"Yes, your file is indeed as clean as a blank sheet of paper..." The other party sarcastically said, "But you are the most unpopular person in our Nova Empire!"

"No, I think things may change now." Di Fan said, "I think you might be interested in his news..."

Saying that, a picture of Zhou Ye was projected directly behind Di Fan, which was the screenshot of Zhou Ye talking to Di Fan on the Sovereign home planet.

Seeing Zhou Ye's photo, the chief executive of Xandar Star immediately stood up excitedly and asked eagerly, "Where is he? Do you know who he is?"

After all, this unprecedented treason case of a high-level commander in the Nova Empire happened on Xandar. As the chief executive of Xandar, he has an irreplaceable responsibility. During this time, he was almost condemned by the public. Crazy, and his immediate boss is urging him to deal with this case as soon as possible... How could he not be in a hurry.

"...Don't worry, I think we can talk about collecting." As a person who founded Difan Group, Difan is obviously a qualified businessman. What is the most crucial element of a businessman? Don't miss any opportunity to benefit yourself.

"You can't imagine that I will betray any of the citizens of the Nova Empire." The chief executive of the Nova Empire said vigilantly. You must know that Di Fan has a lot of criminal records. Although he never participated in crimes, he provided a high reward. It's hard to tell whose fault King made the notorious bounty hunters do for him, but it's not wrong to be careful about this guy.

"No no... I don't think I need you to betray any of the people of the empire." Di Fan said with a smile: "What I need is just something that you don't need, a thing called the universe spirit ball... …”

"Cosmic Spirit Ball?" The other party frowned, and after a few operations on his terminal, he said: "Once the Empire did get something called the Universe Spirit Ball, but the research on it led to a A habitable planet became an abandoned planet... So, that thing was abandoned..."

"Is the cosmic spirit ball still on that abandoned planet?" Di Fan's eyes flashed a hint of anxiety inadvertently.

"I'm afraid that's the case." The chief executive of Xandar star shrugged and replied.

"What's the name of that planet? Tell me the name and location of that planet, and I'll tell you about this guy..." Di Fan said.

"Okay, that abandoned planet is called Morago Star, that's all I can tell you..." The chief executive of Xandar star looked at the information, and the label behind the abandoned planet [due to unknown reasons] , the planet has been completely destroyed. ], said.

He wouldn't tell Di Fan this information. He always believed that if he wanted to catch the perpetrators, he had to be more cunning than them...

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Di Fan asked in disbelief. He didn't believe that he would get news about this planet so easily. When these guys didn't realize the value of what they had in their hands, when When someone consults them, they can't wait to sell the stone for the price of a diamond...

"I'm willing to swear by my Nova badge, what I just said is the truth..." The chief executive of Xandar star said with a serious look, "Now it's your turn, collector, you'd better not Trying to deceive the top officer of an administrative star, otherwise I will make your Difan group unable to move an inch in Xandar..."

"Of course, of course I will tell you everything I know..." Although the chief executive of Xandar Star has made the Nova Oath, Di Fan is still a little skeptical, but anyway, he is counting on Nova Empire to give him the best Cylinder, I have to tell them about this anyway. "I don't know where your S-class wanted criminal is from..."

"Are you toying with me? Difan." The chief executive of Xandar Star heard Difan's words and stood up suddenly, staring at Difan's eyes. "I'll let you know Nova's wrath."

"No, no. Your Excellency, I think you'd better listen to me..." Collector Di Fan said calmly: "I first learned that he was celebrating my daughter's birthday a few days ago. thing, you know, although my daughter has never forgiven me..."

"Speaking of which, Di Fan, I'm not interested in knowing your family affairs."

"Okay, okay... Really." The collector, Di Fan, was like an old guy, complaining that the young man wouldn't listen to his nagging, but in the end, he still gave the grievance between himself and Zhou Ye to Say it.

Of course, Di Fan concealed a large part of the content. For example, Zhou Ye completely wiped out the coalition forces between him and the Sovereign clan... For example, his ally Sovereign clan has been subverted by Zhou Ye... Wait - these He had mentioned everything about Zhou Ye's strength.

He wouldn't tell the Nova people about these things. He was afraid that the Nova Empire, which was in a full-scale war with the Kree people, would back down after a comprehensive assessment of Zhou Ye's power. After all, fighting on both sides is something any wise leader should try to avoid matter.

What he wanted was for the Nova Empire to go and deliver food to Zhou Ye stupidly. When the hatred between the two sides deepened... Nova Empire saw that Zhou Ye was a big hole, and when they wanted to withdraw, they might not be able to help them... At that time, Zhou Ye won't have time to trouble himself.

When Di Fan told the Nova Empire what he knew, both parties closed the communication with satisfaction. Di Fan was satisfied that he had found a scapegoat, and also found the whereabouts of a gem... But when he saw that he had changed The expression of Morago star in the asteroid belt will be very exciting.

The chief executive of Xandar is satisfied that he finally

I can give the public an explanation...Although Difan did not tell him the current position of Zhou Ye, but thinking about it, since Zhou Ye is going to find Difan, then the headquarters of Difan Group will definitely go back.

I just don't know what kind of expression he will have when he receives the news that the fleet he sent out has been completely destroyed...

Chapter 491

cygnus x-1 star - a well-known commercial star, it is the commercial center of the third cantilever, and it is a permanently neutral commercial planet.

It never participates in the disputes of various countries in the galaxy, but it provides various materials for the warring parties, as long as you are willing to pay a high price... From the battle mothership of various countries, down to the slaves of various intelligent races, you can Bought here.

On this planet where there are many tall buildings and people of all ethnic groups coexist peacefully, the most important thing you can't ignore is the Difan Building, which hangs the logo of the Difan Group.

Although the parliamentary system is implemented here, in fact, everyone knows that as a behemoth with industries all over the galaxy, the status of the Difan Group here is supreme...

It is no exaggeration to say that the Difan Group is the uncrowned king of this planet. No one dares to ignore the voice of the Difan Group here.

And Karina Devan is the queen of this planet... it's well known.

In cygnus x-1 star, you may be fine if you offend a powerful congressman, because no politician has no enemies, you just need to please his enemies, but offend Karina. Difan? Then you'd better get out of here...and spend the rest of your life hiding in a savage planet without the Difan Group's industry.

Otherwise, you will realize what it means to be alive rather than dead.

This is the consensus of more than a dozen little white faces of all ethnic groups who intend to get close to Karina Tifan and try to get her to get both personal and wealth. None of them could impress the immortal's heart... the most successful one just said a word to her.

In the end, people gave her a nickname, the Queen of Diamonds... Of course, it's not that she started by selling diamonds, but it means that her heart is like a diamond... She won't be moved, of course, some people call her ice Queen……

"It's another boring day..." At this moment, Karina Tifan is sitting in her office, staring dully at the sun that is about to set in the distance... By her hand, a man with a collar is squatting Beauty girl... squatting like a dog.

"Sharin, do you say eternal life is really perfect? ​​Why do I feel so bored?" Karina stroked the beauty's long purple hair and said, "Day by day... Every day is the same person, the same Is this kind of eternity really meaningful?"

"Wang Wang..."

"Ah... By the way, I forgot." Karina lifted her forehead and said, "I allow you to speak now."

"Master... Maybe you should go out for a walk, the Milky Way is so big, there are always new things you haven't seen..." said Shalin, who was squatting on the ground.

"Yeah...it's time to go out!" Karina nodded thoughtfully, but she knew that her father would not agree. In his father's words...it's too dangerous outside Well, you'd better stay here.

At this moment, the communicator on Karina's desk rang, she pressed the switch button, and a red-skinned girl in a maid outfit appeared in front of her, "Savana? Is there anything else for you to convey?"

Karina never understood why her father had a soft spot for this red-skinned race, and all the maids used them.

"Miss, the master told you not to go anywhere during this time... and it's better to raise the defense level of the cygnus x-1 star to the highest level." Savanna carefully conveyed her master's words, she directly ignored the card. Lina's derogatory name for her father, she did not dare to get involved in the matter between father and daughter.

"Oh? Who did the old guy offend this time?" Karina said mockingly: "Let me guess, is it the Planet Devourer? No no... Although these old guys are very brave, they are also very brave. Don't dare to go to trouble with him casually... Could it be Thanos?"

"Actually it's not... Miss." Savannah said cautiously, "It's a young man who came out of nowhere..."

"Oh?" Karina Tifan raised her eyebrows and looked at her father's little maid. What do you mean, you have to tell everything in a hurry?

The little maid who has been passing the phone between the father and daughter for many years, she understood the meaning of her own lady in seconds, she didn't dare to pretend to be mysterious, her own lady is not a good-tempered person, "It's that she forcibly occupied the nothingness of our group some time ago. The man from the land, the master said that he has subverted our allies of the Sovereign... Now he is looking for his master everywhere..."

"Oh..." Karina was stunned when she heard the maid's words. "Some time ago, the old guy transferred the fleet of the security company and didn't kill them? Isn't it just a group of inexperienced star thieves?"

"...According to reliable information...our combined fleet with the Sovereigns has been completely wiped out by him...and he has also subverted the homeworld of the Sovereigns... The master said that this is a serious revenge. The little guy, so let the young lady pay attention to her safety." Savannah said, and showed a photo sent to her by her master to her young lady. "It's him, ma'am."

"Huh? Are you sure that this guy is not a top player in entertainment but a dangerous person?" Karina asked back looking at Zhou Ye's handsome face in the photo.

After all, in

In Marvel, the villains all have a non-mainstream face of [I am a villain], such as Thanos, such as the Green Goblin, such as the Manchus such as the Hulk... Hey, it seems that something strange has run in, everyone mind.

Cough, in short, there are many villains in Marvel that make people feel like, shit, this guy is definitely not a good person.

But obviously, Zhou Ye's appearance is too deceptive... This handsome face really gives him a lot of points, at least Karina doesn't think this guy is a dangerous person.

"Miss, please be very careful. The master has repeatedly ordered... this guy is extremely dangerous." Savannah hurriedly sent out the Nova Empire's report with Zhou Ye's photo. He said anxiously: "The master said that although he doesn't know what kind of ability this person has, he must have an extraordinary way to deal with women, and even the senior commander of the Nova Empire is willing to betray the country for him..."

"Okay, I get it..." Karina was not interested in listening to the maid's nagging, and hung up the communication directly. She gently stroked Shalin's hair and let out a sigh of relief. "It's so funny that this guy who looks more like a criminal than a criminal can make the old guy look like a big enemy..."

Karina is already interested in Zhou Ye, of course not in Zhou Ye's interest, but... "Sharin, you said that if I catch this little guy and send it to the old guy, then the old guy will It's going to be quite funny."

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