Chapter 621

Switzerland - Bern.

Maya Hansen is a computer expert, but, by accident, she began to abandon her major in college to specialize in biology, wanting to merge the two...the so-called biological genetic code.

She wants to invent a biological gene that can regenerate a person's broken limbs like a gecko. When she announced this idea to the public, what she received was not praise, but a voice of doubt...

In fact, no one is optimistic about her project, whether it is those former friends or those bigwigs who have occupied a place in the biological academia, their comments on Maya are only four words, [whimsical].

But these did not shake Maya Hansen's determination. She plunged into the ocean of biology, like a crazy sponge, absorbing all kinds of biological knowledge.

When she had no money, she used the majors she had learned before to earn some living expenses on the Internet...

But, obviously, her efforts are a drop in the bucket compared to the funding needed for academic research... Not to mention, just initially establishing a small biological laboratory is enough to drain all her savings and make her heavily in debt...

However, what she has gained is not only ridicule and questioning, but occasionally some like-minded people will contact her through the email she left on the biological forum, and have some academic exchanges with her, which makes her feel Although the road ahead is bumpy, she is by no means alone... Among her like-minded friends, the one that caught her eye most was Zhao Hailun, a genius from the Great Cold Netherland whom she met on the biology forum.

When Maya Hansen knew that Zhao Hailun wanted to make achievements in biology, she recommended Umbrella to Zhao Hailun, and told her that in the Umbrella college league examination, if she got good grades, she would You can enter without examination... Of course, entrance without examination is only one of them. Maya Hansen pointed out to Zhao Hailun that in the world now, the organization that really leads the global technology is not the mysterious country of Wakanda in Africa, nor the country of aliens Attilan, It is the Umbrella consortium, which is hidden from view and leaks, but like a prehistoric giant crocodile lurking around the world.

Today is the seventh day of Umbrella's examination at Seoul National University... It's almost time to announce the shortlist, Maya Hansen thought as she pushed her shopping cart through the supermarket shelves for a routine. Big purchase.

What happened to the scientists? Although scientists often forget to eat and sleep, it does not mean that they do not need to eat...

"Yeah - green beans, you can have some of this." Maya said as she threw a bag of vacuum-packed American green beans into her shopping cart that was already stacked like a hill.

Looking at her shopping cart, it seemed that she had already made a creaking protest because she was overwhelmed. Maya could only give up the idea of ​​continuing to buy, although she could not wait to buy food for a year so that she would never use it again. Going out, you can do your own research at home, but obviously that's impossible, not to mention whether she has that much money, her little refrigerator alone won't allow it... It's really a sad story.

"Miss Hansen, you bought so much again..." The cashier of the supermarket saw the thin Maya Hansen struggling to push the shopping cart that she had piled up like a hill, shook her head, ran over, and helped her put The cart was pushed to the cashier.

"It's rare to come out, so..." Maya Hansen smiled a little embarrassedly, because she often shopped in this supermarket, although she always came once a month, but every time she bought so many things, Every cashier in the supermarket has known her for a long time. After all, it takes a long time to settle accounts for a truckload of things...

"A dozen disposable underwear...a big bottle of salad..." The cashier shook her head helplessly and began to count the goods on Maya Hansen's car. In her mind, Maya Hansen was probably drawn as a weird person. symbol.

Looking at the strange look in the cashier's eyes and the disapproval attitude, how could Maya Hansen not know what she was thinking? ...But, it doesn't matter, she's already used to this kind of thing anyway.

And this moment - in Maya Hansen's apartment... an uninvited person...

"I really can't tell that this is a girl's room..." Zhou Ye frowned as he looked at the one-bedroom, one-bedroom room in front of him, which was only over fifty square meters...

This is a very classic one-bedroom, one-bedroom apartment. The sofa in the living room is still full of clothes that are clean or unclean. Next to the sofa are a few pots of viewing plants... and next to the living room. There is a computer, the power of the computer is still on, the door of the bedroom on the inside is open, and the quilt on the couch is thrown in a mess, basically it can be said to be a mess.

"Master, please wait a moment, this place will be cleaned up in a while." A figure in black and white maid uniform appeared directly behind Zhou Ye... It was Zhou Ye's personal maid, Qiu.

"Qiu...Didn't I tell you and Zi to wait downstairs?" Zhou Ye said helplessly.

"That won't work, Master, since you've been worrying us a lot lately, the maid has raised your security level to the highest level..." As the words fell, a maid with long purple hair appeared in the autumn Next to him was Zi who was left downstairs by Zhou Ye.

"Am I all right?" Zhou Ye was speechless. If something happened to him, what could they do by his side?

"Could it be that you have the heart to let us be scolded by the head maid?" Qiu said, her big beautiful eyes were full of tears, and she was like crying to show you if they disagreed...they

You know your master Zhou Ye too well, you reason with him, he cheats with you, you cheat with him, he is even more rogue... Only tears are the only way to subdue him.

"Okay okay, feel free..." Zhou Ye silently sat on the computer chair.

This is also something that can't be helped. Since his return, Ophelia has directly informed their sister alliance that he almost lived in another world, which is like poking a hornet's nest...

Whether it's Sister Medusa, Aunt Carter's niece, whether it's Master Gu Yi or the Supreme Mother and Daughter of Xinxing... They all agreed that they must strengthen the guards around their men. Yingyi alone is not enough, even the most obedient one Pandora is not united with him this time.

And Hela, who was pregnant, even used the reason of "I don't want my daughter to have no father" to force Zhou Ye to accept the protection measures arranged by the six chief maids...

Zhou Ye can only be obedient. If a woman is to say something, Zhou Ye can fool him by cheating... When all the women are united, Zhou Ye has to... No way. Besides, this is because his women are doing it for him. it is good……

Don't look at the fact that there are only two maids by Zhou Ye's side now, this has already been cut down by Zhou Ye using various tricks...

According to the arrangement of the six chief maids, he would be surrounded by no less than one battle maid in a battle formation at all times. How many people in a battle formation? Uh, it's only a hundred people... This is only a close-up organization, and there are thousands of shadow guards in the surrounding area. Of course, although the body maid team has now become a body maid team, the shadow guard troops on the periphery have not decreased, but have increased a lot.

Even so, he was very satisfied, otherwise, just imagining the feeling of being stared at by a hundred maids, he would shudder a little. Just when Zhou Ye was sitting on the computer chair and thinking about life, Qiu and Zi had already cleaned the whole room...

"Amazing..." Zhou Ye had to admire himself, these two women's personal maids, who were extremely powerful. The speed of the cleanup was also unparalleled.

"Then you didn't even want to bring us..." Qiu said with a look of grievance.

"That's right, master, how good you are with us, we can cook, clean, and..." Zi said, the female eyebrows in her eyes almost drowned Zhou Ye... with a sheepish tone. Zhou Ye's voice made Zhou Ye quick... "Even if you want to do something bad, we will help you hold her hands and feet down."

Pfft——If it's so rude, I'm afraid no other maid can say it except my own maid, but I can't help it, starting from the six major maids, my maid team has been brought crooked... Zhou Ye sighed helplessly. I sighed, but a maid like this... is so nice.

"Come on—" Zhou Ye said and patted his leg. Qiu and Zi looked at each other with a happy look on their faces. They rushed over happily, and sat on the top obediently, huh...

If you have a past, you will be punished, and if you have merit, you will be rewarded... Zhou Ye hugged the two girls and kissed each other. Qiu and Zi Kai's eyebrows were almost in line. For them, they could win the company of their master. This task around me is really good...

Chapter 622

Maya Hansen worked hard to move all the items in the shopping cart into the trunk of her car. After closing the trunk, she pushed the empty shopping cart to the parking lot for special use. The one who placed the empty shopping cart was behind and returned to his cart again.

Maya Hansen, who sat in the driver's seat, took off the heavy down jacket and threw it to the passenger seat on the side. Although the minimum temperature outside was already below zero, thanks to the time she was carrying the items in the shopping cart just now. The temperature in the car was still very high even after the car was set on fire and the heating system was not turned on.

Rubbing her little hands that were a little red from the cold, and feeling that the little hands had recovered some temperature, Maya skillfully put on the gear, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car to her apartment...

Although there are a lot of daily necessities to carry at one time, she is used to living alone, and her biggest headache now is her biological laboratory...

Her small biological laboratory must not be built in her apartment, so she rented a small farm on the outskirts of Bern. In fact, the farm was less than ten acres in size, but its rent was very cheap. For Maya, who has been struggling to make ends meet recently, this is the most important thing.

Her small biological laboratory was built in the warehouse of that small farm, and it has already begun to take shape, but... in the final analysis, it is still money, no money, as long as it involves experimental equipment, it involves high-precision machines, and these Things are just the most expensive... Maya Hansen is already thinking about whether she should temporarily stop her research and pick up a few programming jobs online to get some money...

Time slipped away minute by minute in Maya Hansen's entanglement. Although it was easy to cause traffic accidents while driving, but fortunately, on this day when the weather was not very good, there were not many people driving on the street. , Maya was able to get home safely.

The supermarket was not far from Maya's apartment, only two blocks away, and Maya's car quickly pulled into the parking lot below her apartment.

Maya, who got out of the car, opened the trunk... After arranging for a long time, Maya was embarrassed to find that she couldn't carry her booty back at once...

"It looks like I can only get down two more times..." Maya, whose hands were already full of plastic bags, reluctantly closed the trunk and walked into the elevator of her apartment building...

Ding - the elevator stopped at the tenth floor.

Maya resignedly picked up the shopping bag in the elevator and walked out.

After getting off the elevator, she staggered to the door of her apartment. Maya took out the key and opened the door of the room...

"I'm sorry... I went the wrong way..." After Maya opened the door, the first thing she saw was a clean and tidy small living room, an extremely handsome blond boy was hugging two beautiful girls dressed in maid costumes. The girl was there... She habitually apologized, and then backed out... and took the room door behind her.

"Wait..." Just when Maya was about to pick up the shopping bag on the ground, she suddenly realized one thing, and that was her room. Although it looked so clean and tidy that she couldn't recognize it, but... that Familiar furnishings, definitely his own room.

"Who are you?" Maya pushed open the door unceremoniously. She no longer cared about her handbag, and even her old nest had been invaded. How could she care about those outsiders?

"..." Zhou Ye laughed as he looked at this silly girl who walked into his house, apologized to himself, the intruder, and walked out of his house again. He was dying of laughter...

To be honest, in a sense, Zhou Ye doesn't dislike this silly girl. She is just a scientific researcher who is dedicated to exploring unknown fields, but her research has been used by others... The original intention of creating a desperate virus is also true. Just to let those disabled people live a normal life through regeneration like normal people.

Just as the scientist who invented the rocket just started to explore the mysteries of the universe, she is just a pure biological explorer.

"Get to name is Zhou Ye." Zhou Ye smiled and let go of his two maids, stood up, walked in front of Maya, and stretched out his right hand.

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