Taking advantage of the moment when the three girls closed their eyes at the same time... Zhou Ye directly let himself into the speeding space.

Speaking of which, he has a hairy preparation, and nothing else, just saying that Ginny only met today, how could he prepare so well?

But don't be afraid, there's not much else in his bracelet, just a lot of gold... Gold, this thing is the easiest to shape... Zhou Ye directly took out a gold bar, and his hands were flying quickly... Soon, three A set of gold jewelry appeared in his hand. The three sets of jewelry were a bracelet, a ring, a chain connected between the bracelet and the ring, a necklace, a pair of earrings...they were all the same in style, the only difference was The only thing is that the date and year engraved on the outer wall of the ring are different...

ok, Zhou Ye looked at the three sets of jewelry in his hand with satisfaction... Uh, I always felt that it was so shiny and full of the temperament of a nouveau riche... No, I need to add something... Zhou Ye is wearing his wristband again. After searching for a long time, I found a large piece of pink diamond that I don't know how long ago. It seems that it was collected out of curiosity when the Morago star was destroyed... It's too big? Simple, smash it...money? What is that... need to care?

Although Zhou Ye is not good at polishing diamonds, he has the time... After spending some time, he finally polished these rough pink diamonds into a perfect mosaic with 200 facets... Then these rice-sized diamonds were polished. Inlaid on three sets of jewelry... and it's done.

"Okay, darlings, you can open your eyes..." Zhou Ye, who had finished cheating, said.

"God...it's so beautiful..." The three girls couldn't help but pick up the set of jewelry placed in front of them... Women and Julong are actually creatures, and neither can resist the radiance of those glittering things. The temptation to come out...

"Huh? Why is the date on my ring different from that of Jiagu?" Ginny asked curiously when she discovered the mechanism on the date of jewelry.

"The year, month, and day on your rings are different...because that was the date when I met you for the first time..." As soon as Zhou Ye finished speaking, he found himself surrounded by three excited girls. ... After this kiss, that kiss... In short, there is no idle time...

The girls are so happy. In their opinion, the fact that his man engraved the date of acquaintance on the ring is an expression of his deep love for him... Although there are a little more...

It wasn't until five minutes later that the maid came upstairs and knocked on the door again, reminding them that when the banquet was about to start, the three girls stopped their actions...

The three women happily put on the necklace and earrings, and then brought the bracelet to their left hand, and then stretched out their left hand with the bracelet in front of Zhou Ye... They were waiting for their man to help them wear it. put on the ring...

Zhou Ye smiled and one by one, the three girls brought the ring to the ring finger of the left hand... The girls all leaked happy smiles. They knew that this was the promise made by their man...

When the three women finished all of this, they discovered a sad thing. They only cared about making a fuss about their man and forgot to change his clothes... Thinking of the banquet that was about to start, the three women were about to cry. Now... Where can I find a dress that suits my man now? In the end, Zhou Ye took out a black half-length military dress that he had been wearing before and put it on... This made the three girls smile, but soon, the three girls started to mumble again..." Keep an eye on my darling tonight... he's going out in this outfit and doing so much damage to those girls."

"That's right, you must take good care of him... You can't let him do more harm to others."

"Sisters are of the same mind and their profits are broken. Come on, sisters."

"come on……"

Zhou Ye was speechless when he heard his woman's remarks. What gave the three of you the confidence that you could handle me? Could it be that this afternoon is too gentle, so you have the illusion that a coalition of three sisters can fight back against the Great Demon King?

But forget it, now is not the time to bother with them. Anyway, there are no good girls in this town, so let's just leave it alone... Zhou Ye acquiesced to their behavior. Of course, after all the guests left at night, Zhou Ye will make them clearly realize that the number of the Three Sisters Alliance is still too small...they need to continue to find allies.

When Zhou Ye, who was wearing a half-length military uniform, appeared at the banquet hall with three girls... All the female guests' eyes were involuntarily attracted to the past...

"Gosh...I think I'm in love!" This is nympho.

"Lord Shiva is above, I suddenly feel that my current husband is like shit..." This is going to cheat.

"Boy, are you dating?" This is for one night xx...

"Hahaha, our prince has come out..." Seeing his son-in-law come out, Mahata smiled and said to his friend.

"It's you?" Raj, who was standing beside his father, recognized at a glance the man who lost his body during the day, and behind him Raj also saw his friend... Ginny, look at her The appearance of being inseparable clearly shows that he has fallen in love with Zhou Ye.

"You also know Nissa's fiancé?" It was Raj's father who asked this sentence, Mahata's friend, and the county magistrate of this county, Harbans.

"I... I saw him on the road today..." Raj didn't dare to tell his father about the racing.

At this time, Zhou Ye also led the three girls over, "Good evening, Mr. Harbans...Good evening, Raj."

"Ha, I didn't expect you to know each other before I introduced you?" Mahata said with a smile.


My god..." When he said this, Zhou Ye found that Raj was desperately winking at himself, and the blinking of his eyes almost squeezed his eyes out. He smiled slightly, and changed his tone: "Today, I just came here because I just came here. , so I'm not familiar with the road here. Fortunately, I met Raj. He was very kind and let Ginny sit in my car to help me guide the way. Now I have become good friends with Ginny. Thank you very much. , Raj. "

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Raj almost vomited blood.

Men are like this. When they meet often by their side, they don't feel it, but once they are soaked by others, they will immediately appear. I wiped, I didn't realize that this girl is so beautiful, why didn't you start before? such emotions.

Although Zhou Ye's words sounded normal to other people's ears, they didn't sound that way to Raj's ears. He has a weird feeling of being green, although Ginny has nothing to do with him, just a friend...

"No, you're welcome..." Raj felt like he was about to vomit blood when he said this.

"Would you like to do it again when you have time?" Zhou Ye whispered in his ear by taking the opportunity to shake hands with Raj: "I think the other two girls around you are also pretty good..."

"No, no need..." Raj's face was almost frozen with laughter... He really wanted to punch Zhou Ye right away, but in front of his father, he didn't have the guts...

"I just like to see you grit your teeth and hate me, but you look helpless..." Zhou Ye's whisper came again... Raji's blue veins jumped up... He clenched his fists a few times, but he didn't. Dare to reach out...

"Hehe..." Raj's smiling face froze. At this moment, he suddenly saw Nissa standing behind Zhou Ye, as if he saw a savior. "Ha, Nissa, I didn't expect to see you for more than ten years. You have changed so much, and you are completely different from when you were young..."

"Hey, long time no see Raj..." Nissa smiled and walked to her man's side and snuggled her body obediently. This was an invisible oath of ownership to other women and an oath to other men that she was The famous flower has the status of the master. "Thank you so much today... If it weren't for you, we really don't know how many wrong ways we would have to go around..."

"..." Raj really has a feeling of wanting to cry without tears, will the two of you still chat? Are you trying to catch a wound and sprinkle salt?

However, what made him collapse even more... Ginny also walked to Zhou Ye's side. Although she didn't dare to snuggle into Zhou Ye's arms openly, she grabbed Zhou Ye's hand. "Raji, thank you...Because of you, I can become my best friend...I can meet Nissa and Jiagu two good sisters..."

Ginny's words were like a one-hit crit...and completely shut down Raj...

Chapter 582

In the end, Zhou Ye still let the poor villain go. After all, in his opinion, Indian men don't care about decent villains. To him, they are all dogs. The fight between the two is a farce of dog bites dog. Which dog would you prefer for a fight between two dogs? Obviously Zhou Ye won't...

An obedient dog is a good dog, and a disobedient dog...then kill...there is no second choice.

Zhou Ye said goodbye to the Mahata couple and the Harbans couple, and walked towards the table at the banquet with his three women. This is also the kind of buffet style of dining... Just seeing those Indian dishes, Zhou Ye did not a tinge of appetite...

"Darling...this...what to do with this?" Nissa looked at her man worriedly, she knew that her man didn't like eating Indian food, especially curry... Obviously, the man at the banquet didn't like it at all. superior……

"Why don't we find a place to go to BBQ?" Jia Gu has been with Zhou Ye for a while, so he naturally knows the taste of his own man...

Only Ginny asked inexplicably, "Honey, don't you like the food served at the banquet?"

"Uh- I don't like it a little..." Zhou Ye looked at the mushy sauce and had an indescribable feeling. He decided that it would be better to find a place with no one to enjoy the barbeque with his woman...

Although the three girls are all vegetarians, the BBQ can also be eaten by roasting some vegetables... Just when Zhou Ye was planning to take the three girls to find a clean place for BBQ... During the banquet, the buffet was placed. , there was a commotion... This commotion made Zhou Ye temporarily stop his steps.

——————————————————————————— I am the dividing line for lens transitions ——————————————— —————————

Raj was extremely depressed today. He originally came to the banquet with his father, but he didn't expect to encounter an enemy at the banquet...and was mocked by him for a while...it made him almost die of anger.

However, he couldn't have a seizure, because his father warned him that this young man was not something he could afford, just stay honest and don't cause trouble to the family... This made him full of evil but had nowhere to vent...

"Who does that guy think he is..." Raj grumbled to his valet as he picked up a plate from the table... "If my father didn't let me... I would definitely..."

When he said this, his words couldn't help but become vague... To be honest, standing in front of Zhou Ye who was almost a head taller than him, he was still under a lot of pressure... Even if his father didn't explain to him, he I don't have the guts to look for trouble with Zhou Ye...

However, I still have to say something, so that I can prove that I am not ambiguous in front of my younger brother...

"Okay Raj...don't be mad

Now..." The follower can only persuade him like this, and he has no other way to persuade him. Could he encourage Laji to fight with Zhou Ye? Looking for something, he went to incite Raj? Looking for death? He still wants to hang out in this county...

"...How could I not be angry..." Raj said while putting curry on his plate... At this moment, he suddenly felt that his calf was caught... Raj was at that time It's numb, who is this, dare to tease him at this time?

Raj stopped immediately, and lifted the tablecloth on the table... The person hidden under the table surprised him. "How dare you show up here?"

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