Melting soul and soul... Then of course soul fusion... Zhou Ye already knew how Hela wanted to create her own child... But fortunately, only Hela has this ability. After all, she is the god of death. Soul's understanding is far more profound than others. It can be said that even Gu Yi's attainments in soul magic are not comparable to her.

If every woman learns from Hela and needs a little soul of her own, Zhou Ye feels that he is already finished...

"Please...Dear..." Hela's eyes were full of pleading and longing. Zhou Ye knew that she was begging herself to give her a soul, and she was longing to have a child of his...

"Huh!" Zhou Ye sighed, took out the few remaining golden pills and fed it to Hela, and then imitated Hela's appearance and forcibly tore apart a trace of his soul... "I'll do this later. When you do something, tell me in advance... no, there is no future..."

Zhou Ye only felt that at the moment when his soul was torn apart, his whole body was like being forcibly torn apart from flesh and blood, and his bones were separated. It was painful. If Zhou Ye was not worried that he was a man, and he couldn't lose face in front of his woman, He was already screaming...

He had forgotten how long it had been since he had experienced pain -- this feeling, since he had Superman, he had never experienced what pain felt like...

"Take...take it..." Zhou Ye spread his palm out... A trace of golden soul jumped in his palm...

"Dear... Thank you." Hela knew how much pain her man had endured, and agreed with her seemingly nonsense suggestion... She only felt at this moment that she would die without regret...

"Don't waste my soul..." Zhou Ye said weakly. The last time he felt this pain was when he was refining his Horcrux. It seemed that he was going to lie down for a long time...

"Well..." Hela nodded excitedly, and took his soul from her man's hand with her trembling hands... Then, together with her own soul, she held it in her palm. ...

"Ah-do-ka-ah..." A hurried and pious sound of incantation was spit out in Hela's mouth... To be honest, she really didn't feel low at all... After all, this is her The first time to cast this kind of spell... This kind of spell is already ancient and only exists in some ancient manuscripts... She has never seen anyone cast it.

However, if it fails, Hela doesn't know how to face Zhou Ye... She can only do her best to pray for success at this moment...

As the incantation sounded faster and faster, in Hela's palm, the golden Zhou Ye's soul and her black soul began to revolve... The speed was getting faster and faster, and there was gradually a sign of fusion...

However, Hela did not feel happy at all. According to the records in the manuscript, at this time, the soul should have been completely merged to form a new soul... However, the two souls of gold and black are still distinct...

Zhou Ye looked at the increasingly anxious look on Hela's face, Fuzhi bit his own fingertips like a heart, and dripped a drop of golden blood on it, and Hela seemed to sense a certain idea of ​​Zhou Ye, and also put her own blood dripped...

A drop of golden blood and a drop of red blood merged with each other in the middle of the soul fragments. With the fusion of blood, the soul fragments of the two began to gradually merge together...

When the soul fragments of the two people completely turned into a new group of souls, Hela put the soul fragments into her abdomen without hesitation, and the group of souls passed directly through Hela's body and entered her body... …

"I feel...I feel her birth...I feel the joy of her new birth..." Hela covered her abdomen with both hands and said happily: "Dear, our child..."

"Yes, I feel it too..." Zhou Ye also felt at this time that an existence with a blood connection to him was being conceived in Hela's belly...

At this time... the phantoms of the nine kingdoms also trembled for a while... They placed their positions very low and low, like bowing to their kings...

"Have you seen it? My dear..." Hela happily looked at the shadows of the nine kingdoms and smiled: "Our child was born to be the king of the nine kingdoms, and among the nine kingdoms, she is the absolute god... No one can go against her decision... give her a name... darling."

"Uh..." Zhou Ye, who was named incompetent, faced with his first daughter in the true sense, some didn't know what name to marry? "Would you like to be called Xuan Xuan?"

"..." Although I don't know whether the Chinese name is good or bad, Hela feels that this name is really not very good... In the end, she decided to give her daughter another English name. "Then the English name is Angelina, Angelina Odinson...My child, you are destined to rule the Nine Realms..."

Chapter 531

"Angelina - my child, you are destined to rule the Nine Realms..." Following Hela's whisper, the shadows of the Nine Realms trembled slightly, as if agreeing with Hela's words... La also felt the little life in her belly laughing happily.

"..." Zhou Ye was a little speechless, the world is so big, why do you only see the Nine Realms in your eyes? Are you going to tell you... that your man has already built a vast space in the galaxy?

Forget it, let her continue to toss in the Nine Realms, she will set her goals too high...and cause the world to be in chaos...

"I really want to see my daughter born now..." Zhou Ye hugged Hela gently, put his hand on her belly, and felt the rhythm of her own daughter's life in her belly

...To be honest, this kind of feeling of being a father for the first time is very strange... Although Zhou Ye had raised quite a few daughters before, this was the first time that he felt moved to cry...

"Dear... Asgard's pregnancy period is based on ten years..." Hela smiled and shared the knowledge of Asgard with her man.

"It's been a long time... isn't it all ten months?" Zhou Ye said, and suddenly realized something. "Dear, since you are pregnant now, then come back to Earth with me... I don't want my daughter to hear the ghosts and wolves in your belly every day... It's not good for prenatal education at all..."

"Don't... I said, I'm not going to Earth..."

"You have to go...for my daughter." Zhou Ye's stubbornness also came up, and he said without giving an inch.

"...But I really don't want to go to Earth..." Hela looked at Zhou Ye pitifully, and she started to use the tragic offensive. "Here, I can only see you once in a few days, but after all, you are mine alone...Darling, do you think I will be in a good mood when I see your women when I go to earth? If you are in a bad mood, we will My good daughter will also be in a bad mood..."

Hela didn't say anything about the rest, but it was clear that Zhou Ye already understood... This girl is kidnapping her with her own daughter... Really, Zhou Ye sighed. Admit, who made him have more women... However, when Hela is finished giving birth, he must get her to the earth and be with his women... Save what else will happen at that time.

"Okay..." Zhou Ye sighed and said, "Then I'll go back now and let Umbrella's construction team come over..."

"Construction team? Why do you want a construction team?" Hela asked curiously.

"Of course it's building your new residence..." Zhou Ye said helplessly, "Since you refuse to go back with me, and now you have our daughter, how could I let you live in the cave again?"

To be honest, Hela's residence is a cave, this girl is completely incompetent... If it weren't for her being a god of death, she didn't need to eat and drink, she would have starved to death... But now, Zhou Ye will definitely not Let her live in the cave again.

Even if she strongly opposes it, it is useless. In order to create a perfect living condition for his daughter, Zhou Ye has already begun to consider the possibility of building a playground in the world of death...

"But... my dear, I think my current residence is pretty good..." Hela said innocently, but Zhou Ye glared back at her... What is good? A few animal skins are the windows... The magic books scattered everywhere make people know that people live here, otherwise they think it is the lair of some beast...

"Let's go back first..." Zhou Ye said while holding Hela, opened a portal, and walked out...

After all, I just came here to let my daughter absorb the dissipated energy of the nine worlds when she was formed, so as to have a spiritual connection with the nine worlds, and now, her daughter has been formed and is slowly in the mother's body. Slow pregnancy and childbirth, there is no need to be there anymore, because Angelina's connection with the nine worlds has been formed...

Zhou Ye's portal opened directly at the door of Hela's house. He said it was the door... In fact, Hela just found a large cave at the top of the highest mountain to live in...

Looking at this slightly shabby arrangement, to be honest, when Zhou Ye came here for the first time, he still felt that he was too affectionate and flirtatious, but now that Hela has her own daughter, naturally she can no longer let her live in the cave. In... the air is not circulating, and there is moisture...

"You don't want to live in this place..." Zhou Ye said, waved his hand gently, and an overwhelming force directly moved the entire high and towering mountain to the ground...

"Ah—my home..." Hela looked at her man with tears in her eyes as she saw that the home she had lived in for thousands of years was gone in an instant. It's the accusation of "You Ruined My Home".

At this time, Zhou Ye, the stupid dad who had already fallen into the plan of building a future playground for his daughter, ignored Hela's accusation. He opened a portal and walked in.

" home..." Hela looked at the ruined mountains and peaks under her feet, touched her stomach without tears, and said to her daughter, "Baby Angelina, my Little angel... your father is such a big bad guy, he just destroyed mom's house... From now on, our mother and daughter will be living on the streets... being blown by the wind, being drenched in the rain... it's so pitiful..."

With a "snack" sound, Hela almost jumped up from being beaten. She only saw it at this time. I don't know when, Zhou Ye came back... He kept taking out various kinds of things from his wristband. materials, and said, "Don't complain to my daughter... yours is also called a residence?"

"But, but... it can always be sheltered from the wind and rain..." Hela defended in a few words: "It's better than having no place to live..."

"Hey, my daughter must have her own castle..." Zhou Ye said, raising his hand slightly, he used the magic power that interfered with reality again, the earth surging with his thoughts, the land flowing like water, But they go against the physical laws of reality, because they are gathering together, and soon... a high mountain rises... As of now, all of Zhou Ye's tasks have been completed, and he has already paid for his daughter. The foundation of the future home is laid...

A portal was opened again, and Zhou Ye's figure rushed in again...

"Baby Angelina, do you think your father looks like an idiot..." Hela looked at her busy man, her eyes a little moist, even her father, Odin,

He has never given her such care, some are just... Hope, expecting her to lay more land for Asgard, never caring whether she sleeps well or dresses warmly... All he cares about is , Today, what place has he included in Asgard's ruling territory.

In the end, the poor bastard was abandoned... Hela didn't know what was wrong with her. As Odin's daughter and the first in line to inherit the position of the God King, shouldn't she inherit the position of the God King? ? And... many of these areas were shot down by yourself, why should you be exiled? Just because of ambition?

During the thousands of years in exile, she kept reflecting on what she did wrong... But in the end, she came to an answer, it was not her, but Odin, because Odin wanted to put his own The throne was passed on to his son... So, as a princess who made great achievements for Asgard, she became an eyesore.

And at this moment, Zhou Ye let her know again, what family should be like...Family...the one who warms each other is the family, and the one who cares about whether you are clothed and fed is the family...Hella feels that at this moment, she Very happy, although her encounter with Zhou Ye was full of drama, the ending was so beautiful... that's enough.

There was also a rhythm in Hela's stomach, as if she was comforting her mother, Hela held her stomach with a happy smile, and whispered: "Angelina, my baby, mother is fine. , Mom just feels so happy...happier than ever."

Just as Hela was happily chatting with her daughter, the portal opened again... This time, the portal opened at the foot of the mountain... With the opening of this giant portal, teams of construction machines were in an orderly manner. Entering this world where no living person has ever set foot... At this moment, there seems to be a touch of warmth in this dead country.

Chapter 532

Looking at the brightly lit, gradually popular building camp at the foot of the mountain, Hela asked speechlessly: "Dear, you destroyed my residence, and now, the new residence still needs time to be built... I Just want to ask, dear, where are we staying tonight?"

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