Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the movements in the hands of the girls couldn't help but stagnate, and the atmosphere at the dining table suddenly became a little depressing. Even Maria Hill, who was the least cooperative with Zhou Ye at the beginning, was reluctant to leave at this moment. Zhou Ye.

The girls didn't want to leave Zhou Ye at all. They wanted to tie Zhou Ye to their belts and take him wherever they went, but they knew that was impossible.

"Okay, darlings, you know, I can't bear you either..." Zhou Ye broke the gloomy atmosphere softly. "I'm only parting with you temporarily. When you miss me, I will always be by your side..."

"You promise?" Melinda May stared at her man and asked in a low voice, "You promise this time it won't be the same as last time, you won't be able to find you for years..."

"I promise..." Zhou Ye said, hugging all the girls beside him one by one, and said, "I promise that no matter where I am, as long as you miss me, you can always find me..."

"Love us...Love us fiercely..." Hill said, cupping Zhou Ye's cheek with his own hands and kissing it fiercely. "Don't let me wake up and see your back... my heart will break."

"Don't make it like parting with life and death. I'm not going to the battlefield... I just have some things to do." Although Zhou Ye said so, he still responded to Hill's call with kindness. The women have already made requests, how could Zhou Ye not respond? That would really damage his reputation for loving his wife...

Five hours later——Zhou Ye used his powerful strength to dispel the sadness of parting. At least all the girls had a feeling at this moment, as if they were taking a vacation...

Chapter 665

WASHINGTON - The headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So, they are our own family now? Isn't that right, dear?" Sharon Carter sat on the reception sofa and acted obediently as a lap pillow for her man, while gently stroking Zhou Ye's blond hair, asked while.

"Well, that's about it." Zhou Ye stretched his waist comfortably and said, "Where do you plan to arrange them?"

"I think the newly established Avengers' liaison support team is more suitable for them..." Sharon has already made arrangements for these four newly promoted sisters. Since they are her own sisters, many things can be assured. She handed over to them, including Maria Hill, who used to watch against her. Sharon believes that now her position will only favor her own man, not the U.S. government. As for the girls of Gemma at this time? They were on vacation. After all, Zhou Ye's method of finally dispelling the sorrow was a bit simple and crude...

"How's your Avengers plan going?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"It's going well so far." Sharon said: "In the tentative list of Avengers, there are Natasha, the second-generation captain Sharon, and Nina... Natasha and Sharon originally belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. , Nina also agreed to join the Avengers plan... but now it seems that this lineup is still a bit thin, so I am considering whether to join another person..."

"Oh? Who else do you want to join?" Zhou Ye asked curiously. After all, these avengers were basically his women. He didn't want a man to be mixed in with his women. Of course, except for himself. .

Looking at Zhou Ye's expression, Sharon instantly understood the thoughts of her man, and rolled her eyes helplessly. "I want to join Jennifer Susan Walters..."

"Uh—if it's a woman, it's up to you to decide..." To be honest, Zhou Ye was a little unfamiliar with this name. As long as it was a woman, he didn't care. After all, no one wanted to mix in their harem team. A man goes in.

"...But the person I sent to find Jennifer was stopped..." Sharon said speechlessly, looking at her man, she obviously didn't know who Jennifer Susan Walters was.

"Who else dares to stop your SHIELD agents?" Zhou Ye looked surprised. You must know that in the United States, sometimes SHIELD's authority is higher than the so-called fbi and cia. How dare someone stop them?

"...Well, not only were our agents stopped, but I also ordered those agents to come back..." Sharon's mouth curled into a sly smile. "After all, we can't afford to offend them..."

"They?" Zhou Ye had a hunch that he was going to shoot himself in the foot.

"Yes, it's them..." Sharon smiled even more happily, she knew that her man seemed to have noticed it, but so what? "After all, they are the Shadow Guard Corps under the umbrella of the Umbrella Consortium all over the galaxy. How dare we, a little S.H.I.E.L.D., dare to provoke others..."

"Uh—" Zhou Ye was speechless, "Okay, baby Sharon, can you tell me who this so-called Jennifer Susan Walters is?"

"...Honey, did you send shadow guards to protect her without knowing who she was?" Sharon sighed.

"Baby Sharon, you know..." Zhou Ye touched his nose in embarrassment, "The list of key protections in this world was determined by Yingyi and the others... I really don't know much."

"..." Sharon was speechless, but she knew that her man did not lie, he did not care about many things, but how to say it? He really didn't need to worry, all the goals and so on had already been prepared by Ying Yi and the head maid. "Jennifer Susan Walters and Dr. Bruce Banner are cousins... In the future, she will have a famous title, She-Hulk... Of course, I also checked the database of the Red Queen.


"Uh--!" Zhou Ye told the truth, with a big head. Banner was sent to his laboratory by him and became a green-skinned guinea pig. Then follow this development, Jennifer Susan Walter Whether or not the female Hulk will appear is two things to say.

"Dear... believe me, I think Jennifer Susan Walters is very reliable as an Avenger to join S.H.I.E.L.D." Sharon whispered softly in her man's ear: "This woman Jennifer Although the Hulk is not as powerful as the Hulk, her advantages are also not possessed by the Hulk. For example, she can control her emotions independently, and even if she transforms into a female Hulk, she still maintains a clear mind... I'm more optimistic about Jennifer, the female Hulk, than a time bomb like Banner."

"Okay, baby Sharon, what do you want me to do?" Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, "Now remove the shadow guards around Jennifer Susan Walters??"

"No... honey." Sharon stopped, "You know, I want the She-Hulk, not Jennifer... And, honey, don't you think Jennifer is a very pretty girl? It's exactly the target in your hunting range..."

As Sharon said, she took out a photo that looked like a candid photo. The 17- or 18-year-old blond girl in the photo seemed to be shopping with her female friend in the supermarket...

"So what?" Zhou Ye looked at the girl in the photo and asked, "You want me to pick her up and persuade her to join the SHIELD Avengers plan?"

"No..." Sharon shook her head slightly.

"No?" Zhou Ye was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "By the way, do you want to turn her into a giantess?"

"Bingo..." Sharon said with a smile: "After all, Hulk is now in your Umbrella consortium's laboratory, no one can break free from there, and no one can enter and steal him... So, It's up to you to turn Jennifer into the She-Hulk, darling."

"Okay...I see." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly. Since he brought the Hulk, a guy who originally belonged to the Avengers, into the laboratory, the task of filling this vacancy may really have to be handed over. For myself... Thinking of this, Zhou Ye suddenly remembered another thing. "Baby Sharon, who are you going to replace Hawkeye with?"

"Of course it's a crystal..." Sharon said with a smile and a blink of an eye.

"Crystal baby?" Zhou Ye was stunned. Crystal was a member of the royal family of the Inhuman race and one of his women. Her ability was to control the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, but because of the crystal's physiological structure, she It is easy to be polluted by pollutants, so it is impossible to leave the country of Inhumans for a long time... That's why Zhou Ye is so surprised.

"Don't worry, dear." Of course Sharon knew what her man was worried about, "Actually, Medusa and Crystal take turns to work, and... I also asked Nina to design an isolation suit for Crystal, and at the same time I also placed an order for antibody serum from Umbrella's biological laboratory... I promise not to hurt your crystal baby."

"Okay..." Since Sharon has everything planned out, Zhou Ye naturally has nothing to say. Besides, it's good to let the crystal come out often to breathe... Always being bored with the Inhumans is also good for her. not good. As for security issues? Zhou Ye said that he didn't need to worry at all, as long as he wanted to, he could rush to support his woman at any time. "Then I'll help you get Jennifer..."

"Then I'll trouble you, dear." Sharon smiled and kissed her man lightly, "I'm waiting for the news of your triumphant return."

"Hey, I originally wanted to go back to see my little baby..." Zhou Ye sighed, stood up, and stepped into the golden portal that opened at an unknown time...

Chapter 666

Jennifer Susan Walters is in a very happy mood today. Of course, it's not just because next Monday is the legal [Columbus Day] in the United States to take an extra day off. Although three days off in a row really makes her happy, but , the most important reason is that a friend of hers was flying over from Brown University to see her during the three-day long vacation.

Thinking of her friend, Jennifer had the urge to smile. The two met through Facebook inadvertently. After getting along for a while, they found that their experiences were surprisingly similar... The same love life A blank, the same sense of justice, and the same hobbies. Although the age of the two, the university they attended, and the major they chose were different, Jennifer just felt that she was in perfect harmony with that friend.

Of course, what she has to do now is to pick up her friends at the Los Angeles airport. As a landowner, she feels obligated to arrange the itinerary for her out-of-town friends...

"Hey, good morning, Susan, I have a party there tonight..." Jennifer had just walked to the parking lot when she encountered a burly guy with a baseball cap and greeted her with an attentive look.

"I'm sorry, Jameson, I have no interest in partying..." Jennifer walked towards her used Ford sedan without turning her head. She had no interest in this guy named John Jameson... ... She believed that, according to the conventions that happened to her in the past, this guy would soon disappear from her life.

"Don't be like this... Susan, if you don't like parties, we can still go to the movies or go to a barbecue..." Apparently Jennifer's remarks did not make this strangely confident football team member give up, he again Tangled up with Jennifer.

"Okay..." Jennifer stopped at the door of her car and turned to face John Jameson coldly

With a face, he said, "Jameson, it's not that I'm not interested in parties, but I'm not interested in you, now you know?"

Having said that, Jennifer turned her head and got into her car without waiting for Jameson to speak. She twisted the car key, ignited the ignition, and stepped on the accelerator... The second-hand Ford brought up a puff of white smoke and floated away in front of Jameson. ...

"Damn..." John Jameson waved his hand hatefully. In his opinion, with his identity as a football player, no hot girl can't be in college... If it weren't for the challenge of Jennifer, the untouchable The title of the toucher, why did he bother to post it on the cold face? But giving up now is definitely not his style.

John Jameson ran to his car quickly, he wanted to keep up with Jennifer, and see what she was doing so happy? If she was going on a date, he didn't mind messing up the date.

As John drove his car to chase Jennifer, where he had just stood, two slender figures wrapped in black tights suddenly appeared there. "Damn, dare to hit my protector's idea, it seems this guy needs a traffic accident."

"Don't worry..." Another black shadow embraced the one who looked impulsive. "This time the master has come, don't you want to see how the master cleans up this guy?"

"But... will the master be angry because of my poor work?" The shadow asked hesitantly.

"Of course not, I promise."

"Well, since you said so, Chief, then I'll let this guy live for a while longer."

"Let's go... Let's go to see a good show..." As the voice fell, the two shadows disappeared into the parking lot again, as if they had never appeared before...

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