【Are you afraid of losing and drinking? 】


Then there is the picture of myself losing cards and drinking...

[Since Ye is not your boyfriend, that means, I can do it too? 】

[Ye is mine, so I won't give it to you...]

【Everyone competes fairly... 】

[Daisy, I hate you, why do you want to rob Ye from me? 】

[Good things are naturally to be robbed, and only garbage will not be robbed. 】

[Ye is mine... I will never give it to you. 】

【Prove it to me...】

【What—look, Ye even let me kiss him... so he is mine. 】

[This doesn't prove anything, so - I also kissed. 】

[You...I hate you, Daisy. Ye, hold me and tell her that you are mine...]

[Humph, Jane, you are too naive... Love is not such a simple thing... Ye, tell her that you do not belong to her. 】




The rest of the scene made Jane Foster feel the urge to cover her face. In the end, she and Daisy actually danced the swallow dance in order to compete with Daisy and prove that Ye liked herself the most. Ye... In the end, don't ask, Jane has just seen Daisy lying on the other side of Ye. It looks like this game... has no winners. No, no, perhaps it should be said that the real winner is Zhou Ye.

"Bastard... In the end, it's cheaper for you..." The more Jane thought about it, the more depressed she became. She couldn't help but lightly beat Zhou Ye's chest... But her hand was caught by another person, not Zhou Ye. It was Daisy sleeping on the other side.

"Daisy? Why stop me from taking care of this bastard..." Jane asked with some dissatisfaction. To be honest, she also had complaints about Daisy. If it wasn't for Daisy, I'm afraid that in the end, she would win the heart of this man instead of following him. Daisy shared.

"Silly girl, do you think I'm preventing you from teaching this bad guy?" Daisy stretched lazily, the thin quilt slipped off her body, leaking out her pair of F-rated treasures..." You still want to beat this bastard..."

"Then why..." Jane asked in confusion.

"Do you want this guy to wake up and toss us again? Anyway, I can't take it anymore..." Daisy said helplessly: "Besides, you can't hurt this guy..."

"You...you knew Ye before...?" Jane heard something from Daisy's words.

"Hmm..." Daisy didn't deny it. Anyway, Jane would have to know sooner or later, and she would be very willing to do it to give her man a little trouble. "I met this guy a week ago...I was planning to go on a graduation trip to celebrate my admission to MIT..."

"Then what?" Jane's curiosity temporarily outweighed her jealousy.

"Then in the desert of Alaska, I accidentally hitchhiked with this guy..." Daisy sighed helplessly and said, "As a wonderful person who has never had a history of love, I was quickly caught up in this Guys give..."

"Wait... You said, you've never been in love?" A flash of light flashed in Jane's head, feeling as if she had caught some point.

"That's right..." Daisy nodded, looking like she had a terrible past, and said, "Although I think I'm not bad and have a good figure... But since middle school, no boy has dared to chase me. ...I've been chasing me all the way...Before I met this guy, I didn't even hold a boy's hand except my dad..."

"Me too..." Jane felt that her experience was so similar to Daisy... the degree of similarity seemed a little too high. As a girl who is determined to become an astrophysicist, you must have a scientific spirit in everything you do. What is a scientific spirit? Doubt everything, make bold assumptions, and verify carefully is the spirit of science.

"Why is this guy okay?" The two women asked in unison.

The two looked at each other, and then invariably turned their eyes to Zhou Ye, who was still sleeping. "Interrogate this guy..."

"That's right." Daisy's interest in playing tricks also came. "You hold his left hand, I'll hold his right hand, and let's interrogate this guy together."

"Why not tie him up?" Jane asked rhetorically.

"Are you willing?" Daisy glanced at her. "Anyway, I'm reluctant."

"I..." Jane wanted to be brave and say [What's there to bear? ] However, after imagining the scene where Zhou Ye was tied up, she felt really uncomfortable in her heart, and she could not wait to replace it with herself. "Okay...I can't bear it, heck, damn...this guy must have cast a spell on me."

"That's right, it's a curse called love, we've all been cursed by him..." Daisy, as a girl who fell into Zhou Ye's clutches a little earlier than Jane, knew a little more than Jane. "This guy is like gambling to us... We can't quit. I have struggled a few times before, but each time it only makes me love this guy more... We have long since left. Don't open him, otherwise why do you think I want to help him get you drunk... I can't wait to drive you out and enjoy it by myself..."

"I..." Jane was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Now that she knew about the entanglement between Daisy and Zhou Ye, she really couldn't say that she came first. "Why do you indulge him so much?"

"Because of love." Daisy said of course: "I love Ye, so I don't want to see him unhappy, as long as he can

Happy, I'm willing to do anything for him...including soaking you. "

"..." Jane was a little unconvinced. "Shouldn't love be selfish?"

"Do you think I'm exaggerating?" Daisy smiled and said, "You're already in love with Ye now, otherwise you wouldn't be so calm to chat with me here... You used to fantasize about your love. Have you ever thought about lying in the arms of a man with another woman?"

"..." Jane has a kind of feeling, you are right, I feel speechless. To be honest, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she never thought of leaving Zhou Ye like this...or , she has been deliberately avoiding this question. "Okay...I admit, damn, I'm in love with this guy."

"There's nothing to deny." Daisy advised: "Don't you think that if we were alone, we would die at the hands of this bad guy sooner or later? You were tricked by Ye in the afternoon..."

"Okay... Let's talk about interrogating this guy." Jane hurriedly interrupted Daisy, she was afraid that this guy would say all the nonsense he said when he was there, that would be too …………

"What do you want to interrogate me?" Zhou Ye closed his eyes and listened to it for a long time. He wanted to give Daisy the assist player thirty-two likes.

"Before... those boys who chased us..." Jane, who was taken into his arms by Zhou Ye, asked cautiously, "Is it..."

"Did you arrange it?" Daisy didn't have so many scruples anymore. After being with Zhou Ye for more than a week, she understood her man's character better than Jane. She knew that these little things would not make her man angry.

"That's right, I arranged it..." Zhou Ye said confidently.

"Why?" Jane's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Because you are destined to be my women..." Zhou Ye said unceremoniously, "How could I let other men chase my women?"

"..." Jane has an indescribable feeling in her heart, say angry? A bit, but not much, more of a sweet feeling that he said he was his woman...

"Darling, you look so cute when you're jealous." Daisy, who was sunk even deeper, acted even worse than Jane, so she hugged Zhou Ye and kissed her directly. Not to be outdone, Jane moved up...

It has to be said that women who are in love have negative IQs... They forgot to ask Zhou Ye why he knew their position, how they arranged for people to drive away those suitors, and how they brought them together ...

Of course, if they don't ask, Zhou Ye won't say anything. Certain things are not that important. Moreover, as time goes by, they will gradually know more about themselves... Qualified playboys He won't come out of all his secret trays from the beginning, and a man with a bit of a sense of mystery is the most attractive man.

Chapter 656

Washington - Somewhere in a secret SHIELD base.

"Director Carter, I am very dissatisfied with your S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hindsight in this incident in the Wakanda Kingdom in Africa." The middle-aged woman sitting on the representative of the Empire on the Sun said dissatisfiedly.

"My country is also concerned about this. My government is very curious. Why did you SHIELD only learn this news from several Wakanda refugees a few months after the kingdom of Wakanda was destroyed..." A black The haired man also spoke.

"Our government feels that the so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. has no need to exist anymore, because it can't play any role at all." A middle-aged man with a prominent Slavic appearance asked unceremoniously in Russian: "So big The scale of the military operation, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not get any information in advance, it is time for us to consider reorganizing S.H.I.E.L.D.”

"Our government is shocked by the incident in the Kingdom of Wakanda, and we will continue to monitor the development of the situation." The French security representative said absolutely.

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