And now, in Shuri's view, it's time...

When she heard the repeated explosions from outside the palace, Shu Li, who was practicing her fighting skills in her private training ground, left the female bodyguard who was training with her and quickly rushed to her laboratory.

Shuri is not only a warrior, but also a scientist, which is not uncommon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as if as long as they are superheroes, their minds must be superhuman... and the future female black panther Shuri is no exception.

"Princess..." As Shu Li rushed into her laboratory, a personal maid walked quickly to her side, and said quickly and anxiously: "Your Highness Princess... an unknown force is invading our kingdom of Wakanda. …”

"How is my father? Did you notify my brother?" Shu Li kept asking, walking towards her lab, because her panther suit was there.

"We have lost contact with His Majesty the King... Besides, the situation outside is not good... Our troops are being wiped out by the establishment..." The female bodyguard's words made Shu Li pause: "And our external communication has been I'm isolated, all messages can't be sent out..."

But the female bodyguard did not hesitate at all, and said directly: "I suggest that Your Highness, Princess, you'd better leave Wakanda now and go to Europe to find your brother, Her Royal Highness Te Chara..."

"No..." Shu Li turned her head slightly, looked at the anxious female bodyguard, and said calmly, "As the daughter of the father, as a member of the Black Panther clan that will forever protect the Kingdom of Wakanda, I cannot be here. It’s time to leave Wakanda, let alone those who are crying in the fire of war, and leave Wakanda alone…”

"His Royal Highness... You're pointless..." Shu Li's personal female bodyguard was already turning around in a hurry. This time, Wakanda was not facing those small African countries with swords and bows, or that It is a European colonizer with a front-mounted musket who came to Africa for gold during the First World War, but a group of invaders whose technological strength is no less than that of the Kingdom of Wakanda.

In fact, over the years, the Kingdom of Wakanda has discovered that with the rapid development of technology in the outside world and the process of global integration, their so-called technological advantages are becoming less and less worth mentioning... After all - a country's The level of science and technology is driven by the basic education of all citizens, but... in Wakanda, a country where tradition and technology are highly integrated, education for all is nothing at all.

They still retain the oldest clan system and the eldership system... For the rulers of those clans, what they care about is not the great development of technology, but how to effectively protect the rights in their hands. Knowledge monopoly is undoubtedly the The cheapest and most effective means.

The originally small territory, coupled with the clan's monopoly on the knowledge of the commoners, even if a few geniuses are born occasionally, it will not help the entire country's technological advancement...

In the face of a group of intruders whose technological means are not inferior to his own, one or two guardians of the black panthers or something is completely a joke... But why does Her Royal Highness the princess not understand these?

"Don't say it anymore... nakia" Shu Li interrupted her personal female bodyguard's words, "I will never abandon my subjects and run away alone at the moment of life and death of my motherland..."

"Clap-pop-pop." A burst of applause sounded, and Shu Li vigilantly looked at the position where the voice came from. "Who is it? Come out..."

"Not bad..." As Shu Li's voice fell, a sweet and beautiful female voice sounded. "What a princess who cares about the country and the people...Ah—are you right? Temilion?"

"Hehe... I'm sorry, miss... In my opinion, this is just the willfulness of a child..." Another female voice sounded. "Knowing that you are invincible, you don't know how to keep your usefulness in order to report back, but instead wave your minions at the enemy in a seemingly incomparable attitude. It doesn't help, this is the most stupid thing in my opinion..."

With the voices of two questions and answers, Shu Li saw two very strange figures...

It's weird, it's not that the two people are weird, but the way they move is a little weird. Xiaobu crossed a distance of more than ten meters, this strange feeling made Shu Li clench her fists uncomfortably...

And the female bodyguard Nakia behind her turned around without hesitation and blocked her own princess, "Princess, go away, I'll block these two intruders..."

Why did she see at a glance that the two were intruders? Isn't this obvious? The whole kingdom of Wakanda is a country of niggas, and there can be no white people at all...whether it's Angel or Temilion, both of them have European faces...In this sensitive period , what else could it be if it wasn't an intruder?

"Black girl, let me play with you... You're not worthy of our lady's shot." Temilion said, and went up to meet... Pink fist rudely smashed towards Nakia's head, Although she is just an ace spy, her fighting level is not low at all, otherwise she would not have killed Okoye, the captain of the King's Women's Guard, swallowed her, and replaced her.

"...You...Who are you? You...what do you want??" Shu Li asked, staring at Angel with her eyes, tensing her muscles with all her concentration, ready to deal with the enemy at any time The blow... But she didn't do anything, at least her feet were secretly rubbing against the device with the black panther suit fifteen meters away...


they? Hehe, we are the great Hydra..." Angel looked at the little black girl in front of her with great interest, but didn't care. For her, the black girl in the black panther suit is the same as the black girl who doesn't wear the black panther suit. The black girl is no different. She doesn't mind tearing up her reliance in this little black girl's strongest state and letting her know... how ridiculous her so-called reliance is in the face of absolute power.

"Well - as for the purpose?" Angel held her cheeks with her hands and said with a very embarrassed look: "Actually, my mothers only want your soul ancestral land...because that is one of the Infinity Stones. Soul gem, and me? I just want to take you back to my father as a pet, so Xiao Hei, don’t resist anymore, go back with me, how about making my father a cute pet?”

"'re dreaming." Shu Li trembled with anger at Angel's words... plotting to be the ancestral land of the soul of her own country... Still want to catch herself as a pet? What an insult this is... As the only princess of the Wakanda Kingdom, how could Shuri be able to endure this?

Chapter 645

"Your movements are so slow..." Looking at Shu Li, who was looking indignant, and still not forgetting Shu Li, who was sneaking closer to her suit, the bored Angel sighed and said, "Go and put on your black panther battle. Yi, let me see if your pet is qualified... I'm getting impatient waiting..."

"I'll let you know the power of the Black Panther Guardians inherited from the Wakanda Kingdom." Now that she has been pierced through her own line of possession, and the other party still looks like I won't stop you, Shu Li naturally does not hesitate. He rushed to the side of the black panther suit and pressed a button on the console next to the circular vacuum container...

The round transparent container carrying the black panther suit rose up with a sound of opening. Shu Li's little hand, without hesitation, pressed on the golden ornaments between the neck and collar of the black panther suit... With a slight whistle, the entire black panther suit seemed to have become alive, following Shu Li directly. Li's hand wrapped around her body...

In an instant - a slender female black panther appeared in front of Angel.

"Tsk tsk...I can't have a really good figure." Angel didn't look nervous at all. In the end, Angel, who was wearing the black panther suit, was just a stronger ant to her.

She wore Shuri in a black panther suit up and down a lot, um - I have to say, this girl can't be seen when she is wearing clothes, but when she puts on a black panther suit like a tights, she puts on her body. · There is no doubt that the material has been leaked. Hungarian has at least d+ and that little dolphin should also belong to his father's hunting range... But his skin color is bad, his father doesn't seem to like black girls very much, but if it's just a pet, it shouldn't matter.

"Pay the price for your arrogance... the intruder." After Shu Li put on the black panther suit, a sense of self-confidence came out of her... She developed a feeling that as long as she exerted herself, she could easily defeat the sight in front of her. The illusion of this beautiful girl who insulted her own personality.

As the words fell, Shu Li, like an incomparably vigorous black panther, slammed towards Angela...

"Well - not bad, just like what my mother said, if you give a gift, you should give it to the tune and teach it. Although the maids and aunts are more sophisticated, but you still have to do it yourself to achieve success. Feeling..." Angel waved her hand lightly as she muttered to herself something that made Shu Li even more angry.

"This... what's going on?" Shu Li felt as though she was being rejected by the entire space, unable to move, or even lift her eyelids...

"Space is a kind of power that is very general but contains countless branches." Angel smiled and circled around Shu Li, and like a female gangster, she tried Shu Li's dolphin. elasticity. "People's cognition of space is extremely poor, but I have to say... Brother Space Force is indeed a very powerful force... Just like you, if you can't break the shackles of space, you can't get rid of my control, How is it, are you surprised? Are you happy?"

How powerful is the Black Panther? According to the records in the giant official documents, she can lift objects weighing more than fifteen tons, and can make her speed double the speed of sound... possessing intelligence and endurance beyond ordinary people... However, these things are in front of space forces, All in vain.

Can your power break the space barrier? No...then you can only be bullied arbitrarily by Angel.

"Your headgear is really troublesome..." Angela said, and took off Shu Li's black panther headgear... She revealed Shu Li's face... At this moment, Shu Li's face was full of difficulty. Believe it, she was desperately surging her throat to speak, but she was bound by the space barrier and couldn't open her eyes.

"Now, do you want to surrender?" Angel said, raising her fingers slightly, and suddenly the space barrier that bound Shu Li's head relaxed a little, at least allowing her to speak.

"...Let go of want me, I'll go with you..." Shu Li's words surprised Angel for a moment, then she turned her head and saw that it was Temilion who had already subdued Shuli's female bodyguard... make her lie on the ground and unable to move.

"You are really a kind and good princess..." Angel smiled slightly and teased: "But why should I listen to you? You are my captive now, I can do whatever I want with you... And you What kind of resistance can you make? I'm looking forward to it."

If the anger in Shu Li's eyes could kill people, I'm afraid Angel would have been burned to ashes... But, obviously, anger can't kill people... All she can do is threaten Angel with her own life. "Black Panther Suit

There is a self-destructing program inside... If you don't agree to my request, I will..."

"No no... You won't." Angel smiled, sweet and beautiful... But in Shu Li's eyes, this sweet and beautiful smile was like a devil's smile. "Look... who is this?"

Shu Li was stunned by the scene in front of her. She saw Angel, who was like a little devil, flipping her wrist, and a circular space cage appeared in her hand. In that space cage, Shu Li saw a group of familiar figures, and two of them made her tremble... "Father...Mother..."

"That's right, that's the expression..." Angel smiled, she grabbed Shu Li's shoulder, and whispered in Shu Li's ear: "Guess, if you commit suicide, how will I treat you? What about your parents? Your father may be old...but your mother is still young and has a good fertility. Anyway, I just want a pet with a noble status and pure blood...I don't care how this pet is obtained. Come, for example... Let your mother have another one? Although the waiting time will be a little longer, but then your so-called half-sister will definitely be better than you if you teach it from a minor... What do you think?"

"You devil... the devil..." Shu Li trembled and trembled, she felt as if she was standing in the ice and snow, her body and mind were cold...

"Actually, I am very grateful for your foreign policy, no contact, no openness, no understanding... Such a hidden kingdom is such a good goal." Angel smiled even more happily. "If you are a country with international influence, then maybe we have to estimate the international public opinion a little when we start with Hydra... But obviously you are not, and many people don't even say the name of your country at all. Clearly, I only vaguely know that there is such a country... Look, what a good goal..."

"..." Shu Li felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. It was hatred, regret... or both, hating the previous seclusion of Wakanda, regretting Wakanda's arrogance...

"Now, tell me, your choice..." Angela said, gently lifting Shu Li's chin with her hand, and asked with a smile, "Do you choose to sacrifice yourself to save your parents? Or choose to resist to the end... What about your mother? Speaking of noble blood... Well, I think that although your father is old, your half-brother is still there... In this case, maybe you can match your mother. What about success? When will you call her niece? Or her sister? It's funny just thinking about it..."

"I promise you... I promise you... woo woo..." The last string in Shu Li's mind was also completely broken in Angel's words... She could see that Angel was really able to do this. kind of thing.

"That's good..." Angel smiled, and directly used the space cage to hold Shu Li, and put it in her bracelet... You say guilt? Stop being funny, okay? Angel has inherited her mother's character and never treats niggas as a human... Do you feel guilty about what you forced the guinea pig to do? Obviously not...

And in Angel's heart, the status of a nigger is comparable to that of a guinea pig...

Chapter 646

Just as Hydra's invasion of the hidden kingdom of Wakanda is in full swing...

Oxford, a two-hour drive from London - in a three-storey apartment full of European medieval style, a black guy is anxiously guarding his communicator, full of worry, it is the current Black Panther who came here to study Te Chara.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, T'Challa became more and more uneasy... Today has passed the video call time agreed with her parents and sister, why the signal has not been connected yet? Not only was there no message from Wakanda, but the communication from his own application for linking to the palace was also blind, as if the signal was interrupted.

"His Royal Highness, please don't worry, there are many reasons for poor communication, not necessarily because something happened to Wakanda..." A black woman behind T'Challa comforted: "After all, the technology level of the Kingdom of Wakanda leads the world. the world..."

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