Just when the two-shot battle entered a stalemate, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner for a while, the men in black seemed to have received some instructions. One by one, they took out a black spherical object from their bodies and threw them directly into the middle of the mechanical guards.

With a burst of strong electric current, in an instant, all the mechanical guards lost control and collapsed to the ground.

In the blink of an eye - Karina's army of mechanical guards was wiped out...

"Ha...strong electromagnetic grenade...the nemesis of mechanical products." Fiona said with some schadenfreude. After all, she was imprisoned by Karina for a while, and it was impossible to say that she had no resentment against Karina. "It's really a backward mechanical product. If it is our family's drone, it will never be out of control by a strong electromagnetic grenade."

Fiona is quite confident. After all, the Sovereign fighters have considered interference from various situations. Without this technology, they would not be worthy of being called a big family in the Milky Way, and they would have been conquered by other empires long ago. If it wasn't for Zhou Ye's [manipulator] who could completely control all mechanical products unreasonably, they would still be fighting Zhou Ye's Umbrella, of course, if Zhou Ye didn't take action.

"Dear..." Karina looked at Zhou Ye sadly, that means, you don't talk about Fiona...

"Both of you give me a break..." Zhou Ye simply hit fifty big boards each... These two girls have a deep hatred, one hates the other for betraying him, the other hates the other for imprisoning him... He doesn't want to stand In the middle of the splint gas...

"Wait—" At this moment, Ingrid was staring at the screen, and she seemed to see something from this familiar weapon...

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ye turned his head to look at Ingrid after cleaning up the two awkward girls.

"Can you rewind the picture to when that guy threw the grenade..." Ingrid asked with a serious expression.

"Of course." Although Karina has a small grudge with Fiona, she won't make enemies everywhere for herself, and her relationship with Ingrid is still relatively harmonious.

Saying that, Karina made a reverse gesture, and the surveillance screen immediately began to rewind to the scene when the man in black threw the grenade.

"Zoom in on that grenade." Ingrid said, staring intently at the surveillance screen.

"Yeah." Karina nodded, her hands stretched, and the entire surveillance screen was enlarged... The traces of the grenade flying in the air were clearly visible...

"Go ahead a little..."

Karina pushed the picture little by little, and the grenade slowly turned in circles in mid-air...

"Stop." Ingrid finally saw what she wanted to see, and shouted loudly, which shocked Karina.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything? Ingrid." Karina asked curiously.

"I think I know who they are..." Ingrid sighed with a complicated look on her face.

Chapter 498

"Who are they?" Karina is most concerned about this question. After all, it was her manor who was invaded. As the emperor on the cygnus x-1 star, Karina can be said to have the entire cygnus x-1 Xing has regarded it as his own backyard, but now he has been invaded into his manor in his own backyard. What is this? This is the face of Chi Guoguo.

As a confident and conceited woman, how could Karina tolerate such a thing happening? She firmly believed that if she didn't deal with the intruder harshly this time, she would be an example. Next time, I am afraid that someone will dare to attack the idea of ​​Difan Group... This kind of thing must not be tolerated.

"They are the people of the Nova Empire..." Ingrid pointed to the still picture with a complicated expression, pointing to a trace of the black circular grenade that was rubbed off with a tool: "There should be a Nova sign here, although It has been processed, but traces can still be restored.”

"It's simple..." Karina said and gently operated the screen a few times, and the scratches on the grenade on the screen were quickly restored... A Nova Corps logo appeared on it. "Sure enough, the people of the Nova Empire... these guys, do they want to declare war on us?"

"I think they are probably here for me..." Ingrid knew their intentions very well, and took away the scientific and technological materials of the Nova Empire, how could those people give up?

"No, that's not your fault, baby." Zhou Ye gently took Ingrid into his arms and comforted the depressed woman in a low voice. "If there is something wrong, it is also my fault. I encouraged you to steal the scientific and technological information of the Nova Empire. Don't worry, I will take care of them..."

Zhou Ye understood Ingrid's feelings. As the empire she fought for more than ten years, now she has sent troops to kill her... It is impossible to say that she is not at all uncomfortable.

"...Dear..." With Zhou Ye's words, Ingrid felt that everything was worth it. Compared to the bastard who abandoned his mother and daughter, although this man spends a little more, he is really much better than that bastard... "Darling...don't be soft on me, from the day I settled with you, I'll never do it again. I'm not from the Nova Empire anymore... Now, I only have one identity, and that is, your woman."

"Me too, my dear." Dolores also stepped in, holding her mother in one hand and Zhou Ye in the other. "I'm just like my mother..."

"...Well, I know, I will make Nova Empire pay for this incident." Zhou Ye nodded.

"I always feel like I've missed a lot of things..." Nina looked at Ingrid and Zhou Ye.

The picture of embracing, couldn't help but mutter, although she and Dolores have a good relationship, but after all, treason is not a glorious thing, no one will take the initiative to tell others, even if this person is talking about himself friend.

"No matter who they are or what they came for, in short, they are invading my manor now." Karina stood up, waved her hand domineeringly, and said, "I will make these guys pay the price..."

"Clap!" Zhou Ye slapped Karina's dolphin with a slap, turning this domineering woman into a pitiful little woman... "Why hit someone..."

"Because the position you're standing in is so handsome, it's a little easy, so I just hit it." Zhou Ye teased.

"Bad man—!" Karina said reluctantly.

"Okay, everyone is dressed, it's time for us to see these uninvited guests." Zhou Ye said, stood up, and put on his clothes directly under the service of Sister Feili. .

And all the girls also began to dress obediently... They knew that their men were going to go crazy.

And Zhou Ye is really going to go crazy...

Originally, after obtaining the scientific and technological information of the Nova Empire, he did not want to continue to be the enemy of the Nova Empire. After all, he took other people's things...

But now, the Nova Empire actually sent troops to invade another woman's manor in order to capture Ingrid. This has to remind Zhou Ye... The empire is an empire after all, and it won't be like the one in the movie. As righteous, no one is truly righteous.

In other words, between countries, there is no justice, there are only interests.

For example, the accuser Ronan, what he did is a terrorist in the eyes of the Nova Empire, but in the eyes of the Kree, he is an uncompromising national hero... This is the so-called thief of the enemy. hero.

If you want the Nova Empire to admit its existence and swallow the bitter fruit of the theft of scientific and technological data, then it is only possible to beat him fiercely on the battlefield, beat him to tears... and beat him to kneel and pray for peace.

In the past, Zhou Ye was concerned about Ingrid's feelings for this country, so he didn't take action, but now, what Ingrid just said was a complete break with the Nova Empire... a small evil titan Thanos If you can destroy the Nova Empire, there is no reason why Zhou Ye can't destroy it.

Zhou Ye, who has no scruples, will let the Nova Empire know what they can afford, and what they need to curl up and hide in the hole to pretend to be deaf.

When Zhou Ye and Shi Shiran walked out of the building with the girls, hundreds of men in black had already arrived here. They were all on guard for Zhou Ye. After all, the movie star army that once went to arrest Zhou Ye was wiped out for no reason. exhausted...

Although their scientists inspected the scene afterwards, they came to the conclusion of an unknown energy turbulence, but Zhou Ye's wanted identity was still marked with unknown ability——

"Everyone from Nova Corps...don't cover your face anymore, don't you feel bored?" Zhou Ye teased the group of men in black.

"..." A sturdy man in the lead pulled down his visor, revealing a sturdy face with a long scar: "S-level wanted criminal, you are already surrounded by us, don't hurry up and raise your hand Surrender, hand over the scientific and technological information of our Nova Empire, and we strive to treat you leniently."

"Ha..." Zhou Ye smiled mockingly.

"And you, former Commander Ingrid, you used to be the woman I admired the most, but what you did really disappointed me." The man turned his head to face Ingrid who was standing behind Zhou Ye. German said sincerely: "Surrender, I will plead for you."

"...Haha..." Zhou Ye teased with a smile: "It's really interesting, what if I don't surrender?"

"Then what awaits you will be an on-the-spot trial." The sturdy man said in a serious tone: "S-class wanted criminal, committing the crime of espionage, the crime of stealing state secrets... If convicted, the death penalty will be executed immediately."

As he said that, the man shot Zhou Ye in the head with lightning speed. Everything he did just now was just to confuse Zhou Ye. In order to complete the task, it was not unacceptable for him to do anything.

"Hey, the war is about to start again..." Zhou Ye waved his hand indifferently. The man was horrified to see that the destruction ray fired from his gun actually flew towards him... He even Before he could say a word, he was killed by himself.

After Zhou Ye let out that emotion, all the men in black felt that their bodies could not move. They felt like they were being pressed by a 10,000-ton weight, and they couldn't even move their fingers.

"Come, come and tell me, how many people are you here? Who leads the team? Where is the stronghold?" Zhou Ye casually found a man in black who was closest to him and asked.

"...I...would never tell you..." The man in black gritted his teeth and said while enduring the weight of his entire body.

"I'm sorry for the wrong answer." Zhou Ye sighed and waved his hand slightly. In the terrified eyes of the other men in black, the tough-mouthed man who was questioned by Zhou Ye was instantly squeezed into a mass of meat sauce.

"Then next, tell me..." Zhou Ye asked as he walked over to the second man in black.

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