"I don't care who you are, I just want to know why you trespassed into my apartment illegally." Maya raised her head rudely and said angrily.

In fact, Maya Hansen, who was over 1.7 meters tall, had an inexplicable sense of joy standing in front of Zhou Ye, who was 1.9 meters tall.

"Actually..." Before Zhou Ye could finish speaking, Maya Hansen rushed over and tried to push away Zhou Ye who was standing in front of her... But after trying a few times, she felt sad. She found that she was doing useless work... Her strength couldn't even make Zhou Ye sway.

The helpless Maya Hansen could only bypass Zhou Ye, rushed to her computer, and rummaged through her computer to find out whether the data she had recorded in important documents had been touched. is the most important.

After looking at the records on her computer, Maya Hansen breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously what she was worried about didn't happen... At this time, she was in the mood to sit down, turned to face Zhou Ye and said, "You can speak now... I'll give you a minute to convince me, otherwise you will wait. Asked to have coffee by the police..."

"Interesting." Zhou Ye smiled. He hadn't seen such an aggressive chick for a long time... "Actually, it was just to invite you to join my company..."

"Your company? Which company do you belong to..." Maya Hansen has long had the idea of ​​absorbing external funds. After all, it's a bit too hard for her to build a qualified biological laboratory by herself. She just A biologist who changed his career halfway, not a rich second generation...

"Those are not important anymore..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Because I have changed my mind now..."

"Are you kidding me?" Maya was still very happy when she heard that Dajin was mainly investing in her own projects, but Zhou Ye's turn made her depressed...

"It's not necessary." Zhou Ye said, and walked in front of Maya step by step... His height gave Maya a great sense of oppression. "Because I think it's too insecure to sign you into my company... Women are too emotional, who knows when you will suddenly regret it, and it will make me suffer a huge loss..."

"In this case, please go out..." Maya felt like she was being toyed with like a fool, she said that she wanted to invite herself, and then she regretted it... How could this guy be like a child.

Chapter 623

The two maids stood behind their masters, watching Zhou Ye tease this little girl... I have to say, it was still very interesting.

"Why?" Zhou Ye spread his hands and made an appearance that he didn't know what to do. In fact, he was just cheating.

"Since you've changed your mind, why are you still staying here? Are you going to have sex with me?" Maya sarcastically said that she was too lazy to pursue Zhou Ye's illegal intrusion into her residence.

First, Zhou Ye doesn't look like a thief. Have you ever seen a thief who would help the owner clean the room?

Second, she was already pissed off by Zhou Ye. What does it mean for a woman to be too emotional? What is repentance? Is this demeaning women? What would make him suffer a heavy loss... I look down on her too much.

"Huh? How did you know that?" Zhou Ye looked surprised, and almost didn't cheer Maya.

"First, I'm not as beautiful as the two chicks behind you, so don't talk about deceiving people..." Maya stood up and poked Zhou Ye's murderous words with her fingers: "No. Two, even if I think I'm as beautiful as a goddess, I don't think I'll attract the interest of a playboy... Besides, what I hate most is a playboy like you..."

"Oh? Then what type do you like?" Zhou Ye smiled, dangerously.

"I like people who have a common language with me...such as those who also like biology, or geniuses who have their own unique insights in a certain research...In any case, it's not you who are useless and have nothing but beauty. Son..." The more Maya said, the more excited she became, her whole body was about to stick to Zhou Ye's arms...

"Woman, you're a little too arrogant..." Zhou Ye laughed more and more dangerously. "Didn't your mother tell you?"

"What?" Maya asked with a cold face as she raised her head in confusion.

"Don't get too close to a dangerous man." Zhou Ye said, and he blocked Maya's desire as soon as he lowered his head.

"Hmm..." Maya was in a state of confusion, what's the situation? This guy actually... However, she has no time to think more, because Zhou Ye has already pried her teeth...

"Bastard... how are you... Hey, there are still people here, don't you pay attention to the feelings of the two girls behind you?"

"It's okay, don't worry about us, we are the shadow of the master... Please ignore us."

"Qiu, Zi, come and help me hold down this chick... I'm afraid I'll hurt her."

"Hey...hey...you don't really want to help this guy...don't take it off...if I said something wrong just now, I apologize...don't be like this...you are committing a crime..."

"There's no way, we have to obey the master's orders, otherwise, the master will deal with it harshly when we go back..."

"You are strong...you are still young, don't be like this...hey..."

"It's okay, I don't mind that you go to the police after the matter is over... Really."

"Ah—, bastard—"

"Sorry sorry...I didn't expect you to be...I would be gentle..."



In the room, Maya's cries gradually decreased... replaced by bursts of fanciful sounds.

Two hours later ——————

"You bastard, don't you know how to be gentle?" Maya nestled in Zhou Ye's arms and wanted to leave her own teeth marks on Zhou Ye's body. In fact, it was a very difficult thing to do. ...after many attempts, she had to let go of this unrealistic idea.

As for telling Zhou Ye? Don't make trouble... Was Zhou Ye's Spring Breeze and Rain determined to be practiced in vain?

Zhou Ye came here with the idea of ​​winning Maya... It can be said that Maya is also a very talented scientist. Now Zhou Ye has Zhao Hailun and Nina by his side... these two How could a female genius scientist let Maya go? Although it is said that her appearance is medium and high, but... her intelligence and intelligence are worth a lot of points.

"Have you never had a boyfriend before?" Zhou Ye really didn't expect Maya to be... ahem, this is really a surprise.

"Making a boyfriend? My time for research and study is almost running out... How can I have time to make a boyfriend..." Maya leaned on Zhou Ye's arm, curled herself up in Zhou Ye's arms, and muttered. Said: "But now I find that making a boyfriend seems to be a good choice. Recently, the negative emotions that have been accumulated due to the poor research have disappeared..."

"Okay, I'll go back and set up a biological laboratory headed by you... There's no need to rush the research." Zhou Ye comforted.

"Wait, you haven't told me which company you belong to..." Maya heard Zhou Ye say this, and then she remembered that this guy had come to invite himself to join the company under the pretense.

"Umbrella..." Zhou Ye spat out the name of a consortium with a smile, and immediately stunned Maya.

At first, she thought that her man was just a rich second generation of a medium-sized biotech company, but it turned out... it was Umbrella, the giant crocodile buried in the world's pond...

"Are you really from the Umbrella consortium? Will I really have my own research team and biological laboratory?" Maya was so excited that she could hardly find herself...

"That's right..." Zhou Ye smiled. The creator of the Extremis virus was worth his effort.

"Oh my god... I'm so happy... no... I've... oh my god..." Maya was already incoherently happy. In her opinion, Zhou Ye's decision made her more affectionate than any love words... Move, get on your horse, there should be a bgm Valkyrie riding here.

However, it was the first time for Maya Hansen to complete the battle against the Great Demon King with the help of Zhou Ye's two maids. This time, her reinforcements have fallen into a deep sleep... But no one could help her... So, she paid a heavy price for her actions.

These days, Zhou Ye accompanied Maya Hansen to have a good time in Switzerland for a few days, and the laboratory that promised Maya Hansen has already started operation. After all, there are too many biological laboratories under Umbrella. For Sen, it was a huge and difficult task, but for Zhou Ye, it was just a matter of finding a laboratory that was not very important and changing the research project... The venue, equipment, and personnel were all readily available.

Finally, on the seventh day, the unbearable Maya Hansen drove Zhou Ye away... Who said that this guy is too animal? Even if Maya has two maids to help, she still feels powerless.

Of course, when Zhou Ye was about to leave, he also left Maya with the standard equipment that must be acquired after becoming his woman, a space bracelet, a personal terminal in the style of a watch... and an Umbrella unlimited black card.

For Maya, although the space bracelet surprised her, she was most interested in the personal terminal, not because of the height of the personal terminal, but the things on the sister forum in the Umbrella internal network linked by the terminal, What surprised her in particular were some of Nina Stark's academic papers...

This made her feel as if she had found a confidant, and began to connect with Nina. Nina's genius plus her creativity, er, of course, plus Zhao Hailun... These three high-IQ girls have been established A small discussion group to inform each other about their research progress...

Of course, Zhou Ye was happy to see this happen.

Chapter 624

Since Zhou Ye settled Maya, the creator of the virus, he has returned to the world of the dead again, quietly waiting for the birth of his daughter... Every day I accompany my child's mother, Hela, and walk around...

"Dear, it's really nice to meet..." Hela snuggled in the arms of her man, looking at the giant castle in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of happiness.

"I should be thankful for the teleportation accident that brought me here..." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Hela, who had a big belly. This is already the eighth year of his daughter's pregnancy, and Hela's belly has already grown. When he got up, although it was a little inconvenient to move, Hela didn't care at all, and the whole little face was filled with the brilliance of motherhood.

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