"Welcome to cygnus x-1 star, Your Excellency Commander Rivas." The leading consul-general saw the middle-aged man dressed as the fleet commander who finally stepped off the mothership, and hurriedly took a step forward and said enthusiastically.

"Hello, Your Excellency Consul Ian." Rivas nodded proudly and said hello. He does have the capital to be proud of. After all, he is the commander of the Nova Guards Corps. As the last line of the Nova Empire Supreme In the defense line, he generally does not walk out of the Nova Empire, and he is only responsible for the supreme person of the Nova Empire.

"Time is limited, let's talk as we walk..." Rivas kept walking forward, and asked, "According to the information you have, is that traitor really a cygnus x-1 star now?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander." Ian, the consul general of Nova Empire in cygnus x-1 star respectfully said: "After the empire sent us a message to pay close attention to the inbound personnel of cygnus x-1 star, we secretly monitored cygnus The port of entry for the x-1 star, just the day before yesterday, the S-class wanted criminals of the empire brought the mother and daughter of the traitor to the cygnus x-1 star, and entered the cygnus x-1 star through the port of entry in a grand manner.”

"So where are they now? Did they leave the cygnus x-1 star?" Rivas asked in a deep voice.

"The S-level wanted criminal was sent to his manor by the current president of the Difan Group, Karina Difan, and beside the wanted criminal, we also found a figure--" Ian cautiously said.

"Oh? Who is it?" Rivas stopped his steps temporarily and asked sideways.

"It's the treasure of the Sovereign, Miss Fiona, the singer of the galaxy..." Ian explained: "Our staff members believe that this three-way meeting may be for the scientific and technological information of our empire in the hands of traitors... "

When collector Di Fan contacted Nova Empire, he deliberately erased the traces of the Sovereigns in the photo, so Nova Empire didn't know the relationship between Fiona and Zhou Ye, they were concerned about Ingrid The scientific research achievements of the empire that have been taken away for nearly a hundred years...

The scientific research results of each empire are the top secrets of each empire. When the Medal of Defense was set, it was never expected that a recipient of the Medal of Defense would betray the empire under such circumstances... Now this loophole has been filled. .

And Rivas, the head of the secret police, was sent to recover the technical data that Ingrid had stolen. These data must not fall into the hands of the Kree, otherwise, it would be a disaster waiting for the Nova Empire.

"It's just that what we can't figure out is...why is the Difan Group participating?" Ian couldn't help asking such a question when he saw that Rivas didn't speak, but signaled himself to continue.

"This is not surprising at all." Rivas said: "The collector Di Fan, although this old guy seems to have nothing to do with him, but there are not many people who died indirectly at his hands... Maybe this old fox contacted us to clear his relationship, but he didn't expect that we would come so quickly..."

"But..." Ian still couldn't figure it out. Since the collector, Di Fan, contacted the empire and betrayed Zhou Ye, why would he be involved in it... It's still a bit far-fetched to explain the relationship.

"No but." Rivas interrupted Ian's words, "Our duty is to judge the traitor and the S-level wanted criminal on the spot, and bring back the centuries-old technological crystallization of the Empire... We don't need anything else. think so much."

"But what about Fiona, the singer of the Galaxy?" Ian asked, "You must know that the Sovereigns are famous for being arrogant and vengeful."

"Catch her and repatriate her... The empire is still at war with the Cree people. There is no need to offend another country. A two-sided war is not good for the empire," said Rivas.

"Yes, then do we need to wait for the other party to come out in outer space before arresting them?"

"No," Rivas said decisively, "Wait for them to come out here, maybe by then I don't know how many times the technical materials of the empire have changed hands, this time I brought the Dark Star Commando, they will be in cygnus The x-1 star is responsible for the capture operations, and my mothership will be responsible for intercepting them in outer space... Never let the technological information of the Empire fall into the hands of others."

"Will this offend the Supreme Council of Cygnus X-1..." Ian hesitated.

"It's just a small council of neutral stars..." Rivas said disdainfully: "It's all a group of guys who smell like copper all over their bodies, doing business as dead merchants and pretending to be neutral forever... hum. "

"But...should we inform them first?" Ian didn't want to be the first consul general to be deported in the history of Nova Empire.

"It's not necessary." Rivas said firmly: "Besides, after you are sure to inform them, will they help us keep our secrets? Maybe they will sell us in a blink of an eye. After all, the Difan Group is the boss here. "

"...Well, I hope you're right." Ian sighed and agreed to Rivas' request. He was also not confident that the councils of cygnus x-1 stars would not pass the news they reported to the Difan group. Queen, Karina Devan.

"Whether it's right or wrong, as long as the task is completed, we are righteous." Rivas smiled and patted Ian on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Not long after they left, one flew from the mothership

The medium-sized space shuttle took more than 300 members of the Dark Star Commando to sneak into the cygnus x-1 star secretly. Their goal is very clear, that is, the uncrowned king of the cygnus x-1 star, Karina. Difan's Manor.

Chapter 497

Shani Royal Manor——

In Karina Devan's boudoir ——————

On the big couch in the middle of the nearly 200-square-meter bedroom, Zhou Ye was snuggled by the girls like a star in the middle of the moon, and beside him lied full of exhausted sisters—of course , the most obvious one is Karina Devan with a tear in the corner of her eyes.

After all, it takes a lot of time for a 10,000-year-old Lara to be completely cured, at least that's what Zhou Ye thinks...

Therefore, Zhou Ye often ignored Karina's pleas for mercy and forcibly cured her Lala disease. As for how to cure it, guess what?

However, it's not without benefits. At least, Karina and Nina and other women have established a deep friendship in the battle against Zhou Ye's great devil... They are already good enough to change clothes for each other.

While sleeping, a piercing alarm bell suddenly sounded, and Zhou Ye opened his eyes in an instant... He listened carefully, then smiled and patted Karina's dolphin, "Little baby. , you have a guest at your house..."

"My dear, I really can't do it anymore... Just let me go, I really changed..." Karina was half-awake, and Zhou Ye begged for mercy that left Zhou Ye speechless. It took a long time for her to regain her senses. When she heard her own alarm bell, she couldn't help sitting up, "What's going on?"

"...Baby, why is the security of your cygnus x-1 star so bad? Hundreds of people actually invaded your manor..." Zhou Ye teased.

"Impossible... No one from cygnus x-1 has the courage to invade my manor." Karina said confidently.

"But...now...?" Zhou Ye tried his best, meaning that there were already intruders.

"Let me see who it is..." Karina said and waved her hand gently, and the projection device projected a three-dimensional perspective view of the manor directly in front of the two of them.

"Little mouse, let me see who you are..." Karina said, and she tapped a few times on the 3D map where the red light kept flashing, and several monitoring images appeared directly on the two of them. In front of... "Huh? Who are these people?"

I saw on the screen that a team of five masked men in black combat uniforms were sneaking in quickly. They seemed to cooperate very well... They didn't need to speak, just a few simple words. Actions allow teammates to understand their intentions.

Such a five-person team invaded at more than a dozen locations at the same time... It doesn't seem like a simple invasion activity, but it means to surround themselves...

"No matter who you are... you are all dead." Karina said bitterly, and tapped on the right side of the transparent screen. In the underground hangar, thousands of mechanical security guards were activated at the same time, and they were one by one. A neat line flew towards the location where the invaders had invaded.

"What's wrong? My dear..." Ingrid also slowly opened her eyes. She is the most murderous god who has been on the battlefield all the year round. She has the lightest sleep... Although Zhou Ye was tossed a lot last night , but she was the first to wake up when she heard the movement.

"It's alright, just some little thieves..." Zhou Ye patted Ingrid's fan on the back with a smile, wanting her to rest for a while.

"Mom... something happened." Dolores also woke up.

"Master, what happened?" Fiona also woke up.

"Dear... You don't want to play with my Mark 3..." Even though she was half awake, Nina did not forget her latest achievements.

"Master...Aren't you tired?" Shalin also woke up...

Zhou Ye saw it, yes, he's all awake... Let's just wake up sister Feili who is still asleep, everyone should not fall asleep. "It's time to watch war movies..."

"I don't want to watch the movie... I want to rest... The master is so bad that he doesn't even let others go..." Feili turned around and wanted to sleep, but Zhou Ye slapped him on the dolphin and woke him up .

It was Zhu Li who was so obedient, she squeezed directly into Zhou Ye's arms and asked, "What is a blockbuster... master."

Karina saw that the sisters were all awake, and she simply blurred the outer wall of the entire room. The moonlight in the sky made the whole room look like a dream. She directly enlarged the monitor screen, and then let her own The maids brought some supper here...

And these women snuggled up beside Zhou Ye obediently, looking at the enlarged surveillance screen in front of them.

They were not worried about their own safety at all. As long as Zhou Ye was by their side, they believed that even if a supernova exploded, their men would protect them well.

And on the screen - the location where the mechanical guards had already arrived, began to fight with the invaders...

The two sides in the war can be said to be evenly matched. On the men in black, each individual is not weak. From Zhou Ye's point of view, at least each of them has undergone strict training... destroying the mechanical guards is called A neat and tidy.

And what about mechanical guards? Although the individual strength is not good, the victory lies in the large number, and each of them is not afraid of death... After all, how can a robot be afraid of death?

The two sides are also fighting back and forth. The deadly rays fired from the weapons of both sides cut through the silence of the night, bringing bursts of dazzling light...

"Interesting..." Zhou Ye saw that these guys were definitely not robbers seeking money. The robbers couldn't have such discipline and tacit understanding. These men in black looked like people in the army... But people in the army Why are you attacking Karina?

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