"Don't worry, baby Hela, I have already arranged your residence..." Zhou Ye said proudly as he embraced Hela's waist with confidence.

"...Let's talk about it first, I will never go to Earth..." Hela stared at her man with a bit of vigilance. She was afraid that Zhou Ye would use the time needed to build her new residence as an excuse to bring herself to the earth. Earth up.

"嘁—!" Zhou Ye sighed unhappily, this girl actually saw through his plans in an instant... But fortunately, I always like to prepare with both hands, otherwise this time it will really be a tragedy...

"You just let out a sigh, didn't you? My dear, you really want to take me back to Earth..." Hela immediately looked like she was about to cry, holding her stomach in her hands, and said aggrievedly: " Angelina, my darling, your dad is a big badass...he actually..."

"That's definitely your delusion, I definitely didn't say anything..." Zhou Ye hurriedly explained that he was not afraid now, he was afraid that Hela would sue his daughter...

Hela looked at Zhou Ye's nervous face, and there was a hint of a smile on her face. She wasn't actually angry, but she just wanted to see her man's stupid dad... It was so cute.

"So where will my daughter and I stay at night?" Hela smiled proudly. She is now holding the princess to make the princess her father. The baby Angelina in her belly is her biggest support. As for waiting for the baby to be born After coming down, will he be blamed by his own man? Hela said that that kind of thing is not in a hurry, anyway, there is still ten years...

"I have already prepared your temporary residence..." Zhou Ye said, pointing to a flat land below.

Hela followed Zhou Ye's instructions and saw that a team of construction workers was busy splicing together some modules... These were all modular houses... which were generally used for military purposes.

But, obviously, Zhou Ye is now using it to build his women's temporary residence... All the walls and ceilings of this type of residence are made of one-piece polymer materials, and all the circuits and pipes have been integrated into it. When not in use, it is just a piece of board that looks useless. When you want to use it, just splicing them together like building blocks.

Of course, Zhou Ye can also use the time gem to speed up the construction of his little princess' future castle, but if he wants to speed up the progress a thousand times, he must end up using the power of time himself, which Zhou Ye is absolutely unwilling to do. What he did, because he didn't want to leave the side of his little princess for a moment, let alone preside over the time circle inside.

So, at present, the entire project is progressing at a hundred times the speed. With such a time progress, Zhou Ye doesn't need to preside over the magic circle himself, he only needs to use the power of time to arrange the magic circle.

Not to mention the lazy Zhou Ye, just talk about Hela who saw the scene below.

She saw a building with a completely different style from Asgard, which was rapidly taking shape. This building seemed to be only two stories high, but it seemed to give people a very warm and comfortable feeling. "Is that my temporary home?"

"Of course..." Zhou Ye had already prepared with both hands. If he can fool Hela to the earth, he will fool him to the earth, and he will not be able to freeze his daughter's mother without going to the earth... Anyway, Hela is also the first It doesn't matter if a woman who gave birth to an heir for him is a little more spoiled.

"Can that thing really live?" Hela looked at the bungalow that was built up like building blocks with some hesitation, and her heart was full of doubts. Although she said that this thing looks beautiful, can it really live in it?

"It's almost ready, I'll take you in and have a look and you'll know." Zhou Ye didn't explain, he hugged Hela and walked towards her residence in the next few days...

"Okay..." Hela could only follow her man to take a look at this time...

Just when the two came to the bungalow leisurely, the main body of the villa was almost completely completed. The booster devices outside that help fix the module have been disassembled...

"Master..." Seeing Zhou Ye coming over, all the busy Umbrella employees put down their work and respectfully greeted Zhou Ye and the two of them.

"Are these your subordinates? My dear." When Hela saw these people looking at her man, the frenzy in her eyes was familiar to her. Once, the soldiers she led used this kind of look. He looked at him with fanatical eyes, because he could lead them to victory one after another... But now... those soldiers may have been cleaned up by their father long ago.

"Yes, they are all employees of Umbrella." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"These are good fighters..." Hela looked at the construction workers who could easily lift several tons of heavy objects... couldn't help but admire, even in Asgard, which is famous for its force, this is also called A warrior, right?

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled noncommittally, he wouldn't tell Hela, these are just ordinary employees whose flesh and body have been initially strengthened. The ability of the real Umbrella combat troops is a few blocks away from them. distance……

He didn't want Hela to come up with the idea of ​​conquering the Nine Realms for her daughter now. These things are still waiting for her daughter to grow up. Now, her task is to take a good rest, wait for the childbirth, and then take care of the child at home... …

"Come on, let's go in and see your temporary residence in the next few days..." Zhou Ye said, taking Hela and walking directly into the open door of the bungalow...

It's been cleaned inside...and a few Umbrella employees are busy

Check the circuit and plumbing works of the villa to ensure that there will be no problems in use...

Zhou Ye waved to them, so that they don't need to get too excited, just keep busy with their work... Then he turned to look at Hela, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Baby, are you still satisfied with your temporary residence?"

"Although it's a little smaller...but...it seems to be okay..." Hela said proudly that this temporary residence was okay. In fact, in her heart, she fell in love with this for the first time, although it seemed not Large, but very homely furnished villa...  

Downstairs is a large combination of a living room and a kitchen. In the living room, there are several sets of lazy sofas. Looking at it, people have an urge to lie down, and at the front of the sofa is a large sofa. The display screen... occupies an entire wall. Although I don't know what it is used for, Hela guesses that it should have its own use, or else my man wouldn't put it so conspicuous in the living room. The location is actually just a large-screen TV... It's just that Asgard doesn't have it, so Hela didn't recognize it...

In the kitchen, Hela found that she couldn't recognize a few things. It was Zhou Ye who showed her how to use them one by one, and she realized that the thing that could catch fire was actually used for cooking...

To be honest, although Asgard Asgard’s technology has surpassed Earth by a lot in certain things, in terms of entertainment, entertainment and enjoyment, Earth can proudly claim to be hundreds of years ahead of Asgard…

Under Zhou Ye's hands-on teaching, Hela learned to use various household appliances... She learned to watch dog blood series on the large-screen TV in the living room... Although there is no TV signal in Dead Country, Zhou Ye found it for her There are a lot of video tapes on Earth, and there are also many, which are collections brought by Zhou Ye's women from the real world, such as Korean dramas like The Man from the Stars...

Under Zhou Ye's comfort for the time being, Hela started to become a pregnant woman with peace of mind. Although she said that she is not pregnant now, but for Zhou Ye, if she moved, Zhou Ye felt that she wanted it. Your own life is the same... No way, you have to understand the pain of an old man who is thousands of years old and has his own true blood descendants for the first time.

Chapter 533

The next morning————

Hela woke up from her sleep and found that she fell in love with this soft couch, which was tens of thousands of times stronger than her original animal skin... With her strong willpower, Hela got rid of this The attraction of the soft couch slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his man's face. Hela loved the feeling... To be honest, when he woke up every morning and saw his man's face at first sight, Hela felt that it was definitely the world. The happiest thing in the world, of course, there are not many times like this.

"Dear..." Hela raised her hand and stroked Zhou Ye's cheek lightly, with a slight smile on her face: "It's time to get up..."

"...hu...hu..." The only answer to her was the snoring of her own man...

Hela pinched Zhou Ye's nose playfully. To be honest, nothing happened to the two of them last night, they just slept peacefully... After all, Hela is pregnant now, and Zhou Ye is for his little princess. Think about it, but dare not toss her old lady.

Hela, who was holding Zhou Ye's other words, thought that Zhou Ye would wake up soon, but... but found that her man was still sleeping soundly... This is very abnormal...

You know, although Zhou Ye usually has lowered his five senses, he should definitely be able to wake up if this situation disturbs him...

Hela started to panic... She didn't know why her man was so sleepy...

"Dear, don't scare me..." Hela's cry was full of tears, and she was already a little helpless.

However, to her disappointment, Zhou Ye still hadn't woken up...

"..." Hela hurriedly used the soul spell to look at Zhou Ye. This is her ability. She is in charge of all Asgard's souls. It can be said that even if it is terminally ill, as long as Hela is willing, Asgard can let Asgard The people of Guardian were healed, but she rarely used this power.

In the eyes of her soul, her man's soul is a little weak... The rest is nothing serious...

She knew that this was the sequelae of her man cutting her own soul for the birth of her daughter yesterday. In fact, she should have had such sequelae as well, but the moment Angelina entered Hela's body and began to conceive and give birth, the nine major The world has separated a trace of their world origin and entered Hela's body. Although this trace of world origin was given to her future darling Angelina by the nine worlds, but at the same time that it entered Angelina's body, It also nourished the mother body that gave birth to her, Hela—her soul and body were strengthened a lot at that moment because of the gifts from the nine worlds.

It can be said that Hela is now stronger than before...

But, obviously, Zhou Ye didn't have this kind of treatment... He first cut his own soul, and then he was busy running around to create the most comfortable living environment for his daughter.

All this was supported by Zhou Ye's excitement that he was about to give birth to a child. However, when he fell asleep... Zhou Ye's soul couldn't hold it any longer. In order to protect himself, his body automatically fell into a deep sleep...

Hela is already panicking... but she can't go to Earth. Although she is not afraid of her father Odin now, she plans to concentrate on giving birth to children for her man, and now she does not plan to marry her father. go to war...

Hela, who looked a little flustered, quickly put on her clothes and flew to the construction site in the distance...

"Mother - what the master explained, it's too messy to let you enter the construction site..." A man in Umbrella's black uniform stopped Hela, who was about to break into the construction site, and he respectfully greeted the sea. Ra explained why.

"No... Ye he fell into a deep sleep... I need help..." Hela said anxiously.

"What? Something happened to the master?" Although Hela's speech was a little too fast, and there were some slang words from Asgard, but the security guard had already understood what Hela meant. At this time, he couldn't care much. He rushed directly into the construction site, and there was a semi-permanent teleportation gate shining with golden light. After saying a few words to the gatekeeper, he immediately rushed into the teleportation gate.

Hela waited anxiously, she knew that her man's subordinates must be looking for help...

What didn't disappoint her was that when the time was small, the portal flashed, and a group of women appeared in front of the portal... Then, a steady stream of women were teleported over... Although most of them were wearing maid costumes maid.

As soon as those maids came, they took over the defense work here unceremoniously, and those Umbrella employees also handed over their jobs willingly... They certainly knew how powerful the maids around them were.

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