"Being so good earlier, wouldn't there be so much to do?" Zhou Ye took a cigarette and said comfortably.

"Bad..." Faced with Zhou Ye's shameless words, Mrs. Mehera could only bite him bitterly... She really bit him hard, and it wouldn't hurt him anyway... She took it as a report to be punished. It's the revenge of this rascal's arbitrary manipulation.

"Okay... Your son is about to wake up..." Zhou Ye took out a set of clothes from his wristband and asked Mrs. Mehera to put it on... "It's time for us to go back..."

"Master..." Mrs. Mehera, who had finished cleaning up, grabbed Zhou Ye's hand and said with a pleading face, "Can you not let Rohit find out about our relationship...?"

"Huh?" Zhou Ye, who was about to open the portal, stopped his movements... He looked at Mrs. Mehera with interest and asked, "Why?"

"I...I want to be a good mother..." When Mrs. Mehera said these words, her head was lowered, she felt that she was not a good mother for a long time.

"There's no need for that..." Zhou Ye smiled and cupped Mehera's cheek. "You can really call yourself a good mother...because you have sacrificed everything for your child, and you don't owe him anything, so you can declare to the world that you are a good mother. "

"..." The tears in Mrs. Mehera's eyes kept rolling. The man in front of her was the one who understood her the most. This somewhat ironic thing made her feel very comfortable. "Owner……"

"Okay, don't worry, if someone says you're not a good mother, I'll testify for you, and by the way, I'll break the leg of the guy who framed you." Zhou Ye patted Mehera on the back , said comfortingly.

"Help me testify? How to testify?" Although Mehera was very moved that her master could say these words, she was still a little confused about what Zhou Ye meant by testifying?

"Of course it's to testify as a bad guy who used your son as a threat and forced you to sacrifice everything..." Zhou Ye said, blinking his eyes... This made Mehera blushed instantly... This badass.

In the long-distance bus that was running, everyone was drowsy... No one noticed, a golden portal appeared in the second half of the carriage... Or, even if they noticed, they would only lie on the ground. On the ground, shouted that Lord Shiva appeared.

Zhou Ye, who walked out of the mirror world, directly picked up Rohit, who was still asleep, and took Mrs. Mehera to open a portal directly to Mrs. Mehera's house and walked in...

When he came to Mehera's house, Zhou Ye first threw the Rohit in his hand back to his own room... He didn't have the habit of running around with a man all the time...

On the other hand, Mrs. Mehera put the clothes and all kinds of jewelry that she had packed into the suitcase and put them back in place... With those things on display, Mrs. Mehera couldn't help but laugh...

I ran away desperately, but I didn't expect that I still didn't escape the palm of the villain's palm... Isn't everything I did very ridiculous in the eyes of the villain? It's a shame that I thought I would be able to escape...

But now, she won't run if she is allowed to run... She is already reluctant to run... Now the only fly in the ointment is her son Rohit... If this is a normal child, she will definitely let him early Start a family and start a business, and then kick out of the house...then you can fight that bad guy by yourself...

However, this is just an illusion after all... It is precisely because Rohit is a flawed child, so Mrs. Mehra can't let go... It's her child after all...

Just when Mrs. Mehera fell into a fantasy and couldn't extricate herself, she suddenly felt as if she was being hugged from behind... She had been habitually trying to struggle, and after smelling a familiar smell, she relaxed. , and even deliberately squeezed his body into the embrace behind him.

"It's time for me to go back..." Zhou Ye said in a slightly low voice.

"Hmm—!" Mehra nodded.

"Aren't you going to keep me?" Zhou Ye teased with a smile.

"Stay... Do you dare?" Mrs. Mehera raised her face, provocatively, she didn't believe Zhou Ye dared to stay... In fact, she didn't dare to leave Zhou Ye to spend the night in her own home, after all She is a widow...

"Aiya... take me?" Zhou Ye glared, "Then I really stayed..."

"Don't... Master, don't tease me..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Mrs. Mehera's face turned pale with fright. How could she explain to the neighbors why there was a stranger in her room? man thing? To know that India is not Europe, this kind of thing is a disaster for her...

"Hmph... it's too late..." Zhou Ye began to play a rogue.

"Master..." Mehera turned around in a hurry... She had no choice but to beg, "Master, you really can't stay... As long as you don't stay, I will agree to whatever you say..."

"Really?" Zhou Ye's voice changed... He originally meant the drunkard instead of drinking.

"Really... I promise." Mehera was also dazed, completely unaware of the change in Zhou Ye's tone.

"Then..." Zhou Ye whispered in a low voice beside Mehera's ear.

"No...that...that's absolutely impossible..." Mehera's little face turned red...she shook her head like a rattle...

"It seems that my beautiful slave really wants me to stay, so I'd better stay..."

"I...I..." Facing the rogue Zhou Ye, Mi Hyuk

Ra could only say in a mosquito-like voice: "Okay... I promise you..."

"That's good..." Zhou Ye, who had achieved his goal, smiled and gently kissed Mrs. Mehera's little face... "Remember your promise... The price of breaching the contract is very high. ……you know."

"Bad..." Mrs. Mehera turned her head and found that Zhou Ye's figure had disappeared... If it weren't for her younger and younger face, she would really think that Zhou Ye was just a dream she dreamed... But the physical The feeling told her that it was definitely not a dream...

Just separated... Mehera found that she had already started to miss this villainous master.

ps: Codewords in Internet cafes late at night... cheeky asking for various requests...

Chapter five hundred and ninety-two

It was almost 1:00 a.m., and the whole town, except for the few bright street lamps on the street, had already fallen into darkness... After all, this is not a metropolis like a city that never sleeps. For the residents here, they have long been Get used to going to bed early and getting up early...

Of course, not everyone has turned off the lights. At this moment, in the Peace Villa, there is a room on the second floor of a villa, and the lights are still on...

Zhou Ye had just crossed the portal... when he realized something was wrong.

It's not that some thieves come here to steal things... but—the three girls are sitting there with serious expressions, staring at themselves solemnly...

"I called Uncle Harbans at six o'clock..." Nissa, the default eldest among the three women who spoke. "Uncle Harbans told me...you left half an hour ago..."

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye suddenly had the feeling that he was a man who was caught by his wife for stealing. This unfamiliar feeling made him instantly stunned... He even forgot to react.

"Sisters, come on..." Nissa said, jumping on Zhou Ye's body first, holding her own little nose and starting to smell carefully everywhere... "Unfamiliar fragrance..."

"This hair definitely doesn't belong to our sisters..." Jiagu, who rushed up after that, picked up a long hair with a slight curl from Zhou Ye's shoulders as if he had obtained a treasure... Obviously this would not be the case. The hair of the three sisters.

Jia Gu has half-length hair, and Ginny has long hair, but... her hair is extremely straight... and Nissa is even more unlikely... Her hair is shoulder length, slightly shorter than Jia Gu point.

"Really..." Ginny and Nissa quickly gathered around, as if Columbus had discovered the New World.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless. When it comes to this kind of thing, it seems that every woman can show her innate talent as a detective, just like Sherlock Holmes is possessed...

"The unfamiliar scent on my dear is elegant but not greasy, and there is a faint smell of sandalwood in it... The object of my derailment this time is likely to be a mature woman..." Nissa has begun to transform into a famous detective , analyze the case.

"Well, I agree..." Jiagu nodded and said: "This hair is so long, but the ends of the hair are not split and dry at all, obviously because the owner of this long hair takes care of it carefully... Having time to take care of her hair shows that this woman doesn't come from a very low birth..."

"..." Zhou Ye didn't see the slightest trace of anger or jealousy on the faces of the three girls. He knew that the three girls just wanted to use this to amuse himself... He didn't say anything at all. What's the matter, just sat down and watched the three of them play freely there... He was also curious as to what the three women would come up with...

At this moment, the investigation process of the three girls has also reached superb...

"Very well, that means that the poor woman who fell into the clutches of my dear...is a highly educated and very attractive mature woman..."

Nissa's concluding remarks made Zhou Ye roll his eyes. What does it mean to fall into his own hands? Why is it pitiful? It seems that baby Nissa needs to be re-educated by him...

"Ginny, you are local, are there any mature women who meet the above conditions?" Nissa directly handed the final solution to Ginny, after all, she is an authentic local... Small county is not big , basically looking up and not looking down to see, of course, the identification of the target must be left to her...

"Mrs. Vidia?" Ginny first said a name, but she quickly overturned the idea herself. "Mrs. Vidia's hair is straight like mine, and she doesn't have this natural curly hair... Could it be Mrs. Shilpa? No, no, her appearance can only be said to be average, my dear is definitely looking at it. Not on her..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

"Ginny, come on... think about it!" Nissa gave Ginny a hint while cheering. "My dear came back so late, it means that there is no man in the woman's home, either separated or simply widowed..."

"..." Zhou Ye was taken aback, he really didn't expect his baby Nissa to have such talent...

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