"Why Yuri..."

"Don't bully Yuli, what is coming at me...you old pervert..."

It didn't matter what Yuli said, the other two girls jumped up excitedly, as if they were willing to fight to protect their sister... However, when they saw Zhou Ye... they couldn't say anything. .

A group of girls' eyes were wide open and their faces were full of surprise. Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing when they saw it...

Chapter 550

"Please, are you a shareholder of the Umbrella consortium, Mr. Zhou Ye?" Xiaoli asked cautiously.

"Well, that's me." Zhou Ye looked at the national goblin with great interest, and said with a smile, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Hearing Zhou Ye admit her identity, Xiao Li was simply overjoyed... The smile on her face couldn't help but become sweeter. "Actually... we were sent by Chief Park Xinyu to receive you..."

This is what Park Xinyu has explained countless times. No matter what, he must mention his name. He also wants to make a good impression in front of Zhou Ye... This is only good for his future political career, not bad...

"Receive me?" Zhou Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a playful smile.

Zhou Ye could think with his toes about the reception of government officials... "Have you done this kind of reception many times?"

"No, no, this is our first time..." Hearing Zhou Ye's slightly contemptuous tone, Xiao Li hurriedly explained that she didn't know why, but she didn't want to be misunderstood by Zhou Ye...

"That's right... it's the same Pu Xinyu who forced our president, and the president forced us..." Yu Li, who was straight-hearted, leaked it out...

"Oh... so I would like to thank this Park Xinyu..." Zhou Ye's words made Xiaoli and the other girls fall into an ice cave. Hearing these words, Zhou Ye still had a splendid image in their minds. become fragmented...

Xiaoli couldn't help laughing at herself in her heart, yes, how could I think that this handsome young man and her would be a group? He must have been born in a wealthy family, to him... what else do ordinary girls like him have other than beauty? It's just their toys...

However, Zhou Ye's next sentence made Xiaoli's heart feel a little sweet again...

"Thanks to him, I was able to get to know you beautiful girls... Otherwise, if I just arrived, I couldn't find you even if I tried to find you..." Zhou Ye kept observing the expressions of the four girls, and put these four worldly relationships together. The little girl who is not deep can see through...

"Okay, since you're here to accompany me... how long are you guys going to stand at the door?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, patted the seat beside him, and motioned them to walk over and sit there...

Seeing Zhou Ye's actions, Xiaoli couldn't help but walk over slowly, and sat beside Zhou Ye obediently...and her three little sisters also sat down next to her...

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the four little girls sitting in a row, and rolled his eyes speechlessly. "Are you sitting in a row and eating fruit?"

"But..." Zhou Ye's words made Xiaoli feel uncomfortable for a while. She originally thought he would be different from other men? result……

"But what?" Zhou Ye likes the feeling that he can change the mood of the person he once had a crush on with a single word, and at this moment he intends to play the drama of the overlord strong x bow... "Are you going to accompany me like this? "

With the questioning, Zhou Ye's face became cold. He had been in a high position for hundreds of years, and he had regarded human life as a straw for hundreds of years. Zhou Ye naturally developed a temperament. Even the new star Supreme Nova, who has been in high positions for a long time, felt terrified when he saw him, and did not dare to disobey Zhou Ye's intentions. Of course, except for Guan Guan's shaking m, in Guan Guan's words, that is love. Zhou Ye's expression is dead, I beg for whipping...

Xiao Li looked at Zhou Ye's stern face and couldn't help her heart beat faster... Cold sweat broke out on her forehead... A voice in her heart told her loudly, don't disobey him, don't disobey him... or she will die...

"Yes, yes..." Xiaoli trembled, stood up, and sat on Zhou Ye's lap obediently, burying her little head deeply behind Zhou Ye...

At this time, her heart was really mixed, with grievances... dissatisfaction... fear... sadness... If it wasn't for Zhou Ye's threat just now, I'm afraid she would have cried aloud.

The other girls also sat on both sides of Zhou Ye tremblingly, holding Zhou Ye's arms with their own hands... To be honest, Zhou Ye could feel their trembling bodies through his arms...

This time, the two of them sat on either side of Zhou Ye, and Xiaoli sat directly on Zhou Ye's lap. In an instant, all the seats around Zhou Ye were gone... Yuli, who was a step slower, moved She almost cried, she stood in front of Zhou Ye and looked back and forth at a loss, trying to find her place...

"Do a dance for me..." Zhou Ye's voice sounded faintly, and the panicked Yuli suddenly heard the sounds of heaven. She hurriedly ran in front of Zhou Ye, flipped her high heels, and started barefoot on the carpet. dance up...

To be honest...the dancing is really not that good...after all, they are still in the practice stage, and...in the world now, the popular dance is not a sexy dance, it is more like the kind of extremely ancient dance in Zhou Ye's opinion. Dance - Disco.

When Xiao Li was actually dancing with Yu Li, she quietly turned her face to the side, watching her sister's dance while watching Zhou Ye's expression... I really couldn't say I liked it when I saw Zhou Ye's expression...

Especially because of Zhou Ye's increasingly ugly watch.

Influenced by love, her sisters' dance steps became more and more wrong... She had already abandoned the illusion that Zhou Ye would be a good man... At this time, she had completely rectified her position with Zhou Ye, and she would never treat Zhou Ye again. I don't dare to retaliate with fantasies... In fact, there is still a little... It's just hidden very deep, waiting for the bud.

"Still...let me dance...Yuri, Yuli, she might be a little uncomfortable today..." Xiaoli carefully observed Zhou Ye's expression as she spoke... To be honest, even if Zhou Ye was caught Treated like this, she still thinks Zhou Ye is too handsome...

"Oh?" Zhou Ye looked at Xiaoli with interest, his hands slowly swam around her waist, and he said playfully, "You know my identity, right??"

"Yes, yes..." Xiaoli nodded with difficulty.

"Then do you know what will happen to those who play tricks on me?" Zhou Ye was addicted to playing pretending to be cruel. When he said this, he himself felt like an underworld boss...

"Know, know..." Xiaoli looked at Zhou Ye, as if in those golden pupils, she saw a sea of ​​corpses... She saw a scene where blood stained the sky... Even so, she still wanted to help Help your little sister.

Gritting her teeth, Xiaoli said, "I...I will definitely dance to your satisfaction..."

"I'm looking forward to your performance." Zhou Ye smiled, he gently let go of the arm that was holding Xiaoli's waist, and then made a gesture of please...

Hyori took a deep breath, stood up... and walked to Yuri, who was about to cry. "You have performed well, leave it to me now..."

"Oni..." Yuli looked at her sister who came over and almost cried... After hugging her sister reluctantly, Yuli walked towards the sofa, but when she wanted to sit aside, she found Zhou Ye patted her leg at her...

Yu Li, who didn't dare to resist, could only aggrievedly took the place of her sister just now... and became Zhou Ye's new pillow.

Chapter 551

Although Xiaoli went up and rescued her little sister on a whim, she was a little overwhelmed when she faced Zhou Ye's playful gaze...

It can be said that the four of them belong to the same group, Yuli will do it, she will... Yuli won't, she naturally won't... Obviously, Yuli's dance just can't satisfy this domineering man, then What can you dance with yourself?

Zhou Ye looked at Xiaoli who was standing in front of him with a worried look, and almost didn't laugh out loud... This girl is really faster than her brain... However, Zhou Ye didn't really want to do this after all. What happened to the four sister papers? After all, although the sister papers are used to play, but playing too much, it would be bad to scare them...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye said leisurely, "Dancers... just want to dance to your heart's content. I want to see the dance of your heart..."

Zhou Ye's words, like a flash of lightning, instantly illuminated the haze in Xiaoli's heart. At this moment, she forgot all external causes, forgot Umbrella's strength, and forgot the grievances of being persecuted... Freeing her heart ...

With a smile, a frown, and a twist, Xiaoli brought out her desire for the stage and her dissatisfaction with Zhou Ye...

In Xiaoli's dance steps, she turned into a fairy, playing with the villain Zhou Ye... She seemed to be the only protagonist in this dance world, and everything became her foil. ...

After a dance - Xiaoli is still immersed in the state just now, unable to extricate herself...

It wasn't until Xiaoli adjusted her breathing that she realized that her little sisters were all looking at her with a strange look... and the villain in her mind was also looking at her with a playful look.

"In your mind... what kind of wicked person am I?" Zhou Ye teased with a smile. Although Zhou Ye didn't know much about dancing, he could see a lot from Xiao Li's smile just now. something happened...

"A bad guy who forcibly forces others to do things they don't want to do..." Xiaoli also fought hard, and she said directly, ignoring the eyes her little sister kept sending to her.

"Oh? Interesting..." Zhou Ye wasn't angry either. He smiled and said, "Then, now this villain is going to force you to do things you don't like..."

"What do you want to do..." Xiaoli couldn't help but hug Hung in her arms, looking vigilant.

"Excuse the dance... Will it be possible? Let's take a moment..." Zhou Ye's casual words made Xiao Li almost burst her lungs with anger...

"What? Don't you want to?" Zhou Ye smiled... This kind of game made him feel very interesting, so he didn't mind continuing to play.

"You're dreaming..." Even though she had already anticipated what would happen when she came here, but... when it came to the end, she was still a little reluctant... Xiaoli refused with a pale face.

"You'll be willing..." Zhou Ye said, and lightly tapped on the center console of the coffee table, the large-screen TV in the suite's living room lit up...

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