The four daughters looked at Zhou Ye and looked at the TV in confusion, wondering what he meant? However, soon...they were left with the emotion of anger and anger...

I saw that the 50-inch TV screen was divided into four equal parts from the middle, and it looked like four TVs were playing at the same time. Although this split-screen technology was advanced, it was not the reason for their panic...

What really frightened them... was the scene in the four sub-screens... These were four bird's-eye views... It was like looking down at the earth from the sky, although it was a little confusing at first, but soon Xiaoli and the other four girls came to the rescue. Recognized where it was... After all, it was the home they grew up in, and they were extremely familiar with every plant and tree there.

"What are you going to do to them...?" Xiaoli looked at Zhou Ye with a bloodless face. At this time, Zhou Ye's smile seemed to her like a demon in hell...

"Guess?" Zhou Ye smiled. When he saw these four girls, he asked the headquarters to investigate the origins of these four girls... He instantly locked their home addresses with Umbrella's satellite, and told An Brera was a piece of cake.

I have to say... Acting as a villain is addictive, this kind of threat to others is super interesting, and Zhou Ye can't get enough of it...

"I... I know how to do it..." Xiao Li bit her lower lip, and she finally gave in...

"Then dance..." Zhou Ye said, slapped the dolphins with the three girls beside him, "Of course, the same goes for you... After all, you are a group... A group must have a group dance..."


With tears in their eyes, the other three girls stood up one by one... and walked to Xiaoli's side slowly.

The four sisters, you look at me, I look at you, all want to see a little surprise in the eyes of their sisters... However, from each other's eyes, they can't see any surprises, some are just deep despair... …

"Ah, by the way, how can dancing without music?" Zhou Ye said, and deliberately played a song "Miss Han Guo" on the center console. This song will be Xiaoli's main song in the future... But , in this world, has not yet been born...

"You guys can start..." Zhou Ye said, leaning on the sofa carelessly, looking at the four sisters with anticipation... At this moment, Zhou Ye is really looking forward to it, Xiaoli's star dance moves are not good. Few people have seen it, but who has seen strip dance? Zhou Ye couldn't wait...

With the music playing... Hyori thinks this singing voice is so familiar, why does it sound like her? However, at this time, it was not her turn to think so much... She looked at Zhou Ye, helpless and sad...

She felt that Zhou Ye, an abominable guy, completely shattered all her fantasies about love... Or, Zhou Ye was the type of boy she liked, but... this feeling of being threatened and forced... shattered. The last fantasies in her heart...

Xiuli danced while crying...and the same goes for the other three girls...

Just when the clothes on the four girls gradually became unable to cover their bodies... Zhou Ye sighed.

Although it was said that the horrified expression on the girl's face when she was forced made him feel very interesting... But, in the final analysis, he is not a bad person... Looking at himself with a heartbroken face, tears were pouring into his eyes. The girl who fell...he still can't force it to the end...

"Forget it... Stop..." Zhou Ye turned off the music and stood up. "Actually, I was just joking with you..."

With tears in her eyes, Xiaoli stared at Zhou Ye blankly, as if she didn't believe what she heard... She has experienced too many joys and sorrows today, so much that she can't tell whether it's true or not. It's unreal...

"Okay, don't cry won't be pretty if you cry again!" Zhou Ye stroked Xiaoli's cheek with his hand, and used his thumb to help her wipe away the falling tears from her eyes...

"Well ... wow ... ah ... you bastard ... you bad guy ..." In the original, although Xiaoli was sad when Zhou Yan was cold, he could still bear his sorrow, stubborn She forced herself not to cry, but... Zhou Ye treated her so tenderly, she could no longer hold back the grievances in her heart, hugged Zhou Ye tightly, and burst into tears...

The other three girls couldn't help hugging Zhou Ye and crying, it was a pain...

After all, they are just ordinary girls, and the Umbrella consortium is like a mountain, pressing on their heads and hearts. Make them unable to take a breath... They are careful all the way, forced to laugh... just to struggle to survive...

"You're a badass... wow..." Xiu Xiu was crying and beating Zhou Ye with her own small fists... She wanted to let go of all the shock and grievance she had suffered today...

"Okay, I'm a villain... don't cry..." Zhou Ye looked at the four girls who were hugging him and crying endlessly. They were really the first two... something big happened in the game... …

In the face of Hela, Zhou Ye can force it, but these four crying girls with pear blossoms and rain... Zhou Ye is a little helpless... But it's not really impossible...

Zhou Ye has special persuasion skills... What skills do you ask? Then we have to explain it from a physiological point of view... Crying is a discharge of negative emotions, right? Crying needs to be used, right? So... use another, stronger feeling of joy to dilute this negative emotion, and then block their desire, Zhou Ye still has a way to do it...

Finally, in the living room, the girls' cry became weaker and weaker, replaced by a sound that made people blush...

Chapter 552

Seoul at the beginning of the lanterns - a bustling scene.

And at this moment, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Umbrella Hotel, Xiaoli woke up with a sense of hunger in her stomach... After all, after this day, she was frightened, and after arriving here, she was beaten by an unscrupulous man again. A prank, followed by a very calorie-consuming exercise... It's time to be hungry at this time of iron...

Xiaoli, who slowly opened her eyes, had the urge to pounce on the handsome face in front of her and take a bite. Of course, it wasn't because she was hungry, but because she was angry with this bad guy...

Although some of the misunderstandings have been resolved, and Xiaoli also knows that this man will not do anything to her family...but...this villain actually doesn't care about himself begging for mercy...forcibly doing that to himself, up to now, she I also feel a little pain when I move.

After a long time of pouting with her teeth and claws, Xiaoli found sadly that she still couldn't keep her mouth shut... After all, she was reluctant to bear...

"Pfft—" With a snicker, Xiaoli knew that a certain hateful man had woken up... Buyi rushed up and shouted, "Bad..."

In fact, Zhou Ye had already woken up the moment Xiaoli woke up... He just squinted to see how the girl who had just been captured by him would behave... But seeing Xiaoli Zhou Ye finally couldn't help laughing out of that cute look that forced a vicious expression on his face...

Faced with Xiaoli, who threw herself on top of her and was more coquettish than she was biting, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly, wrapped his arms around the goblin and asked, "Are you hungry..."

" did you know..." Xiaoli asked stammeringly.

Zhou Ye wouldn't tell her that he had already heard the protest in her stomach. He just stretched out his hand and picked up the internal phone next to the big couch. He didn't say much, just a sentence. "Prepare dinner for five and serve it up..."

"Yes. Master." The person on the other side of the phone replied respectfully.

Zhou Ye hung up the phone directly... He didn't forget Xiaoying, but Xiaoying had just contacted him and said that he wanted to check the living conditions of his little lamb, so he didn't have to wait for her to eat at night.

Hearing Zhou Ye talking about the dinner for five people, Xiaoli realized that... Today, all the sisters in her family were eaten by this villain... She couldn't help but itch even more with hatred, and she climbed up again. On Zhou Ye's body, he rode on it, looking like a sassy female knight, looking at Zhou Ye with a bad expression and asked, "How are you going to be responsible?"

"Responsible? What's the responsibility?" Zhou Ye looked at this little wild cat-like girl and couldn't help but want to tease her.

"You, you bastard..." Xiaoli's tears rolled in her eyes... She didn't expect Zhou Ye to be such a person... After eating and wiping, she would not admit it...

"Okay, okay, why are you crying again..." Zhou Ye finally got a taste of the watery demeanor of Oriental women today. If he teased Ophelia and the others like that, they would probably take out their guns and fight with him without saying a word. , but the girl in front of her, who was just showing her teeth and claws, turned into tears in a blink of an eye... Zhou Ye felt that this girl couldn't be teased in the future, otherwise, he would be drowned in their tears sooner or later. .

"I'm making fun of you... a fool." Zhou Ye said, he took Xiaoli into his arms and said, "My Zhou Ye's woman is my woman, and I haven't let go of anyone's record yet. ."

Although Zhou Ye's words were extremely domineering, they made Xiaoli very happy to hear it... Anyway, this villain admitted that his sisters were his women...

The little wild cat instantly turned into a kitten, and cuddly lay in Zhou Ye's arms, hugging Zhou Ye's body tightly with both hands...

She doesn't know what kind of responsible feeling she has towards Zhou Ye, but it's more appropriate to mix love and hate... But, now she feels that she can't live without him... [Zhou Ye said that spring breeze and rain have become Instinct... if you're not careful, you know. 】

Just when Xiaoli was enjoying the rare moment of tranquility today, a small head popped out of the quilt next to her, who was it if it wasn't Yuli? As soon as she got out, she called out, "Euni...I'm so hungry...Is there anything to eat..."

"Pfft..." Xiaoli looked at the youngest sister in her group in a daze, and pretended that this was her dormitory, so she couldn't help laughing... "I'll have something to eat later, Ye has already called. It's dinner time."

"Ah..." Hearing her O'Neill's words, Yuli suddenly woke up. Looking at Zhou Ye's sly smile, she couldn't help but stabbed back into the quilt and used the quilt to cover her little head. They were all blinded... Even though everything happened just now... But, as expected, seeing Zhou Ye at this time would still make me feel ashamed and embarrassed. After all, strictly speaking... Zhou Ye, who they only met today.

"Hahaha..." Zhou Ye looked at Yuli, who was hiding under the quilt like a groundhog, and finally couldn't help laughing... But after all, dinner was almost here, and it was time to call them up wash up...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye lifted all the quilts at once... Inside lay Yu Li, Li Zhen and Yu Zhuxian three sisters... There were also four dazzling blood-colored plum blossoms on the list... Xiang Ren Telling what happened here...

"Yeah... the villain is here..." Yuli couldn't help exclaiming when she saw the barrier above her head disappear instantly.

"Hmph, how dare you call me a villain? Are you ready to pay the price?" Zhou Ye said, pounced on...

"Oni, help... the villain is going to bully people..." Yuri couldn't help asking her sisters for help...

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu

Li, Ernie is here to save you..." Xiaoli also rushed forward with great interest, this kind of play made her feel that the distance between herself and this man was rapidly narrowing, whether it was psychological or physical ...

And the other two girls who woke up early also joined the battle group...

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