zhou Ye sat in his mothership - quietly thinking about the Difan Group.

To be honest, this old guy is not easy to deal with. One of the elders of the universe... the first intelligent race to be born, because he lost a bet with the goddess of death, he was banned from entering her kingdom forever... so he became an immortal. exist.

Of course, this is something in the comics. In fact, in the movie world, he is just a rich rich man. He would be very embarrassed by the runaway power gem, saying that he is a cosmic elder is flattering him.

The question Zhou Ye considered was not how to kill him, but how to annex all the assets of Difan Group... This was what Zhou Ye cared about the most.

"Di Fan... Di Fan..." Zhou Ye couldn't help but mutter something.

"Master, are you worrying about the collector Difan?" Fiona asked curiously.

"I'm not worried about that old guy..." Zhou Ye said, hugging Fiona who walked to his side and said, "I'm just thinking about how to make Umbrella annex the Difan Group..."

"Master, I think you're looking in the wrong direction..." Fiona said, "Although the Difan Group was founded by a collector, the current host is his daughter, Karina Difan."

"Oh? He also has a daughter?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Yes, Karina Difan, the collector's daughter, she is now hosting the affairs of the Difan Group. I saw her when I was in a concert on the cygnus x-1 star..." Fio Na introduced: "She is a very beautiful girl...and she is very confident. The Difan Group has been running very well under her care."

"Interesting...it's so interesting..." Zhou Ye stroked Fiona's long hair and fell into deep thought. When it comes to dealing with men, Zhou Ye's means are very limited. ... But when dealing with women, he can conquer them from the spirit to the body.

"Master, in fact Karina is also a poor girl..." Fiona changed her posture, snuggled into Zhou Ye's arms, and said, "She originally had a lover, but her father's collector wanted to make her Knowing the difference between immortals and ordinary people, I separated them for a hundred years, and promised that they would no longer oppose this matter after a hundred years..."

"What happened later?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"A hundred years later - Karina went to find her lover full of joy, but found that the man had died of old age..." Fiona said with a helpless expression. "Since then, Karina has fallen out with the collector. Although she knows that the collector is for her own good, she still refuses to forgive him. The two father and daughter have not spoken for nearly ten thousand years..."

"This is really a sad story..." Zhou Ye thought about it for a while and asked curiously, "Then did she get married again?"

To be honest, Zhou Ye was very concerned about this issue. According to the standards of immortals, getting married once every hundred years... I'll give it a go... This girl can't have it...

Looking at Zhou Ye's expression, Fiona understood her master's thoughts in a second, and said coquettishly, "Master, you are too bad, Karina has never loved a man since then, what she likes is women now. In her words, when such feelings are separated, it will not be too painful."

"Lala..." Zhou Ye was speechless, is this a mutant behavior after emotional frustration? "Then where is she now?"

"Of course it's at the headquarters of the Difan Group..." After Fiona finished speaking, she found that her master was still at a loss, and suddenly said speechlessly: "Master, don't you know where the headquarters of the Difan Group is?"

"Uh—I haven't had time to inquire..." Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly.

"...The headquarters of the Difan Group is on the cygnus x-1 star, which is the collector's hometown. The headquarters of the group he created is naturally on his ancestral star." Fiona said directly.

"...How do you know so much about the collector's daughter? Did that Karina chase after you?" Zhou Ye asked suspiciously.

"She pursued me, but I rejected her..." Fiona hugged Zhou Ye's neck and said coquettishly, "Did the master not notice me that night for the first time?"

"Of course I noticed..." Zhou Ye whispered in Fiona's ear maliciously, "But Lara also has many ways...for example...for example..."

"Master, you're so bad..." Fiona's cheeks were reddened by Zhou Ye's description... "Don't you want to see this

Let's perform..."

"Uh—I'm just curious..." Zhou Ye said uncomfortably, after all, he had never seen the real Lala...

"Master, why don't you take down that Karina and let her perform for you..." Fiona said softly in Zhou Ye's ear: "If you take down Karina, Master, you will take it. After leaving the Difan Group...isn't this troublesome thing solved?"

"It's a good idea." Zhou Ye groaned while rubbing his chin, which saved him a lot of trouble... But since that Karina is a lesbian... how should I soak her? Soak a lala? Zhou Ye had never had such an experience.

"Master...I will help you when the time comes."

"How to help?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Ask her out for you..." Fiona said without hesitation, you know, she can't wait to dedicate her everything to her master Zhou Ye, and even her best best friend was sent to Zhou Ye by her. Ye's bed is over, not to mention Karina who is just an ordinary friend... "When the time comes... you can do this... and then..."

"Does this seem a little too despicable?" Zhou Ye asked hesitantly about Fiona's plan.

"Although I'm helping my master, I'm also helping her..." Fiona said, "You know, the emptiness of ten thousand years cannot be filled by Lala... Besides... ... Missing the master, a man who is also immortal, she doesn't know how many years she will have to wait?"

"You cow..." Zhou Ye deeply admired Fiona's ability to turn black into white. Since his little slave girl helped him like this regardless of his image, would he hesitate to be a man again?

Zhou Ye directly ordered: "Milia, set a new route and destination, cygnus x-1 star."

"As you wish, Master." With the reply of Miria, the mastermind of the Imperial, the entire fleet changed their course and flew towards the cygnus x-1 star.

Chapter 490

In the vast universe - a huge mothership is quietly moored here. The conspicuous symbol of the Difan Group on this mothership tells people its belonging... This is the treasure of the collector Difan , the mothership he used to carry his most important collections.

Although he owns more than a dozen collections all over the galaxy, he has placed the most important things on this mothership. It can be said that this mothership can be called his life, root and son. .

"Zhou Ye... Where did he come from?" Sitting in his seat, Di Fan muttered while looking at the handsome young man on the screen in front of him.

You know, as the most hidden old guy, he has heard of some well-known characters in the galaxy, such as the star eater such as Ronan the accuser such as the evil titan Thanos...

These guys are all rooted guys. Although Di Fan has only dealt with a few people, he knows more or less famous people. But only this Zhou Ye he had never heard of...

But to be able to deal with the Sovereigns so quickly, this Zhou Ye's power must not be underestimated... "Then, let me see how holy you are..."

Difan said, on the screen in front of him, the mothership computer began to quickly compare... It would compare Zhou Ye's image with the huge database of Difan Group...

The collector, Di Fan, believes that the person who can completely subvert the Sovereign family is definitely not an ordinary guy, he will definitely leave a lot of traces...

He didn't let him down, and the search results for Zhou Ye appeared quickly.

"The female senior commander of the Nova Empire is accused of treason? Suspected of being bewitched by an alien spy?" Di Fan, the collector, looked at the report from a while ago, and was speechless...

The Zhou Ye in the picture is walking away from the Nova Corps headquarters with Ingrid in his arms... Behind them are the wreckage of black Nova fighters...

"I seem to have offended an incredible guy..." Di Fan saw a lot of details from this news picture, for example, why are those Nova fighters painted in black? Why didn't I see other people at the scene? Who the hell destroyed these fighter jets?

"But it's fortunate... I have a guy with a tank top..." Di Fan smiled when he looked at the most wanted order issued by the Nova Empire against Zhou Ye under the picture. "Contact me the chief executive of Xandar Star and say that I am willing to provide their government with the whereabouts of an S-class wanted criminal."

The mastermind of the mothership quickly helped Difan get the number of the chief executive of Xandar Star. "Collector Di Fan? I don't remember what I can sell you..."

On the screen, the chief executive of the Nova Empire in uniform looked at Di Fan and said rudely.

"Good day, sir." Di Fan didn't care about the attitude of the other party, or he expected such an unfriendly attitude. After all, as a collector, many things he collected were illegal, such as , or intelligent creatures, and some of the more dangerous weapons. On both sides, one is the law enforcer and the other is the lawbreaker, inherently in two opposing classes. "I didn't contact you to collect anything..."

"Oh? Are you planning to destroy your contraband? Tell me to go to the ceremony?" The chief executive of Xandar teased.

"Uh - I have no such plan for the time being." Di Fan said, without waiting for the other party to continue to tease him, he said directly: "I think as a law-abiding public, my reputation is still trustworthy."

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