"Some things...I tell you too early, there will be no surprises..." Nina smiled and picked up the wine glass she just put on the coffee table, took a sip and said, "Don't you think I gave you a big surprise yesterday? "

"...I didn't feel the surprise, but it's true that I was almost killed by the bad guy Ye..." Pepper said, unnaturally twisting his a4 waist, which was still a little sore.

"嘁-you are showing off Chi Guoguo." Nina said dissatisfied.

"Humph - who told someone to leave me there and then go to the basement of the villa to play with their mecha? You blame me for missing the big party..." Pepper looked innocent. spread hands.

At this moment, two figures walked in, and a slightly slender figure said, "Hey, girls, the time is up, the press conference is about to start..."

"Of course, I'm ready." Nina stood up with a smile, stepped to the man's side, and obediently let him hug her a4 waist.

That's right, it's Zhou Ye and Dottie Underwood who came in. No matter what, today is Nina's big day. There's no way Zhou Ye could miss this very important day for Nina. of.

Zhou Ye held Nina with one hand and opened the other hand, and gestured to Pepper who was standing there hesitant.

"Okay, okay..." Pepper walked over helplessly, complaining, while obediently handing her slender waist into the hands of this man... She knew that she had already fallen into the hands of this man. She can't get rid of it in her life, or she doesn't want to get rid of it...

Today, Nina finally officially joined the Stark Group, which marks the beginning of a new era, and also means that a new story is about to begin...

Chapter 543

Seoul Airport - A huge private airliner slowly landed in the center of the runway with a screeching sound of rubber tires rubbing the ground. After a short taxi, the private airliner with the umbrella logo finally stopped at the airport. Next to a boarding gate.

The cabin door opened, and a tall figure with blond hair walked out... Yes, it was Zhou Ye.

After this guy attended his goddaughter's press conference, he left New York—because he saw a little pepper, he remembered another girl he had been keeping away from. The purpose of coming to Seoul this time was naturally It is to take back the sister paper that I have kept outside.

As for the little peppers? This girl needs a good rest these days, who told her to be crazy after knowing the truth? It looks like she wants to drain Zhou Ye to get revenge on him. Needless to say, the ending... Little Pepper has to endure some indescribable pain these days. Of course, although she also wants to come with Zhou Ye... After all , At this time, Xiao Chili was sticking to Zhou Ye, but unfortunately... he was kept in the Stark Group by his bad friend and best friend Nina.

After all, although Nina said that she has already taken over the affairs of Stark Industries, but...for her technical house, it is more reliable to let her manage the company than to let her design the weapon system. There is no such thing as Pepper. Secretary, Nina said, she can't play the Stark Group by herself. So, how could she possibly let Pepper go?

In Nina's words, it's a long time to come to Japan, and Zhou Ye must go to Seoul this time to pick up girls. Wouldn't it be frustrating if you stood beside him and watched him pick up other women? So, it's better to stay obediently and accompany her to manage the company... Come out of sight and out of mind.

After careful consideration, Pepper felt that this was the truth... After all, she had just followed Zhou Ye, and it was impossible for her to accept that her own man would make a girl in front of her, not to mention Natasha and Ou Just like Filia, she sent her sister paper directly to her man...

Therefore, Zhou Ye came to Seoul this time by himself... Of course, he also brought a team of Umbrella managers... After all, this time Zhou Ye came as Umbrella's major shareholder. Seoul, and his team is responsible for the annual evaluation of Seoul University, which means how much financial support the Umbrella consortium will give them next year.

Umbrella's layout in the global education world... In Zhou Ye's words, what is the most important thing in this world? Of course it is talent. You must know, what is the most powerful thing in the Marvel world? Not mutants, not superheroes, but all kinds of black technology... How to network these talents? Is there a better way than laying out the world's education industry?

Therefore, Umbrella reached some kind of agreement with thousands of universities ranked in the world early. Umbrella provides scientific research projects and funds for those universities, but those universities have to come up with feasible technology products in return. Umbrella.

These funds are not worth mentioning to Umbrella, and the various technologies harvested in them are countless times the return on investment. Umbrella has no reason not to do it...

In the face of Umbrella's act of eating alone, it's not that no consortium has resisted the government, but there are few consortiums that have the courage and strength of Umbrella, and it's better to say that the government resists... Change another obedient It is not good for the political party to govern. This is really a simple thing for Umbrella, who is lurking in the water like a giant crocodile.

Therefore, Zhou Ye came to Seoul under the banner of the Umbrella Technology Evaluation Team.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou..."

Zhou Ye had just stepped off his private jet, when a middle-aged man with eyes and gentle manner came over with a flattering look, and extended his hand to Zhou Ye enthusiastically.

"Who are you?" Zhou Ye just nodded. He didn't like to have physical contact with men, and same-sex repelled each other.


"I'm the deputy minister of the Ministry of Education of the Great Cold Underworld, Pu Xinyu..." This gentle middle-aged man didn't care about Zhou Ye's rude behavior, but he knew that in the face of a giant like Umbrella, he would It's really not enough to see, let alone him, even if the president sees this man... he can't do anything.

You must know that there is no airtight wall in the world. Based on the idea of ​​who benefits who will be suspected, those small countries whose regimes have been subverted, they all agree that the Umbrella consortium did it... Although the United States is in front of them. Tank, but this only made the heads of countries feel a little more apprehensive about Umbrella. Through this incident, they saw how much control the Umbrella consortium had over the military and political circles of the United States...

"I was entrusted by the president to come to greet everyone in the Umbrella consortium. The president specially instructed me to satisfy Mr. Zhou Ye." The smile on Park Xinyu's face was almost flattering.

"If you have the heart, thank you president for me..." Zhou Ye said perfunctorily, he was not here to be entertained by these guys, he came to take back the stocking sister paper...

"Please, we have prepared a special car for you and your team--!" Seeing the impatience on Zhou Ye's face, Pu Xinyu hurriedly stepped aside, respectfully like a concierge in a big hotel, bending over Reached out and made a gesture of please.

Zhou Ye didn't bother to chat with a middle-aged man here, and he wasn't a beautiful girl, so he had nothing to say to him... He walked directly towards a VIP passage that was under martial law...

The members of the Umbrella technology evaluation team behind him also followed quickly. For them, following the footsteps of the master is the most important thing. As for the deputy minister of this Great Cold Nether Kingdom? Who cares?

Walking out of the airport along the VIP airport passage, Zhou Ye saw a row of Daewoo cars... His brows were wrinkled, Zhou Ye really didn't like Korean cars... "Is our team coming?"

The temporary assistant behind Zhou Ye heard Zhou Ye's question, hurriedly glanced at the personal terminal on his wrist, and said, "Master, our team has arrived..."

"Let them come over..." Zhou Ye didn't intend to give any face to this group of sticks. For this group of super shameless guys, he would slap their faces so hard that they doubted their life...

"Yes!" said the assistant, and hurriedly issued an order to the team on the personal terminal. Two minutes later - seven extravagantly extended Umbrella pilot sedans were protected by six Umbrella escort off-road vehicles in the front and rear. Down, he slowly stopped in front of Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye unceremoniously sat directly in the most luxurious stretched sedan in the middle... and the other team members also sat in other vehicles according to their own level - the team slowly drove away from the airport.

"Mr. Zhou..." At this time, Pu Xinyu, who was panting and chasing all the way, only saw the shadow of the Umbrella convoy going away... In the end, he could only put down his hand and hold his knees and pant for breath... You must know that in the Umbrella consortium, those who can occupy high positions are basically Umbrella's own employees who have undergone genetic modification, and their speed is not slow at all...

As for Zhou Ye, in order to get rid of this unpleasant stick, he accelerated his walking speed. So Park Xinyu looked up and found that he couldn't find the VIP he wanted to receive... When he trotted all the way to chase after him, he could only see the taillights of the car...

"Deputy Minister... what should we do?" a driver of a convoy asked cautiously.

"What should I do? How do I know what to do..." Park Xinyu was really depressed at this time... I didn't expect this Umbrella's major shareholder to be so difficult to serve... But no matter how difficult it is, I have to serve it. what……

Thinking of this, Park Xinyu lost his waist, found a car and got into it, and yelled at the driver, "Don't hurry up, you idiot!"

Chapter 544

At this moment, Zhou Ye, who was sitting in the car, gently pressed the button on the center console to raise the partition between the carriage and the driver's seat in front. In this way, the entire spacious carriage formed a very closed space.

"Come out, Xiaoying..." Zhou Ye said casually, leaning on the comfortable sofa in the carriage.

"Master..." As a slightly charming female voice sounded, a slender figure in black tight-fitting clothes suddenly appeared in Zhou Ye's arms. As soon as she came out, she straddled unceremoniously. On Zhou Ye's lap, soft and boneless arms wrapped around Zhou Ye's neck, and said with a sad face, "Master, you haven't summoned me for too long... I, your personal secret guard, will follow you. Like transparent people who don't exist..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, this beautiful woman like ripe water, honey, and peach was never a fuel-efficient lamp, and could become the leader of the dark guard. How could his personal dark guard be a simple woman? Don't look at her delicate and charming appearance, in fact, she has infected a lot of lives on her hands... At least a thousand people have died directly or indirectly at her hands.

However, no matter what, she was the secret lover who dealt with Zhou Ye's things that Zhou Ye was too lazy to deal with. Besides, she was also one of Zhou Ye's women, so how could Zhou Ye not comfort him a little.

"Which time did you miss the big party?" Zhou Ye unceremoniously hugged Ying Yi's waist and directly broke her. "Who sneaked into my arms in the middle of the night a few days ago? Do you think I won't know until I wake up?"

"There's no way... the master always ignores me. As a woman who desires to be favored and loved by the master, I can only rely on myself..." Ying Yi was not at all embarrassed to be exposed, and even a little bit of joy. After all, Zhou Ye can pass her

The breath left to feel what she has done, which shows that the master still has her in his heart...

"Crack—" Zhou Ye slapped Yingyi's flesh at the thickest part, "Don't talk about those useless things... You know what I called you out for..."

"Master...you hurt someone." Ying Yi's expression was sad and resentful, as if Zhou Ye's beating was really painful. "Kneading and rubbing for others, they will tell you..."

"Okay..." Zhou Ye said while rubbing for her, "This time, you can follow me as my private secretary..."

Zhou Ye wouldn't admit that he was not used to a man running around behind his butt all the time. Compared with the man's temporary assistant, Zhou Ye felt that his shadow guard was more pleasing to the eye.

"Really? Master..." Ying Yi sat up straight in surprise. From the day she was born, she knew that she was Zhou Ye's shadow, the one who was always hidden behind him. At critical moments, she would use Guarantee Zhou Ye's safety with her own life... For this mission, she did not resist in the slightest...

However, that was her duty as a shadow guard, and as Zhou Ye's woman, she also wanted to appear by Zhou Ye's side openly and enjoy the feeling of being envied, jealous and hated...

It's just, as a shadow guard, a shadow that shouldn't appear in the bright world. She knew deeply that it was just her extravagant hope... Today, this extravagant hope has finally become a reality - she excitedly asked her man: "Really? Is this true? You are not talking to I'm kidding..."

"It's true." Zhou Ye looked at Yingyi, who was already excited and incoherent, and felt a little guilty in his heart. He watched Yingyi's birth with his own eyes... Zhou Ye still remembered that the one who just opened his eyes and was dumbfounded. I looked at myself and asked myself [Are you my master? ? 】 the cute little girl...

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