And the man who was hiding under the table jumped up in fright when he saw Raj, he turned his head and ran away...

The person under the table was a thin young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old. As soon as he stood up, he overturned the entire table... The container for curry sauce placed on the table was knocked over. , by chance, a small pot of curry all smashed into Raj's face...

The curry was originally spicy, and the feeling that flowed into my eyes... It was called a sour... Raj screamed like a pig at that time. "Ahhhh——Rohit, I can't spare you!!!!"

Zhou Ye almost burst out laughing when he saw this scene - although he didn't dare to be interested in Ah San's movies, but because of his super memory ability, he couldn't forget what he saw once...

Obviously, this Rohit is the pig's foot from India's Smallville. In fact, in Zhou Ye's opinion, this movie has nothing to watch except for the girls. The general plot is that an Asan scientist invented a kind of The machine that communicated with aliens died after a car accident... His wife returned to Ahsanguo with the posthumous child. Because of the car accident, the scientist's posthumous child had water in his head when he was a fetus and grew up. Post-intelligence is still in the childhood stage... directly mentally retarded.

Then it was a series of misunderstandings and adventures. In the end, the mentally handicapped male protagonist successfully used the machine invented by his father to summon aliens and became friends with the aliens. The aliens cured his mental retardation for many years and put them back together. He transformed into a superman, and since then the male protagonist counterattacked Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of his life... The whole movie is full of all kinds of brainless outfits and singing and dancing...

However, now that Bai Fumei is his own... Zhou Ye thought of this and looked at Nissa... As for the other things? Zhou Ye doesn't care anymore... The male protagonist is mentally handicapped, and the villain is not much stronger than the mentally handicapped... The dog bites the dog, who cares...

"Okay, darlings, I'm starving to death, let's go to the bbq..." Zhou Ye said, and walked directly to the garden behind the villa with his wife...

And Nissa, Ginny and the three daughters of Jiagu obediently followed behind their own men, watching the fun, it's probably good to watch it... There is no need to read from the beginning to the end, Ginny knows Rohit, after all, when she was a child It's from a school. Although Ginny doesn't discriminate against this guy, she doesn't take it seriously either...

The whole banquet was a mess. Raj's screams, the roars of the Harbans and his wife, the explanations of Raj's attendants, and all kinds of noise, it was a mess. It can be said that the joyous atmosphere of the whole banquet has disappeared. saved...

Of course, Zhou Ye, who had nothing to do with it, didn't care at all. He still had to do what he had to do. Under his influence, the three women should also play their own way. One man and three women were alone in the back garden of the villa. a small world...

However, the next day, it seemed that the development of things was a little unexpected to Zhou Ye...

Chapter 583

The early morning breeze gently blew up the curtains, and softly brushed Nissa's hair... It crossed Zhou Ye's face, and he—was awake...

Opening his eyes, Zhou Ye felt as if he was bound by ropes, unable to move... He was used to this feeling... He just pulled his arm out of Nissa's arms... And was hugged by Ginny again...

"Darling...let me go...I really can't do it..." Jiagu, who was sleeping on top of him, whispered in his sleep, rubbing his little face against Zhou Ye's chest, looking like a kitten According to the person's appearance.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, why are you still trying to tease me? Are you really not good enough? But forget it... It looks like I can't get up again this morning... Let's go back to sleep again...

Just when he closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep again, there was a knock on the door... Along with the knock, the voice of the maid came over... "Master, are you awake?"

Although the maid's voice was gentle, it was not small at all, and suddenly woke up the three girls...

Well, I can't sleep after returning to the cage... Zhou Ye opened his eyes helplessly again and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Master, please come down..." The maid replied respectfully.

"Okay, I get it." Zhou Ye said and patted his three daughters even if he woke up... "Baby, hurry up..."

"Dad really hates..." Nissa hugged Zhou Ye tightly and refused to let go, "It's rare to have such a pleasant morning, so come to disturb us..."

"Or...let's do some morning exercise?" Zhou Ye said as if he was going to get on his horse, and the three girls were startled and screamed again and again...

"I think Dad called you for something urgent... Honey, hurry down..." Nissa looked serious, and Zhou Ye almost laughed when she saw it...

Nissa's good sister, Jia Gu also said solemnly: "Yes, dear, Uncle Mahata must be in a hurry to ask the maid to disturb your sleep... Come and have a look..."

Only Ginny was the most honest, begging for mercy with a bitter face: "My dear, I really can't do it... Please let me go..."

"You guys..." Zhou Ye burst into laughter, he just teased them, and he made them look like this... Forget about it, let's go down and see what's in a hurry for my cheap old husband...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye rolled over to the ground, and the three girls also got up obediently to help their man dress up... There are so many people and strength, with the concerted efforts of the three girls, Zhou Ye quickly got dressed, finished washing, and walked out. room...

"Now I can make up for my lazy sleep..." Ni

As Sha said, she threw her body on the big couch again... The other two girls nodded in agreement... It's not that they are sleepy, it's just that a certain animal is so rude...

Not to mention the three girls who made up sleep again... just Zhou Ye.

As soon as the neatly dressed Zhou Ye walked down the second floor, he saw the Habans and his wife sitting in the living room. They looked a little embarrassed, especially the county magistrate Habans, who seemed a little restless...

And Harbans's wife is bowing her head and weeping, wiping away her tears, Mahata's wife is sitting beside her comforting her.

Seeing Zhou Ye's figure walking down, Harbans rushed in front of Zhou Ye with a single stride... He fell to the ground and knelt on the ground, frantically kissing the ground under Zhou Ye's feet. "Lord God... please... please save my son..."

"Huh?" Zhou Ye couldn't help but turn his eyes to his cheap old husband, Mahata - that means, did you reveal my identity?

Seeing his son-in-law's eyes, Mahata shook his head with a wry smile. - That means, it's not me...

Zhou Ye also ignored Harbans, who was kneeling on the ground and kowtow desperately, and went straight to the middle of the living room and sat down. "First of all, who told you my identity...?"

"Looking back, sir, I saw your photo on the Internet..." Harbans didn't dare to hide it, so he knelt down a few steps before coming to Zhou Ye, and said respectfully.

"I remember that I had them deal with my appearance in the photos..." Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Sir God, although your appearance has been deliberately blurred, but there are no two girls around you..." Having said that, Harbans respectfully took out a printed web page...

It was a news page with the headline "Shiva's agent comes to New Delhi, and the Asan religion may rise to replace Christianity as the world's largest sect?" ]. Below the title is a photo of Zhou Ye and the two girls in New Delhi. The photo is a little blurry, especially Zhou Ye's face has been deliberately edited and blurred... But Nissa and Jiagu's faces have not been changed at all. Familiar people can recognize them at a glance...

"This is really an oversight..." Zhou Ye sighed, and directly entered the order to destroy all his photos on the Internet on the personal terminal on his wrist... The personal terminal elf Xiaohong led the way. The analog signal quickly connected to the Internet, and began to destroy all photos and materials about Zhou Ye.

Habans, who was kneeling on the ground, peeked at Zhou Ye and prayed cautiously: "My lord, please, please save my son Raj, I am the only one..."

"Oh? Didn't Raj just get caught in Curry's eyes? Can't you just wash it? Could something happen again?" Zhou Ye asked while operating the personal terminal on his wrist.

"The doctor, the doctor said...because the curry sauce contains a lot of spicy condiments, and after the sauce got into the eyes, I couldn't help rubbing my eyes when I pulled the guitar... Now, now... The guitar is facing blindness. The danger..." The more Harbans said, the more sad he became... The doctor even told him that even if he was cured by luck in the future, his son's eyesight would drop sharply... Basically, it was almost blind.

How can Harbans accept this? He is the only son... He desperately begged the doctor to think of a way to protect his son's vision... But the doctor's words made him completely desperate. [There is nothing we can do about this kind of injury, you can only ask God to bless you. 】

While this sentence made Harbans despair, it also pointed him to a clear path...

In fact, after Harbans came out of Mahata's house that day, he once checked the identity of his friend's son-in-law on the Internet out of curiosity... Of course, he found nothing... But when he accidentally clicked on the New Delhi news... The whole person was confused. Stunned... This news is the front page of the web page... Although Zhou Ye's face in the photo has been edited and is completely unrecognizable, the faces of the two girls next to Zhou Ye have not been processed.

That's why he warned his son...don't conflict with Zhou Ye when he was at the dinner party.

When Raj was judged by the doctor to be blind, he thought of Zhou Ye, the agent of Lord Shiva...

Chapter 584

"I beg you, Lord God... Please, for the sake of our husband and wife who have always been the most devout believers of Lord Shiva, save Raj..." Harbans said as he tried his best to give Zhou Ye kowtowed. His wife also ran over, knelt at Zhou Ye's feet, and kowtowed with her husband desperately.

You say kidnapping Zhou Ye? Threatening Zhou Ye? Stop kidding... How many politicians are stupid? You must know that the believers of the Asan Sect claim to be one billion is not just talking about it, that is really one billion...

He dared to threaten Zhou Ye? Zhou Ye only needs to shout at the top to prove his identity... Without Zhou Ye doing it himself, he will be beaten into meat sauce by the angry believers... Maybe even most believers in the military and police will turn their guns and go straight Hit his black gun... it's not impossible.

After the incident of Lord Shiva's agent, it's not that the Asan government didn't want to arrest Zhou Ye for an experiment and cut a slice... But, still, in Asam, there's no drama at all... Your order probably hasn't happened yet. If you send it out, it will be known to everyone, and what awaits the government is... to step down and bow... to replace the government.

How many people are there in the Three Kingdoms? What does a billion believers represent? Representatives go up to councillors, down to slaves... Almost all of them believe in the Asan Sect. In this country, how dare you attack Zhou Ye's idea? I'm sorry, please tell me after you die once...

Although Zhou Ye doesn't need such a protective umbrella, but... this kind of power has already become... no one can easily touch him, Zhou Ye is a powerful explosive at this moment... It's not just Ah San who dare not move. A-san doesn't dare to move... The impact is too great... Maybe it will be a religious war... How crazy the religious mad believers are, think about the Middle East and you will know...

uh, that's a bit of a stretch...

Let's continue talking about Zhou Ye...

At this moment, Zhou Ye, looking at the husband and wife who kept kowtowing at his feet, was really speechless... Raj is not a girl, why did he save him? Besides... Zhou Ye really doesn't have much interest in saving a villain, and he is such a mentally retarded villain that he will be fooled around when he fights with a guy whose IQ is like a child's. You say his IQ is online? Who believes?

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