"Got it...just say it, why do you want to hit me..." Hela suddenly changed from a queen to a little girl who was aggrieved. Zhou Ye couldn't bear the change of role so fast...

"Since you are worried about Odin and refuse to go back with me...then tell me if you miss me, and I will come to see you." Zhou Ye said that he was holding Hela again, but this time, it was parting. No...he really wants to go back.

"Well, I get it..." Hela also changed her queen demeanor and turned into a little woman at home, and replied obediently.

"Then let's go..." Zhou Ye said, grabbing Gu Yi's slender waist, and stepping into the portal... As the figures of the two disappeared in the portal, the circular portal turned into a spark Disappear in this realm of death.

"...Ah, why do I suddenly feel a little lonely?..." Hela sighed faintly. She has lived alone in the kingdom of death for thousands of years, and she has never felt lonely. , what is loneliness and loneliness... But, this time, for the first time, she tasted the feeling of loneliness and loneliness.

"Would you like to give him a child? Wouldn't it be better..." Hela sighed and disappeared into the kingdom of death.

Chapter 522

When Zhou Ye returned home, all the girls greeted him.

Don't ask, there are gossips everywhere asking where he went, what dangerous things happened, and why he didn't come back quickly.

In the end, Zhou Ye was annoyed by the questioning, so he directly used his own, smack, smack, slap magic to answer the women's questions... Does it work? Of course it worked, everyone was paralyzed to the ground, how could they still have the strength to ask Zhou Ye questions?

The next day—all the girls dragged their tired and exhausted bodies and went back to continue their work... Of course, they liked this kind of exhaustion very much...

Zhou Ye was the only one left in the manor again. Even Jia Ying was excused by Medusa that she was also an Inhuman, so she should return to Attilan, and brought her back directly...

Fortunately, Zhou Ye still has his own maids, and there will never be a shortage of sisters by his side.

After breakfast, Zhou Ye, who had sent all the girls away one by one, returned to a state of doing nothing again. In fact, he still has a lot of things to do now... For example, Gu Yi has already told him the reason for the failure of the portal... He wants to To correct his mistakes, he would have to go back to Xandar, of course, this time he remembered to say hello to his maid.

"Qiu, I'm going to go to Xandar... It is estimated that it will take at least a week." Zhou Ye estimated that he would go to Xandar first, and then go to Cygnus x-1 and Sovereign, about a week. just passed.

"Okay, master." Qiu said, using the contactor to inform the head maid that Zhou Ye was going out, and then still stood in front of Zhou Ye, his eyes fixed on Zhou Ye.

"Uh—Qiu, I'll be leaving soon... You can go about your own business." Zhou Ye rubbed his chin a little embarrassedly and said.

"Please take me... master." Qiu looked at his master seriously and said: "In view of the last accident of the master's loss of contact, the head maid has already appointed me as the master's personal maid in the future, so, Take me with you wherever you go..."

"...It's not that exaggerated...it's only once in a while." Zhou Ye said speechlessly.

"When you left without saying goodbye to the White Snake World..." Qiu didn't directly refute Zhou Ye's words, but said aggrievedly: "Do you know how worried we are about you? At that time, the head maid issued a thorough investigation order, and the Super Girl The underworld characters in the world have all gathered up one by one, just to find your whereabouts, master..."

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye faced this scapegoat, he had to bear it no matter what... No trick, who wouldn't he bear his scapegoat?

"And...the time you went to Miss Ophelia's place without saying a word..." Qiu continued to count the guilt of his master. "In order to find you, I ran around the earth three times... God... I ran around the earth... Master, not around our manor..."

"Alright, alright, I know, I'll take you with me..." Zhou Ye had already been completely defeated by Qiu...

"This is a wise choice, Master." Qiu still said solemnly, but in her heart, she gave herself a gesture of victory... Master is still so cute.

"Then let's go...Follow me." Zhou Ye said, and opened a golden random door directly in front of him, then lifted his legs and walked in.

"Wait for me, Master." Qiu Yi trotted after him and went straight through any door that Zhou Ye opened.

"Ouch..." As soon as she passed through any door, Qiu felt her nose hit a wall of flesh, making her nose sore...

"Shh!" Zhou Ye hurriedly made a silent gesture to the little maid who rushed out behind him...

Qiu obediently covered her little girl. At this time, she noticed that she had come to a large bedroom. In this bedroom, there were various technological devices that she could not name. , she looks like a high-tech era, she knows that she has already arrived at Xandar...

Just as Qiu was rubbing her sore nose, she followed her master's gaze and saw a long-haired woman lying on the big couch in the center of the bedroom...because her back was facing her, and her whole body was curled up. She was in the blanket, so she couldn't see her face... All she could tell was that this woman had long curly chestnut hair.

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Qiu, then made a gesture, which meant, don't talk.


"..." Qiu nodded obediently, of course she knew what her master wanted to do. It's not the first time Zhou Ye has done this kind of secret surprise to his own woman...

As for Zhou Ye's relationship with the woman on the couch? Qiu didn't care, in other words, what if it didn't matter? The owner of the house, she is her honor...

Don't complain about their view of right and wrong, their view of right and wrong has long been distorted... As long as it is what Zhou Ye did, what is wrong is also right... As long as it is unfavorable to Zhou Ye, what is right is also wrong...

After Zhou Ye got his own little maid, he tiptoed towards the big couch in the center of the room... While walking, Zhou Ye disarmed himself...

When he reached the couch, Zhou Ye had completely returned to his natural state.

"Baby, I'm back." Saying that, Zhou Ye, who was familiar with his own way and got into the blanket -- had performed exercises that he was already familiar with and did not know how many times... and the object being exercised seemed to be forcibly enduring something... no Let yourself make a sound.

Just when Zhou Ye felt that today's Klauris seemed a little too shy... an exclamation came. "Who are you? How are you in my room?"

"Uh - Klauris?" Zhou Ye instantly heard that the voice was Klauris... Then if Klauris is down there, who is he who looks like that? Zhou Ye faintly felt as if something was going to be a big deal...

"Dear? Are you back?" Klauris, who heard Zhou Ye's voice, immediately saw her man, but why was her man on her couch? "What did you do to my mother? Honey?"

"...This is Nova?" Zhou Ye finally confirmed his thoughts, Nima, things are really serious... In front of other people's daughters, they went to other people's mothers... This Nima...

Nova covered her face with both hands at this time. She really hoped that she could faint at the moment, and she didn't have to face such an embarrassing scene... But... obviously she couldn't faint.

To be honest, when Zhou Ye first came up, she thought it was her daughter who came back. As a result, when Zhou Ye hugged her, she felt something was wrong, but as soon as Zhou Ye spoke, she didn't know what she was in. With such a kind of mentality, he didn't open his mouth to reveal his identity... Maybe because he was embarrassed, maybe because he wanted to realize a dream...

But, now... my daughter is back... it's a big deal.

"I said I took your mother as you...do you believe it?" Zhou Ye said helplessly.

"Hum... Do you think I believe it or not? My dear..." Klauris stood in front of the couch with her arms in her arms, with a half-smile on her face. "I remember that my teacher Ingrid and the mother and daughter were also taken into the harem by you... Who knows if you have any preference for mothers and daughters..."

"Sigh—why do you always force me to solve the problem in this way every time I want to reason?" Zhou Ye sighed.

When Qiu Yi saw this situation, he was in a hurry... The owner of the house is about to start the state of being unreasonable... What is the state of being unreasonable? It's just to convince all opponents... and also shamelessly use his cheating skill [Ten Thousand Strikes in Seconds].

In Zhou Ye's words, that is, a woman who is satisfied is completely different from a woman who is not satisfied. Only when they have no strength to refute you will they be obedient.

"Dangerous..." Qiu didn't finish her words... She only felt that the scene changed, and she didn't know when she had appeared on the couch... The feeling within her body that was so familiar to her came in waves... She is powerless to struggle...

The last scene Qiu saw was that the mother and daughter, like her, were instantly settled by her master...

Chapter 523

Zhou Ye was lying comfortably on Klauris' couch, with Nova in his left hand and Klauris in his right... He was comfortably lighting a cigar... He was smoking there.

"Bad..." Klauris pinched Zhou Ye's waist angrily, but sadly found that this kind of attack was useless at all. What should this bad guy do...

And Nova buried her face deeply in Zhou Ye's arms. She couldn't get rid of this embarrassment for the time being... Although she did something even more embarrassing just now, but... it was in that kind of atmosphere. The product that has been brought out has no such atmosphere now, and she has once again become an ostrich escaping reality by burying her head in the sand...

"Mom...you don't have to be embarrassed." Seeing her mother's embarrassing appearance, Klauris, who was still a daughter, felt sorry for her, and directly comforted her: "This is the tradition of the dear planet...Love a woman, just Married her mother too..."

"..." Hearing this, Zhou Ye's cigar almost fell off... Who did this girl hear from?

"This... is this true?" Nova's muffled voice came from Zhou Ye's arms...

"Of course it's true." Klauris vowed: "It's still my teacher's daughter, and Dolores told me! She said that she even investigated when she went to Earth..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, should he tell Klauris that it was Dolores who was fooling her? Speaking of which, this girl is enough. Basically, as long as it is an alien girl, she fools people into saying that it is the tradition of the earth to have a mother and a daughter together... and dragged him to testify. My own woman's platform is gone... So the earth custom has an additional item for mother and daughter to receive.

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