"Master...isn't this a little too dangerous..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely plan everything well..." Karina began to feel that this game became interesting. This was an invisible contest between her and her father...

If she first catches this guy who makes her father look like a great enemy, then she can personally send Zhou Ye to her father and mock him to the fullest...

fail? Karina said that the word failure has never been in her dictionary...

Chapter 492

A huge triangular mothership is quietly moored in a meteorite belt ten light-years away from the cygnus x-1 star. For other motherships, the meteorite belt is simply the natural enemy of the mothership... But for Zhou For Ye's mothership, the meteorite belt is the natural protective color of the Emperor.

Those flying meteorites hit the X metal armor, and they couldn't even scratch the Emperor's armor. No one would go to the meteorite belt to search for the enemy... and no one would have thought that a huge mothership would be hidden in the meteorite belt.

"Who wants to go to cygnus x-1 star now, sign up." Zhou Ye looked at the girls in front of him and asked with a smile.

"I'm going..." Naturally, Nina was the first to raise her hand. Zhou Ye didn't have time to accompany her even after the battle. Fortunately, she had been busy improving her mechanical armor in the mothership's laboratory. She has long been suffocated, and this time she finally had the opportunity to see the appearance of aliens. Of course, she will be the first to sign up.

"I'm going too." Dolores, who was inseparable from Nina, also wanted to have a taste of the business star.

"Then I'll go too..." Since her daughters have all gone, Ingrid has no reason not to go. She is a daughter-in-law, how can she be assured that her daughter will leave her vision?

"Okay, since you've all gone, then I'll be on duty on the mothership..." Aletta shrugged and said indifferently, "I've been here several times anyway... Nothing new. I feel it."

"Baby, if you want to go, you can put Milia on duty here." Zhou Ye said.

"Yes, Mistress, Milia will be on call at any time." Miria, the head of the Imperial, also persuaded.

"Forget it... I've been there many times, so I'll just take this opportunity to take a good rest." Aletta is not a rookie who has never left the country, her footprints are all over the country In the Milky Way, she has long felt nothing new about this business star.

"Okay..." Zhou Ye saw that Aletta really didn't really want to go to Cygnus X-1, so he turned to look at his three little slave girls. Obviously, they didn't need to ask, they were where they were... Besides, Fiona still has a mission.

"Then, let's go." Zhou Ye said, and walked towards the first hangar with all the girls in high spirits. They would take Zhou Ye's medium-sized spaceship to go to Cygnus x-1 star. After all, a mother The ship represented many meanings. If you drove the Emperor directly to the cygnus x-1 star, Zhou Ye would have to explain a lot of problems, and it would not be good for Fiona's plan.

An incomparably luxurious medium-sized spacecraft slowly left the Emperor's hangar, drew a beautiful arc in the meteorite belt, and flew towards the Cygnus X-1 star.

Zhou Ye's medium-sized spaceship soon arrived at the airport of the cygnus x-1 star. As the name suggests, the commercial star is mainly for business, and there are all kinds of intelligent creatures of different shapes everywhere... Even Zhou Ye saw a few tree man.

"Welcome to cygnus x-1. Are you here for vacation or business?" As soon as Zhou Ye got off the spaceship, a beautiful humanoid creature walked up to Zhou Ye and asked politely.

"Of course it's a vacation." Although Zhou Ye didn't know who these people were, it was clear that Ingrid was no stranger to this thing. These were the mechanical immigration officers of the cygnus x-1 star. Alien guests go through immigration procedures just like going abroad.

"Then I wish you a good time." The humanoid mechanical creature in the blue uniform said, took out a card from his pocket, and manipulated it on his wrist. The card showed Zhou Ye and others. image, and then politely handed it to Zhou Ye. "This is your personal entry card. You can use this card to pay for all your expenses on this planet. There is an exchange terminal outside. We provide currency exchange mechanisms such as Nova Empire, Kree Empire, and Sovereign, of course. , if you have a credit card of Difan Bank, you can use it directly here, no need to exchange..."

"It's really a nice planet." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded. He took the card from the immigration officer and walked out of the airport under her leadership...

To be honest, this is the first time for Zhou Ye to enter such a formal entry. He was a stowaways at the time of Xandar Star... He opened an arbitrary door and ran directly there, but what about Sovereign Star? He is directly an aggressor, occupying everyone's home planet...

So for this entry experience, Zhou Ye still feels very new...

He noticed one thing. In order to save trouble, many people directly used the credit card of Difan Bank. This Nima made Zhou Ye envious and hated. The Difan Group must win...

"Honey, how much do we want to exchange?" Ingrid, who was standing on the side of the terminal, asked Zhou Ye.

"How much can we exchange?" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically.

"Let me take a look..." Ingrid took out a Sovereign memory chip and marked it directly on the terminal with a Sovereign-specific memory chip.

I took a photo of the location, "Wow - so many zeros..."

Zhou Ye leaned over to take a look, Nima, it really was a lot of zeros. What he took was the national treasury card of the Sovereign family... His little slave girl heard that he was actually a pauper in the galaxy... Without hesitation, he threw the accumulation of the Sovereign clan for thousands of years into a storage card. On the chip, it was given to Zhou Ye, while Zhou Ye threw it directly to Ingrid.

"Let's come to three billion first... not enough..." Zhou Ye has no concept of the money here, and his value concept is still switching between US dollars and soft sister coins...

"...Three billion...My dear, we can't spend it all. Three billion has already purchased a few habitable planets..." Ingrid said speechlessly.

"Uh—you can figure it out..." Zhou Ye simply let it go.

Ingrid simply exchanged it by head, 100 million per person, not enough to say...

Zhou Ye took the girls and left the hall after exchanging the currency... They will be separated here. Nina and Ingrid will play cygnus x-1 with mother and daughter, while Zhou Ye takes Fei Ona's three daughters, go do your own business...

Although they left, the news here quickly alarmed Karina Tifan.

"Someone used the Sovereign Treasury Card on cygnus x-1 star?" Karina looked at the news just passed, and directly ordered: "Get me the picture at that time..."

"Yes, Master." Karina's little slave, Shalin, changed into an OL outfit today and turned into a qualified secretary. After clicking a few times directly on the console, Zhou Ye took the girls to the The scene of currency exchange in front of the terminal appeared in front of Karina's eyes.

"Huh? The Galaxy Singer is actually beside this person... But that's right, since the Sovereigns have been subverted, there is no reason for this girl to be spared..." Karina smiled at her little slave girl Said: "Maybe, you will have a new companion in the near future."

"Master... I'm looking forward to that day." Shalin cast a female eyebrow at her master and said.

"Stare them... see what they're going to do..." Before Karina could finish her words, Sarin interrupted her. "Master, you have a communication request to access, the other party seems to be that Fiona..."

"Huh? It seems that this man really has a brush with women..." Karina immediately understood what Fiona wanted to do by calling herself at this time... Obviously, she was betrayed...

Let's talk about being angry, a little bit, but more excited, Karina knew...it was her chance to seize Zhou Ye.

Chapter 493

On the bustling street of cygnus x-1 star, the combination of one man and three women is particularly eye-catching. The handsome boy looks like someone from the Nova Empire, and the three beautiful golden women behind him can tell at a glance. A Sovereign woman.

Zhou Ye walked carelessly in front, and the three Sovereign women followed carefully behind, so that people could see their affiliation at a glance... After all, the Sovereign people did not have the custom of polygamy, only After being transferred and taught, very well-behaved female slaves will do this.

"Hey, buddy, do you sell your slave girl?" A pig-headed man dressed in jewels walked up to Zhou Ye and asked slyly.

"Does your mother sell it?" Zhou Ye asked directly. He has encountered this kind of thing many times. After all, as a singer of the Galaxy, Fiona's beauty is beyond doubt, and on this planet, anything is can be clearly priced.

When someone asked in the past, Zhou Ye's rhetorical question could make them retreat in spite of difficulties, but obviously, Zhou Ye miscalculated this time.

"Are you willing to exchange your slave girl for my mother? That's great..." The expression of the guy with a pig's head can be described as ecstatic. "You are so discerning, my mother is a famous beauty in our clan..."

"Go away!" Zhou Ye was so depressed that he couldn't be bothered with this living treasure anymore, so he was knocked unconscious with a loud drink. The Milky Way is really big and there are all kinds of birds...

"Pfft—!" Fiona burst out laughing, doing science for her master. "Master, Ahabs can't understand sarcasm and sarcasm... Their poor brains can only understand straight talk, so they have the title of a mentally retarded race in the galaxy... They are also synonymous with trouble , as long as it doesn't endanger life, even the law enforcement doesn't bother to take care of these idiots who have been taught a lesson."

Zhou Ye found that it was indeed the case. Even if he knocked this guy to the ground, none of the robots that maintained law and order in the sky came down to check.

"Okay... I've improved my knowledge again." Zhou Ye sighed and asked, "How about contacting Karina?"

"It's alright, she said she would send someone to pick us up..." Fiona lifted her chin proudly, as if she was saying to her master, look, even women can't resist my charm...

"I hope they can hurry up... I've had enough of this place." Zhou Ye really didn't like shopping, and this planet full of shops happened to be his least favorite place.

"I think it should be very soon..." Before Fiona could finish her words, she saw a group of luxury flying cars driving towards them in the sky in the distance, and the logo of the Difan Group was engraved on the conspicuous positions of the flying cars. . She couldn't help but happily said to her master: "Master, they are here..."

"Huh—?" Zhou Ye glanced at the team that quickly arrived in front of him, and always felt that something was wrong... But forget it, he didn't think these guys had the ability to do anything to him.

"Miss Fiona, is that right?" A purple-haired girl in an OL costume stepped out of the car. She ignored Zhou Ye and stood directly in front of Fiona and said politely, "My lady sent me to pick it up. You go see her."

"Thank you so much." Fiona asked with a smile, "May I ask who you are?"

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