"This is just the tip of Umbrella's iceberg..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, this laboratory is just one of the many laboratories under Umbrella's... "You will know more in the future, baby."

Zhou Ye said, turned around and said to Jennifer, "Honey, it's time for you to change your clothes..."

"But..." Jennifer looked at the test bench in the center of the room with a look of fear on her face. She was really worried...

"Baby, trust me... It's just a sleep, and soon you will find out that you have abilities that other people don't have..." Zhou Ye opened his hands and hugged Jennifer in his arms, comforting in a low voice Said: "And I promise, nothing will happen..."

"Then... Okay." Jennifer couldn't refuse any request from her man, so she could only walk into the dressing room next to Zhou Ye under the leadership of Zhou Ye's two maids...

On the other hand, the head of the laboratory, Ben Tuttle, personally transported the [Hulk Serum] extracted from the Hulk, and then withdrew from the laboratory... He knew that this was a taboo for his own master.

"Okay, baby Christine, just rest in the observation room... I'm going down to change too."

"Okay, dear..." Christine obediently sighed beside Zhou Ye, sat in the observation room outside the laboratory, and looked at the test site below through the observation window.

Zhou Ye turned around and walked into the operator's passage, where he had to go through a sterilization door, and then put on a sterile suit...

five minutes later----

Zhou Ye, who had changed into a sterile operating gown, appeared on the edge of the central operating table in the laboratory... and Jennifer was already lying on the operating table, and there was nothing long on her body except for a surgical gown.

"Trust me, baby, it's as fast as giving water after a cold..." Zhou Ye stood in front of the operating table, comforting Jennifer, who was still a little uneasy...

"Well..." With Zhou Ye's soft voice, Jennifer gradually relaxed.

At this time, the two maids, Qiu and Zi, who acted as temporary assistants, had already taken out the [Hulk Serum] from the constant temperature cabinet... and put them in the injection tank of the console...

With all the preparations in place... Zhou Ye stood beside the body status monitor not far from the console. "let's start……"

"Yes, Master." Qiu said... Pressing the injection button on the console, a stick of [Hulk Serum] was injected into Jennifer's body...

"Master, Mother Jenny's heartbeat is normal..."

"Master, Mother Jenny's brain waves are normal..."


Although Qiu and Zi were all reporting good news, Zhou Ye was still a little worried when he saw Jennifer, who had a painful expression on her face... Anyway, this is his own woman... But, thinking about what he just saw when he peeked into the future Zhou Ye felt relieved for a while.

[Green... an endless green...] Jennifer felt as if she was surrounded by a sea of ​​green, green everywhere... For no reason, Jennifer felt as if she was very angry... very angry... Why share your man with others? Why must share... no, no... don't share... I want exclusive! ! ! ! ! !

"Horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Zhou Ye saw Jennifer lying on the operating table getting bigger... Originally only 1.6 meters, she swelled to a height of more than 2 meters The big girl...the surgical gown on her body can no longer cover her body...

"Eight pack abs... Mermaid line... My baby Jennifer has become a female fitness champion..." Zhou Ye complained, but to be honest, although Jennifer turned into a female Hulk, but... with her The cousin's transformation is different, her figure is still slender and slender... but she has some muscles.

To be honest, this kind of Jennifer doesn't have a lot of style... In fact, what satisfies Zhou Ye most is... Jennifer originally only had a c+ upper circumference, but now it seems... enough to have a d+... um, this is a surprise .

"Ye--!!!" Jennifer sat up after all the restraint belts that bound her body were blown off. Staring straight at Zhou Ye, "You are mine...you can only be mine...you are not allowed to contact other women in the future...otherwise...otherwise..."

"Otherwise I'll lock you up, and I won't allow you to go out again..." Otherwise, after a long time, Jennifer could only say this. She was reluctant to hurt Ye... So there was only one way.

"Hey..." Zhou Ye felt that this silly girl had increased self-confidence because of her increased strength... Did she feel that she no longer needed the help of her teammates? "Dear Jennifer, it looks like you need re-education..."

As the words fell, Zhou Ye appeared directly behind Jennifer and hugged her. Zhou Ye, who was 1.9 meters tall, stood behind Jennifer who was more than 2 meters tall. To be honest, it felt a little cute... But Jennifer, who was hugged by Zhou Ye, didn't feel that her man was cute at all. She found that she couldn't break free from her man's arms...

"Be enlightened... Baby Jennifer... Let's try the Zhou family's secret technique [Ten Thousand Strikes in Seconds] ten combos... the horror..."


It was only now that Jennifer really understood the horror of her own man... It turned out that when he was with him, he was always restraining himself... However, she knew it too late, even if it was a transformation Jennifer, who was the female Hulk, couldn't adapt to the forbidden move of 10,000 hits in one second, so she simply fainted.

Chapter 674

United States · Washington - S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters · basement three.

"I heard that you arrogantly declared your exclusivity to your dear..." Natasha looked at the newly added sister standing in front of her with interest. To be honest, if she hadn't seen that video, she would have I really can't imagine how this shy little girl could turn into a big green-skinned beauty, and then say such domineering words to her own man.

"Actually..." Jennifer blushed and tried to explain something, but [actually] for a long time, she couldn't explain anything... "Well, at that time I felt that I could monopolize my dear... and I felt that my own Power can also monopolize my dear..."

"The result?" Natasha asked amusingly.

"It turns out that even if I turn into a powerful Hercules, I can't monopolize my dear..." Speaking of this, Jennifer couldn't help but shivered, as if she thought of being beaten by [Second Wan] The pain under the control of ten consecutive strikes is over, and the sudden explosion made her collapse to the ground without any resistance... To be honest, that kind of move made her feel like she had a love-hate relationship.

Facing Zhou Ye's banned move, Jennifer had a complicated feeling of nostalgia and fear.

"Haha... I understand." Natasha smiled and winked playfully at her new sister. She had also been treated like this by Zhou Ye because she violated the family law. Facing Jennifer's complicated expression, she My heart is close, I feel the same...

"Okay...I'll introduce you to our sisters." Natasha said, pulling Jennifer and walking downstairs. The two of them can be said to have never known each other... Zhou Ye brought Jennifer to the After S.H.I.E.L.D., I temporarily entrusted Jennifer to my good daughter Natasha. After all, although Jennifer has a place in the Avengers plan, Jennifer can only be regarded as a newcomer, and she does not understand many things. .

As soon as Natasha and Jennifer met, a small-scale conflict broke out. The reason was naturally because of what Jennifer said when she just gained the power of the Hulk... Zi and Qiu deliberately recorded this sentence, Uploaded to a sister forum on Umbrella's internal network.

But what to say? Although Natasha has the ability of Quicksilver, her ability is speed, while Jennifer's ability is divine power. The two are not opponents at the same stage at all. Although Natasha can tyrannize Jennifer with her own speed, but Jennifer's endurance and strength also made Natasha terrified... In the end, it was a tie that was not a tie.

By the way, Zhou Ye also modulated the super-speed recovery gene in the x gene into Jennifer's body. Now Jennifer can be said to be the strongest mt...

"This is the second-generation captain, Sharon Rogers..." Natasha took Jennifer directly to a large gym, pointed to a girl in a fitness suit who was practicing fighting skills in front of a sandbag and said: "She Also our sister...I think you should have heard of her."

Of course Jennifer has heard the name of the second-generation captain Sharon Rogers, or it should be said that in the United States, no one does not know the name of Sharon, after all, her father is the first generation of the US captain, it can also be said that Sharon Rogers Rogers is a well-known superhero in the United States.

"She... She's Ye's woman too?" Jennifer really couldn't believe it, why did her man have so many women?

"Hey, Sharon... Come here, I'll introduce a new friend to you." Natasha didn't answer Jennifer's question. Some things, after a long time, she naturally knew.

"What's the matter? Natasha..." Sharon heard Natasha's cry, temporarily put down the swaying sandbag that she had beaten, and came over.

"Sharon... This is the new sister to our family..." Natasha said and pointed to Jennifer.

"Hello, Miss Rogers, I've heard your name since I was a child..." Jennifer really had the feeling of seeing an idol, she happily stretched out her hand, "I'm Jennifer Susan Walter You can call me Jenny or Susan."

"Hi, hello Jenny...I'm Sharon Rogers, you can just call me Sharon..." Knowing that this was her sister, Sharon smiled kindly at Jennifer and said, "Welcome to z.y ·h·t…”

"z.y.h.t??" Jennifer felt bewildered. "Didn't you say it's the Avengers? How is it z.y.h.t?"

"Hahaha... z.y.h.t is the abbreviation of zhou ye's harem team. It is our joke." Natasha smiled and explained to Jennifer: "After all, this Avengers alliance has gone from core team members to gods. The Shield support liaison personnel are all our sisters, so we all laughed and said that this is Zhou Ye's harem team..."

Jennifer has a feeling that you're right, but I'm speechless... "Ahem...Are the three of us in the core team?"

"There are three other teammates, one of whom is a house girl... She always likes to stay at home and play with her machines. I think you have heard her name..." Natasha laughed.

"Who is it?" Jennifer asked curiously.

"Natasha Stark...but generally in order to distinguish my name from hers, we call her little Nina..." Natasha said with a smile.

"My God... the most famous talented girl in America?" Jennifer asked in disbelief. "She... is she our sister too?"

"That's right..." Natasha smiled and said to the shocked Jennifer, "After all, she is a dear raised goddaughter..."

"Goddaughter...?" Jennifer has a feeling of being refreshed, her own man's groove...cough...

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