"Ye, is that really true?" Nova slowly raised her head at this time, and looked at Zhou Ye expectantly, as if waiting for Zhou Ye to give herself a reason, one to let her go reason.

"Of course it's true." Zhou Ye sighed and admitted directly.

"You lied to me... What if that woman's mother has a man?" Nova is not as easy to lie as Klauris.

"This rule only applies to widows..." Zhou Ye's nonsense came as soon as he opened his mouth. "So, in our place, there is a saying that a widow's daughter does not worry about marriage. It means that everyone likes to marry a widow's daughter who can receive both mother and daughter..."

"..." After hesitating for a while, Nova finally chose to believe it. This was actually just to find a reason for herself to let her feelings go. Dao De is binding her heart, but the binding force is getting smaller and smaller, so small that she herself wants to find a reason to break this binding. "Then there is no way... Our Nova Empire has always respected the traditions of intelligent life on other planets..."

"Yeah, Mom, so you don't have to be embarrassed... Anyway, when Ye and I get married, you will also be a dowry..." Klauris said with a smile.

In fact, she also knew that this was all nonsense, but, what should I do now? As if it never happened? That's impossible……

Kick off Zhou Ye? Not to mention whether Zhou Ye would agree or not, she herself was reluctant to leave Zhou Ye...

Then the only way is for her to follow Zhou Ye back to Earth, but then, she will have less chance to meet her mother... She is also reluctant to bear her mother...

Moreover, as a woman of Zhou Ye, she knows one more thing, that is, her man can give her endless life and youth... On the road of eternity, without her mother, she will feel very uncomfortable of……

But now something happened... Klauris felt that this was an opportunity, and this helped her man convince her mother... She didn't want to be separated from Nova...

"Mom... We will never be separated in the future." Klauris said, holding Zhou Ye in one hand and Nova in the other... To be honest, when she first saw Ingrid's mother and daughter, she still Some envy, now, she can also hold her man in one hand and her mother in the other.

"Well, we'll never be apart." Nova also hugged the two of them emotionally and tightly.

Just as the three of them embraced deeply here, a voice came over. "Master, would you like to have breakfast on the bed?"

It was Zhou Ye's newly appointed little maid, Qiu.

Because she had been following Zhou Ye for a long time, she gradually developed a certain immunity, so among the three daughters, she was the first to wake up. However, when she woke up and saw the morning light shining into the room, she habitually ran out to prepare breakfast.

"Uh - Qiu, do you really know how to use these Xandar star condiments?" Zhou Ye asked hesitantly, he didn't want to eat dark dishes in the morning...

"Although I don't know the use of the bottles and jars in the kitchen, but... I still have the guts to taste those flavors." Qiu looked at his master with a little dissatisfaction and said, "I am right I am quite confident in my cooking skills, Master."

"...Well, eat and eat." Zhou Ye knew that his little maid was angry, and she was obviously dissatisfied with her doubts about her always confident cooking skills...

The three got up to wash...

Maybe it was the reason that she could let go of her bondage. Nova put down her supreme air and obediently served Zhou Ye, dressed and washed... Klauris, who was watching, shouted that her mother was partial... Men forget their daughters.

The three who had finished washing, led by Qiu, came to the dining room next to the living room. At this moment, the table is full of all kinds of food...steaming, cooking and frying...

"My God... Qiu, you are amazing." For the mother-daughter duo who have never been exposed to the earth's food culture, this is simply a work of art.

After all, in Xandar, people eat mainly synthetic food, and the extravagant ones will only be barbecued meat... vegetable salads and the like, after all, in today's high cost of interstellar transportation, the meat they eat Many of these things are shipped from other habitable planets. Do you want to get a breeding farm on the capital star?

That's because you think too much... It's like a fantasy like getting a pig farm in the capital's business circle. The high land price and various management costs alone can make the cost of your raw meat no cheaper than the one shipped from other places... No shrewd businessman would do such a thankless thing, as for not shrewd businessman? Jumped off the building long ago.

"What is this?" Klauris asked, carefully scooping up a crystal-like steamed dumpling with a spoon.

"This is dumpling... it's our traditional food." Zhou Ye said, picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a crystal steamed dumpling, and put it in his mouth... I have to say, it tastes really good. He couldn't help but give Qiu a thumbs up.

"It's wrapped in something like flour that I found in the kitchen..." Qiu Kai's eyes narrowed when he saw his owner's thumbs up for him. "Although it doesn't feel as good as flour gluten, it's barely enough to use..."

"My God... bread tree flour can still make such delicious food..." At this time, Nova also got a crystal dumpling and put it in her mouth, she was instantly conquered by the taste...

What Qiu said was like flour, but it wasn't flour. Zhou Ye naturally knew what it was. It was an alien plant. Its roots were slightly sweet, and it was the best for making bread.


However, now it seems that it is also good for making steamed dumplings...

Five hundred and twenty-four chapters

This hearty breakfast made the mother and daughter of Nova almost unable to stand up...

Fortunately, this is Klauris' villa. You must know that since Klauris was sixteen, in order to cultivate her independence, Nova built this villa not far from her palace...

And in this villa, there are all the things that commoners should have, but there are no things that should not be there... For example, maids, female officials, etc., all of them are not... In order to cultivate the independent character of his daughter.

The things in Klauris’ kitchen were prepared by those female officials. Although they could not interfere in Klauris’ life and violate Nova’s decision to take care of her, they were reluctant to starve their princess, so , The oversized freezer in the kitchen has everything that should be there.

Therefore, Qiu only has so many ingredients to show off his skills... Otherwise, no matter how good cooking skills are without ingredients, it will be in vain.

After breakfast, Nova was going to continue her busy work, and Klauris had already started to serve as a political officer for her mother at this time... She had to accompany her mother to handle government affairs. In the end, there was only one left in the villa. Zhou Ye was alone.

"Alas, life is really lonely." Zhou Ye stretched and sighed.

"Actually, Master, you are too busy..." Qiu performed one of his duties as a personal maid very well, complaining about his master.

"I'm very busy, okay..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes and gestured with his fingers, "I want to repair the portal here, and then I have to go to Cygnus x-1 to repair the portal there... and then I have to ask for it. Willing Star..."

"However, I didn't see you busy, Master..." Qiu Tucao said, "I only saw a person lying on the sofa in the living room, lamenting the loneliness of life..."

"..." Zhou Ye sat up speechlessly, "Qiu... Did you know?"

"What's the matter, Master?" Qiu asked with a cute look.

"To complain about the master is to pay the price..." Zhou Ye said, patted his thigh, and said, "Come on, lie down here..."

"..." Qiu suddenly wrinkled his face into a ball, and said with a pitiful look: "Lord, master...Is it okay not to spank?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Ye's eyes glanced at Qiu's dolphin, this dolphin can play for a year...

"...Then...then take it easy..." Qiu said, walking over obediently, lying on Zhou Ye's lap, eyes closed, looking like he was about to be tortured... Zhou Ye almost laughed when he saw it. .



"Don't scream so badly, I didn't exert any strength at all..." Zhou Ye said in tears: "Forget it, I'll let you go this time, I haven't touched you yet... that's what you called. It's miserable, how can I still let it go..."

"Master is the best..." Qiu Shu jumped to his feet, hugged Zhou Ye and kissed him, and said happily, "I knew that Master, you love me the most..."

"Forget it...I'm going to repair the portal..." Zhou Ye said, stood up, and walked towards the second floor...

This time, Zhou Ye never made the mistake of using the wrong mid-range teleportation charm. After repairing the teleportation door quickly, he activated the teleportation door...

After all this was done, it was almost noon, and soon the mother and daughter of Nova also returned from the morning's political affairs.

"Huh? Where's Qiu? Didn't she cook something delicious at noon?" As soon as she came back, Klauris, who went straight to the restaurant, looked at the clean table in disappointment. She had already been conquered by the food of the big foodie country. I already feel that I can’t live without the food of the earth.

"Cough cough... Don't be like this, baby, maybe it's because Qiu morning has something to do so you're delayed?" Nova said to Zhou Ye while saying, "But I can still make it in time now, or I'll call How many female officials are here to help Qiu?"

Zhou Ye was speechless, have these two girls already surrendered to my foodie food? "Qiu has already returned to Earth, I will take you to Earth to eat special delicacies at noon today..."

"Really? Is the portal already available?" Klauris jumped three feet happily...

"Well, it's ready to use." Zhou Ye came here after repairing the portal at home. So once the portal here is repaired, it can be used directly.

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