As soon as he appeared in the living room, Gu Yi asked directly, "Have you found my dear?"

"..." The head maids shook their heads with ugly expressions.

"Where did my dear last appear?" Gu Yi calmed down at this time. She knew that anxiety would not help, and it would be better to calm down.

"The last place the master appeared was the teleportation room—!" Shangguan Yinyin replied, "Please come with me."

Saying that, she led the way and walked towards the teleportation room on the second floor... She wanted to look forward to Master Gu Yi being able to use magic to find her master as soon as possible.

"..." Master Gu Yi naturally knew where the teleportation room was. She helped Zhou Ye build the first permanent teleportation gate back then, but since the maid wanted to lead the way, she naturally had no objection and quickly followed.

Soon, Gu Yi was led by the maid to the teleportation room, and when she got here, she felt a chaotic power of time. She knew that this must be her man cheating with the time gem again... But it's all innocuous, and she didn't bother to talk about it.

Standing in front of the portal built by Zhou Ye to go directly to Xandar, Gu Yi stopped his steps.

"This portal doesn't seem to be a big problem... but it always feels like something is wrong." Gu Yi's brows furrowed.

"Ah, yes, when the master came back, he once said that three new portals would be built, one to Xandar, one to Cygnus x-1, and one to Sovereign. Xing's...but——how come only one has been completed now?" Yin Yin said in a daze.

"All three have been completed, but only one has been activated?" Gu Yi knew without magic that the problem must lie in this portal, and she asked directly, "Do you know how far the Xandar star is from the earth? "

"According to the master, there is a distance of more than one million light-years..." Yin Yin was interrupted by Gu Yi before she could finish her words.

"Okay, I know why my dear disappeared..." Gu Yi said speechlessly: "The teleportation spell engraved by my dear is a medium-distance spell that can only transmit half a million light-years at most... In this way, the portals are all To be able to build successfully, I have to say, my dear is really amazing..."

"If this is the case... what will happen?" Yin Yin asked worriedly.

"I don't know where it will be teleported, but, with Ye's ability, it should be fine." Although Gu Yi knew how her man disappeared, she didn't dare to enter this portal casually.

This portal has become a random teleportation, the ghost knows where it will be teleported...and the two teleportation will definitely not be the same place.

"Then how can the master come back..." Yin Yin was already anxious. Of course she knew her master's ability. Even the big bang couldn't hurt him, but her concern was messed up. She was only worried if the master couldn't come back. What should I do?

"Go get me a piece of equipment that Ye often plays with." Gu Yi said directly.

"Okay, I'll go now." Yin Yin quickly disappeared in front of Gu Yi, she went to look for something in her master's room, and soon, she appeared in front of Gu Yi again with a watch. "Is a watch okay? It's one of those watches that the owner often wears."

"Also..." Gu Yi took the watch from Yin Yin's hand, clasped the watch, and clamped the watch between the tiger's mouths in both hands, his hands quickly changed gestures, bringing out bursts of afterimages...

Soon, Gu Yi closed his eyes and opened his eyes, "I found it."

"Where is where?" xn

At some point, this room was already full of people, all of them women who had rushed over after hearing that their men had disappeared for no reason.

"I'm going to bring Ye back... You wait for me." Gu Yi was a little uncomfortable with the earnest gazes of these women. As he spoke, the fire flashed and Gu Yi disappeared directly into the room...

Chapter 521

Dim skies, dim suns... all over the skeleton of the earth.

As soon as Gu Yi walked out of the portal, he saw such a scene, "Where the hell is this?"

She found that the place where she appeared was like an ancient battlefield, full of broken weapons and festering armor, as well as skeletons wrapped in broken armor...

Just when she was about to start looking for her man, a familiar voice came over... She looked around - well, her man was found, but at this time, her man was not at all overwhelmed by teleportation to an unfamiliar place. Feeling, on the contrary, it was very boring.

At least that's what she saw -

"Forget it...let him finish his work." Gu Yi muttered to himself, found a slightly cleaner boulder and sat down. She would not disturb Zhou Ye at this time. In fact, she was afraid of being caught Zhou Ye dragged him over to h... She knows her man too well, if it's unreasonable, let him be satisfied before you say anything...

three hours later ——————

Hela finally surrendered completely... In the face of Zhou Ye, a non-human being, even if she has superhuman strength and physical strength, she can only kneel to admit defeat. Of course, Zhou Ye also knelt down for her, although At that time, she was crawling in front of Zhou Ye and didn't see it, but she was kneeling after all...

Zhou Ye, who had completed the achievement of conquering the goddess of death, hugged Hela, who was still unable to use her whole body, and walked to Gu Yi, smiling and saying hello. "Baby, why are you here?"

"...Of course I'm here to find you." Gu Yi gave Zhou Ye an angry look. "You've been missing for a day and a night, and the pot is boiling at home..."

"Has it been a day and a night?" Zhou Ye said innocently, "Why do I feel that less than half a day has just passed here?"

"...In the realm of death...there is no concept of time..." Although Hela was extremely reluctant, she obediently answered the question of Zhou Ye, who had just become her own man.

"Well, that's probably because of this." Zhou Ye spread his hands and said, "It's almost time to go back..."

"I'll open the portal." Gu Yi said, opened a portal leading to Zhou Ye's manor, and stood there waiting for Zhou Ye to go back together.

"Let's go, let's go home..." Zhou Ye said, he was about to walk into the portal with Hela in his arms, but Hela broke free...

"I can't go to Earth." Hela reluctantly used her last strength to break free from Zhou Ye's embrace, stood aside and said in a low voice, "I was exiled by Odin, and if I appeared on Earth, I wouldn't be able to hide it. Odin of Asgard will bring you big trouble."

"Do I need to care about that old guy?" Zhou Ye didn't care...

"No, you don't understand..." Hela stepped forward and hugged Zhou Ye tightly, whispering in his ear. "I, for the sake of Asgard's south and north wars, that's why Asgard is now in a high position... However, Odin, in the name of wanting to be a benevolent monarch, exiled me to this kingdom of death... I'm not reconciled, I know, it's because he has a son, and he wants to pass his throne to his son, not my daughter..."

"So what?" Zhou Ye asked, looking at Hela's blue pupils.

"I'm going to use my hands to get back what I lost..." Hela said, and offered her own excuses, which meant that she admitted that she lost to this man. Her only man.

"I'll help you." Zhou Ye said without hesitation. Isn't it natural to help relatives or not? If you don't help your own women, do you want to help Thor and Loki's pair of gay brothers? Zhou Ye's brain hasn't flooded yet...

"No, dear... No." Hela shook her head slowly, cupped Zhou Ye's cheeks tightly with both hands, pressed her forehead against his, and muttered, "Vengeance. It takes time to brew the wine to be sweeter...My dear, I've been waiting for the day Odin dies, the moment he dies, the moment Ragnarok comes, and on that day I will reign over Asgard , make the whole Asgard tremble under my feet..."

"I'll help you, isn't it good to speed up the pace of revenge?" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically.

"Darling, you don't understand... The wine of revenge must be brewed by hand to make it extremely sweet." Hela directly rejected Zhou Ye's help. "My anger that has been exiled by Odin for thousands of years requires me to take back everything that was taken by Odin in order to be quelled."

Hearing Hela's words, Zhou Ye rolled his eyes, this girl is stubborn and doesn't want to let him help, so I'm talking about him here... Maybe this is Hela's last dignity... No Using her own strength to take revenge was also her last insistence in her self-esteem torn apart by Zhou Ye.

"Okay... Whatever you want." Zhou Ye sighed, allowing Hela, who had just become his own woman, to keep her last insistence.

"Thank you, dear..." Hela was really happy this time. She originally thought that the man with the big man's idea would ignore her objections and force herself to be marked as Asgard. She even did it. Prepare to die. But unexpectedly, Zhou Ye gave her a surprise, allowing her to keep her last insistence...

Hela offered her own words again, and it took a long time - the two were separated. "Take this, although I can't leave this country of death, but I can pass the news through this..."

Saying that, Hela took out a golden horn and handed it to Zhou Ye, "This used to be Heimdall's horn to convey military intelligence, but when I was expelled, I took this thing away... It can be ignored. The world delivers the message."

"This is really a good thing..." Zhou Ye was playing with the palm-sized golden horn. Obviously, this should be a pair, and the other must be in Hela's hands...

"Mage, I sensed a trace of the power of the Dark Lord Dormammu in you... Who are you from him?" Hela looked at Gu Yi and asked unceremoniously.

"First of all, you have to call me a magician, and secondly, I have nothing to do with Dormammu, I just borrowed his power to keep my youth, and now, I no longer need to borrow his power to keep my youth... "Gu Yi said, and gave Zhou Ye a gentle look.

"Interesting, dear, is there such an interesting existence among your women?" Hela looked at Gu Yi and smiled.


Zhou Ye unceremoniously slapped Hela's dolphin directly. "Remember, you are not allowed to have conflicts with your sisters. This is my only request, and it is also the only family rule of the Zhou family..."

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