"I'm very relieved to see you two good friends reconciling again..." Zhou Ye didn't know when he appeared in front of the two with a dinner plate. ...Sometimes, although the move is old, it works.

"Okay, it's great for everyone to have a good time together, quarreling or something is absolutely not allowed..." As Zhou Ye said, he placed the dinner plate between the two women, holding a spoon in both hands, and giving the two women a spoon. feed...

"Bad..." x2

For Zhou Ye's tricky behavior, the two girls couldn't even show their temper if they wanted to... In the end, they could only roll their eyes and be fed obediently.

Chapter 672

Three days later ——————

Jennifer and Christine were alone, hugging Zhou Ye intimately, and walking out of their apartment door. In fact, these three days were basically unforgettable three days for Jennifer and Christine. God...

It took three days for Zhou Ye to do what he said and let them deeply realize how good it is to have a close comrade in arms... Now, the relationship between Jennifer and Christine is even better than if they didn't know Zhou Ye. Better than before.

"Dear...my three-day vacation...I originally wanted to have a good time in California and experience the sunshine in California, but you were locked in the house for the past three days..." Christine Holding Zhou Ye's arm, she said coquettishly.

"Anyway, you should graduate in a while... Then you will have time to play..." Zhou Ye said indifferently, "But now I'm going to take Jennifer to do something... You have to go together. ?"

"I'm going..." Christine said hurriedly, but after saying this, she hesitated again: "But school has already started, I have already asked for two days off..."

"Christine, you can ask my dear to give you two more days off, you know that this time I'm going to Canada to play..." Jennifer, who was on the other side of Zhou Ye, urged her best friend to skip class, although Her own man told herself that this experiment was not dangerous, but she was still a little uneasy.

So Jennifer wants her best friend to stay by her side... Although even if Christine is by her side, she can't replace herself, but it is more or less a psychological comfort, isn't it?

"Can you? Honey..." Hearing Jennifer's words, Christine looked at Zhou Ye expectantly. Of course, she knows her man's ability, and what she thinks is very difficult is just a phone call in her man's hands.

"No problem..." Zhou Ye replied with a smile, he knew that Jennifer was a little uneasy...and Christine was sticking to herself, so she simply agreed... Asking for leave should not be too simple, who What about making Brown a member of the Umbrella International Association of Colleges and Universities?

After agreeing to Christine, Zhou Ye directly used his personal terminal to issue an order to the Umbrella executive committee. As the supreme ruler of Umbrella, his will has been thoroughly implemented...

When Zhou Ye walked down the apartment building with his two daughters, his exclusive motorcade was already waiting there...

"Master~" Seeing Zhou Ye come down, the maids standing beside the car greeted their master with smiles.

Although Jennifer and Christine have already known a lot about their own men in the past three days, but when they know it, when they really see this scene, it still has a great impact on them... "Dear... …”

Zhou Ye smiled and patted the little hands of the two women on his arm that were gripping tighter and tighter, and comforted: "These are our family members, don't be nervous, the more times we meet in the future, you will find that they are very cute... "

"Well..." The two women agreed, and followed their man into the car door opened by the maid... The luxurious decoration in the car shocked the two girls again. Although Jennifer was pretending to be calm, she was actually stiff. Her body revealed her nervous heart. Instead, Christine picked up her mobile phone and took selfies everywhere, and then uploaded them to her Facebook.

In this regard, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly and did not comment. He knew that vanity is something that everyone has, just more or less... In fact, to a certain extent, Zhou Ye also likes women to have it. Vanity, if a woman has vanity, it is better for him to start...

When the convoy drove into the Los Angeles Airport, the private tarmac, the two women looked at the huge private airliner with the umbrella logo in front of them, and they were already numb.

"Dear... How rich are you?" Even Jennifer couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well - it's really hard to say..." Zhou Ye really doesn't know how to evaluate his wealth. If he only evaluates the earth, it is obviously unfair to the Umbrella consortium that spreads all over the galaxy, but there are no planets. A unified currency unit can evaluate... "I don't know how much money I have now..."

"Okay...Damn rich..." Jennifer rolled her eyes and sighed helplessly.

Surrounded by maids, the three of them boarded the private jet. Soon, Zhou Ye's private jet took off slowly as the control tower gave the order to allow it to take off...

In Zhou Ye's opinion, in this big toy that is already a bit backward, Christine is frantically taking self-portraits and uploading them to her Facebook, especially one called "I The photo of swimming at 30,000 feet in the air caused a stir.

In the photo, Christine swimming comfortably in the indoor swimming pool on the upper deck of Zhou Ye's private airliner forms a sharp contrast with the blossoming white clouds outside the window of the airliner... Of course, she knew what her men were taboo about, so she just took pictures only the white clouds outside the window with the image of his own face, wearing

The figure in the swimsuit is not exposed in the photo at all...

[This is from PS, right? 】

【Just kidding...】

【I hate people who show off the most... 】

Christine simply chose to ignore the mixed comments on her Facebook account... She likes the feeling of being noticed, but she cares more about how her man feels about her, so she acts like a shrew She doesn't want to do this kind of thing with people on the Internet.

"Are you still worried?" Zhou Ye hugged Jennifer, sat on the sofa by the swimming pool, and asked with a smile.

"Well..." Jennifer nodded, raised her head, stared at Zhou Ye seriously and said, "Honey, tell me, even if I turned into a monster, you wouldn't want me..."

"...Haha!" Zhou Ye laughed. He knew what Jennifer was worried about. Although Jennifer was willing to accept the experimental transformation under his persuasion, but...she was afraid that she would turn into a monster and he would despise her. ...

"Trust me, even if you really turn into a monster, I will turn you back." Zhou Ye said, hugging Jennifer tightly.

"Hmm-!" Zhou Ye's hug gave Jennifer some courage, she obediently leaned her head in his arms... Listening to her man's strong heartbeat, her uneasy mood gradually faded. also calmed down.

Time always flies, and inadvertently, Zhou Ye's private jet arrived at his destination, Vancouver International Airport in British Columbia, Canada...

After Zhou Ye got off the plane with the two girls, he boarded the helicopter and flew towards the Alkali Lake Dam... Umbrella's fourth biochemical laboratory was built under the dam.

In fact, Zhou Ye could just open a portal to go there, but obviously, Jennifer, who was willing to accept the experiment just now, still needed some time to prepare herself... So Zhou Ye chose to take a plane to go there. Now, it seems that the effect is not bad. At least with Zhou Ye's assurance and comfort, Jennifer was no longer as uneasy as she was at the beginning.

Chapter 673

The large helicopter landed slowly on the helicopter platform protruding in front of the Alkali Lake Dam.

As the helicopter door opened, Zhou Ye took Jennifer and Christine out of the cabin...

"Long live the sovereign, long live Umbrella." This deafening slogan covered up the huge engine noise of the helicopter...and also startled Jennifer and the two girls.

Jennifer and Christine looked around and saw that in front of the large helicopter platform with a size of more than 1,000 square meters, there were fully-armed soldiers in black Umbrella uniforms. They were facing each other. He looked in his direction with enthusiasm, raised his hands high, and chanted slogans in unison.

Jennifer and Christine knew that these people were not looking at themselves, but their man, Zhou Ye, but as Zhou Ye's women, they also felt honored... This kind of enthusiasm in the eyes of the soldiers made them feel proud. The two women believed that as long as their man gave an order, these soldiers would go to the front line without hesitation and defend the majesty of their man with their own flesh and blood.

A tall and thin man in a white sterile suit and glasses brought a dozen researchers to the front of Zhou Ye and the girls, and bent down deeply. "Master, head of Umbrella's Third Biochemical Laboratory, Ben Tuttle extends my highest respect to you and your mistresses."

"Well, are the things I want ready?" Zhou Ye nodded, keeping his feet, and walked towards the door of the laboratory with Jennifer and the two daughters, Qiu and Zi also followed closely behind him... …

"We have prepared enough doses for three experiments..." Ben Tuttle hurriedly followed carefully, lowered his head and said: "And I also follow the habit of the master, and put the best first biological clinical laboratory in the laboratory. It's empty, waiting for you to use it at any time."

"Well, you did a good job..." Zhou Ye said while lining up on both sides to welcome his inner guard, nodding in return. When conducting experiments, especially when conducting mutation experiments on his own women, Zhou Ye never used the guise of others.

After all, at this time, one's own woman needs to wear no clothes. Zhou Ye doesn't have the habit of letting other men appreciate his own woman's body. Besides, don't forget that he is also a biologist himself. But in general operations he can still be competent.

"It is the duty of all our employees in Umbrella to think what the master thinks, and be anxious about the master..." Ben Tuttle's eyes narrowed when he heard his master's praise.

However, he did not forget his responsibilities, and hurriedly acted as a temporary tour guide to introduce the structure of the fourth biochemical laboratory, the responsibilities and the research process to his master and the two mistresses... Although it is said that in the laboratory There is a master who can provide Zhou Ye with data query and other services at any time, but this is not a loyal performance of the head of the laboratory, Ben Tuttle... Zhou Ye also acquiesced to his actions.

Along the way, Jennifer and Christine really felt that they were just like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden. Many technological products that are only concepts in the outside world have already been perfected in this laboratory. application.

Like 3D projection...

For example, human reconstruction...

Like human genetic programming...

For example... There are too many examples. Jennifer and Christine still felt like they were in a dream until they were led into a laboratory with a size of more than 200 square meters...

"Dear..." Christine asked dizzily: "Is this the strength of your Umbrella? God...

I feel like I have traveled through time to the future world..."

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