Jennifer was driving her car towards the Los Angeles Airport at the highest speed. While pressing the accelerator hard, she was still muttering: "Don't be stuck in traffic... Don't be stuck in traffic..."

Maybe it's because Jennifer's prayers moved heaven, and it's a miracle that there is no obstruction all the way from UCLA all the way to LAX. . . .

As soon as Jennifer arrived at the parking spot at the airport, she left and opened the car door and rushed out. She was in a panic all the way. After all, she got up a little late today, and the plane should have arrived at this point for more than ten minutes. She didn't want to live in reality. The first time they met, they left a bad impression on their friends that they were not punctual.

Rushing to the pick-up hall in the airport, Jennifer saw a girl with long golden shawl and long hair from a distance, looking around looking for something, she recognized at a glance the very speculative person chatting with herself on the Internet 's friends. "Hi Christine..."

"Hi, Jennifer..." Hearing Jennifer's shout, Christine Lovehart also saw her friend, and excitedly dropped the suitcase in her hand and rushed over to be happy with Jennifer Hug together.

"Ha, Jennifer, you are so beautiful..." Christine did not hesitate to praise her, she really thought her friend was very beautiful.

"You are also very beautiful, Christine, much more beautiful than the pictures you sent me." Jennifer responded with a smile, and at this moment, she noticed a strange thing, although she had seen herself , but Christine still seems to be looking around, as if looking for something. "What's the matter with you? Christine, did you lose something important?"

"Hmm-" Christine nodded in dismay, "I lost my heart..."

"I lost my heart?" Jennifer was a little speechless, what's the situation...

"Oh, sorry, Jennifer..." Christine only came to her senses at this time, feeling that it seemed a bit inappropriate to say this. Hastily explained: "I mean...I think I'm in love..."

"Really? Who?" Jennifer's eyes widened in disbelief. She asked anxiously, "Don't you know what's going on around us? How dare you..."

"I..." Hearing Jennifer's words, Christine also remembered the strange events that happened around her, whether it was because others had a good opinion of her or she had a good opinion of others, in the end, the man would always be because of various Accidents or scandals can no longer appear by my side... Thinking of this, Christine's expression couldn't help but become depressed. "But...I really feel like I've fallen in love with him..."

"Sorry... Christine, I shouldn't have said that..." Jennifer felt as if she was beating up her friend when she saw the melancholy expression on her friend's face.

"No, it's not your fault, Jennifer..." Christine shook her head and said sadly, "I know my own business... But, I just can't help it... I just want to, even if Just look at him from a distance..."

"Who? How did you meet...?" Jennifer was also intrigued by Christine's words, or she was curious about what kind of man could make her friend fall in love at first sight... You know, her A friend is not that kind of middle school student, but a college student who is about to enter the society. Love at first sight should not happen to her.

"We met on the plane, his name is..." Before Christine's words were finished, her eyes suddenly lit up, she pointed behind Jennifer, and said happily. "He's there...he's here."

"Who is it?" Jennifer turned around curiously, just at this glance, she felt that it was indeed reasonable for her friend to fall in love at first sight. That boy really had the qualification to make all women crazy for him.

Chapter 667

At this moment, Zhou Ye really has a feeling of being a dog...

He hasn't gone out alone for too long, and, in many cases, even if he travels, it is either a special plane, a convoy to pick up and drop off, and the maids crowd around him, or just open a portal directly, one step... uh, that is Literally, one step to the position.

For something as close to the people as taking the airline's passenger plane this time, Zhou Ye felt that he would never do it again next time...

"Honey, remember to call me..." A woman in a United flight attendant uniform was reluctantly saying goodbye to Zhou Ye. There were several flight attendants standing behind her, all waving desperately. , kept shouting to Zhou Ye. "You know my number, dear..."

"Cough cough... If there is a chance, I will..." Zhou Ye said as he rushed out of the encirclement of the flight attendants as if he was fleeing... In general, he was besieged by a few girls on the plane It's like a siege like a brainless fan, these flight attendants are the ones who save him.

Just like a woman would try her best not to verbally hurt a man who likes her even if she doesn't like it, Zhou Ye didn't even think about using his abilities even if he was surrounded by those girls and asked some embarrassing questions by them. Push them away... Until the flight attendants went to rescue him, of course, the assistance of the flight attendants was not for nothing, at least now Zhou Ye didn't know how many small notes filled with addresses and phone numbers were stuffed in Zhou Ye's pocket. .

Zhou Ye dragged his embarrassed figure to his target and let out a smile: "Hi, Christine, we meet again..."

Speaking of Christine Lovehart, everyone may be a little unfamiliar, but when it comes to Iron Man 1, the beautiful and glamorous female reporter from [Vanity Fair], it is estimated that everyone will have some impressions.

This Christine is exactly Peter Christine, a member of the Shadow Guards' list of the [Secondary Heroine Protection Project] in this world. Zhou Ye felt that he was planning to improve the modern society of the United States. The virginity rate, but who cares if you can get a blood? At least for Zhou Ye, a somewhat traditional oriental man, this was a good plan.

"You, hello... Ye Zhou." Seeing Zhou Ye, Christine suddenly felt as if she couldn't speak, and her cheeks were flushed. It wasn't her fault, it was Zhou Ye's spiritual suggestion that had changed more and more. ·It is...

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Ah... ah, I'm sorry." Christine suddenly realized, turned her head and said to Jennifer: "This is a friend I met on the plane, Zhou Ye..." After speaking, she pointed to Jennifer's right Zhou Ye introduced: "This is my good friend, Jennifer Susan Walters. She is a top student at UCLA Law School!"

"Hello, my name is Zhou Ye... You can call me Ye, it's a pleasure to meet you." Zhou Ye smiled and extended his right hand to Jennifer.

"Hello, Ye, I'm Jennifer Susan Walters. My friends call me Susan. Of course, if you feel awkward, you can also call me Jennifer." Jennifer said and held Zhou Ye Her hand was held by Zhou Ye's big hand. She had a very warm and reassuring feeling, especially when she looked directly into Zhou Ye's golden eyes, she felt her heart beating faster than she could. stand up. "Ye, are you a star?"

"Have you seen it in the newspaper or on TV?" Zhou Ye asked with a slight smile.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't..." Jennifer was sure she had never seen Zhou Ye's image on TV or in the newspaper, because if she had, she would never forget such a handsome, god-like boy.

"Then I'm not a star." Zhou Ye shrugged and said, "Actually, I'm not interested in entering the entertainment industry either."

"That... Ye, you came to Los Angeles alone, right?" Seeing Jennifer and Zhou Ye holding hands and talking there, Christine felt sour in her heart, she couldn't help but want to find an excuse to beat them up As for the matter of calling Zhou Ye's full name because of her reservedness when she saw Zhou Ye just now, she also put aside the matter, she called Zhou Ye's name directly.

"Well, I came to Los Angeles alone." Zhou Ye nodded and let go of Jennifer's hand. Zhou Ye is lying. In fact, his two maids have been hiding by his side.

"Is there anyone here to pick you up?" Jennifer felt a sense of loss after her hand was released, and she involuntarily took up the topic, trying to attract Zhou Ye's attention.

"I don't think so..." Zhou Ye picked up his poor little luggage and said, "I'm here to travel..."

"That's great..." After x2 finished saying these words in unison, Christine looked at her friend, Jennifer, with some sadness... That meant, [Without you, Ye is I saw it first. 】

"Cough cough... I'm sorry." Jennifer suddenly realized at this time, she secretly apologized to Christine, and hurriedly turned her head to explain to Zhou Ye: "I mean that's really bad, after all, the distance here is so far away. Downtown Los Angeles is still a long way off.”

"It's alright, I can take a taxi." Zhou Ye continued his acting skills. After all, at this time, if you wanted to ride someone else's ride, especially a girl you met for the first time, it would be a bit too abrupt and easy. will arouse the vigilance of others.

"Just take my car, it just so happens that I want to take Christine to downtown Los Angeles..." After Jennifer blurted out these words, she suddenly felt a little inappropriate, and she glanced at her friend Christine uneasily. Ting, but what surprised her was that Christine did not look dissatisfied, but had an expression of approval. "Yes, Ye, let's take Jennifer's car to downtown Los Angeles."

"Okay..." Before Zhou Ye could finish his words, he suddenly saw a burly young man walking towards them aggressively not far behind Jennifer. It seems that the visitor is not good, "Jennifer, is that your friend?"

"Huh?" Jennifer turned her head curiously and looked in the direction Zhou Ye pointed. When she saw the person coming, she exclaimed, "What are you going to do? Jameson...?"

At this time, John Jameson, who had been following Jennifer to the airport, saw Zhou Ye early. In his opinion, the reason why Jennifer was not interested in him must be because of Zhou Ye, a little white face.

What is there to say? How good is this person's heterosexual relationship, then how bad is his same-sex relationship. After all, no one can please people of two genders at the same time... Obviously, Zhou Ye is like this, his popularity among the same sex has always been It's not great, but Zhou Ye doesn't care either, do you need to care about those things?

At this moment, the hateful Jameson had already rushed in front of Zhou Ye, raised his big fist, and smashed it down according to Zhou Ye. "Little white face, go to hell..."

"My God - Jameson, are you crazy? What are you going to do?" Jennifer's face turned pale, she couldn't imagine what would happen to Zhou Ye after receiving this punch.

And Christine is also a little confused, what is the situation...

Chapter 668

Will Zhou Ye be hit by Jameson?

The answer is obvious, let alone the ordinary Jameson, even if Thanos comes, how can he take Zhou Ye?

Just under the worried expressions on the two women's faces, Zhou Ye raised his hand lightly and grabbed Jameson's fist that was hitting him. He smiled and leaned into Jameson's ear, whispering: "

You should be lucky because it's in public, so you can live a few more hours, but you should feel sorry for yourself, because your end will be worse than death..."

"You..." Jameson's eyes widened. He felt that Zhou Ye's fist was wrapped in a kind of reinforced iron claw. He seemed to be able to hear the bones of his fingers. Every inch of Kaba Kaba was crushed, but his chin that he wanted to mourn was held by a huge force out of thin air, so that he could only make a muffled sound of extreme pain.

Ten seconds later—John Jameson rolled his eyes and fainted from the pain...

"Ye, what's wrong with him?" Christine was not worried about this big guy, but worried about what trouble Zhou Ye would get into.

"It's nothing, I think he's probably insane." Zhou Ye said, grabbing Christine and Jennifer's shoulders unceremoniously, and walked out. "Let's get out of here quickly...I'm not used to the meals delivered on the plane at all. I feel like I'm starving to death."

"But..." Jennifer involuntarily was led by Zhou Ye and forcibly walked outside, as did Christine on the other side. The two were led by Zhou Ye to the parking lot of the airport without the slightest resistance. ...

As for John Jameson lying on the ground? Naturally, there will be shadow guards around Zhou Ye to deal with it... For them, this kind of thing is easy to handle, and it doesn't take much effort at all, just need to change clothes and it can be done.

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