However, what shocked her even more was the fact that she was still behind.

"What's that... Natasha is still my dear adopted daughter..." Sharon complained.

"Natasha???" Jennifer looked at Sharon with a bewildered expression...

"That's right, it's me..." Natasha said indifferently: "It's nothing... Except for my father, I don't think I can find any man who is willing to love me unconditionally... Besides, compared to When you see your dear, you fall in a short period of time, but I can proudly claim that I resisted the charm of my dear for six years..."

"Uh - let's talk about the other two teammates..." Jennifer felt that she couldn't let Natasha go on talking, otherwise her three views would really be completely overturned.

"The other two teammates are Inhuman Queen Medusa and her sister Crystal..." Natasha introduced: "But for some reason, the two of them cannot appear at the same time unless there is a particularly big event. , will invite them over..."

"Okay...I don't think I'll be surprised by what you say now..." Jennifer felt that her three views seemed to be being refreshed all the time, adopted daughter, goddaughter, queen sister... how many women does her man have? Ah, and it seems that none of them are simple things. "Now I wouldn't be surprised if you told me dear there was an alien queen woman..."



"Natasha...why are you looking at me like this?" Jennifer felt that Natasha looked at herself so strangely.

"Is your ability mutated? You have the ability to be omnipotent and omniscient?" Natasha muttered.

"Oh...God...I really got it right?" Jennifer raised her forehead. "My dear, is there really a woman who is an alien queen?"

"Well, in fact, it's the queen mother and daughter..." Natasha laughed.

"...Don't pay attention to me, I want Jingjing...don't ask me who Jingjing is." Jennifer felt that her man had given her too many surprises, which were already horrifying.

At this moment... the door of the gym opened, and a group of people walked in... It was Zhou Ye who was at the forefront, followed by Sharon Carter, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Following Melinda May, Maria Hill, Barbary Morse and Gemma Simmons who have been transferred to the Avengers Squad Liaison Group...

" many women do you have..." Seeing Zhou Ye, Jennifer was furious. She ran towards Zhou Ye, and she arrived in an instant after a short distance of more than ten meters. When he came to his own man, he transformed into a female Hulk.

"Sigh..." Zhou Ye looked at Jennifer who was holding himself like a doll in his arms, and sighed, "I originally wanted to introduce you to a future comrade-in-arms, but now it seems that the friendship of comrades-in-arms is still there. It needs to be more stable under certain circumstances..."

The other girls looked at the man in Jennifer's arms with a smile. They didn't think Jennifer would hurt their man at all. After becoming his woman, no one would be willing to hurt him, whether it was mind or body. Come on, it's too late for them to love him...

"Hey...I'm just joking, honey...don't—ah—!!!"

In the end, Zhou Ye told Jennifer with practical actions that it is a good thing to have more comrades in arms... Three days later, Jennifer, who had temporarily completed the run-in with her new teammates, returned to the University of California again, and she had to continue her studies... Of course, when there is a task, she will naturally return to the team, and she is too lazy to go into the matter of how many women Zhou Ye has... It doesn't make any sense. other things?

Chapter 675

The world of death - the city of angels.

"Dad...where are you, I see you...don't hide..." In the city of angels, a black-haired loli who looked only two or three years old, as serious as a little adult, was there shouting.

I saw this little loli wearing a gorgeous princess dress, with a fleshy little face, a pink gules, big eyes... The whole person is like a pink carving jade peck, very cute.

She is Zhou Ye's first daughter in the true sense, the princess of the Umbrella consortium, Angelina Odinson, who enjoys the love of thousands of mothers.

The maids standing behind the little princess smiled and watched their little princess play hide-and-seek with their master... while the little princess' biological mother was sitting on the lawn in the distance, drinking afternoon tea with her sisters.

"Ha... Dad, I've found you." Angelina finally found out what her father had deliberately leaked, grabbed the corner of Zhou Ye's clothes hidden in the bushes, and shouted happily, "Dad... I found you."

"Baby Angelina is too powerful... Dad was defeated by you." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged his daughter, and walked towards Hela and the other girls. In fact, Zhou Ye really rarely had the chance to play with his daughter. Many times, Angelina was occupied by her mothers...

Maybe it's because she doesn't get along with her father, so Angelina especially likes to stick to her father. Once you catch it, you won't let go...

Today, she has been playing with Zhou Ye for a few hours. For the young Angelina, she has almost reached the limit. Although as the daughter of Zhou Ye and Hela, Angelina accepts it again. With the gift of the Nine Realms, she has been a powerful god from the moment she was born, but...she is not young after all, and the huge power in her body cannot be exerted.

"Baby, if you're tired, just follow

Let's go to bed with the maid and auntie..." Zhou Ye came to Hela's side with Angelina and sat down, looking at his daughter who was dozing off in his arms, and said distressedly.

"Don't...I don't want to be separated from my father..." Angelina said, her little hands firmly grasping Zhou Ye's clothes. "I want my dad to sleep with me..."

"...Angelina..." Hela's eyes widened, and she was about to get angry. After all, in her opinion, there must be someone in the family that the little guy is afraid of, or he will be spoiled...

It seems impossible to expect his own man to be a strict father now, especially since the little guy has so many mothers who dote on her, and no matter how hard she disciplines her, she will really be spoiled as a lawless little witch. .

Therefore, Hela had to be ruthless and be a strict mother...

When Hela stared, Angelina shrank in fright. But Hela's tried-and-tested moves in the past are no longer available today, because with Zhou Ye as a big backer, Angelina really doesn't care about her mother. "Don't, I want to be with dad... bad mom... hum."

"Okay, Hela, Angelina's baby just wants to stay with me for a while... There's no need to discipline her like that." Zhou Ye said, and hugged the baby girl in a different position. , so that my daughter can lie down more comfortably. "Okay, baby, go to sleep, daddy hugs you to sleep...don't pay attention to mommy..."

"Dad is the best." Little Angelina's big happy eyes turned into two crescent moons. She grabbed her father's shirt tightly with both hands and closed her eyes... She was really tired. .

"You... just spoil her..." Hela sighed helplessly.

"My daughter is my father's lover in a previous life. If I don't spoil her, who would spoil her?" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Angelina's back, coaxing his precious daughter to sleep... In the City of Angels, all year round It's the optimum temperature, so it's not hot at all, and it's not cold at all.

Angelina listened to her father's words, and Xiao Zhen couldn't help drawing a lovely arc. Although she didn't know what lover meant, she did appreciate her father's favor. Although many mothers favored her, sure enough, she still loved her. Dad is the best... With such careful thoughts, Angelina fell into a deep sleep when she smelled the fresh, sunshine-like smell coming from her father.

"Dear..." Hela watched her man's daughter fall into a deep sleep and said with a heavy heart, "I want to use Asgard when Odin passes the throne to Thor."

"Oh? Have you decided?" Zhou Ye asked indifferently. To him, Asgard posed no threat at all... The aging father of the gods was just a bad old man. No need to pay special attention to...

"Well..." Hela nodded her head forcefully, "I can't bear Odin just handing over my throne to that so-called Thor..."

"You know, Sol won't take over the throne so easily." Zhou Ye knew that the Red Queen had opened up some video materials to his women, including the development of this world... Hela has the right to know this data.

"I know..." Of course Hela, who had seen the video materials, knew what was going to happen later, but she was just unwilling to work hard and fought hard to establish Asgard, which was passed down to her by her father. younger brother. "But I'm not reconciled... I definitely don't approve of Odin's actions... This is an insult to me, an insult to the warriors of Asgard who follow me to fight the Nine Realms..."

"Just do it if you think about it..." Zhou Ye patted his baby daughter's back to make her sleep more comfortable, and said, "I can give you any support you need... The command of the Galaxy Fleet can also be given to you. you……"

"But... dear..." Hela asked blankly: "If I kill Asgard and kill Thor and Loki, wouldn't your waiting be in vain?"

Hela, who has seen the video, knows that her man has been waiting for Loki to bring the Mind Stone from Thanos to Earth... so that he can get the Mind Stone effortlessly...

"It doesn't matter, if it really doesn't work, I'll go to Sanctuary to find Thanos... It's not that I can't find him." Zhou Ye said indifferently: "What do you need... Forget it, I'll go with you that day. I'm also curious about what Asgard looks like."

"...Dear." Hela's moved eyes were filled with tears, and she unconditionally supported all her things. Where else could she find such a man?

"Need my help? Hela..." Ophelia asked with a smile.

"Otherwise, I'll let the Avengers also dispatch. Anyway, they also need a real battle to test their mutual understanding." Peggy on the other side said with a smile. Although she has retired, no one will doubt her ability to control S.H.I.E.L.D., knowing that the current captain is still her niece.

"Thank you... Thank you, sisters..." Hela felt a warm heart in her heart, this is home, this is family... Although there are some small conflicts between sisters sometimes, but once a sister has an accident, the other My sisters will help you out, this atmosphere is the real feeling of home...

"Okay, don't cry anymore..." Zhou Ye said, waved his hand, and dragged Haila directly into his arms with telekinesis, holding his daughter in one hand and her mother in the other, Zhou Ye smiled and said: " In the future, when you have nothing to do, just unlock more knowledge."

"Bad..." Hela lightly beat her man's chest, she knew it was her man who was using this method to divert her attention, but... at this moment, she really felt very happy. "I love you, darling, I love


"Mom, mom, and me..." Little Angelina, who didn't know when she woke up, rubbed her sleepy eyes with her little hands and said dissatisfiedly, "You haven't said you love me, Mom..."

The little guy's words made everyone burst into laughter and said in unison, "We all love you...unconditionally love you..."

"Ugh..." Little Angelina shyly buried her little head in her father's arms and refused to look up. She was too shy and embarrassed...

Chapter 676

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