"Could it be... Could it be Mrs. Mehera..." There are not many widowed people in this small county, and there are very few people who are highly educated and have good looks... With long hair, Ginny solved the case in an instant...

"..." Zhou Ye was at a loss for words... How boring a serious woman can be, this time he really saw it, could this be the legendary bloody case caused by a strand of hair?

"My dear... I can already tell from your expression..." Jia Gu, who had been staring at Zhou Ye, jumped up when he saw the corner of his man's twitching mouth. "Ginny guessed right, right..."

"Okay, I admit...it's her." Now that we've reached this point, it's useless to hold on.

"Lord Shiva..." Hearing her man admit it, Ginny widened her eyes in surprise, looking very surprised...

"You're so surprised that this Mrs. Mehera was taken down by my dear?" Nissa was aroused by Ginny's reaction...

"Of course I'm surprised..." Ginny was beyond amazed. "Nisha, do you know? When Mrs. Mehra just moved here, even though she brought a son who was born mentally handicapped, many men proposed to her... but they were all rejected... She was once Called the most attractive woman in our county..."

Having said this, Ginny couldn't help hugging Zhou Ye and asked, "Honey, tell me quickly, how did you get Mrs. Mehera..."

"What's so strange about this..." Jia Gu unceremoniously debunked someone's trick. "If you think about how you fell into the hands of our dear family, you will know how that Mrs. Mehera was given to our family's man... It's nothing more than abduction, coercion and temptation..."


"Yeah!" Jiagu, who was talking eloquently, was slapped by Zhou Ye and covered his back, looking at Zhou Ye with aggrieved expression. "Why beat people..."

"You guys are just too busy..." Zhou Ye wouldn't admit that he was angered by Jiagu's dismantling of his old foundation. "It seems, darlings, you need to know what the Zhou family's rules are..."

"Honey, what are the rules of our family?" Ginny asked, not afraid of death, but soon, she paid the price for her words...

The first rule of the Zhou family's family rules, complaining about their own men, is to pay the price of being fucked... Jiagu Jinni Nisha... Finally realized the horror of this family rule... They finally figured out one thing , sometimes pretending to be confused is the smartest thing to do... It's just that they know a little too late...

Chapter 593

In the operating room of the hospital ——————

"No. 1 hemostat..."


"I said No. 1 hemostat..."


"Pia - do you have any concerns these days?" In the office, an old doctor in a white coat looked at the intern standing in front of him with dissatisfaction with his small head lowered.

Originally, the old doctor was very satisfied with the intern Pia from New Delhi that the dean gave him. She is diligent and eager to learn, and also very polite... It can be seen that her tutor is very good, she should be a born in A girl from a senior intellectual family.

But these days, this Pia seems to have changed a person, often distracted at critical moments, and her spirit is always in a trance, the whole person looks like sleepwalking... This makes the old doctor very dissatisfied, In his opinion, the profession of a doctor must not tolerate any negligence, because a little negligence may lead to a huge price for the patient.

"Yes, I'm sorry...Professor Summit..." Pia also knew that she was not in a good state these days, and she hurriedly apologized to the old doctor: "I'm a little... too tired these days, so..."

"..." Professor Summit sighed silently, and he didn't want to be too harsh on this sensible girl: "Just rest for a few days, go, you can't work in this state, It will only harm others...go and rest for a few days..."

"...Okay, okay, Professor Summit..." Pia didn't dare to refute the old doctor's words, you know, she specially asked her father to find a relationship to set her practice place in this little-known place. The small county is for this Professor Summit.

This is Professor Summitt, the first surgeon in India. If he hadn't returned to his hometown after retirement and wanted to contribute to improving the medical conditions in his hometown, it would have been Pia's turn to pick this up.

"Go and rest..." Professor Summit said and waved his hand, indicating that Pia can go down. He is a little old, and he has just had an operation, so he can't keep up.

"..." Pia cautiously walked out of Professor Summit's office...

"That damn bastard..." As soon as Pia left Professor Summit's office, her little face immediately collapsed... The culprit of her lack of energy these days... Don't ask, it would naturally be to forcibly take away her first words. Zhou Ye.

Ever since she was cheated by Zhou Ye for her first kiss that day, Zhou Ye's handsome face that made her ticklish teeth would always appear in front of her eyes from time to time...

When watching TV, Pia would regard all the characters on the TV as Zhou Ye's face... Whether it was the host of a news program or a master in a divination program... It was the same.

Even Pia dreamed of that bad guy Zhou Ye, dancing bad dances... singing sweet love songs, confessing to herself...

A few times I almost got caught by him in my dreams...

Pia couldn't help thinking of the shy person in the dream again, and the whole person was a little wrong... She started to be in a daze again...

"Pia...Pia??Pia???" In a sway, Pia temporarily ended her daydream...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here will be another girl, Sima.

Both of them were assigned from New Delhi. The difference is that Pia asked to be assigned here because of her relationship, while Sima was squeezed out of her internship at the New Delhi Hospital because it was okay. to here...

However, in any case, after all, both of them are interns who came to this small county hospital from New Delhi. Although one is a surgeon and the other is a nursing professional, they are both from New Delhi and live in the same dormitory. Gradually they became good friends.

"Pia, are you thinking about your Prince Charming again?" As a good best friend, Seema knows why Pia is so lost these days...

"What Prince Charming..." When Pia was teased by Seema, her face turned red, "That's a bad guy..."

"Oh - it turns out that the name you called in a dream last night was the name of a bad guy..." Seema looked astonished. "No wonder you kept saying there... [No... Zhou Ye... No way there...]"

Seema learned Pia's coquettish and shy tone vividly... In an instant, Pia's little face turned red to the base of her ears... After she finished speaking, Seema turned around and ran away without waiting for Pia to speak...

"When did I say something like this... Sima, please make it clear to me..." Pia was so embarrassed that she immediately chased after her...

In the end, Seema was caught up by Pia on the lawn outside the hospital... Needless to say, it is naturally the most common ticklish battle between girls... The two girls will not give in to each other and face each other's most ticklish place scratch away...

"No... Pia, not there..."

"Humph, I just came on knowing that I can't do it here...Come on, hurt each other...Ah, Xima, you are lying...hahaha...don't...don't scratch my place...no..."




This tickling battle that hurt each other ended with a loss for both sides... Pia and Seema both laughed and lay on the lawn exhausted... They both laughed and had no energy...

"Pia, since you like him so much, go find him..." Sima gasped and cheered her friend: "You know, it's not easy to meet someone you love... Maybe, you It only happens once in a lifetime.”

"I didn't..." Pia opened her mouth and wanted to deny it, but was blocked by Simma directly. "Don't say you didn't fall in love with that man named Zhou Ye, if you keep your mouth shut, I'll break the news... For example, a few days ago, someone said something in his sleep after falling asleep... and someone's early morning. Going to do the laundry..."

"Okay..." Pia knew that she couldn't deny it... After all, she was a sister living in a dormitory, and she couldn't hide it from Sima.

"What if I admit that I have fallen in love with that bad guy?" The smile on Pia's face gradually disappeared, and her big talking eyes became a little gray and full of loneliness. "The bad guy only told me his name. I don't know where he is from, where he lives, or even if the name he told me is true or not..."

ps: It's still a regular release...just don't go wrong.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-four

"I always thought that when I fell in love with someone, the breeze would gently sing, and the moon would become very big... These are just exaggerated scenes in the movie..." Pia gradually let go After thinking about her own thoughts, she also wanted to find someone to confide in her troubles. "But when I met that bad guy... I looked at his back as he left, as if I really heard the wind singing softly... That kind of feeling... You know what?"

"Although I've never been in a relationship, and I don't know if your situation is normal..." Seema looked at her girlfriend who was caught in her thoughts, patted her on the shoulder and said, "But I can see... You are really stuck..."

"Yeah... I... got stuck..." Pia thought of the mouth that made her dream back in the middle of the night, the golden pupils that could suck her soul in...

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