Zhou Ye didn't have the slightest intention of pretending to slap the face. For a person of his level, it would be useless to slap in the face like this, and that stupid big guy wasn't worth slapping his face... There was no sense of accomplishment at all. .

[I'm sorry... my dear, this is my negligence, I thought...] Ying Yi is apologizing to her man through the psychic ability in the shadow guard.

【Do you think that I will slap Jennifer in the face in front of him, and then pretend to be x to pick up my girl? 】 Zhou Ye walked towards the parking lot with the two girls in his arms, while teasing Yingyi in his mind.

[I'm sorry... my dear, I was wrong. 】 Ying Yi's voice became pitiful.

[Well, it's good to know that it's wrong, Xiaoying, do you still remember what our family's family law is? 】

[Dear, don't...] Ying Yi is really in a hurry, that kind of torture is too deadly... It's not too much to describe it as love and hate.

[Xiaoying, wash yourself clean obediently, wait for me to finish my work here, and execute the family law. 】 Zhou Ye was unmoved at all, when it was rare for Xiaoying to make a mistake, how could he satisfy his own psychology?

Yingyi is sure that her man will not let her go this time, I am afraid she is doomed... Imagine that in the past, she helped her dear ones to enforce family law on other sisters, and there are many sisters who are waiting for revenge. She has already She can foresee how miserable her future will be... However, her man's decision cannot be changed, and in the end she can only say one thing. 【Dear...you have to pity me...】

"Ye, what are you laughing at? Is there anything to be happy about?" Jennifer, who had already sat in the driver's seat, started her car and drove towards downtown Los Angeles. She saw Zhou Ye in the back seat through the rear mirror. With a slightly strange smile on his face, he asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing..." Zhou Ye's face changed, and he changed the subject: "How are you going to arrange the three-day long vacation?"

"I will live in Jennifer's rented apartment, and Jennifer is going to show me around Los Angeles these three days." Christine, who was a little excited, turned from the passenger seat and said to Zhou Ye: " Ye, do you have anything to do?"

"No, I'm just here to play." Zhou Ye replied with a slight smile, "No special goals."

"Then... Ye, you might as well live with me in Jennifer's apartment, then let's play together..." Christine said, looking at Jennifer pleadingly, for fear of Jennifer The landlord said no.

"It's a little inconvenient..." Although Zhou Ye had already made up his mind, what did he say? Even if you are a big bad wolf, at least you have to disguise a little in front of Little Red Riding Hood.

"It's alright." Jennifer sighed helplessly in the face of her friend's pleading. In fact, she didn't want to be separated from Zhou Ye... If it wasn't for Christine who was her friend, and Zhou Ye she knew first Ye, Jennifer felt she would definitely be more proactive than Christine. "I rented a suite, and the roommate of the other room had already gone to Yellowstone Park to play during the holiday... So for the time being, I'm the only one left in the apartment, and I can squeeze into the same room with Christine, You can live in a room alone...yeah."

"Well then, I hope it won't bother you too much..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble at all..." Before Jennifer could say anything, Christine had already finished speaking, so Jennifer could only shrug her shoulders to express her agreement with Christine.

Along the way, Christine, who didn't need to be separated from Zhou Ye for the time being, turned into a living 100,000 why and kept asking Zhou Ye all kinds of questions. For example [Ye, do you have a girlfriend? 】

Another example, [Ye, you have a fraction of Chinese blood. 】

Or, [Ye, do you have any relatives at home? 】

In short, if Jennifer didn't stop her somewhat, it is estimated that Christine would have become a woman who hates to marry. Fortunately, Zhou Ye received these questions from other girls before, because the answers were watertight... Do you have a girlfriend? No. [But there are many wives. 】Of course, Zhou Ye won't say the following sentence, and he's not stupid...

Before they knew it, the three had come to the downstairs of Jennifer's rented apartment...

"Come in, it might be a little messy inside..." Jennifer opened the door of her apartment and invited Zhou Ye and Christine into her room...

This is a typical small apartment. The living room of more than ten square meters is a bit cramped, but it is neat and tidy. There is a bathroom between the two bedrooms... The various cute accessories and dolls in the room reveal this There should never have been a man in the room...

"Ye, you sleep in my room, and Christine and I sleep in my roommate's room." As Jennifer said, she took out some indescribable things such as a change of clothes from her room, and pointed towards Go to my other bedroom.

"Okay, no problem." Zhou Ye responded with a smile. For him, as long as they made progress, he wouldn't be able to get in... But he had to play some emotional games. Now that the wolf has sneaked into the sheepfold, So how long will it take to eat sheep?

Chapter 669

Zhou Ye sat in the room that originally belonged to Jennifer, looking at the layout of the room.

What to say? This room is like, ah, yes, this is a girl's room.

This room is not big, about 20 square meters. Except for a single couch, it is a simple single desk. On the table are a few ugly and cute plush toys...

Just as Zhou Ye was looking around

After a while, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a small object on the ground. It was an indescribable object like a rope... Just as Zhou Ye raised the indescribable object with his fingers, the door of the room suddenly opened... …

"Ye, do you like to eat sandwiches with ketchup or tomato?" Jennifer opened the door just to ask Zhou Ye what he wanted to eat, but when she saw what Zhou Ye was holding, her face turned red. ... "Put that down..."

Saying that, Jennifer rushed towards Zhou Ye, and grabbed the indescribable object hooked in Zhou Ye's hand...

To be honest, in the face of Jennifer's attack, Zhou Ye could easily dodge it... But, based on the principle of treating the disease to save the patient, and punishing the former and the latter, if Zhou Ye escaped, Jennifer would inevitably fall to the ground... ... Besides, only fools hide at this time.

So Zhou Ye pretended that he couldn't dodge, and was directly thrown on the single bed by Jennifer...

Jennifer felt as if she had touched a soft spot, and the feeling of an electric current passing through her heart made her feel as if she had lost all strength... and pressed on Zhou Ye's body.

I don't know how long it took, but for Jennifer, time seemed to stop at this moment, and she was sluggish...until Christine's cry rang outside the house. "Jennifer... Do you want to add tomato to Ye's sandwich..."

"Ah—sorry." Jennifer jumped off Zhou Ye's body with a snort, and shoved the indescribable thing into her pocket. Her face was flushed and she didn't dare to look at Zhou Ye. . "That... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Isn't it intentional?" Zhou Ye looked at Jennifer, whose face was flushed with redness, and became teased again, and said directly, "Then can I also kiss you and say I didn't mean it?"

"Anyway... I'm sorry." Jennifer said, and rushed out of her room without looking back... In her heart, there is a kind of psychology called jealousy that is slowly growing, why didn't she encounter it first Zhou Ye... It would be great if I met him first.

"Huh? Jennifer, do you want Ye to eat a tomato sandwich or a ketchup sandwich?" Christine, who was planning to cook in the small kitchen, looked at Jennifer who rushed out of Zhou Ye's room and asked.

"Anything is fine, I'm not a picky eater..." It wasn't Jennifer who spoke, but Zhou Ye who came out right behind.

"Then eat a tomato sandwich..." Christine said, raising the kitchen knife in her hand, and the knife fell, and a round tomato died in her hand.

Zhou Ye felt a chill at this moment. Could it be that Christine noticed something?

After the three of them ate something at random, Jennifer took Zhou Ye and Christine to play in Los Angeles directly.

Because it was a little late, Jennifer took Zhou Ye and the others directly to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In fact, Zhou Ye wasn't very interested in this place. You know, he has a large manor in Beverly Hills... He's tired of watching Hollywood or something.

But Christine obviously liked it very much. She kept pulling Zhou Ye and asking Jennifer to take pictures for them... After a long time, the three of them took a lot of photos. Jennifer helped Zhou Ye and Chrissy. Ting took the pictures, Christine helped Zhou Ye and Jennifer take pictures, and even asked passers-by to take the pictures for the three of them.

In fact, the most embarrassing thing is that Zhou Ye encountered at least a dozen waves of harassment along the way by a scout who claimed to be a well-known film company. At the beginning, Christine and Jennifer were a little envious, but later , they only had to watch Zhou Ye lively.

Of course Zhou Ye wouldn't agree to be a star, did he make a mistake? As the master of Umbrella, he actually wants to go to a film company controlled by his own consortium to make a movie and become a star? Is it stupid? Besides, Zhou Ye doesn't like that kind of life where people are chased and reported every day... Life under the spotlight may be very tempting to many boys and girls... Alluring, but for Zhou Ye, that is shit.

As night fell, the three finally returned to Jennifer's apartment after having a hearty dinner outside.

"Ah... I'm exhausted." Zhou Ye slumped directly on the sofa in the living room, sending those scouts and so on. It took a lot of his energy. Next time, he would rather choose to destroy the planet than face those scouts. The star scout who is in hot pursuit...

"Christine, you go to wash first, I'll copy these photos to the computer..."

"Well, then I'm going to wash first..." Christine didn't refuse, she picked up the change of clothes and walked into the bathroom...

"It would be great if it had been like this..." Jennifer looked at the computer screen, and she and Christine hugged the photo taken by Zhou Ye from left to right. The whole person was a little crazy... For her , she didn't want to lose Christine as a good friend, but she didn't want to be separated from Zhou Ye. This sense of contradiction was already driving her crazy...

After saying this, Jennifer laughed at herself, how can there be such a good thing in the world... Jenny, stop dreaming...

When Jennifer saved the photos taken during the day and uploaded them on Facebook... Christine had also finished washing up, Jennifer picked up her change of clothes and walked in... She was the second one, of course, Zhou Ye is the third one...

After the three of them had all washed up, they chatted in the living room for a while. In fact, speaking of chatting, it was just the elated Christine hugging Zhou Ye's arm and acting cutely there...this dog... The food-fed Jennifer really has the urge to [burn the heterosexual].

The night is getting darker, and the three of them have to get up early tomorrow to continue to visit Los Angeles, so they all went back to their rooms to sleep...

... When the clock in the living room pointed to twelve, the door of Christine and Jennifer's room quietly opened...

Chapter 670

Zhou Ye was lying on the single couch that belonged to Jennifer, with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling idly.

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