"Wait for Oppa, maybe Oppa will come back in a while?" Xiaoli comforted her youngest sister.

"Okay..." Yuli reluctantly lay down on the table again, her eyes staring at the food in front of her... "Oppa, I miss you so much... Why haven't you come back..."

"Hey, my little Yuli actually misses me too? Isn't she thinking of the food I brought her?" A joking voice came from behind the four girls... They turned their heads in surprise. "Oppa...you're finally back."

I saw that a golden portal that kept turning appeared behind them. The one who came out of the portal was not their Oppa, but who was it? When the four girls were about to jump up and hug their man in surprise, another slender figure walked out of the portal——

This made the movements of the four women stagnate for a while.

In the end, it was Xiaoli who played her eldest sister's style and walked gracefully to Helen, who was at a loss, "Hello, you are Helen, my name is Li Xiaoli... First meeting."

"Ah...ah! Hello..." Facing Xiaoli who was generously extending her hand, Helen also hurriedly reached out and held her hand...

To be honest, Helen is still a little confused now. The first time she used the portal is one, and the second is that she saw four beautiful girls as soon as she walked out the door... This made her feel a little pantothenic...

"You guys came back just in time, we were just going to have dinner..." Xiaoli said, pushing Helen halfway, pushing her to the dining table, and sat down...

In fact, Zhou Ye didn't hide from them what he was doing at Seoul University... They all knew that his man came to Seoul this time for a woman... Although they were a little jealous, they didn't object to anything... After all, Zhou Ye The strength is there, and they feel that even if they add Yingjie, five people, they can't cope with their own men...

Although they know about this, it is the first time they have seen their man bring a woman back from outside... Of course, Xiaoying doesn't count. For Xiaoying, they think they are the latecomers, so what qualifications do they have to eat Xiaoying? vinegar? But not eating Xiaoying's vinegar doesn't mean they won't eat Helen's vinegar, after all, Helen is a latecomer to them. That's why except for Xiaoli, the other three girls are so cold...

"Are they...?" Helen looked at the girls in confusion. Although she knew in her heart that these women might have a lot to do with Zhou Ye, but... seeing Xiaoli's enthusiastic behavior, she was still a little confused... …

"We are all Oppa's women." Xiao Yuli said deliberately, she even had the thought of making Helen angry.

"Oh? That's a coincidence, I'm also Ye's woman." With Helen's high IQ, how could she not see Yuli's little abacus, so she just went back.

Of course, Helen was not at all angry. As she spoke, she forced herself under the dining table and twisted the soft flesh around Zhou Ye's waist...

"Ouba knows all the secrets of me..." Li Zhen, who has always been shy, was desperate to fight back. After saying this, her face turned red and thoroughly... she was about to cry.

And Yuli and Zhu Xian gave their sisters a cheering gesture... This is their little plan, to join forces and give Helen a slap in the face...

"Haha..." Helen pinched Zhou Ye's hand harder, she countered with a smile on her face: "Ye not only knows my secrets, he knows all my secrets since I was a child..."

Complete defeat——The three girls feel that in this round of competition, they have already lost...

"I'll give you half an hour to eat...and then an hour of rest...then, hum..." Zhou Ye said without looking up as he lowered his head to eat.

Hearing the words of their own Oppa, the three girls who had planned to regroup and fight again could no longer care about much, and began to eat...

This scene made Helen, who was waiting for the challenge, bewildered for a while... She didn't know what Zhou Ye's words meant...

And Xiaoli, who had been helping Zhou Ye with the dishes, couldn't bear to see this newly added sister suffer... She hurriedly said, "Let's eat quickly, I won't have time to eat in a while..."

Although the three girls came over and targeted herself, Helen still couldn't speak with a cold face to Xiaoli, who was very friendly as soon as they met... Although Xiaoli's words were unclear, Helen was still Obediently picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. After all, she is also hungry...

After the meal—after a short rest... Helen understood what Xiao Li meant... This villain actually came again... Could he be an iron man, wouldn't he be tired?

Four hours later - Helen understood, Zhou Ye was indeed an iron man, and he really wouldn't get tired... But, he was about to kill him...

Zhou Ye said-don't be afraid of the discord between the harem and the palace, just make them unable to quarrel... how simple...

Chapter 559

Just when Zhou Ye was teaching his women how to love each other in the cold country...

An uninhabited island in the Arctic Circle——

Here, you can't see the fickleness and impermanence of the sea... Because, you can only see the endless glaciers... Here you can't find the traces of industrial buildings that can be seen everywhere in modern society, and some are just white. snowfields...

It's like a beautiful woman who is independent and left behind... Waiting for something...

However, this tranquility was quickly broken by a humming sound... With the sound, a black spot flew here from the sky quickly, and with the humming sound it turned into a loud noise unique to the aircraft engine... This z is written on the fuselage

The heavy-duty helicopter with the h mark was slowly falling on a seemingly empty space.

When the helicopter was still 500 meters away from the ground, an unexpected scene happened. The ground that seemed to be slightly flat and covered with thick snow actually slowly slid around, and it didn't take a moment to turn into a circle. The mouth is big enough to swallow two such heavy helicopters...

Obviously, the changes in the ground below did not surprise the helicopter pilot. He still slowly lowered the helicopter... Soon, the heavy helicopter disappeared into the huge black hole that opened up on the ground and disappeared. , and with the disappearance of the helicopter, the whole ground closed again... The whole uninhabited island has regained its lonely and independent style, as if no helicopter had ever come.

This is the Arctic secret base of Hydra... And the one who just came here with a helicopter is the supreme leader of Hydra, Ophelia.

Ophelia had just stepped off the helicopter, and the person in charge of the base, who had been waiting for a long time at the tarmac, hurriedly stood at attention with her arms raised. "Hi, Hydra."

"Hi, Hydra." Ophelia, who was wearing a black military uniform today, had a strange charisma. After she bowed back to the person in charge of the base, she walked towards the passage outside the apron without looking back. "What happened to the universe cube?"

"Madam...you'd better...take a look at it for yourself..." The person in charge of the base hesitated before saying, "Since a day ago, the universe Rubik's Cube has frequently started to appear abnormal, and it even sent out an energy shock just now, shocking it. A few guards..."

"Did you detect anything?" Ophelia asked as she walked.

"No, it is only occasionally detected that it emits some weak gamma rays..." The person in charge of the base replied hurriedly.

Ophelia nodded, she believed that the person in charge did not dare to hide herself, because... he was a clone of Hydra.

In fact, Ophelia has been busy with other things these days, since she returned from the world of the dead, she has been searching for the location of the Soul Stone...

Although Ophelia knew from Gu Yi's words that she would definitely have Zhou Ye's child in the future, but, for her practical faction, do nothing, just wait? This is not her style... As one of the women who has the deepest affection for Zhou Ye, she is so eager to give birth to a child for Zhou Ye...

Since Hela has made a bright road for her, how could she be willing to wait like this? Of course, letting her man cut her soul for no reason is something she doesn't want either...

Therefore, she put her mind on the soul gem in the Infinity Stones, although it was said that in the world before she came, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it has not been clearly pointed out where the soul gem is...

However, the brains of netizens are unlimited... From the few words of the Marvel Shereh movie, some people have speculated that the soul gem may be in the hidden kingdom of Africa, in Wakanda... The soul gem is the ancestor of their generations. .

Just when Ophelia was about to send Hydra's agents to infiltrate the Kingdom of Wakanda to inquire about the ancestral land of the soul...

The person in charge of the Arctic base used the emergency contact line... The report said that the cosmic Rubik's Cube that their base was responsible for had an unknown mutation...

Therefore, Ophelia rushed over without stopping. Although she said that she could let her daughter Angela bring her directly, but... She was not worried about Angela's safety. After all, in her opinion, her daughter's safety The mutation may be caused by the cosmic Rubik's Cube. At this moment when the cosmic magic is rampant, the ghost knows what bad effect it will have on her daughter... So she took a helicopter to the North Pole base alone.

Uh, off topic... back to the topic.

Ophelia kept walking. She didn't know how many times she had been to this base. She was very familiar with everything here. Not long after she walked out of the tarmac, she took a descending elevator and descended towards the ground. After a mile or so, the elevator doors opened...

Ophelia walked into this tight laboratory surrounded by walls composed of three-meter-thick lead plates...

She just walked into the laboratory, and all the busy people stopped their work, stood at attention, raised their arms, "Long live Hydra."

The enthusiasm in their eyes seemed to be real, and Ophelia nodded with satisfaction. She believed that even if they were to commit suicide for the sake of Hydra, these people would execute the order without hesitation...

"Long live the Hydra." Ophelia also gave a military salute and walked directly to the center of the proving ground, which is the size of three football fields...

In the middle of the underground testing ground, a huge machine is standing there quietly. At the point of the machine, the blue universe Rubik's Cube is sitting there quietly...

Ophelia looked at the dazzling light group in the Rubik's Cube, and she was also thinking quickly in her heart... Could it be that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube awakened in advance? It shouldn't be... the timing of the plot is wrong...

So what's going on here?

Just when she was deep in thought... The person in charge of the base beside her said cautiously: "Madam... I think... Could this be a mutation caused by the Lord? After all... Now the Lord has two Infinity Stones on his body. now..."

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