He can't sleep.

Zhou Ye, who was used to sleeping and waking up in the embrace of his own woman, hadn't tried to sleep alone for a long time. Occasionally being alone made him feel very unaccustomed. Just when Zhou Ye was thinking about whether he wanted to summon Qiu and Zi, two of his own little maids, to serve him in the bed... The movement from outside made him dissuade him. this idea.

And now - in the living room.

Jennifer, who was wearing a nightgown, was yawning and came out of the bathroom... She was sleepy and habitually pushed open the door she put in and walked in... She had long forgotten , I should sleep with Christine in my roommate's room tonight.

Zhou Ye stared, watching with interest Jennifer in pajamas walking to the couch with her eyes closed, and unceremoniously slipped into her bed...

This silly girl is definitely in a daze... Zhou Ye smiled very happily. What? Why didn't Zhou Ye lock the door? Are you stupid, you are in the same room with two sisters, will you lock the door? Zhou Ye wouldn't lock the door anyway...

"Hmm..." After the sleepy Jennifer climbed onto the couch, she turned around and hugged Zhou Ye next to her. He muttered, "Teddy, why are you so hot?"

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless. He knew that the teddy in Jennifer's mouth was a giant teddy bear doll. Jennifer had also introduced him to him, saying that it was her bed companion since she was a child... It seems that I was treated like a furry bear doll.

"Hey—Teddy, when did you go to the gym..." Jennifer said while twisting and moving her body, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep in Zhou Ye's arms...

"Little girl, you're playing with fire..." Zhou Ye has never been a saint who can sit still in his arms, Wen Yu is in his arms, what should he do at this time? Do you still need to ask? Of course... kiss her...

When Jennifer's desire was deeply blocked by Zhou Ye, her drowsiness was instantly dissipated...

Jennifer's eyes widened in horror at first, but when she saw that the person blocking her was Zhou Ye, her expression softened again, and after she gave Zhou Ye a symbolic blow with her weak and weak fists, He hugged his neck like a spirit snake... I wish I could just melt myself into Zhou Ye's body...

When the two separated again... Jennifer worked hard to calm down the disturbed breath caused by the blockage, holding Zhou Ye's handsome face with both hands, as if water waves flowed in her eyes, "I... I said, I It was the wrong room...do you believe it?"

"Well, I believe..." Zhou Ye looked at Jennifer with a half-smile, or it should be said, Zhou Ye has already had too much experience with women... Every woman is born with acting skills. , However, no matter how advanced their acting skills are, in the end they are still...

"Okay...I admit, I went through the wrong door on purpose..." Jennifer took a deep breath, she looked at Zhou Ye firmly and said, "What are you waiting for...boy, give me one The perfect first time...just one time and I'm content..."

"As you wish." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and the target was brought to the door by himself, and he had to push it around, pretending to be reserved and serious. That's not his style... He lowered his head again, and the war ignited again... With a muffled groan, Jennifer got the perfect first time she expected...

———————————————I am the dividing line for lens transitions ————————————————————————

Christine was woken up by the cold. In fact, the average temperature in Los Angeles in October is between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius, which logically is the most comfortable time. Ting woke up from the cold...

Christine, who opened her sleepy eyes, found that she had kicked the thin quilt to the side, no wonder she was woken up by the cold... Christine, who was so sleepy, pulled up the thin quilt and covered her body. , the whole person was once again surrounded by warmth... At this moment, a faint sound like a cat's meow came into her ears.

"Damn - Lucy, doesn't this Bichi know how to control it? They have come to Los Angeles, and they are still looking for men..." [Lucy is Christine's roommate in college...]

After saying these words to herself, Christine decisively covered her head with a quilt...

But soon, Christine suddenly sat up from the couch...because, she realized one thing, she was in Los Angeles, and Lucy didn't come with her...and there were three people living in this room. Personally, she, Zhou Ye, Jennifer...

And now, Jennifer, who was sleeping beside her, was gone, and it was self-evident who the faint sound came from. ...Christine deeply felt that she was betrayed by someone...

"Jenny..." Christine turned over and jumped off the couch, not wanting to put on her shoes... Angrily, she opened the door and rushed into Zhou Ye's room. As expected, the scene in front of her made her sad and angry. Add, "Jenny... You know that I love Ye so deeply, but you actually... You actually seduce him."

"Yes...sorry...Christine...I, I really...really can't help it..." Jennifer really just wanted to have a good memory with Zhou Ye for one night. After the second day , she will alienate Zhou Ye and leave Zhou Ye to Christine... But now, she really can't explain this matter, the bad guy Zhou Ye actually ignores the current situation and doesn't care...

"You...you...you guys are still like this..." Seeing that the two were still closely connected, and they seemed to treat her like air, Christine couldn't bear it any longer, and she rushed straight up... He grabbed Zhou Ye and Jennifer's arms, wanting to

separate them...

However, will Zhou Ye agree? Obviously this is impossible... He reached out and hugged Christine's slender waist tightly, and turned his head to block Christine's body...

At the beginning, Christine tried her best to break free from someone's embrace, but as someone's skills fully developed, she gradually became powerless, she couldn't resist anything, she could do it. Only obedience...

——The night was getting deeper, and the cat-like movement in someone's room never stopped, but it was like a relay during the period, and it was just another person...

Chapter 671

The result of the crazy night was... Jennifer and Christine both got up late, and they slowly opened their eyes until the noon sunlight entered the room.

"Christine... I'm sorry..." As soon as Jennifer opened her eyes, she saw Christine's vicious look, staring at herself. She admitted that she had done something wrong and robbed her friend's boyfriend, so she apologized to Christine guiltily.

"Jenny...why did you do this..." Christine was actually the first to wake up. In fact, the first time she woke up, she had the urge to go to the restaurant and get a knife to kill the two of them... However, in the end, she still couldn't bear... she couldn't bear Zhou Ye, and she was even more afraid that Zhou Ye would feel that she was a cruel woman and leave her...

"You know... I love Zhou Ye, why do I still do this?" Christine was really angry. She was betrayed by a friend and then robbed her man of the drama. She always thought it was just a tabloid news. , is too far away from herself, but... When I was really fortunate to experience this scene, Christine felt really uncomfortable...

On the one hand, he is the man he fell in love with at first sight, and on the other hand, he is a good friend whom he met through the Internet, which can also be said to be the best friend. It made her feel like she was double betrayed...

"Okay, I admit that I like Ye too..." Jennifer decided to have a good talk with her friend. Some things must be said. As for what happens after they talk about it? Leave it to God to judge. "I love him...but you said that was your favorite...so I can only laugh and be an assister for you, watching you laugh and play in front of me, do you know what that feels like? Can you imagine your favorite person and your best friend being sweet in front of you, but you can only hide and force a smile? Do you know what it feels like? Have you experienced it? Only Because you said it was Ye that you fell in love with first? Do I have to stand beside you like a clown and watch your love?"

"You... you're crazy...? Jennifer..." Christine looked at Jennifer who was getting more and more excited, and her whole body was a little spartan... What's the situation... How does it feel like it was wrong in the end Is it the same as yourself?

"Yes, I'm crazy..." Jennifer laughed at herself and said, "I originally just wanted to give my best self to the person I love the most, so that I can be satisfied... But now I realize that I was wrong. Now, I have started to be greedy, I want to have him greedily, and have him all the time... So, Christine, let's play fair..."

"Why? He was the first Ye I knew..."

"Knowing Ye first doesn't mean Ye must belong to you. Now we stand on the same starting line, let's compete, Christine, don't be like a coward begging others to give in, let's see who will win the final Victory..."

"Clap—" Two crisp and loud slaps wiped out all the anger of the two women.

"Do you still let me sleep?" Zhou Ye slowly opened his eyes. No matter who was doing the tearing activities between the two girls on the left and right, he couldn't continue to sleep.

"Ye... Who do you like? Is it me or Christine (Jennifer)?" the two women asked in unison.

"What gave you the illusion that I have to choose someone?" Zhou Ye sighed, it seemed that he was still too soft-hearted, worried that last night was their first time... so he didn't let them understand their comrades in arms importance.

"Are you planning to date both of us at the same time? You bastard..." Christine said fiercely.

"Well, I think this is very good." Jennifer unexpectedly agreed with Zhou Ye's words. There are few law school students who lack emotional intelligence and brains. Jennifer, who will work hard as a lawyer in the future, obviously understands the importance of detours better than Christine.

"Jennifer... You actually..." Christine looked at her friend in disbelief. She couldn't figure out why her friend would agree to such an incredible thing?

"Christine... This is a war, whoever abstains first is the loser..." Jennifer asked calmly, "So, do you want to choose to leave?"

"Let go of me...I want to leave you..." Christine said with an appearance of struggling, her whole body twisted back and forth in Zhou Ye's arms, as if she was desperately trying to break free from Zhou Ye Ye's arms were normal.

In this regard, Zhou Ye just rolled his eyes and said, "Women are born with max acting skills". At this moment, although he is indeed holding Christine, his hands are useless... If Christine really wants to break free from him, she just needs to sit up, but obviously, Ke Ristine didn't do that...

These two girls, one with high EQ and IQ, the other with amazing acting skills... Hey, they are not fuel-efficient lamps...

However, forget it... After all, they are all their own women, it seems that they still need to receive their own re-education... Thinking of this, Zhou Ye turned over and suppressed Christine, "Now... let me teach you Come on, the importance of comrades-in-arms

sex. "

"What...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" .

However, this time Zhou Ye won't pity them any more... After all, friendship in battle can only be established on the battlefield... But this time, Christine and Jennifer really felt the importance of comrades-in-arms. It's scary to fight independence.

Five hours later—— Zhou Ye hummed a little song and went to the kitchen to prepare food... There were only two immobile idiots left in the room.

"Christine... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have quarreled with you..." Jennifer said with some guilt: "Thank you for saving me from that bad guy just now..."

"Don't... don't say anything stupid..." Christine rolled her eyes, "I just don't want you to be too close to that bastard..."

After saying this, the two fell silent again. After a while...they looked at each other, not knowing who stretched out their hand first, the two held hands together. "Let's join forces..."

"Well, together..."

The two women finally realized one thing. They couldn't solo the Devil King Zhou Ye on Purgatory Difficulty alone. Only by joining forces temporarily could they resist one or two... As for leaving? What are you kidding, how could they be willing to leave Zhou Ye, do you think Zhou Ye's spring breeze and rain are definitely in vain?

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