"Little Nina... you're... uh—" Zhou Ye, who didn't see Nina in the living room, walked directly to her bedroom on the second floor. As soon as he opened the door, Zhou Ye didn't finish his words, just read When it came to Pepper, who was curled up on the couch and was sleeping soundly—

"Little Chili...?" Zhou Ye looked at Pepper and propped his forehead. Isn't this the little Chili that he has been raising outside? Originally, I planned to eat her after I came back from the Nova Empire... I didn't expect that, the world was unpredictable, and I met Hela, and Hela still has... Now this girl appears in Nina's room, and Nina Did you just contact yourself again and say you have a surprise for yourself? Is the surprise the little pepper?

Faced with such a situation, what should Zhou Ye do? Then you need to ask? Of course, I'll talk about it later... This has always been Zhou Ye's tradition of doing things.

Chapter 541

Pepper Potts woke up from a deep sleep, and his whole body felt as if he had been reborn and felt extremely comfortable.

Last night, she had a sweet and beautiful dream that she hadn't had for a long time. In the dream, a handsome blond boy was pushed back by her, and finally helped her break the nightmare that had plagued her for many years. She really realized the benefits of being a woman...

That handsome young man was very powerful, and he thought of her countless times... Thinking of this, Pepper couldn't help laughing at himself in a low voice: "Pepper, you finally fulfilled your wish... Although it was in a dream."

"Don't make trouble—sleep." A male voice interrupted Pepper's self-talk, and then a strong arm came over and directly pulled Pepper into a somewhat familiar and somewhat unfamiliar embrace... …

"..." Hearing this unfamiliar man's voice, Pepper's body suddenly froze, and the whole person was a little sluggish... She turned around slowly... A handsome face appeared in her eyes.


Pepper screamed, which completely woke Zhou Ye up————

"Aren't you sleepy?" Zhou Ye couldn't sleep anymore. Pebble's voice completely broke his thoughts of continuing to sleep in.

"You...you...who are you? Why are you on my couch..." Pepper curled his body into a ball, trying to minimize the leaking area, and asked incoherently.

"I..." Before Zhou Ye could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Pepper's self-talk.

"Forget it...Maybe I was too excited yesterday..." Pepper vaguely remembered the clip of drinking with Nina yesterday. When she thought about it, it might be because she was too emotional last night... So I guess she was drunk Later, I went to those entertainment venues and called a young master to accompany me. It happened that I didn't know why the spirit behind me was not there, so this scene happened, but... this young master is really handsome... Why do you do this? What about a row?

Pepper stared blankly at Zhou Ye's face and sighed - he took out a bank card from one side of his skirt, handed it over, and said, "I don't know what your price is, but... ... There are ten thousand dollars in this card, which should be enough to pay the bill... The password is six ones."

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye foolishly took the bank card from Pepper. This situation was beyond his expectations... He had seen waking up the next morning and wanting to talk to himself. Desperately, I have also seen people who woke up the next day looking for life... But, when they woke up the next morning and threw a bank card to themselves, Pepper was the first.

Pepper looked at the shy and handsome young man in front of him, and felt that he was doing something wrong... This young man doesn't look very old [Zhou Ye's appearance is fixed at seventeen or eighteen years old], and he looks very shy [ Zhou Ye was stunned by Pepper]... If possible, Pepper really has an urge to take care of him... But thinking about the spirit behind him... Pepper gave up this idea, she couldn't bear to hurt her Zhou Ye...

"Don't do this business in the future... Even if you want to be a model, it's better than doing this business." Pepper finally couldn't help but said, in her opinion, Zhou Ye must be a boy who has been living in the wind and dust for a long time. ...

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while at Pepper's rambling words, but he probably already thought, what does this silly girl think of herself... If it weren't for the chastity and purity that remained on the couch It proves that Zhou Ye really thought that this girl was a player who often hangs out in entertainment venues, but if you look closely, you can still see Pepper's slightly uncomfortable expression. Obviously, this girl is a little uncomfortable. The girl is forcing-

"It's already this time?" Pepper, who took out his watch from his clothes, saw that it was almost ten o'clock. He suddenly jumped up from Zhou Ye's arms like a spring, and instantly became unsteady again. , fell into Zhou Ye's arms.

I didn't expect it to be so painful—Pepper bared his teeth in pain, struggled to put on his clothes, and asked Zhou Ye directly, "Where is the bathroom? I want to take a shower..."

"There..." Zhou Ye pointed to a small door in the room...

"Damn it... It's not like I lost myself in my most awake state..." Pepper said to himself as he walked around the couch and walked towards the bathroom...

When she walked to Zhou Ye's side, she couldn't help but look at the man who stole something from her, and murmured, "I always feel a little bit of a loss... 10,000 dollars is only half a dream and half awake... It's just for a while... No, at least you have to charge some more interest."

Having said this, Pepper turned back to the couch, lifted Zhou Ye's chin, and lowered his head.

Zhou Ye listened to Pepper's self-talk, and rolled his eyes, this girl - there is no one else. But feeling Pebble's clumsy skills... Zhou Ye finally

Still can't help it, let this silly girl see what it means to read women's countless men's tongue-in-cheek skills.

This "Good Morning" remark directly paralyzed the whole body of Pepper's body and softened it on Zhou Ye's body...

I don't know how long it took...

Relying on the remaining reason, Pepper pushed Zhou Ye away a little, and muttered with blurred eyes, "No way... I really can't be here anymore..."

"Why?" Zhou Ye's low and magnetic voice sounded in Pepper's ear.

"If it goes on like this... your life will be in danger..." Pepper held Zhou Ye's face tightly and said reluctantly, "I really don't want to part with you... But—"

Pepper found that she had an idea of ​​not wanting to be separated from this handsome young man who took away her most precious things. She even wanted to hug Zhou Ye's arms like this, even if the spirit behind her was so angry that she wanted to kill her. After this young man, he had the urge to die with him.

"If you don't want to separate, don't separate..." Zhou Ye doesn't care about that much...

"But... you will die." Pepper wanted to be cruel and break free from the boy's arms, but sadly found that he was completely unable to resist the powerful attraction of this warm embrace to him.

"Death? How to die? Is it cool to die?" Zhou Ye has always had the habit of exercising in the morning. Since he woke up and lit the fire with Chili Pepper, there was no reason to let this silly girl go...

Having said that, Zhou Ye dragged Little Pepper to the couch again—

"No...you listen to me...uuuu..."

Soon Pepper was speechless—because...she was running out of time to speak...the morning exercise began.

Chapter 542

Today—the parking lot of the Stark Industries Building is full of interview vans from New York’s major media—it’s a big day. Today is the day of the handover of power between the old and new CEOs of Stark Industries.

Natasha Stark, who has been low-key all these years, is finally going to be in charge of the CEO position of Stark Industries. In fact, since Howard died unexpectedly, major media have been speculating about when the world's youngest Only the richest woman will take over her father's property.

What makes people surprised is that Ms. Underwood, the CEO of Stark Group, has never spit out that she will give up the position, and Natasha Stark has no intention of fighting for it... This makes me look forward to seeing a giant The media of the Civil War drama were disappointed.

After a few years, the media finally waited for this long-awaited drama - in their guesses, it must be Nina who has been working in secret for a few years, and finally took control of this huge group and forced the queen of business. Dottie Underwood relinquishes the CEO position of Stark Industries...

In the minds of these media people, this experience is simply twists and turns... mixed with all kinds of love and hatred... Even tabloids that are not afraid of death have begun to compile stories between Nina and Dottie, such as... ...In order to retake her father's group, Nina sent her lover to Dottie to please Dottie, and then, with the help of her lover, she gradually gained the victory in the iron barrel-like Stark group operated by Dottie. a place...

At this moment, Nina, the protagonist, is making fun of her new best friend and her personal secretary Pepper in the office that once belonged to Dottie, but now belongs to her...

"Hahahaha......hahahahaha..." Nina pointed at Pebble and laughed, ignoring her ladylike demeanor, she collapsed on the sofa with laughter, clutching her stomach and groaning. Humph--

"Is it that ridiculous?" Pepper blushed, and although she pretended to be calm, in fact, her slightly trembling fingers had revealed her inner self, and it was not as indifferent as she appeared.

"When...of course it's funny..." Nina leaned on the armrest of the sofa, barely sitting up straight, and said out of breath, "...can treat nine o'clock in the evening as nine in the morning... you are the first……"

"I don't know that I am in the world of death... Besides, the ghost knows why that place is always gloomy... I can't tell the difference between night and day..." Pepper said depressedly.

"No, it's not the most ridiculous thing..." Nina continued with a smile: "The most ridiculous thing is... You actually think your dear is that kind of man? And you gave him a bank card?"

To be honest, when Nina knew about this, her whole body was sluggish... This girl Pepper is so boring, how can she still do this? Do you want to try it yourself? Nina is a little bit eager...

"...I...I didn't know he was the one behind the scenes..." Pepper said with a complicated expression on his face.

When she just found out Zhou Ye's identity, Pepper refused... As a stubborn woman, she didn't want to obey Zhou Ye, the mastermind behind her control of her life from childhood to adulthood... But, she found sadly that she actually I can't resist this guy Zhou Ye... This villain can easily play with himself in the palm of his hand, in every sense...

In the end, Pepper had to admit that he couldn't resist Zhou Ye. Neither physically nor mentally... can't resist this guy.

She has already accepted her fate... In the face of such a powerful existence as Zhou Ye, how can she resist? Secular laws were like ridiculous toys for this man to play with. And personal strength? Pebble thought about his arms, which were a little stronger due to regular exercise, and then thought about Zhou Ye's ghostly ability... Let's forget it, let's talk about something else.

But that's fine too...

...Although Zhou Ye has many women, but listening to the meaning of the sisters who joined later, this man who forcibly occupied him is not a person who likes the new and hates the old. Pepper feels very satisfied... At least, now he has a strong man. A strong arm can be relied on, and there is no need to worry about boyfriends and girlfriends.

"Don't think about it too much... Although Ye is a caring guy, I haven't heard any woman complaining about him neglecting her." Seeing Pepper's tangled expression, Nina walked over to her with a smile. In front of him, he patted her shoulder.

"Does this include you?" Pepper rolled his eyes and said, "Why didn't you tell me the truth at first?"

It was only later that Peibo met Ying Shisan, who had protected him since childhood. After all, her identity was different, and Ying Shisan didn't dare to ignore her any more... The curious Peibo did everything I understand, including that the new girlfriend in front of me actually knows what's going on with the spirit behind her but doesn't tell her.

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