"My name is Shalin, I'm Miss's private secretary..." Shalin said indifferently: "Please get in the car, I'll take you to see Miss."

"Okay." Fiona said and got into the car, while Zhou Ye and the other two women also got in.

"May I ask who this gentleman is from Miss Fiona?" Sitting in the car, Shalin asked curiously.

"This is my bodyguard, he is responsible for my safety." Fiona directly took out the rhetoric that she had discussed with her master. After all, if Zhou Ye was her master, it would be a little too conspicuous And, it will give people a sense of vigilance.

"It's really surprising that such a handsome man can be Miss Fiona's bodyguard." Shalin looked unbelievable, but there was a trace of mockery in her eyes, and this was precisely It was seen by Zhou Ye.

Interesting, so interesting... Zhou Ye began to feel that this matter had become a little more amusing. The mockery in Shalin's eyes was obviously only possible when she knew about her true relationship with Fiona. Now that Fiona knew about these things , why agree with yourself again?

"I want to ask, Miss Shalin, is this flying car your lady's car?" Zhou Ye asked while looking at the luxurious decorations in the car, pretending not to care.

"Of course, my lady is very concerned about Miss Fiona's friend, so she sent her motorcade to meet Miss Fiona." Shalin said, a trace of jealousy in her eyes.

"Oh? I don't know where Miss Difan intends to meet Miss Fiona?" Zhou Ye said with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, as Miss Fiona's protector, I must master Fiona. Miss Na's itinerary..."

"It's nothing..." Shalin said with a look of understanding: "My lady will reminisce with Miss Fiona at Shani Royal Manor, which is a very beautiful place..."

"It's really good..." Zhou Ye smiled, his eyes fixed on Shalin's eyes, and his voice became unusually soft. "Charlene, you are such a beautiful girl... Come on, tell me, what does your master know?"

"Master, master knows, Miss Fiona betrayed her, she is very angry... She plans to teach Miss Fiona to be a beautiful dog..." Shalin's expression became a little dull.

"Hmm—!" Fiona heard Shalin's words, and immediately covered her sigh in surprise. She knew that the hypnotic ability that her master was using was absolutely right.

Unexpectedly, Karina saw through her plan, and she also set up traps for her to step on. Thinking of this, Fiona couldn't help but look at her master with pleading eyes...

Zhou Ye understood Fiona's meaning in seconds. She wanted to know how she was exposed... "How did your master find out that Fiona betrayed her?"

When Shalin heard Zhou Ye's question, she struggled a little, but she finally said it. "The master was warned by the old guy and knew what you looked like...and she saw the image of you and Fiona through the surveillance of the cygnus x-1 star arrival hall..."

"I didn't expect... Di Fan, the old guy, passed the news to his daughter so quickly... It seems that he cares about his daughter very much." Zhou Ye touched his chin and said to himself.

"Master, what should we do now?" Fiona asked hurriedly.

"You said... If Karina was betrayed by her slave girl when she thought she was winning, what kind of look would she have?" Zhou Ye looked at Sarin and said with a smile.

"...I guess she will be dumbfounded." Fiona understood the meaning of her master in seconds, and her eyes couldn't help but look at the girl named Shalin. I have to say, even if it is a Lara, Karina's eyes It's also very good, at least, this girl named Shalin has aroused the interest of her master...

"I just asked if this car is Karina's car just to know if there is a monitoring device installed on the car, obviously, this Miss Shalin is very honest and didn't lie... I smell the car as soon as I get in the car here. There's a scent and...that kind of smell. Apparently this Lara has a lot of good things to do with this Miss Shaleen here...I don't think she has a penchant for being seen...so, it's a great It's a training place." Zhou Ye started to play with Sally as he spoke.

"But... Master, isn't this a little too short..." Fiona was still a little worried.

"Fool, have you forgotten? Time... is just my plaything." Zhou Ye disarmed Sally with a smile, and released his hypnotic control.

"Yeah - what did you, what did you do to me?" Sally cried out after realizing that she had been completely disarmed.

"It's alright, you'll soon find out that a man is more suitable to be your master than a woman." Zhou Ye said and threw himself up. The layout is, well, really just that.

Chapter 494

The flying convoy drove smoothly on the way to Karina Manor——

In the most luxurious car in the middle, she had completely returned to calm at this time - Shalin snuggled neatly in Zhou Ye's arms, obediently recounting all the deeds of the former owner to her new owner: "Master, card Lina is an extremely confident woman, and one of the things she always says is that there is no word failure in her dictionary..."

"What an interesting woman." Zhou Ye stroked Shalin's hair and laughed softly, "But what surprised me the most was that you

Still a…”

"Master—!" Shalin bit Zhou Ye angrily, and then said, "After all, Karina is a woman. Although she likes women, she hates those men's things the most, even if they are fake. ."

"Hey, then what were you all doing before...? Uh, you know..." Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"We..." Shalin bit Zhou Ye's ears shyly...

Zhou Ye was stunned. "It turns out that aliens also have this kind of skill..."

"Master, you are too bad..." Shalin twisted reluctantly. After all, Zhou Ye's words were too direct.

Fiona, who was sitting on the side, said worriedly: "Master, since we already know Karina's plan, why don't we just go and subdue her?"

"Don't you think that when the other party feels triumphantly that you have stepped into her trap and become a lamb to be slaughtered, the instant role reversal will make people find it very interesting?" Zhou Ye said with some wickedness.

"Okay...Master, I'm just a little worried about your safety..." Fiona knew that her master was actually just having a bad taste. She wanted to see Karina, a confident girl, and instantly found that everything had changed. It's just a wonderful expression that is not in your control.

"Don't worry, didn't I tell you?" Zhou Ye took Fiona in his arms, smiled and comforted: "Even if the entire universe is destroyed, I will be safe and sound."

"Hmm-!" Fiona nodded obediently, and cuddled her whole body in her master's arms.

Soon - the convoy drove out of the metropolitan area - to a place where birds chirped and blossomed.

In this ecological area full of exotic flowers and plants, Zhou Ye even saw a few mountain peaks floating in mid-air, and several waterfalls floated down from these peaks, setting the entire ecological area like a fairyland.

"Master, we have entered Karina's manor..." Shalin reminded.

"Well, I see..." Zhou Ye looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window and nodded, "This place is really nice, I have to say, this arrogant girl really enjoys it..."

Soon, the convoy stopped at the entrance of a huge castle-like building in the middle of the ecological zone. Zhou Ye stepped out of the car under the leadership of Shalin... At the entrance, a dozen waitresses in white were waiting...

"Please come with me, the master has been waiting for you for a long time." The leading waitress in a white short skirt said, leading the way first, walking towards the castle. Zhou Ye was not polite, and followed the maid toward the castle...

After a few rounds in the castle, the group came to a luxuriously decorated hall.

"Please wait here, the master wants to see Miss Fiona first." The leading waitress said to Zhou Ye.

"Well, I'll be waiting here." Zhou Ye smiled, the acting was about to end, he didn't mind waiting for a while... In order to see a good show, it was necessary to wait.

"Miss Fiona, please come with me..." the waitress said to Fiona politely.

"Okay." Fiona smiled and nodded, and followed the maid out of the hall. Sister Feili stayed here and accompanied Zhou Ye. After all, among the fabricated identities, Sister Feili was Fiona's maid, and it was normal for them to be thrown together with Zhou Ye, who was at the same level as the bodyguard. And Shalin had already entered the castle early when the waitress picked up Zhou Ye.

When Zhou Ye thought about it, at this time, Shalin had probably returned to Karina's side... The show was about to start.

And now, the good show has indeed started - it's just a little different from what Zhou Ye thought.

In a certain room in the castle, Shalin has met her former owner, Karina.

"Master, I'm back." Shalin still pretended to be very well-behaved in the face of Karina. After all, in Zhou Ye's plan, only the last moment when the mystery was revealed was the most exciting moment. Therefore, she is now For the time being, I have to feel wronged, and continue to be my former master and slave.

"Sharin—!" Karina looked at her slave girl expressionlessly. After a long time, she said, "How was the mission accomplished? Did they suspect you?"

"No, master, everything is going according to the master's plan." Shalin said obediently, although Karina looked at her with some hair all over her body, but thinking of her new master, all the courage came up again . For the first time in her life, she felt that it was nice to have a male host.

That feeling was something the mistress never gave her...

"Yes, sit down..." Karina nodded and said.

"Yes, Master." Shalin squatted down obediently, in her original position.

However, at this moment, something she didn't expect happened. In an instant, five robotic arms stretched out from the ground and directly grabbed her wrist, ankle and neck. At this moment, she couldn't even breathe.

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