But then again, even if Zhou Ye didn't cheat, it wasn't something the four weak women could resist... In the end, the four-member coalition was defeated step by step by Zhou Ye's army. Worse...

Through the play, the four girls felt that the man in front of them seemed to have entered their hearts for a long time... This strange sense of familiarity was slowly eroding their hearts...

In the end, Zhou Ye let them go and let them wash and dress up... After all, it was almost time to eat...

The four girls are like happy birds, chirping into the bathroom, you help me comb my hair, I help you brush your eyebrows... It's long gone from the trembling look that I walked on thin ice when I came here in the morning...

Now, to them, Zhou Ye is their man and their support... They don't need to be afraid of their man, right?

By the time they finished their grooming, dinner had already been served... Candlelight dinner, Zhou Ye has always been generous with such a small trick... After all, other girls are already cheap on you, so why don't you show your tenderness? I can't say enough...

Watching the four sisters come over with a smile, Zhou Ye showed a rare gentlemanly demeanor, and one by one, the girls pulled out the chairs and set the tableware...

"To meet you guys, cheers..." Zhou Ye raised his glass and smiled.

"Cheers..." The girls also grinned and clinked glasses with their men.

"Are you going to stay in Seoul in the future, or come with me?" Zhou Ye asked while gently opening the steak in front of him.

"I...I want to stay in Seoul..."

Chapter 553

"I...I want to stay in Seoul..."

Four sisters, look at me, I'll look at you... In the end, in the group, Xiaoli, the leader of the group, spoke up. After saying this, Xiaoli carefully looked at her man's face.

Although the time we spent together was very short, Hyori had almost figured out what kind of character her man was, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was machismo... She was afraid that this sentence would annoy her man... …

"Why?" Zhou Ye wasn't angry. He just casually poked a fork into a sliced ​​steak and put it in his mouth.

"I...I want to debut...I want to be on the stage..." Xiaoli hesitated for a while, but she still spoke her heart out.

"Okay..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, he is not an old antique, but... some things need to be vaccinated in advance... "I can help you make your debut... I can even help you become a world-class superstar... But, All large-scale dramas are not allowed... verbal dramas are not allowed, emotional dramas are not allowed... Forget it, it's so troublesome, I'll just set up a brokerage company for you..."

After explaining each sentence, Zhou Ye felt extremely troublesome. He directly used the personal terminal on his wrist to dial the internal number of the person in charge of Umbrella's Seoul branch.

"Master—!" After the contact was made, the branch leader saw Zhou Ye's first move, which was a Umbrella military salute.

"Don't be so troublesome, just put your hands down." Zhou Ye said nonchalantly, "Go get me the entertainment contracts of these four girls. Besides, I want you to register an entertainment economic company as quickly as possible. They They are all my women, and you still want to hang out in the entertainment industry, you know how to do it? Right?"

"Yes, Master." The head of the branch hurriedly saluted the four girls: "Four mistresses, I am the head of Umbrella in Seoul, Austin Fulin, what is the problem, mistresses? You can come to me anytime..."




The four girls, looking at this sci-fi picture, suddenly felt unreal. You must know that it is 1997, and the latest technology outside is just a computer... and it is still the kind of 586 with hundreds of megabytes of memory. ...

For them, the scene in front of them is no less than the surprise of people in the Middle Ages when they saw the computer. This technology that has only appeared in science fiction is now vividly displayed in front of them... How can they calm down? down?

"Are you surprised?" Zhou Ye smiled as he looked at the four dumbfounded girls in front of him.

"Hmm..." The girls nodded in unison.

"You know, the latest technology you know doesn't mean it's the latest technology in this world..." Zhou Ye leisurely ate steak and taught the girls some popular science. "For example, IBM has already developed the third-generation computer chip, which is thousands of times faster than the current computer chip, but they didn't release it immediately..."

"Why?" Xiaoli asked curiously.

"A businessman, of course, you have to squeeze out the last remaining value of the commodity... It's also a technical reserve for the future replacement..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"What about your Umbrella company?" Xiaoli asked, "Do you do the same thing? What is the level of Umbrella's technology?"

"You'll find out slowly in the future..." Zhou Ye smiled and didn't answer. After all, some things are too scary to say. Do you want to tell her that Umbrella has already led the world and rushed in first. Milky Way? Umbrella already has dozens of resource stars...even Umbrella's habitable planet has a dozen?

Saying these things is not going to scare these girls... After all, they are just ordinary girls... Their vision has never even gone beyond this

Tiny peninsula country...

"Hey, stingy..." Xiaoli pouted in dissatisfaction.

"Master?" The person in charge of the Seoul branch, who was still waiting for orders, reminded his master awkwardly that he was still here.

"Oh... I almost forgot about you." Only at this time did Zhou Ye realize that the communication was still linked. "Registering an economic company, how long does it take to sign their contract under your name?"

"No more than one day at most, Master..." Austin replied respectfully.

"Well, you know what I hate... So, if there is any news that makes me dissatisfied, you should know what will happen to you..." Zhou Ye said slowly.

"Yes, Master, I understand." Austin naturally knows what his Master hates, scandals, kissing scenes, large-scale things, it is absolutely forbidden... If his Master knows, he will most The good results were also rebuilt... As for the deception? Austin hadn't even thought about it... Loyalty codes aren't just talking.

"Well, go get busy..." Zhou Ye nodded and instructed.

"Yes, goodbye Lord..." Austin said, bending down respectfully, until the communication was closed, his waist did not dare to straighten up...

"Dear... What exactly does Umbrella do?" Xiaoli, who saw this scene, was full of curiosity about Umbrella's enterprise, advanced technology...strict relationship between superiors and subordinates...and, Xiaoli In a trance, the person in charge could see a hint of the tough style of a soldier.

"Oh, nothing, it's just our family business..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"Why did he call you the master instead of the director?" Xiaoli turned into a hundred thousand why, and kept asking for a while.

"Because I am their ruler, I rule over everything, including life and death..." Zhou Ye didn't pay attention to Xiaoli's expression when Zhou Ye said these words casually...

What kind of man is the most attractive? I don't know about the others, at least for Oriental women, domineering is more attractive, otherwise there would not be so many domineering presidents xxx or something...

Women's genes are born with the inheritance of attachment to the strong, so for them, domineering is an irresistible charm...

Obviously, Zhou Ye was really domineering at this moment. The casual tone and the domineering words made Xiaoli intoxicated... And her three sisters also turned into little fans... The stream of light in her eyes turned, and the brilliance continued... …

"Oppa...you're just so handsome..."

"No, I'm going to be fascinated by Oppa..."

"Crack..." Clap..." Clap..." Four consecutive rounds of clear applause made the four girls slap again...

"Why do you want to hit someone... Oppa."

"Speak well..." Zhou Ye felt that Oppa, the four girls just now, was about to make his whole body go numb... a little bit unbearable.

"Hee hee..." Seeing Zhou Ye's unbearable expression, Xiaoli stood up funny, got into Zhou Ye's arms, and picked up Zhou Ye's fork, "I'll feed you, Oppa... …”

Zhou Ye glanced at him and knew that this girl did it on purpose... But, let's go, who is afraid of who... Anyway, it will never be me who begged for mercy in the end...

And the other three girls in the group followed suit, standing up and surrounding Zhou Ye... This one said, "Oppa, I'll feed you a drink..."

The one said: "Oppa...I'll help you wipe..."

Zhou Ye smiled slightly, you guys are looking for your own death... Originally, I was worried about what happened just now, and wanted them to have a good night's rest. It seems that they are going to challenge the limits of their men's tolerance again...

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