"No... Tiris, are you still holding such a ridiculous idea?" T'Challa looked at the personal female bodyguard who came to the UK with her with some headache and was responsible for taking care of her diet and daily life, said: "Is your understanding of the outside world still so shallow over the years? Not to mention the thriving integration process in the world, it's just that the Inhumans Attilan, who just joined the United Nations a few years ago, their technology level is no worse than our Wakanda. , and even, to some extent, they surpassed our technological level..."

"But Your Highness... Our Wakanda Kingdom is a kingdom that has never been conquered by invaders..." Tiris retorted somewhat unwillingly.

"However, what's the point of that?" T'Challa said dissatisfiedly: "We did defeat those so-called colonists at that time, but were they really the most powerful army of the other country? Just some on the mainland They were just explorers and slave hunters who couldn't get along... Besides, the world was still in the period of the first industrial revolution at that time, and those so-called colonizers had no interest in the barren African continent at all. Most of them are turning their attention to the sleeping empire in the east... If a full-scale war is really launched, do you think we Wakanda will be spared?"

"But..." Tiris wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say.

"No, but... The technological level of our Wakanda is not as big as you think from the technological level of the world... and we are a small country after all, and it is impossible to increase our standing army recklessly like some international powers. , maybe our annual gross national income is less than half of a country's annual military expenditure..." After speaking, T'Challa sighed: "And our country's unique gold resources are in other countries. There's a piece of fat in the eyes... that's the source of the trouble."

"...Your Highness, you are thinking too much..." Tiris said with some dissatisfaction: "It's just our sky curtain system, those countries won't necessarily be broken..."

"However, what if the skylight system is destroyed?" T'Challa asked back: "What do our troops rely on to compete with these international powers? Does it rely on our troops of less than 10,000 people? Or rely on the women's king escort. ?"

"...The sky system will not be destroyed at all..." Tiris muttered.

"..." T'Challa shook his head helplessly. This close-fitting female bodyguard is indeed very loyal, but... it's just that some brains are not easy to use. It's good to have confidence, but too much confidence is conceit... ignoring the outside world. The changes in the world, the country that stubbornly thinks its own country is the most powerful, will suffer a lot because of these things sooner or later.

"No... I have to go back." The more T'Challa thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He stood up and walked outside the house... He felt that the anxiety in his heart was a warning from his ancestors... He had to rush Go back to your own country.

As T'Challa's personal bodyguard, Tiris could only follow...

The two drove directly to a farm on the outskirts of Oxford. This is the farm they bought and the place to store their aircraft...

After T'Challa got out of the car, he walked into the huge warehouse with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters without hesitation. The flying saucer soared into the air, bringing a series of huge sonic booms, and flew towards the African continent...

On the same night, someone nearby claimed to have witnessed the trace of an alien flying saucer, which aroused the praise of many flying saucer fans.

Oxford City is more than 6,000 kilometers away from Wakanda in a straight line——

For T'Challa, these more than 6,000 kilometers are more than an hour's journey. Although he knows that he will only need an hour to rush back to his country, the uneasiness in his heart makes him feel that this more than one hour is a long way to go. So hard.

As he got closer and closer to his hometown, T'Challa became more and more anxious.

Facing such an abnormal prince, Tiris, who was in charge of flying the aircraft, could only helplessly speed up and head towards Wakanda... Although she didn't think any country could invade her motherland...

"It's coming to birnin zana soon, Your Highness, don't worry..." Just as Tiris finished her comforting words, she was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her. "Ancestral God...that is...what is that...how birnin zana...how did it become like this..."

The condescending Tiris didn't see the running Wakanda sky system in mid-air, the entire birnin zana was exposed in front of her, and the current birnin zana was not as calm and beautiful as she had imagined. The city is here, the flames are burning everywhere, and the collapsed buildings can be seen everywhere...

"Oh my god...oh, no,... my god..." Tiris was already incoherent.

"Calm down, Tiris..." Seeing the scene in front of her, T'Challa, who had calmed down, slapped her female bodyguard awake... The worst thing has already happened, no matter how bad it is. where to go? "Turn on the optical cloaking device, let's go to the palace... I want to see how my parents and sister are doing..."

"Yes... Your Highness." Tiris endured her grief, turned on the spaceship's optical invisibility device, slowed down her flight speed, and flew towards the palace...

And at this moment - Jean Grey, who closed her eyes in the United Front Room, opened her eyes - "Interesting, a little mouse that slipped through the net came back..."

"Then I'll inform Little Angel... I'll save you all the fuss." The best friend Storm, who was in charge of secretarial work beside Qin, said, and called.

Angel's newsletter.

Chapter 647

"Okay—well, I get it...Thanks Mama Ororo..."

Squatting beside Angel, Shu Li, who was wearing a black panther uniform, looked at the beautiful girl in front of her who looked like a good girl when she answered the phone, her eyes were about to pop out... I didn't expect this devil girl to be so good and clever side.

"Don't worry, Mother Qin, I will definitely not let the little mouse that slipped through the net... Well, okay, I'll be safe. Goodbye Mother Qin..."

It can be said that every sister in the Ophelia sister group is a mother to Angel. After all, they grew up watching Angel. They really dote on Angel...

However, sometimes this kind of petting and love makes Angel a bit unbearable. After all, no matter how old the child is, in the eyes of the parents, he is still a child... This is the most unbearable thing for Angel, but she has to endure it... After all , this is the love mothers have for her...

"Huh—" Angela let out a long breath after listening to Ororo's advice. She turned to look at Shu Li, who was squatting beside her, with a lifeless look, and a small smile couldn't help but hang on her face. Said: "Xiao Hei, as for me, I just received some good news... Your brother is back, are you happy when you hear this news? Are you surprised?"

"..." Shu Li didn't respond when she heard Angel's question, but in her heart, she was shouting frantically, [Brother...run, please, run...]

"Well - do you want to play a fun game?" Angel didn't seem to care about Shu Li's lack of cooperation. For her, it didn't matter whether Shu Li cooperated or not... Anyway, she had a way to make Shu Li cooperate with her in the end.

At this moment, T'Challa, who came to the palace in an aircraft, knew nothing of what was going on... He was stepping into Angel's trap step by step.

"Okay, Tiris... just stop here." T'Challa said, walking towards the emergency exit of the spacecraft, where it was originally prepared to drop T'Challa wearing a panther suit in mid-air, although Now, because the black panther suit was improved in his sister's laboratory, T'Challa has no black panther suit to wear, but it is not difficult for him to be about ten meters high. "As soon as I jump down, you will fly the aircraft far away, don't disturb those guys..."

"I know, Your Highness." Tiris looked worriedly at T'Challa, who was preparing for the injection port. In the end, she didn't say anything. After all, it was his responsibility. It was T'Challa who took over from Black. After the title of the leopard, the responsibility will be shouldered. "Be careful with everything, Your Highness."

"I will." T'Challa said, opening the launch port, and as the cabin door under his feet was opened, he fell directly from the aircraft...

The height of more than ten meters was reached in an instant. The first time T'Challa felt that his feet were touching the ground, he hugged his knees, hid his head in the middle of his knees, and rolled forward in a spherical shape... He With this action, all the downward momentum is removed.

Removing her strength, T'Challa, who was safe and sound, just stood up when she heard a series of large searchlights turning on.

"Crack-" "Crack-" "Crack-"......

In an instant, more than a dozen rays of light from all directions illuminated the vestibule of the entire palace as bright as day.

"His Royal Highness Black Panther?" A blond girl in a modified military uniform, surrounded by a group of men, walked in front of T'Challa and looked at him up and down with interest.

"You... Shuli, why are you like this?" The sight T'Challa saw for the first time made him burst into anger and his eyes were splitting... I saw that in the hand of the blond girl, holding a chain, The other end of the chain was hanging around a person's neck, and that person... was his half-sister, Shu Li.

"Oh, the relationship between your brothers and sisters is really good..." Angel, who was holding the chain, didn't care about T'Challa's expression at all. For her, it was a very easy thing to catch T'Challa, but then Angel didn't mind playing a small game before that.

She whispered softly in Shu Li's ear: "I know you really want your brother to escape, but what? Your brother will never escape... Why don't we play a game, I will give you the right to choose, If, you beat your brother and catch him, then... I will keep your brother with your parents, and it's good to be a puppet of a subjugated country, but... if you lose to your brother, then there is something damn--"

"..." Hearing Angel's soft words, Shu Li couldn't help but look at Angel in horror. She didn't know what tricks this demon-like woman was going to find to torture herself.

"I am the little padded jacket that my father loves the most... As a filial daughter, of course I can't give my great father a defective product... The lost pet will only be a defective product and will be dealt with Drop...then the question is, after I get rid of you, how can I find another qualified pet?...But luckily, I can get this thing from the winner...like your mother..." Angel His voice was a little softer. "Of course, you can also try to help your brother escape... see if he can escape from my hand."

Shu Li looked at Angel in horror. She knew that this woman would do what she said. As for helping T'Challa to escape, she did flash this idea in her mind, but it was quickly denied by herself. . Having seen Angel's abilities, she didn't think her brother could escape from this witch, even if he wore a black panther suit.

"Then... I announce that the game officially begins..." Angel, said

He reached out and untied the chain hanging from Shu Li's neck collar: "Don't let me down, Xiao Hei..."

As Angel untied the chain around her neck, Shu Li felt that she seemed to breathe the taste of freedom again, but soon, she woke up, she knew that it was just her own illusion. The so-called freedom - is only part of the rules of the witch's game.

She took a deep breath and looked at the familiar figure standing not far in front of her. Dragging a heavy pace, walking forward step by step...

"Why..." Shu Li's swaying body made people worry that she would fall to the ground in an instant and would never be able to stand up again.

"Shuri... What's wrong with you? I'm your brother... T'Challa." T'Challa also found out about his sister, but he didn't believe his sister would hurt him.

"Why...you want to come back...you...why...don't just hide out and never come back..." With Shuri's sharp cry, the golden collar on her neck turned into a blink of an eye A black panther suit that covers the whole body. "For the sake of mother...Brother, you can go to hell with us in peace."

Chapter 648

"Thorn—" With a sound, T'Challa looked at his sister in the black panther uniform in disbelief. He didn't expect that his sister would really kill him. If he hadn't hid himself, I'm afraid that In a flash, he will be disemboweled by his sister's leopard claws. "Shuri, are you crazy?"

"You shouldn't have come back, T'Challa..." Facing her brother's anger, Shu Li, who had dull eyes, muttered to herself as she grabbed her brother one by one...

In fact, Shuli's fighting ability is not weaker than Chara's, and even Shuli once ambitiously wanted to challenge the previous generation of Black Panthers and win the title of Black Panther... but she was a step slower, waiting for her to run to the fighting arena At that time, her brother, T'Challa, had successfully challenged and won the inheritance of the title of Black Panther.

T'Challa, who was not wearing the black panther uniform, could only support Shuri's stormy offensive. When the two had the same fighting ability, the difference between those who wore equipment and those who didn't come out... Now , T'Challa, who was not wearing equipment, could only survive under the leopard's claws of her sister.

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