"Well——" Zhou Ye nodded. The maid was bought by the Mahata couple in New Delhi. She naturally knew Zhou Ye, and she even knew that Zhou Ye's status in this family was much higher than that of his nominal master Mahathir. tower.

"What floor is my room on?" Zhou Ye asked while carrying Ginny.

"Sir, the largest room between you and the ladies at the end of the corridor on the second floor is reserved for you by the master..." The maid just wanted to come out to take a look when she heard the sound from outside... Seeing that Zhou Ye is the culprit, then forget it... In India, slaves who betray their masters will be spurned by all the landlords and wealthy classes, and even beaten to death in the street... She has no courage to help that girl...

Although Ginny, who was held on by Zhou Ye's shoulder, winked at her again and again, she didn't dare to say a word. Besides, in her opinion, her young lady's husband was so handsome, and it was a blessing for her to see this girl... What to call?

At this time, Nissa and Jiagu also came in... They came to help the new comrades...

Ginny saw that her last life-saving straw was in jeopardy... I could only hope that my friends would save me... But Raj and others, who had high hopes for her... in Peace Mountain Villa At the door, after seeing the conspicuous Hummer parked in the villa halfway up the mountain, he left in a daze...

The bet is lost... why are they still up? Do you want to be ridiculed by Zhou Ye again? Besides, this is a wealthy area after all, and the security situation has always been very good. In their opinion, their friend Ginny must have got off the car and left here to go home...

Until Ginny became Zhou Ye's woman, she didn't wait for her friends to save her... Although it was said that even if Raj and the others came to rescue her, she would not go with them... But the thorn was buried in it. her heart...

Three hours later————

"Bad...Bad...Bad..." Ginny frowned while smacking Zhou Ye's chest. It was all the good deed done by the bad guy in front of her... Thinking of this, she got annoyed. According to Zhou Ye's shoulder, he bit down.

"Hey, don't make a fuss... Let's not make a fuss about lunch, you can't even make it to dinner..." Zhou Ye said and patted Ginny's cockroach...

"I told you to push so hard...I don't know if this is the first time for me?" Ginny Jiao slapped Zhou Ye angrily, saying it was a slap, but in fact she was reluctant to push hard... Zhou Ye's spring breeze and rain are definitely not in vain . Her heart has long been filled with Zhou Ye's shadow.

"Didn't I think you're not that kind of thing?" Zhou Ye was also a little embarrassed... I thought Ginny wasn't that kind of thing anymore, but ended up making an oolong...

"I'll kill you..." Ginny's almond-eyed eyes widened, "Don't you know that in India, a woman who loses her virginity before marriage will end badly? You took away my first words, you rascal, You said..."

The more Ginny talked, the more aggrieved...the eyes were red, Nissa and Jiagu both glared at their man, and hurriedly consoled: "Okay, Ginny, don't be angry...he doesn't know my dear. Our custom...he saw you playing with so many boys and thought you had your boyfriend in there..."

"I don't have a boyfriend, everyone is just ordinary friends..." Ginny said with tears in her eyes, "They are just friends who grew up with them... I'm not the only girl in there. , how many girls do we have together..."

"Okay, baby Ginny, don't cry, I'm wrong, okay?" Zhou Ye is also a little numb... This Nima is a cognitive error that occurs from different cultural backgrounds...

"Just cry... I'll cry..." When a girl is crying, the more you persuade her, the more aggrieved she feels and the more she cries... Faced with this situation, Zhou Ye can only use his own unique skills Come on... Look at the tricks, block the Dafa...

Suddenly, the whole world is much cleaner...

In the end, Ginny didn't have time to cry at all... She had already been led astray by Zhou Ye... If it wasn't for the maid knocking on the door saying that the Mahata couple had come back, and she had brought guests back, she wanted Zhou Ye If we meet, it is estimated that the war will rekindle...

Chapter five hundred and eighty

In front of the villa, two middle-aged couples are laughing and talking about something...

"Hahaha...I can't wait to see our little doll and her fiancé..." Harbans said with a big laugh, "I remember the last time I saw our little doll, she was only like this Gao, I didn't expect her to be married by now..."

Having said that, Harbans gestured under his waist, which is less than one meter.

"Haha, after all, Nissa was only seven years old when she went to America with us..." Mahata said with a smile when he saw his friend's gesture. "Nissa was reluctant to leave India at that time..."

"Yeah, more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye..." Harbans sighed.

"Haha, I'm not going to leave this time when I come back, I'll just retire here..." Mahata said.

"That's great, I'm going to celebrate our friendship for a year. From this evening, I'm going to have a dinner party for a year..." Harbans said happily, of course, this is just a joke, Although he is the county magistrate of this county, he does not have the financial resources to hold a dinner party for a year.

"Uncle Mahata..." At this time, Zhou Ye also came out of the villa... Three girls with different expressions followed behind him...

"Hahaha, my lovely son-in-law has come down..." Seeing Zhou Ye walking down, Mahata stood up happily and introduced to his friends, "This is my future son-in-law, Ye Zhou..."


He's a great guy..." Although Harbans wondered why Zhou Ye had blond hair and a Chinese name, the most basic element of a politician is hypocrisy, and a politician who is not hypocritical is not a good politician...

"Of course, my uncle is full of praise for him too... He praised our little doll for finding a good husband." Hearing his friend praise his son-in-law, Mahata was even happier than praising his daughter. Happy.

Hearing his friend's words, Harbans couldn't help but take heart... He knew what his friend's family did. Since his uncles praised Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye must have something special. The children of the big family... he dared not neglect.

Ginny knew Harbans...Although Harbans was a little surprised why his son's friend would get mixed up with his friend's son-in-law, but since his friends didn't speak, it was even more impossible for him to speak...

And Mahata knew about his son-in-law... For him, how dare he accuse a living god? Besides, if his daughter doesn't speak, it's even less possible for him to complain about her daughter...

In a slightly backward place, no one cares about how many wives the big landowners marry... This has become an unspoken unspoken rule... Mahata is even more unlikely to care, nor can he... ...Anyway, as long as my daughter feels happy, that's fine.

Obviously, Nissa would never speak ill of her own man...

A group of people sat in front of the villa chatting and laughing... In the end, it was agreed that at night, Harbans would hold a banquet for his friends here to celebrate the return of his friends... At that time, people from the entire wealthy area would be invited.

The sky darkened unknowingly...the night fell...

Zhou Ye and the three daughters are in the villa, you are like me, you don't care about the preparations for the banquet outside, and you don't need them to care. Naturally, the servants of the Harbans family will come and take care of them... They just take care of their business. ...

And Ginny also called her home early... She said that she wanted to play with her new friends, and she had to attend a banquet hosted by their house in the evening, so she would not go back...

At this time, the advantages of having more women are shown... Nissa and Jia Gu took turns to fight, one aunt and one uncle, and they coaxed Ginny's parents into obedience... completely let Ginny's leave ...

As for the dress that you need to use for the banquet at night? Zhou Ye said, that's not a problem at all... The space bracelet was opened, and the entire bedroom was filled with thousands of branded dresses... The girls were so picky, although some dresses were a little small, but There is always one that suits her... After all, Zhou Ye has many women...

"Say...how did you prepare so many women's clothes?" Nissa, who had picked out a dress she was satisfied with, sat on Zhou Ye's lap, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck, and her eyes were fixed on him. His eyes seemed to want to see something... "What are your intentions...?"

"Yes, my dear, shouldn't you explain it to us?" Ginny also jumped to Zhou Ye's side... The little hand unconsciously touched Zhou Ye's waist, seeing that it meant Zhou Yeyi If there is something wrong, you will be punished with severe punishment...

"Don't force my dear, I believe he will tell us the truth, am I right? My dear..." Jia Gu said, snuggling on the other side of Zhou Ye...

Hearing Jia Gu's kind words, Zhou Ye really had a feeling of tears in his eyes, "Baby Jia Gu is so kind to me, but baby Jia Gu, if you put your little hand off my waist, , I will be more moved..."

"Don't talk about those useless...speak..."x3

The three women turned into judges, and they had to judge their men harshly...

It wasn't the first day that Zhou Ye came out to pick up girls. Of course he knew what to say and what not to say... Confessing now is not a confession, it is stupid... If you should hide it, hide it. Your own cheating skills, that's the king's way... Now admit it, how will you pick up girls after that? Have fun...

"This is actually a gift I prepared for Nissa when I was in the United States... Since I'm not very good at shopping, I swept the women's clothing boutique halfway down the street..." Zhou Ye spread his hands and looked innocent... …

"Darling, you are so kind..." Hearing this, Nissa happily hugged Zhou Ye and kissed her, and whether it was true or not, just those words made her die of joy...

oy——The plan is successful, and one of the three enemies will be eliminated... The enemy's alliance has already been broken, and we will continue to make persistent efforts. "Actually, I also prepared some small gifts for the two of you..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Jia Gu and Ginny, who were still a little depressed, were suddenly shocked...

After all, Nissa knew her man earlier than them all, and her man said that it was a gift prepared for her before. There was nothing wrong with this... Although they knew it was nothing, the two women were still somewhat uncomfortable. Now I didn't expect that my man had prepared a present for him, and he looked at Zhou Ye with glowing eyes, wanting to see what surprise his man would prepare for him...

"You close your eyes..." Zhou Ye said.

"Is that so?" Both Jiagu and Ginny closed their eyes obediently, but Nissa stared at her beautiful eyes and stared at her man, wanting to see what he could come up with. present.

"Honey, you also have to close your eyes..." Zhou Ye said, covering Nissa's eyes with his own hands.

"Why should I cover my eyes?" Nissa said with some dissatisfaction, but since her man helped her cover her eyes, she could only close her eyes resignedly...

Chapter 581

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