"Because there are four fingerprint systems on it, it means that we have to wait until the fourth comrade in arms appears before we can turn on this communication device." It was not May but Hill who answered Zhenma's question.

"Okay, the hell knows when the fourth teammate will appear..." Zhenma said a little depressedly, she was missing her tidy laboratory and convenient computer network... There is dust everywhere in this place. In the old warehouse of dilapidated garbage, she couldn't even find a place to sit.

"I think she should be here soon...!" With Mei's voice, the arrogant engine sound of the road racing motorcycle spread to the ears of several girls from far to near.

"Boom - hum - squeak -!", the girls who walked to the door of the warehouse to greet their new teammates saw that this fiery red road racing motorcycle followed a handsome tail flick of the female rider, directly in the hope Er stopped beside the SUV parked at the door.

"Oh-cool!!" Although Gemma is a laboratory worker, she really likes the exciting sport of road racing...

"Hello, I'm Melinda May, this is Maria Hill, and the one who just cheered you on is called Gemma Simmons." May walked over first and fought Barbara who had just taken off her helmet. Say hello. "We are all affiliated with SHIELD headquarters, how about you?"

"My name is Barbara Morse, from the West Coast Base of SHIELD." Barbara Morse looked at the three girls in front of her, and she had to admit that these three girls were all different There is style and affection, no wonder he can be like his own man's discernment.

"I've heard of you..." Maria Hill looked at the beautiful girl with long blond hair and said, "I saw your name in the SHIELD database..."

"I've heard of you too, Agent Hill." Barbara said unceremoniously, "It is known as the most thorny senior agent in the headquarters. It is said that our heads give you a headache..."

"No way, who makes me often ask why? I don't think any boss will like me." Agent Hill said indifferently.

"Okay, let's go in and start the purpose of this training camp." Seeing that the two women seemed to be full of gunpowder, Mei hurriedly made a round.

"That's right, let's hurry up to complete the training goal, and then leave this ghost place early... It's just that I miss my bathroom a little bit..." Gemma Simmons also stirred up the mud together.

"I don't care..." Barbara shrugged. When she faced these women, she always had a natural sense of superiority. Who let her know their final fate... Anyway, she couldn't escape the palm of her own man heart.

"I can always..." Agent Hill looked at Barbara and nodded.

"Let's go then..." May said, walking towards the warehouse first, Barbara and Gemma also followed, and Hill inadvertently walked at the end...

To be honest, Hill has doubts about the purpose of this training camp. In fact, her family knows her own affairs, and she knows that she always questions Shangfeng's approach, which makes the current S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Sharon Carter have a headache for her. ... But there is no way, she is always loyal to the U.S. military... And the support from the U.S. military makes Carter helpless to her.

And this sudden training camp made Hill feel that she was going to be accidently caused by the peak... It was not until she saw Mei and Zhenma that her doubts were dispelled, but there were still... But Forget it, she can only cover with water now, and soldiers will stop her... When there is no real evidence that Carter wants to clean up her, the military officials behind her can't do anything about Carter.

The four people walked to the middle of the dilapidated warehouse, and at the same time put their hands on the fingerprint verification module on the communication equipment.

With a buzzing sound, the communication equipment was powered on, and soon, Sharon Carter's voice came out. "I'm Sharon Carter, and it looks like you've reached the designated spot...that's fine."

"Sir, I just want to know what our training camp is now." Agent Hill asked unceremoniously.

"Surviving here for three days..." Sharon has long been accustomed to Hill's tone of voice. Sharon is not angry at all for her questioning. In Sharon's opinion, Hill will be able to chatter for a while. Silly... Hmph, when her man takes action, let her cry and beg her for help. Hum hum hum... Sharon's tone became more relaxed when she thought of the compliments. "This time, all your take-out items and transportation will be confiscated. Of course, you need to find the supplies yourself in this abandoned military base... There is enough food left for you to survive for five days. Fresh water and medicine and weapons."

"Excuse me...Sir, this kind of training is not necessary at all, after all, we..." Agent Hill was interrupted by Sharon before he could finish his words.

"I know that you have all gone through the most rigorous agent training, and you have also completed a lot of difficult tasks, so I specially added some difficulty for your training..." The more Sharon said, the better she felt. "I think you must have found out that among you there is a non-combatant..."

"Am I the non-combatant you're talking about? Sir." Gemma asked curiously.

"That's right, it's you, Gemma Simmons." Sharon said unceremoniously: "Your mission is not only to survive these three days, but also to protect the safety of non-combatants... Of course, I know it's a very simple thing for you guys too, so I've arranged a little surprise for you..."

"May I ask... what's the surprise? Sir..." Melinda May felt like she was going to be tricked.

"Of course, May." Sharon's voice sounded more

Plus happy. "Just an assassin who could attack you at any time in seventy-two hours."

"May I know who it is? Sir." Barbara Morse also started acting with Sharon. "Agent Natasha? Or the second-generation captain?"

"Neither..." Sharon said: "He is our non-staff advisor of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Hill, you don't have to think hard about it, I know your authority is very high, but this advisor's authority is level ten... ...you are not qualified to know his name and ability, so I would like to remind you, try not to separate...I will watch your performance at the headquarters. Everyone, please come on, your performance will all be recorded in your files middle……"

Chapter 659

"Damn... there must be a camera here." After the call, Hill couldn't help but looked up and looked around. Soon, he found more than a dozen devices that were suspected to be cameras...

But Barbara ran quickly towards the outside of the warehouse, making Mei nervous, and she ran out too... The other two women had to follow...

"God...my baby..." Barbara looked at the vanishing car at the door of the warehouse with an expression of wanting to cry without tears. With this acting skill, it was no problem to be a movie queen.

"My laptop...my change of clothes...oh, no, am I going to live three days without underwear to change?" Gemma Simmons cried more than Barbara, you know her All of my luggage is in Hill's car. There is no car... God.

"Instead of crying here, we might as well hurry up and collect fresh water and food while it's still dark." Although Mei's luggage was also gone, for her... she has experienced something worse than this. , this little thing is not worth her sadness.

"This abandoned military base is about 500 acres in size, divided into living areas, warehouse areas, field airfields and training areas... We now need to find supplies and weapons in such a large area, if not separated, I think We can't find anything when we starve to death..." Hill analyzed: "So, my suggestion is to take advantage of the small possibility of being attacked during the day, and we will temporarily separate to find supplies..."

"That...I have a question...who...who will protect me?" Gemma Simmons raised her hand weakly, "You know, I am a non-combatant and need protection..."

"Come on..." said Barbara Morse. "I'll search the living quarters with Simmons."

"Then I'll go to the training area..." Melinda May said.

"Then I'll go to the airport and look for it." Hill said, raising his arm and looking at the waterproof watch on his wrist, "It's four forty-five in the afternoon, no matter what the harvest is, half a In an hour, that is, after 5:15, we will gather here in the warehouse area..."

"Okay!" May nodded in agreement with Barbara after checking their watches together.

"Then the action begins." Following Hill's order, several people began to act separately...

But at this moment, in the sky above them, four thousand feet in the air, Zhou Ye was clasping his arms, bowing his head, looking at them with interest. For Zhou Ye, every word they said, made a statement. Every movement of his, as long as he wants to hear and see, there is nothing he doesn't know.

"It's a good opportunity..." Zhou Ye rested his cheeks with his hands, rubbed his smooth chin, and said to himself, "Should I take advantage of this opportunity for them to separate and deal with Mei? Or should I deal with Hill first? Or get Gemma with Barbara? It's a tough multiple choice question..."

"Okay, it's up to you... Melinda May, who made the relationship between us?" Zhou Ye smiled and disappeared into the air.

Melinda May walked in the entertainment area, carefully searching for the training equipment in front of her with her own eyes... She knew that sometimes when you search for the harvest in the room, it is not as good as the harvest in these fields. After all, those guys who store supplies are likely to be their colleagues. They know what it means to be dark under the lights. They are used to hiding things under your nose, but you can't find them...

Melinda May, who was walking cautiously, suddenly felt a chill in her body. It felt as if a frog had been stared at by her natural enemy. It had saved her life countless times. She shouted, "Who is..." She turned around abruptly.

"...Big...Big brother..." The figure in front of her made Melinda May's eyes wide open. She really couldn't believe that this figure had appeared countless times in her dreams. Will appear in front of her again... but soon, she regained her sanity, and then her anger erupted like a volcano. "No matter... no matter who you are... you, tainted the best memories in my heart, I... want to kill you, I will definitely kill you..."

With the ultimatum of Melinda Mei gnashing her teeth, she rushed forward like a female leopard, her fists smashed directly at Zhou Ye's temple, the middle door was wide open, and she was holding a With a posture of perishing with the enemy, he rushed towards Zhou Ye.

"Little sister, your English is really good." Zhou Ye ignored Melinda May's fists that were about to hit his temple, and instead said something very inappropriate in Chinese.

However, it was these words that made Mei, who was like a demon, stop her attack. "You...are you really...really big brother?"

"Come and give me a hug, let's see how much heavier you were then?" Zhou Ye opened his arms with a smile...

"Big brother... um..." Melinda May couldn't bear it anymore, she

With tears in his eyes, he desperately rushed into Zhou Ye's arms...

That year... Melinda May was just seven years old, her brother was her only relative, and her brother was also an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and she grew up from a S.H.I.E.L.D. base , Although S.H.I.E.L.D. also arranged a guardian for her, Mei, who has been naughty since she was a child, would never obey the supervision of her guardian.

That day, she ran to the bar at the base to play. She was naughty and jumped back and forth on the bar. She often did this kind of daring move that could get the envy of her friends, but... that day, she missed and accidentally jumped from the bar. When she fell from the top, she thought it would be bad this time. Even if the injury was not serious, she would have to be talked about by the guardian for a long time, but what she didn't expect was that she fell into a warm embrace.

"Thank you..." Mei praised the handsomeness of her eldest brother in her heart, and thanked her in her broken English, but she didn't expect to hear the answer in Chinese. "You speak English well, little sister."

That was her first meeting with him—in the SHIELD base.

Since then, Zhou Ye has rarely stayed in this base for a long time... He took Mei everywhere to play and go crazy... For Mei, Zhou Ye is her big brother, any secret can be The big brother I shared, a little loli, in a place where the language environment was completely unfamiliar, met a handsome young man who was very obedient to him and could talk to him in his native language... Some seeds, inadvertently, deeply buried in her heart.

Chapter 660

"Little sister has become a big girl..." Zhou Ye stroked Melinda Mei's long, smooth hair and sighed with a smile.

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