Following Steven's words, the entire castle, including the surrounding buildings, broke away from the earth's crust and flew into the air. Zhou Ye nodded. He knew that the designers used Attilan's technology.

"We can even reach outer space. At that time, these four suspended islands will become four satellites flying around the main castle, and provide energy for the main castle. It is conservatively estimated that the entire castle can be maintained for tens of thousands of years... "With Steven's words, there are actually gravitational waves around the main castle flying in the void, and these gravitational waves are provided by these four suspended islands.

Zhou Ye knew that this was a reference to the gravity kinetic energy technology of the Sovereign tribe.

"Of course, usually... these four floating islands are only used as a viewing platform..." Steven laughed.

"Why do I think the castle I gave my daughter has turned into a war machine?" Zhou Ye felt a little speechless... Could these designers have designed too many motherships? Why do you always want to put weapons on it?

"I think it's very good." Hela is very satisfied with this design. For her militant, she is very happy that her daughter can receive such a war fortress.

"Well, I think it's good too." Peggy felt that the security of the castle was good.

"The scenery is very beautiful..." Ophelia looked at the flying bridges linking the castles, which looked unique and very beautiful.

"It's spectacular..." Athena also felt very good, at least the whole building was very majestic.

"It feels so warm inside... I really want to live in it now..." May Riley likes the interior very much, and the warm-colored decoration makes her feel very home.

"This castle feels very convenient..." Nina took a fancy to the fast elevators all over the castle in a state of emergency.

"With such a large horse farm, the little princess can ride a horse in the future..." Natasha looked at the pasture and drooled. She was already looking forward to her riding with her little sister.



Zhou Ye looked at the girls expressing their opinions, and felt a little speechless to ask the sky, is it the only one who thinks that his daughter's castle is full of weapon systems, which is an obstacle to cultivating ladies?

However, Zhou Ye looked at the chief designer who had almost become a panda eye, and sighed, "Forget it, that's all, it's hard for this guy, he actually managed to make all his women satisfied." . But then... this castle is too big... At least tens of thousands of people live in it and it is not conspicuous...

"Master..." Steven looked at his master with some uneasiness. Although all the mistresses voted in favor of his design, what he cared most about was his own master's opinion.

"Good job, let's build it like this..." Zhou Ye patted him on the shoulder. Facing this guy, Zhou Ye felt that he couldn't criticize him anymore, he had really worked hard.

"Yes, Lord..." Hearing Zhou Ye's praise, Steven was more than happy, "Please Lord, name this castle."

As soon as he spoke, everyone stopped talking and looked at Zhou Ye. They were very curious about what kind of name their man would give this castle.

"City of Angels." Zhou Ye unceremoniously named the castle after his daughter... City of Angels, Angelina itself means angel, so he named the castle after his daughter. Zhou Ye didn't feel guilty at all, it was a gift for his daughter anyway.

"Yes, master, the city of angels." Steven shouted excitedly: "The city of angels - the castle that dominates the little princess is named the city of angels..."

As his voice came out of the venue, the tens of thousands of employees gathered outside also shouted in unison, "The city of angels, the city of our future little princess in Umbrella."

Chapter five hundred and thirty seventh

New York -- Stark Industries Building.

Of course, the Stark Industries Building at this time is still the same, because it is not Nina who is in power, but... Dottie Underwood.

At this moment, in Dottie's president's office, she was talking to Nina seriously.

If you look closely, you will find that Nina's little face is about to tug into a ball... Of course, this is not because Dottie is reprimanding Nina, on the contrary, it is explaining what happened to Nina after she left.

"Aunt Dottie... Can't you continue to be the CEO of the Stark Group?" Nina ran directly behind Dottie, looking like a dog's leg, and massaged Dottie's shoulders. "You know, I don't like running a interest is..."

"Your interest is to play with your mechanical armor, I know..." Dottie rolled his eyes and interrupted Nina's words: "But, little Nina, you must know that when Howard died, I I already wanted to give you the position of CEO of this group, but you have been hiding in the university and refused to come out on the grounds of going to school..."

"Aunt Dottie, you're the best...just help your little Nina..." Nina pleaded, she didn't want to take over the Stark Group at all, it was so easy for her now, she wanted to clean up herself When I was free, when I missed my own man, I went to Zhou Ye to act like a spoiled brat... How comfortable, why did you want to take over this group.

"I don't want to continue to wear this ugly old makeup!" Dottie didn't want to stay here any longer. In order not to attract attention, she had to use heavy makeup to age herself like Peggy. She looks like ten years old. Some time ago, she occasionally heard people talking about her behind her back. She was so old and had such heavy makeup, she almost thought of her anger.

To take off the heavy makeup on his face, ask that Bi Chi, where is he getting old?

"You're not ugly at all, who said you're ugly, look at me blowing her up with Mark Twelve..." Nina suddenly realized why Dottie wanted to step down... She really hated her teeth so much, then Help Bitchi, talk nonsense when you have nothing to do, and now you are forced to take over the Stark group...

"Put away your little thoughts... Little Nina." Dottie, who was a spy, is best at observing words and saying things that don't sound good. Nina moves her fingers in front of her, and she knows what Nina wants to do. What, she directly dispelled Nina's last fluke. "Besides, I grew up in the city of angels under construction, and there is a room for me. I'm going to take a look at it... Save them not decorating the room according to my wishes."

"There is also a room for me..." Nina muttered: "Okay, okay, let's go, isn't it because the godfather doesn't plan to leave the world of death for the time being for the sake of his future sister? You women are all with him. I ran past... hum - I'm a child who no one hurts anyway."

"Little Nina..." Seeing Nina's anger as a child, Dottie looked straight and said, "You must know that even if Angelina is born, my dear will not ignore you, after all, you are him woman..."

"I'm sorry..." Nina knew that what she just said was a bit too much, and it was indeed as Dottie said, no matter what, Zhou Ye would not ignore her.

"It's okay, little Nina..." After hearing Nina's apology, Dottie's face softened a lot. "Giving the group over to you is what I mean and what Ye means... After all, in the eyes of outsiders, we are too old to continue appearing in public. It's time for the power to be handed over to you..."

"And what about S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nina asked, she meant, if Peggy was still holding on, could Dotty hold on for a little longer?

"On the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, Peggy is slowly handing over the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. to Sharon..." Dottie cut off Nina's last thought.

"But isn't Sharon a British national?" Nina struggled unwillingly.

"Don't forget, S.H.I.E.L.D. has never said that it belongs to the United States from the beginning, it is an international organization..." Dottie gave Nina a meaningful look. "This time Sharon was able to take over the power smoothly. I have to say that in London, their Congress also used a lot of power behind..."

"Okay..." Nina finally gave up her struggle....

"Tomorrow, I will hold a press conference to spread the news that the Stark Group has replaced the CEO... By tomorrow, you will be the real CEO of the Stark Group..." Dotty's face was full of smiles, she Of course, she is happy. Although she enjoys this feeling of being in control, even behind the scenes, there are many positions in the Umbrella consortium for her to experience this feeling. She is happiest that she can finally no longer need to draw this scene. A kind of ugly old makeup...

"If I have anything, who should I call?" Nina felt that she might be crushed to death by the official documents in the future, and she could already foresee a future where she was far away from the Mark series.

"I found a personal secretary for you, she will be a good helper." Dottie smiled, pressed the call button on his desk lightly, and said, "Tell Miss Pepper Potts to come in. ."

"Okay, Ms. Underwood." The female secretary outside agreed, then hung up the call.

"Pepper Potts?" Nina felt that the name sounded familiar, but couldn't remember where she had heard it. "Why do I seem to have heard this name somewhere?"

"Of course you are familiar..." Dottie said with a mysterious smile on his face: "This is the name on the dear hunting list..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I've been thinking..."

"There are too many things dear to me this time..." Dottie said indifferently: "However, we have been watching her... And let me tell you a little news, this Miss Pepper is your good helper, I transferred her to and from the company just to make her familiar with all aspects of the company, and she will be your help in the future..."

"Really so powerful?" Nina asked curiously, "Then I will meet her... Maybe, maybe she will become my good friend, maybe?"

While talking, there was a knock on the door...

"Come in." Dottie said very casually.

"Hello, Ms. Underwood." A very shrewd-looking woman walked into Dottie's office.

"You're Pepper?" Nina was a little disappointed, how beautiful she thought the girl on her dear hunting list was? As a result, this girl can only be said to be above average, although she has a good figure...

"Yes, my name is Pebble Potts. Miss Stark." Facing Nina's question, Pebble responded appropriately.

"So...are you a virgin?"

Nina's words suddenly put Pebble Poz into an extremely embarrassing situation... It's really, really embarrassing...

Chapter 538

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