"Huh?" The person in charge of the base reminded Ophelia... But his man has two Infinity Stones in his hand... So, will he know something? Besides, I haven't seen him for a long time... In fact, it's only three days, but these three days are like years for her...

Ophelia thought of this, and directly ordered: "You go down first, remove everyone from the core laboratory, and don't leave anyone here for the time being..."

"Yes, ma'am." The person in charge of the base was overjoyed. He knew that this was the prelude for Madam Hydra to contact her master...

Although I don't know why my wife always clears the field before contacting the master, he obediently and quickly evacuated all the researchers in the core laboratory... Of course, including him.

In fact, every time Ophelia contacts Zhou Ye, she clears the scene ahead of time just because she can't figure out what state her man is in now. The ghost knows which woman's couch he's on now... But no matter which woman's couch he's on, Those scenes are not for these people to see, otherwise, with the temper of his own man, he will definitely... kill all those who saw the scenery that they should not see.

Although Ophelia doesn't care about the names of these guys, but... after all, they are also valuable assets belonging to the Hydra organization, so it can save a little bit. Besides, why bother making her man angry...? That's why Ophelia developed the habit of clearing the scene every time she contacted Zhou Ye.

Looking at the huge core laboratory that had become empty, Ophelia pressed the number to contact her man on the personal terminal on her wrist...

Chapter 560

Zhou Ye was awakened by the vibration of the personal terminal on his wrist...

He pulled his right hand out of Helen's arms with difficulty...

As a result, as soon as Zhou Ye pulled out his arm, Helen was dissatisfied, she didn't open her eyes, she hugged his body tightly with both hands, and whispered, "Bastard, where are you going? Dare not to let me bite you to death..."

Maybe it's the chain reaction caused by her dreaming... The girls around Zhou Ye squeezed towards him involuntarily... Legs hugging legs, heads hugging heads... In short, Zhou Ye feels that he is now It's like being surrounded by countless tentacle monsters... but these tentacle monsters are just cute girls...

Zhou Ye smiled wryly, while barely raising his right hand, he pressed the communication button with the tip of his nose... What are you doing with your left hand? Zhou Ye said that his left hand was strangled to death... I can't do anything...

"Hi - dear... um, it seems that I disturbed you to rest, right?" Ophelia's three-dimensional projection appeared directly in front of Zhou Ye. Seeing Zhou Ye's somewhat embarrassed scene, there was a hint of ridicule on her face.

"Baby, don't make a fuss..." To be honest, Zhou Ye felt that his image at this time was definitely not a wise man. After all, his face was deformed by the squeeze of the two sisters who were hugging his neck tightly. ...

"Tsk tsk... Dad, I found out that your current image is really special..." Ophelia suppressed a smile.

At this moment, Zhou Ye is like a three-headed conjoined monster... It looks very fun... By the way, screenshots and screenshots, these pictures are uploaded to the sister forum on Umbrella's internal network, so that other sisters can also Lehelehe... After all, when my man is so embarrassed, there are not many really.

Thinking of this, Ophelia quietly pressed the screenshot button on the personal terminal...

Watching his daughter's small movements, Zhou Ye was speechless, but what could he do? beat? He was reluctant, Ophelia was such a cute little padded jacket... How could Zhou Ye be willing to beat her? scold? Forget it... So, he can only change the subject. "Baby, you contacted me in the middle of the night, maybe just to see my embarrassed appearance..."

"...Ah, by the way..." Ophelia spit out her own snake head embarrassedly, there was no way, when facing Zhou Ye, Ophelia likes to act like a coquettish... She likes to see him embarrassed Appearance... Unconsciously, the whole person seems to have returned to her teenage years... However, now is not the time to be coquettish, Ophelia's face is straight, and she said: "Dear, I think you should come to me Take a look here..."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ye let out a long sigh, finally not having to face the teasing of his sweet little padded jacket for the time being.

"There has been a change in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube... I wonder if the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has awakened in advance..." Ophelia said with a serious face.

"It shouldn't be... the time is wrong..." Zhou Ye was also a little confused. The awakening of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube should be at the time of the Avengers... And at this time, the real story of Iron Man 1 is still early. , Cosmic Rubik's Cube should not be awakened in advance.

"Researchers wonder if it's the chain reaction caused by the fact that you are living in two Infinity Stones, dear..." Ophelia told her subordinates' guesses.

"Well, then I'll go now." Zhou Ye didn't dare to delay. After all, the six Infinity Stones were his ambitions. Originally, because the Space Gem Universe Rubik's Cube was in his daughter's hands, he didn't hit that gem for the time being. The idea, but now there is a mutation in the universe Rubik's cube, this is something Zhou Ye doesn't want to see...

What if this is Thanos behind the scenes? When the duck flies again... it will be a big shame...

While thinking about it, Zhou Ye struggled to get up from the warm embrace of the girls... After all, he was the core of the girls. When he moved, the girls woke up...

"Oppa...where are you going?" Xiaoli asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Ye, why did you get up so early?" Helen, who was awakened by Zhou Ye's movement, also opened her eyes and asked with a yawn.

"There are urgent things to do..." Zhou Ye said, and stood up from the couch... As expected of Ying Yi, who has followed Zhou Ye for decades, the first thing she did when she woke up was not to ask her own family. What is the man going to do, but he quickly prepares the clothes for his man.

Several girls looked at Ying Yi's actions, and couldn't help but say a word in their hearts. "lose..."

However, the loser is not the loser... Helen was the first to react. She got up quickly, and while looking for her clothes, she said, "Dear, I'll accompany you..."

"I'll be with you too, Oppa."

"I also need to go……"

"Oppa, take me with you..."

"Oppa, I don't want to part with you..."

Good guy, just like a chain reaction, the four girls in the group started to look for the clothes that were randomly thrown away before going to bed...

"Naughty, it's so dangerous there, what are you doing...?" Zhou Ye's face turned pale. This time he went to check the mutation of the universe Rubik's Cube. He didn't know if there was any unknown danger. How could he bring these What about a weak woman who is powerless? Yingyi can make do with it... The other five sisters are absolutely not good enough.

"It's because of the danger that I want to go with you." Helen stared at Zhou Ye uncompromisingly, she was not afraid that Zhou Ye would kill her. "If I had to choose between [waiting for your safe news at home] and [living and dying with you], I would never be the woman who waits at home, crying and begging God to bless you for your safe return...I To face it with you..."

"We are the same..." Xiaoli's fourth daughter said not to be outdone.

Zhou Ye looked at the five women with a firm expression in front of him, and said that he was lying if he didn't feel moved. After all, a woman knew she was very dangerous, and she was willing to accompany you to face it... Anyway, this woman is worthy of your cherishing. However, moving is moving... He still can't take them with him.

"Baby, I know you're worried about me...but...your man, I can't hurt anyone. Ordinary little explosions don't do me any harm at all...let alone small explosions, Even if the earth explodes, I will be unscathed." Zhou Ye's tone couldn't help softening a lot...

"I don't believe it, prove it to me..." Helen is not the kind of person who believes her if you say it. Although she knows that Zhou Ye is a mage, but... how do you say something? Mage is the kind of crispy profession, one will die when you touch it... How can you make her believe that Zhou Ye is a thick-skinned violent war mage?

Zhou Ye was left speechless by Helen. Prove it for you? how to prove? Blast the Earth? Then stand at the center of the explosion and prove it to her? Destroying the Earth is a very simple thing for him... But... to prove that he can resist the beating, he will explode the Earth? How innocent is the earth gentleman? Earth-kun is going to cry, okay? ...

"If you can't prove it, just take me there..." Helen stared at the speechless Zhou Ye and said without giving in. She didn't want to leave Zhou Ye's side at all. The relationship between the two was heating up... How could she be willing to leave Zhou Ye's side?

"Hehe... Darling, just take them there, I'll let the shadow guard take care of them a little more, it should be fine..." Ying Yi, who had finished dressing Zhou Ye, smiled and helped her man. After all, these few Although the little girl is a little weak, she admires this kind of courage.

"Okay... hurry up and wash up, I will only give you five minutes..." Zhou Ye sighed, forget it, there should be no problem with shadow guards protecting them...

"Long live..." For the first time, the girls joined forces and fought hard and won the battle against Zhou Ye. This was a milestone victory for them. They couldn't help but hug and laugh happily. jumping.

"It's only five minutes, it's not outdated enough..." Zhou Ye's voice woke the girls who were celebrating their victory.

Fortunately, the special presidential suite of the Umbrella Hotel was designed with multiple female companions in mind at the beginning of the design, so the bathrooms are also plural...

Five minutes later, the women who had finished washing followed their men and stepped into the portal that led directly to the Hydra Arctic Base.

Chapter 561

Ophelia smiled and looked at the portal slowly opening in front of her. She knew that this was her man coming...

As the golden portal took shape, a figure walked out, not Zhou Ye or who it was... And behind him, there were six girls...

"Hey, Xiaoying, it's been a long time..." Seeing Yingyi and Helen's daughters, Ophelia smiled and greeted them. After all, she also knew Xiaoying... In the big party, everyone was united to meet the enemy good comrade...

"Ophelia, long time no see." Xiaoying also greeted Ophelia with a smile.

"This is the sisters who joined in, you are welcome." Ophelia smiled at the five girls who were standing behind Xiaoying after hugging Xiaoying.

"Is this Umbrella's experimental base? It's amazing..." To be honest, after Helen came over, she was dazzled by the experimental equipment here... A lot of what she knew, but more She can't even name her...

"This is not Umbrella's experimental base..." Ophelia smiled and pulled Helen with one hand and Xiaoli with the other (with her experience, you can tell at a glance who the four girls in the group are talking about) people.) said: "There are only

It's my experimental base, but it's far from Umbrella's..."

"It's amazing..." Helen was already dazzled by the high-tech devices around her at this time, and she suffered another occupational disease...

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