The four girls followed them into the elevator nervously, until they got to the top floor... Then, they got out of the elevator and walked towards the stairwell under the leadership of Park Xinyu...

"Here... isn't this the top floor?" The youngest Yuli noticed this detail and asked cautiously.

"This is not the top floor..." Park Xinyu, who felt that victory was in sight, was much better, and he was also interested in answering the girl's question. "Didn't you notice how many floors this hotel has?"

"Isn't it the sixty-eighth floor?" The number Xiaoli said was the highest floor button on the elevator...

"Hehe... In fact, it's the sixty-ninth floor." Park Xinyu explained: "We are not qualified to take the elevator that leads directly to the sixty-ninth floor, so... we can only go to the sixty-eighth floor and walk up by ourselves. now..."

"Why? Since it's a hotel room...why doesn't the elevator reach the top floor?" This time it was Li Zhen who asked.

"Because that floor has never been open to the public..." Park Xinyu just heard about it. "That floor is specially reserved for the one above... All Umbrella hotels have rooms reserved on this floor..."

Hearing Pu Xinyu's words, the four girls only felt a burst of power and pressure... What is a high force? What is ho? That's it...

As soon as the group reached the entrance of the sixty-ninth floor, they were stopped by more than a dozen bodyguards who looked like Terminators. "Who are you? This place is not open to the public, you are in the wrong place."

"Everyone, I'm Park Xinyu from the Ministry of Education who went to pick up Mr. Zhou Ye at the airport..." Park Xinyu explained, "I'm not considering that Mr. Zhou Ye is in Seoul for the first time, and he's not familiar with the place, so I give it to Zhou Ye. Mr. Ye introduced several tour guides..."

"Our family..." The bodyguard standing in front of Pu Xinyu just wanted to refuse, but he was staggered by a big slap from behind...

"Idiot--" A tall and tall soldier walked out from behind the bodyguard. It was the An Doudou that Zhou Ye used to make fun of... When Umbrella entered this world, he was also brought in. a supervisor at Umbrella Security.

As a soldier who used to follow Zhou Ye for a long time, An Doutou knows his master too well, and he will never let go of his mistakes... These four beautiful girls who can be called little beauties in front of him are their own masters. They will never let them go... You drove them away, and when you turned around and found out about your master, you asked, where are you going to find them again?

"Antou...why are you beating me?" the soldier who was beaten still asked in a daze.

"Idiot, you've followed the master for nothing. You don't know the character of the master?" An Doudou said with a wave of his hand: "The four of them can go in... As for you? I'll let you know when my master is interested. …”

Following his words, the bodyguards around him quickly separated the six people, the four sisters were isolated in the passage by them, and the two men were blocked by them.

Chapter 549

The four girls including Xiaoli, who were separated by the soldiers, looked at their president helplessly...

After all, they are too young, even the oldest Xiaoli is only eighteen years old this year... In the face of such a thing, they are a little overwhelmed...

"Go in... don't worry, it's alright..." Li Gaoyan loudly explained to the girls even though they were separated, "Remember what I explained to you on the way... Go in..."

"Oh..." Xiaoli nodded uneasily, while the other three girls were also holding each other's hands tightly in fear... Facing these ferocious soldiers, they How can you not be afraid?

"Four young ladies, please come with me..." An Doudou tried his best to gather his suffocation and forcibly pulled his face, trying to reveal a kind smile to the four girls... But he failed, no matter how you look at it , he's more like a butcher than a joker.

"Yes, yes..." Xiaoli's voice trembled a little, she couldn't help it, An Doudou was too fierce.

"It seems that the warm man's style is not suitable for me..." An Doudou muttered as he walked towards the depths of the corridor in the first place...

"Hyori Oni...what are we going to do..."

"Euni, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid too, Ernie..."

"Actually, I'm also very scared..." As the eldest sister, the only thing she can do now is to be a courageous person for the three little sisters, "Let's go in...for our family..."

Hearing his O'Neill mention his family... The three sisters were silent, they were already here, and they could only follow in... Thinking of this, the four sisters glanced at each other. Encouragement is also a measure to strengthen each other's courage, dispelling the uneasiness in their hearts a little...

The four girls, holding hands and shoulder to shoulder, walked towards the depths of the corridor with their heads held high with the attitude of revolutionaries going to the execution ground... To be honest, although the corridors are brightly lit... But they are unprovoked I felt as if I was stepping into the bloody mouth of a giant beast.

Trembling... dawdling... The four girls finally came to the door of the room that decided their future destiny——

An Doudou has been waiting here for a long time... Seeing the four girls walking slowly with an unwilling appearance, he smiled, and then knocked on the door of his house...

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ye's slightly dissatisfied voice came from the walkie-talkie on the door.

"Master, the one named Park Xinyu said that he brought you four tour guides..." An Doudou hurriedly said after hearing the dissatisfaction in Zhou Ye's voice.

"Oh...I don't need..." Zhou Ye's words just came to this point, and suddenly paused...the conversation changed, "Let them come in by themselves...Go and do your thing!"

"Yes, master." An Doudou opened the door while speaking, and gestured to the four girls with a please... He knew that when his master's words changed, he must have fallen in love with some girl...

At this moment, Zhou Ye, who was in the bathroom and room, was watching the movement outside with great interest through the personal terminal on his wrist... Actually, he was not interested in seeing those so-called tour guides, but... he I saw a familiar figure - Lee Hyori...

"It's interesting... It's so interesting... Can you see her in this world?" Zhou Ye looked at the three-dimensional projection in front of him and said to himself with a smile, you know, there was a time when he was quite obsessed This girl's...that little man's waist...that dancing body...hehe.

"Dear, did you find anything interesting?" Xiaoying squeezed lazily into her man's arms, looked at the three-dimensional projection in front of her man, and smiled: "Hey, four little beauties, dear, you Are you interested in them?"

"Of course... this is the object I once fell in love with..." Zhou Ye's words made Xiao Ying stunned for a while, how can his own man still be infatuated with someone? This is simply unimaginable for her...

"Do I need to avoid it?" Xiaoying asked tentatively.

"No need, I'll go see them..." Zhou Ye said, stood up, stepped out of the bath, Xiaoying hurriedly followed, grabbed a bath towel and helped his man wipe the water droplets off his body... …

"Let's come out early after a short rest, soaking for too long is bad for your skin..." Zhou Ye said, and walked out of the bathroom. After Xiaoying answered obediently, she retreated into the bath again. She took out a few black dots from her bracelet with great interest, and then threw them out...

A few black dots turned into a black light that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and disappeared in the bathroom. Then, Xiaoying opened her personal terminal and completed the network with the spy mechanical insects that were released. In an instant, the image in the room appeared. in front of her...

Xiaoying said that she definitely didn't want to peep and peep, but she was curious how her man would treat the person she was obsessed with before...

And at this moment—like four frightened rabbits, the four girls who entered the suite nervously were standing at the door at a loss—

Faced with the luxurious furnishings in the presidential suite, they felt that they were tied, for fear that they would accidentally break something, and they would not be able to pay for selling themselves...

"An Ning Ha Sai - Excuse me... is anyone here?" In the end, Xiao Li, the eldest, cautiously faced the empty living room and greeted...

However, saying hello, in fact... the sound is not much louder than a cat's meow...

This made Zhou Ye, who had just walked out, almost burst into laughter. This girl who will be called a national fairy in the future actually looks as cute as a frightened kitten...

Zhou Ye didn't even change his clothes, he just walked out like this...

"You, hello..." The four girls didn't even come and see what the person who came out was like, so they hurriedly bowed 90 degrees and lowered their waists... The president's advice, along the way What they saw and heard made them full of awe for the major shareholder of Umbrella who just came out... To be precise, it should be that fear is far greater than respect.

Zhou Ye hurriedly walked to the sofa in front of the four of them and sat down. He looked at the trembling bodies of the four girls and couldn't help asking, "Am I scary?"

"No, no..." Xiaoli said tremblingly. At this time, when she heard Zhou Ye's voice, she seemed to feel that this person's voice was not old, which made her feel a little relieved...

"Since I'm not scary, then why are you shaking?" Zhou Ye asked with great interest, being able to tease this goblin... Zhou Ye felt very happy... After all, he had been infatuated with him for a while.

"I, we're just excited..." Xiaoli listened to Zhou Ye's voice, which was magnetic and gentle, which made her wonder what the owner of this voice looked like... As she spoke, she quietly raised her head ...

The golden half-long hair... The incomparably beautiful face... The strong and just right body... All these make a man like a god...

It was the first time Xiaoli knew that a man's body could be so beautiful... The water droplets on this man's hair that had not been wiped dry dripped onto his body drop by drop along the ends of his hair, and formed along the muscles of his body. The gully slowly swept across his upper body...

Xiaoli couldn't help but wonder... the temperature in this room seemed a little too high, why did she suddenly feel so thirsty...

The youngest Yuli suddenly couldn't hear her Ernie talking. She couldn't help but raised her head slightly. When she saw Zhou Ye's first glance, she couldn't help but widen her eyes...with her hands... Covering his own eyes, "Yah——!!!"

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