"Big brother...you haven't changed." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Melinda Mei couldn't help but lift her little head from Zhou Ye's arms. She looked at the picture that was never left by time. The handsome face that had been traced, the hand could not help but gently stroked it. "I look older than you now, should you call me Miss?"

"Crack—!" Zhou Ye slapped Melinda May's dolphin unceremoniously. "You will always be my little sister..."

"Hey..." Melinda Mei didn't care. When the two of them were together before, she once said innocently that when she grew up, she would let Zhou Ye call her little sister... Now , to a certain extent, she did.

"Where have you been all these years..." Melinda May put her little head on Zhou Ye's murder again, and murmured, "All the letters I sent to you were returned... I tried my best to I was looking for your information, but... I couldn't find it... I went to ask Aunt Peggy, she told me that if you want to know your news, you have to train hard to be the best agent... I did it, but Peggy Aunt Ji has retired... woo woo..."

"Uh—a lot of things happened in between." Zhou Ye suddenly remembered at this time that he seemed to have completely withdrawn the maids to the world of death because he wanted the maids to take care of the pregnant Hela... And those industries on the earth are naturally left unattended, and many of them have been sold... Among them, the address left to Mei is naturally included.

"Then... Now, does what you said count?" Melinda May raised her head timidly, her face was no longer the expression of a capable female agent, but a mixture of anxiety ... as expected.

"What?" Zhou Ye knew exactly what Melinda May was talking about, but he just wanted to bully the girl.

"You..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Melinda Mei's eyes were filled with tears at some point...

"Fool... Of course I remember." Zhou Ye lowered his head and gently brushed away the tears on Mei's face, said softly, "You are now my lovely little bride..."

"Asshole...Asshole..." Melinda May beat Zhou Ye's murder with all her might. She didn't know how many times that belief had brought her back from the brink of life and death... If it wasn't for this obsession in her heart, I'm afraid her body has been cold for a long time.

"Mmmmm..." Zhou Ye lowered his head and blocked all Melinda May's grievances in his mouth. Gradually, Mei also began to clumsily respond to Zhou Ye...

With a slight sound of glass breaking... Zhou Ye opened the mirror space again.

Speaking of which, Zhou Ye felt that he had opened the mirror space a lot of times, but it seemed that nine times out of 10, it was only to do bad things. Shouldn't it be more appropriate to change the name of the mirror space to ooxx space?

Zhou Ye complained about himself, and instantly turned Mei into a white sheep...

"It's too late to regret it now..." It was rare for Zhou Ye to show kindness, but his kindness turned white.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time..." Melinda May said, taking the initiative to meet the enemy. "what--!!"

Another beautiful agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed in Zhou Ye's hands... It's gratifying to be congratulated.

An hour later—with a scream, the entire mirror space returned to its former calm again.

Under Zhou Ye's deliberate control, the entire mirror space had lost the concept of time. I don't know how long it took, Melinda May finally opened her eyes again.

"How long have I passed out..." She was like an octopus, hugging Zhou Ye tightly, and asked in a low voice.

"Time means nothing to me, baby." Zhou Ye patted Mei's pink back lightly and whispered, "Don't worry about time, if we want, we can even stay in this world for a year. Time, after going out, only one second has passed."

"It's no wonder that your face has never changed, dear. I thought it was the non-staff advisor that Director Carter said..." Mei believed Zhou Ye's words, "I thought that advisor was hypnotized. Ability, hypnotized me... Really, almost made me mad."

"Cough cough..." Hearing Mei's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but cough. "Actually, I'm really that so-called non-staff advisor..."

"Huh?" Mei was startled first, propped up her body with her arms, and then slumped back into her man's arms. "Forget it, since it's you, the non-staff advisor, it doesn't matter to me... Anyway, I already got what I want most, and I don't care about the results of the assessment... Even if it's your first one, my dear. I don't care if I get out of the game, who made me unable to move now..."

Zhou Ye was speechless at what he said... Mei was complaining that it was the first time that she didn't read her, and she was overkill... "Actually, the purpose of this training camp is..."

After Melinda Mei quietly listened to what Zhou Ye said about the purpose of the training camp, she looked at Zhou Ye expressionlessly, almost making Zhou Ye suspicious of life.

"I will definitely not help you so easily...I want me to help you open the harem, come on, conquer me completely first..." Melinda May said, disregarding her own injuries. Before her body was healed, she took the initiative to get on her horse and became a heroic female knight. She vowed to tame this guy Zhou Ye...

However, what is there to say? The gap between ideal and reality is always so big that it makes people desperate——,

Melinda May quickly realized the essence of this sentence... She originally thought that with her years of training

, not to mention that Zhou Ye is completely exhausted, he can also be squeezed, dried, squeezed and cleaned... However, the reality gave her a slap in the face, this guy Zhou Ye... let her know that he really Not the opponent of this monster...

after one day--

"Okay, dear, I get it... I'll help you, I'll just let me go." Melinda Mei no longer expected herself to be able to stop Zhou Ye's thoughts, she just wanted to rest well a bit.

"Where did this go? Mei, where is your maiden style? e baby..." Zhou Ye smiled and beheaded Melinda Mei again... But it wasn't too much, after all, this was Your own girl can't be unrestrained.

Even though Zhou Ye had shown mercy, Melinda May felt that she couldn't move at all, and it wasn't until after another day's rest that she regained her vigor...

Chapter 661

Just when Melinda May finally succumbed to the coercion and temptation of the Great Demon King Zhou Ye and was willing to help the Great Demon King Zhou Ye complete the achievement of three consecutive kills, the other side——Maria Hill, who knew nothing about it. Still searching for supplies in the field airfield of the abandoned base.

"These guys who hide supplies are really cunning." Agent Hill muttered to himself as he carefully climbed up to a signal transmission tower more than ten meters high next to the airport control tower.

At the top of the tall signal tower, there was a pure white plastic bag hanging on it. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought that it was just white pollutants blown by the strong wind in the desert, and accidentally hung on it.

In fact, she saw the plastic bag hanging on the signal tower as soon as she entered the airport, but she didn't care at that time. After all, in this modern society, white pollution can be seen everywhere and is blown by the monsoon. Although plastic bags in the desert are uncommon, they are not uncommon.

Only after Agent Hill searched the airport for a long time and found nothing, he had to turn his eyes there again. After standing below and observing for a long time, Hill determined that it was a plastic bag full of things. Not some white garbage bag.

"Huhu..." It took Agent Hill five minutes to climb to the top of the signal tower with her bare hands. She fixed her body firmly on the iron frame with one hand, and laboriously filled it with supplies with the other. The plastic bag came down... "It seems that the harvest this time should be good."

As Hill spoke, he quickly climbed down the signal tower with a heavy supply plastic bag. It took Hill five minutes to go up the tower, but less than three minutes to go down the tower.

Agent Hill, who came under the tower, immediately opened the sealed and very tight supply plastic bag... There were four palm-sized compressed biscuits and four one-liter bottles of pure water, but the most To Agent Hill's surprise, there was an m1911 [Desert Warrior] military pistol and three magazines at the bottom of the plastic bag.

You know, when she was notified to participate in this training, Agent Hill's sidearm was required to be temporarily handed in, so she didn't bring any weapons when she came... This is a pair of Hill, who has been in a tense state all the year round. Quite uncomfortable. And now, Agent Hill, who has obtained the weapon again, feels that his uneasy mood seems to have calmed down a lot.

Quickly put the magazine and the pistol in the most accustomed position on her body. Hill opened a bottle of water and took a sip. Her mouth, which was dry from exercise, also felt a lot better. After all, this is a desert and dry. The monsoon, the scorching sun in the sky and excessive exercise will accelerate the loss of water in the human body...

Feeling better, Hill carefully tightened the bottle cap of the bottled water, picked up the supply bag and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was almost 5:05... It was time to go back and gather with everyone.

The base is amazingly large. When Agent Hill walked back to the warehouse area with the supply bag... the other three girls had already returned early, they had already raised a bonfire, and above the bonfire hung a marching soldier The lunch box... something seems to be cooking inside.

"How's your harvest?" Hill carried his harvest into the warehouse and greeted the girls.

To be honest, she felt that something was wrong with everyone. Gemma was snuggling tightly in Barbara's arms, and Melinda May's appearance seemed to have changed a little. Her originally delicate facial features were a little softer. ·nice. "Hey May, you look like you're in a good mood."

"Of course..." Melinda May had already prepared for it, or rather, Zhou Ye helped her prepare it. She patted the bag beside her and took out several vacuum-packed square boxes. "I feel very happy to have dessert in the desert."

"Tiramisu? Or chocolate flavor?" Hill looked at the dessert in the transparent package and said speechlessly: "Are you sure this thing can still be eaten? Even if it is the supply that was put down yesterday, in the desert all day and night, I'm afraid the chocolate inside has also been melted by the high temperature, right?"

"Even if it's melted, it's better than compressed cookies." Melinda May replied indifferently: "And we can also use melted chocolate to make a cup of sweet hot cocoa... This is rare in the wild. enjoyment..."

"Okay, you're right..." Hill had to admit that May was right... Although the compressed biscuits are full, the taste is really not that good...

"What about you? Is there anything to gain?" Hill turned his attention to Gemma Simmons and Barbara Morse again, but now Gemma doesn't seem to be in very good condition. She has been nesting in Barbara. Ra's arms seemed to be frightened.

"We got nothing...

..." Barbara replied: "While we were searching the living quarters, Gemma was attacked..."

Hearing Barbara's words, Hilton was a little nervous. "Who attacked you? Did you see what you looked like?"

"I'm afraid...Only Gemma can answer this question for you." Barbara said helplessly: "I was searching in another barracks at that time...I rushed over when I heard Gemma's screams, but Gemma was too frightened to say anything."

"Come on, drink some hot cocoa, Gemma." At this time, Melinda May had carefully scraped off the chocolate on top of the tiramisu with a saber and put it into the boiling water. The aroma of chocolate made everyone feel that the hunger in their stomachs seemed to be overflowing...

"Thank you...Thank you." It seems that the temperature of the bonfire gradually drove away the fear in Zhenma's heart, or because everyone has gathered together now, which has brought her a lot of courage, she has been able to temporarily leave Ba Bara's embrace. "Thank you, Barbara, I'm much better now."

"You're welcome, you're a non-combatant..." Barbara responded with a smile.

Gemma took a paper cup filled with hot cocoa from Melinda May's hand. After taking a sip, her mood became much calmer. Holding the paper cup in her hand, Gemma emerged from the cup. Looking at the three girls who were staring at him, wanting to know what happened to him, he took a deep breath and said, "After I walked to the living area with Barbara..."

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