"Honey, I'm so worried about you..."

"You bastard, do you know that you scared the sisters to death..."

"Master, if you do this next time, I will definitely ban your feet..."

Looking at the girls who were rushing up and expressing their opinions, Zhou Ye felt that his head had grown twice. "All stop-, who can tell me what the hell is going on? Why are you in this world of the dead?"

"...Let me tell my dear." Hela said, looking at the girls, as if asking for their opinions.

The girls naturally agreed when they saw Hela. After all, it happened here in Hela... or she had the most say.

"Darling, I've slept for a long time..." Hela said, telling the people who had just woken up how she discovered Zhou Ye's abnormal situation that morning, and how she called the girls... Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye quietly listened to Hela's story about what happened while he was sleeping, looked at the girls who were still around him, and asked speechlessly, "So, I fell into a deep sleep because I cut my soul fragments. the reason?"

"Yes, dear." This time it was Gu Yi who answered his question, "This time you are a little too reckless..."

All the women also looked at their man with hatred, blaming him for cutting their souls rashly, making them so worried.

"Cough cough...I'm not doing this for our baby..." Zhou Ye touched his nose a little embarrassedly, talking about his own baby, Zhou Ye couldn't help but turn his eyes to Hela again, a little anxious He asked: "Baby Hela, has our little princess been obedient these days? Did she kick you?"

"My little angel Angelina is very good..." Hela replied with a smile, her hands unconsciously holding her stomach, her face shining with the brilliance of motherhood...

"My little princess, she will definitely be a well-behaved little beauty in the future!" Zhou Ye smiled and put his hand on Hela's stomach, feeling his child with the power of his heart. "Little baby, you will definitely be the happiest little princess in the future, because...you have so many mothers who are looking forward to your arrival."

The girls looked at the appearance of their man with a smile on their faces, pushing themselves to others. They knew that when they gave birth to their own man's blood in the future, they would definitely expect the same from their own men.

"By the way, my dear, what will Little Angelina's castle look like in the future?" Ophelia asked curiously.

"My little princess' castle is of course the most majestic, spectacular, and beautiful castle." Zhou Ye said, tap the terminal on his wrist, and a three-dimensional projection of a luxurious castle appeared in front of the girls. .

I saw that this castle is completely built on the mountain, winding up the mountain, gardens everywhere, amusement facilities everywhere, the whole castle is decorated as beautiful as the castle only in fairy tales.

"Well - it always feels like something is missing?" Ophelia looked at the majestic castle in front of her, frowned and thought, and suddenly, she clapped her hands and said, "My dear, there is one less large fountain here. …”

"Yes, but I think it would be better to add a sky cover to the castle. After all, the sky here is so bad, it looks very depressing..." Medusa also said.

"It would be nice if there was another lake down there..." This was Peggy's opinion.

"We should add a grassland, so that our future little princess can ride horses and play..." This was Natasha's opinion.

"There should be a music square in the fountain... Music can cultivate sentiment..." This was Nina's opinion.

"A dense forest will be added here, so that the little princess can have a place to satisfy her desire for adventure in the future. You must know that children's thirst for knowledge is very strong." As the most loving May Lai Li, she naturally considers things from the perspective of the future little princess. "It's best to keep some cute animals in it, such as rabbits, pandas..."

Zhou Ye silently watched the big discussion among his women. After a while, the castle he prepared for his little princess had been expanded by about three times... However, he also had to admit that his woman seemed to say There is so much truth to it, just wave your hand, break up the original design, and start again...

The redesign of the castle this time directly called Umbrella's several design teams into the world of death. In front of Zhou Ye, they designed the design. They also had to meet the strange requirements of their own mistresses...

To be honest, Hela, who was Angelina's biological mother, was the most silent. She didn't ask for anything. Seeing all the girls gossip about designing her future castle for her little baby, Hela felt very moved. ...

For the first time, she felt as if it was no big deal to join Zhou Ye's harem. After all, these sisters are kind to themselves...

"What's wrong? Baby?" As the words sounded, Hela found herself being embraced in a warm embrace. She didn't need to look back, she knew that this was her man.

"No...It's nothing, I think the sisters are very friendly..." Hela said, leaning her body back slightly, and whispered: "They are really looking forward to the birth of Angelina... …”

"Of course..." Zhou Ye raised his head proudly. He could proudly say that in his harem, there might be some small disputes, small conflicts, etc., but in matters of big right and wrong No one will give him eye drops. "Our little baby, the future

Must be very happy. "

"Hmm--!" Hela completely agreed with her man's opinion. During the days when he was sleeping, those sisters almost spoiled her, although Hela knew it was because of the baby in her belly. , but this feeling is really good, what kind of pampering her daughter will be by them in the future, Hela has begun to worry a little, should she discuss with her dear and let him play the role of a strict father?

Thinking of this, Hela couldn't help but glance at her man, and then gave up this stupid idea... Her man couldn't close her eyes, and she never put her hand on her stomach... Obviously, the most favorite Little Angelina's person is this guy who didn't run away...

It seems that only herself can play the role of this strict mother... Hela thought helplessly.

Chapter 536

Three days later, the new design plan was released... Looking at the chief designer with a tired face in front of him, but with mad and enthusiastic eyes in his eyes... Zhou Ye patted his shoulder silently and said: " You've worked really hard these days."

"Master, it's not hard work for your subordinates. I feel extremely honored to be able to design her castle for the future princess." The chief designer said excitedly: "I think that in the future, the princess will live in the castle designed by the subordinate. I feel that I will die without regrets.”

Zhou Ye knew that this guy was not just talking. He knows how difficult it is for his group of women. The so-called hard-to-talk thing means that you can't make something that everyone can praise. You know, this is closely related to the living environment and growth environment of the women.

For example, the requirements of the Greek gods represented by Athena for the future castle of the little princess Umbrella must be majestic and spectacular, otherwise she will not be worthy of her identity as the first princess of Umbrella who traverses the world.

And Nina Stark's requirements for the castle are that it must be high-tech, and it must be convenient——

And a small family like Mae Riley's request for the castle is to be warm and not cold.

And what female agents like Natasha and Peggy demand of the castle is that it must be safe.

Yesterday, the mother and daughter of Nova Supreme Nova, who came to Earth to find their own man, were also involved in this big discussion. Nova even brought all the famous architectural drawings of Nova Empire for thousands of years with great interest for designers. refer to.

I have to say that the architectural ideas of Nova Empire also gave the chief designer a lot of inspiration. Under his leadership, the design team worked all night and even entered Umbrella's inherent time enchantment, and spent a year Only then did I come up with a design drawing that I felt satisfied with.

Zhou Ye patted the chief designer on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's time to start..."

"Yes. Master." The chief designer gave an excited salute. Then he trotted all the way to the temporary podium, and standing on this podium, he felt that this might be the most glorious moment in his life.

"Cough cough... Good master, good mistresses." The chief designer said and saluted Zhou Ye and the girls sitting under the stage, "I am the chief designer in charge of the castle design this time, Shi. Steven Keto, I will be the master to explain our design ideas to the mistresses."

Steven said, and lightly pressed a button on the large three-dimensional projector beside him. In an instant, countless rays of light shot out from the projector, directly in the air, forming a majestic castle. .

I saw that this castle was still built on the mountain, but it was a little different. There were four small floating mountains around the castle, like guards guarding the castle, guarding the main castle.

"This castle has a total of 12,000 large and small rooms. After referring to various design schemes between the palaces, we decided to use the overpass to link... Of course, under the overpass, there are various gardens and gardens. The beautiful scenery is all over..." Steven introduced: "The entire castle has a total of 120 fountains, 214 large and small gardens, and we have also designed a viewing lake around the castle, the racetrack and Forest Adventure Land and more..."

Following his introduction, the large three-dimensional projection map above was constantly flipping, and even the underground reactors that provided energy to the entire castle were clearly displayed...

Finally, when he finished introducing, Peggy asked her own question. "Your Excellency Designer, I have a small question."

"Mother, please ask questions."

"What are the four floating islands for?" Peggy asked strangely, "You never introduced these four floating islands just now."

"No, I plan to introduce these four floating islands last, but since you asked, I will answer you now." Steven said with a little pride: "This castle, for safety, we refer to Attilan's design. When in danger... please take a look."

Following Steven's voice, the entire castle was based on four floating islands, and a protective shield enveloped the entire castle.

"Of course, the biggest role of these four floating islands is not to be used as the base point of the shield, providing the castle with forty times the defense capability of the Attilan shield. At the same time, it is also an important part of the entire counterattack plan."

With the sound of his words, long gun barrels stretched out from the four suspended islands embedded in the protective cover, and rays of destruction shot out in all directions... Since the four suspended islands in the defensive state are It keeps flying around the castle in a circle, so for the artillery fire above it, there is no dead angle to counterattack...

Zhou Ye could see it at a glance, those guys actually put the annihilation cannon used on the mothership on the floating island...


Is West a weapon? "

"Of course not, Master." Steven said, gently, "When we encounter an irresistible offensive and have to retreat, we can completely lift the entire castle into the air..."

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