Chapter 654

Jane Foster rushed into the shower, rinsing the Coke on her body under the shower head, and her whole body had an urge to crawl into the cracks of the ground...

" did I become like this..." Jane covered her face.

"Does Zhou think I'm a very casual woman?" Jane was extremely confused.

"...But he said he sprinkled Coke on me because he knew me. Does that mean he also likes me?" But when Jane thought of Zhou Ye's words, she couldn't help holding her own. A smile leaked from her cheeks...

"Reserved, reserved, Miss Foster... You have to be restrained, you can't let Zhou think you are a frivolous woman, I know Chinese people are very conservative..." Jane patted her cheek lightly, trying to wake up. When you care too much about someone, you will always worry about gain and loss...

Jane Foster was now in such a situation. She was sure that she fell in love with Zhou Ye at first sight, but... she was struggling between the two choices of taking the initiative to attack and brewing slowly.

Zhou Ye, who was sitting in the living room, could hear Jane Foster's self-talk clearly... As expected of the little girl who had arranged for the shadow guard to train since she was a child... But to be honest, Zhou Ye felt a little bit It's a shame that he didn't appear when Jane Foster was thirteen years old.

Why do you say that?

Because the person who plays Jane Foster is the same person as the little girl in [That Killer Is Not Too Cold].

That's right, this Jane Foster is the Jane who will meet Thor in the future, but now Zhou Ye has cut off his beard...

Zhou Ye didn't have a hobby of taking broken shoes. When he could meet him at the most beautiful age, why did he have to wait for the girls to become women before starting? That kind of move is so stupid.

Zhou Ye just sat in the living room and listened to Jane Foster's self-talk leisurely. To be honest, Zhou Ye put a lot of effort into this encounter, such as the spiritual suggestion at first sight, etc. ...

According to Zhou Ye's character in the past, he would rush in and wash with Jane at this time... I believe that Jane will forgive him in the end, but this time Zhou Ye didn't plan to do it... Because, there is another small surprise. .

"Huh? Are you...?" A young girl with long black hair rushed into the dormitory with some embarrassment. The first time she came in, she saw Zhou Ye sitting on the sofa with her back to her. For a girl... Seeing a strange man in her dormitory had to make her full of vigilance, but when Zhou Ye turned around, she swooped up. "Ye—you are here."

"Shh-!" Zhou Ye made a silent gesture, "Keep your voice down, baby Daisy..."

"Is that roommate of mine who didn't come to be your new target? You fickle bastard." Daisy rushed over, straddled and sat on Zhou Ye's body, and held Zhou Ye's cheek in a hatred. I took a bite. "I'll kill you bastard... uuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Finally, when the two parted, Daisy's little face was already flushed. "You bastard, what did you say I'll see you when I get to MIT... As a result, I've been looking for you for several days..."

"Didn't I come here..." Zhou Ye whispered soothingly, Daisy was Jane Foster's friend, Daisy Louise. This was Zhou Ye's first target. There was no way, who gave Daisy a pair of good weapons? Of course, Daisy was also grown up by the shadow guard... For Zhou Ye, when he can drink first soup, he will definitely drink first soup.

"But you're here for that Jane..." Daisy said a little aggrieved. She had seen the sign on the roommate's door and naturally knew the name of her future roommate...

"I'm not here to find you a close comrade-in-arms..." Zhou Ye's shamelessness has broken through the sky. "Otherwise you will pass out every tired..."

"Hum..." Although Zhou Ye's words didn't satisfy Daisy, she had no other choice. She couldn't do without Zhou Ye. Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy... "Where's your pet? Didn't you bring it?"

"Cough cough... Shu Li let me stay in New York..." Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly.

"Okay... It seems that I really need a comrade-in-arms, or I will really be killed by you..." Daisy said, rolling her eyes, and using her fingertips to draw a circle on her man's murder. "Do you want me to help you get that Jane?"

"How?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"Look at me..." Daisy said proudly, stood up, and walked directly to her room. "But before that, I have to change my clothes first, it's really uncomfortable to feel soaked all over..."

"Okay..." Zhou Ye glanced at Daisy, and indeed his whole body was soaked in the rain. It seemed that the heavy rain outside was in a hurry.

"Honey, do you want to come in and help me change my clothes?" Daisy said, throwing a female eyebrow at Zhou Ye, and then without waiting for Zhou Ye to speak, she closed the door with a bang... Just kidding, it's just a joke. Well, she really made her man anxious, and it was herself who paid the price. She had a deep understanding of this...

Just as Daisy walked into her room, the door of the shower room opened, and Jane, who had changed into home clothes, came out. While wiping her hair with a towel, she asked, "Ye, are you talking to me just now? Who speaks?"

"...Your roommate..." Zhou Ye looked at the foam on Jane's calf that hadn't been flushed yet. Obviously, this silly girl rushed out in a hurry after hearing her voice talking to the woman...

"My roommate?" Jane frowned

Wrinkle, "I haven't seen my roommate yet, has she just returned?" Huh, he's really in the way.

"She just came back, she's a good girl..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

Just when Jane wanted to ask questions, Daisy's room door opened... Daisy came out in a dry suit, walked to Jane generously, and stretched out her hand: "Hello, I'm Daisy, Daisy Lewis, from Nevada..."

"Hello... I'm Jane Foster." In the face of Daisy's gesture, Jane could only stretch out her hand, but when she saw the other party's dress, Jane couldn't help but jump in her heart, her own roommate It looks like she's wearing nothing under her coat, but her capital is really deep...

"Is that handsome guy your boyfriend?" Daisy ignored Jane's somewhat ugly expression and asked in a low voice directly close to her ear.

"Hehe... how is that possible, we are just friends we just met today..." Jane didn't dare to say that Zhou Ye was her boyfriend, and she couldn't say it because of the restraint of a woman... What if Zhou Ye denied it ?

"Really?" Daisy's questioning gaze made Jane a little uncomfortable.


"Then I'm welcome..." Daisy ignored Jane and turned to Zhou Ye with a slight smile: "Hey, handsome, you haven't told me your name yet..."

"His name is Zhou Ye..." Before Zhou Ye could speak, Jane helped him out.

And Zhou Ye simply stopped talking and watched Daisy act there with great interest... But seriously, Jane's reaction was really cute, the little look that was a little tangled and defended her territory to the death, watching It was so much fun.

"Then can I call you Ye?" Daisy asked directly without paying attention to Jane's words.

"No..." This time, Jane was still there to speak, and she said directly: "Ye is just here to help me with my luggage. Well, it has been delivered, you can go back..."

"You actually want to drive your friend out of the house in such a heavy rain...?" Daisy's face had an unbelievable look.

As soon as Jane said these words, her bowels were full of regret. She just felt a sense of crisis and didn't want Zhou Ye to get along with Daisy... But Daisy's words suddenly put her in a very unfavorable position. . "No...actually I mean..."

"Although I really want to go out now...but my clothes are still..." Zhou Ye shrugged helplessly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that your clothes are still dry..." Jane hurriedly borrowed the donkey to get off the slope. She wanted to help Zhou Ye dry clothes, but she didn't want to leave Zhou Ye and Daisy alone. Immediately confused again.

"Anyway, it's raining so hard outside, I can't walk for the time being... Let it dry slowly..." Zhou Ye helped Jane out of the siege again.

"That's right..." Jane felt that Zhou Ye was her angel, always saving herself in times of crisis.

Daisy watched with amusement as the two sang together, but she was not in a hurry, it was still a long time. "How about we play Texas Hold'em together..."

"I didn't bring any money..." Zhou Ye shrugged, he really didn't bring any money, but if he wanted to, he could always summon his personal maid to pay...

"Let's drink..." Daisy said, rushing into her room and taking out two bottles of red wine... "Dare you dare?"

Said, Daisy also raised her eyebrows at Jane provocatively. This action... seems to be a signal of challenge, and Jian Yi is excited, "Come on..."

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless. He finally knew how Daisy said he helped him. Is this to get Jane drunk? In Texas Hold'em, Zhou Ye admitted that if he didn't cheat, he couldn't win against Daisy... Who made her father a professional player, it seems... Jane has fallen into the pit and can't climb up...

Chapter 655

In Cambridge at night, a crescent moon hangs high in the night sky. A heavy rain during the day seems to wash away the heat of early autumn, bringing a cool breeze to the September night...

The girls' dormitory at MIT --

"Ugh..." Jane rubbed her dizzy head from the hangover, and slowly opened her eyes... "Huh—?"

Jane found that she seemed to be hugged tightly...and, it seemed that she also felt...cough. She endured the pain and turned around, the whole person was stupid... "Ye..."

Pieces of memory gradually poured into her somewhat dizzy head again.

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