"I hope so..." Although Loki was also very hungry, the bad news that he would be executed tomorrow gave him no appetite at all. He just silently picked up the jug on the dinner plate and poured it into his mouth.

"Eat something, so that you can have strength tomorrow..." Saul threw a piece of roast meat to his brother while forgetting that he had food in his mouth. "If you don't have the strength, you can't do anything tomorrow..."

"Okay, thank you brother..." Loki hesitated for a while, picked up the roast that Thor threw to him, and ate it... But he felt that there seemed to be some kind of different taste in the roast, which made him Alertly put down the barbecue in his hand.

"Brother, do you feel that there is something wrong with the taste of this barbecue?"

"There's nothing wrong with it... I feel delicious." Sol said as he kept stuffing the barbecue in his mouth, "This is the best barbecue I've ever eaten..."

"Maybe I'm nervous..." Loki was sure there was an indescribably familiar taste in the barbecue, but he didn't plan to remind his brother anymore, because he also wanted to see what the hell those people were trying to do ...Maybe we can take this opportunity to escape?

Half an hour later————

"Hiccup!" Sol filled all the barbecued meats for the two of them into his stomach, and he really had enough to eat... Maybe it was because of being full and thinking about that, Sol felt that he actually felt that way today. My younger brother, Loki, is very charming... That's right... just charming... "Hey, brother, I never found out that my younger brother is so beautiful..."

"Uh-!!" Loki was taken aback by Thor's words. He found that his brother's eyes seemed a little wrong... He had seen that kind of eyes, but it was usually between men and women he liked. When you are alone, you only have eyes... "Damn... let me out... let me out..."

"My brother... I found out that you are so cute..." The Loki in Thor's eyes was so beautiful that it suffocated him. He felt as if a flame was burning from his lower abdomen... That flame made him suffocate. He couldn't hold himself anymore.

"Let go of me, damn... I'm your younger brother..." Loki was about to cry without tears. He had known that this kind of potion was in the barbecue, and he would have reminded his brother Saul. , However, there is no regret in the world to sell medicine.

If speaking of magical attainments, Loki feels that he can dump his brother a few blocks away. This is not his boasting, but his successful experience of playing tricks on his brother with magic countless times since he was a child.

But if we talk about personal force... Loki is a weak chicken when facing Thor, not much better than a little girl with a strong man... He is now struggling desperately in his brother's arms... "Wake up, brother, I'm your brother..."

"Brother or something, isn't it the best gift from God to my brother?" Sol couldn't bear it anymore...

What happens when a magician with limited magical abilities confronts a warrior with no iron in his hands? Loki used his own example to deeply educate the next generation of mages... mages will be ravaged by warriors at will, in various senses.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!" With a scream, Rocky felt that he had lost something, something that could no longer be retrieved ...

Chapter 688

In a cell in the underground dungeon of Asgard Palace—

Thor leaned against the wall of the prison with a pale face, staring blankly at his brother, Loki.

At this moment, the naked Loki was lying on the cold ground of the cell in a big shape, with tears in his eyes and a blank in his mind... All of this came so suddenly... Suddenly he was at a loss, and he didn't even know what to do. How to face his brother Sol.

The atmosphere in the cell was quiet and strange...

After a long time... Saul finally spoke slowly, he knew... Now it is meaningless to say who is right and wrong. "Yes, sorry..."

"I'm sorry...?" Hearing Saul's words, Loki's gray-like eyes gradually recovered a trace of expression. "Can I make up for the mistakes you made by being sorry?"

"..." Saul was silent, he didn't know what to say anymore.

"I never knew that you were such a person..." Loki gradually regained some physical strength. After all, the desperate struggle just now took a lot of physical strength. He stood up slowly, trying not to touch his injuries. At... After simply tidying up his clothes, he turned to look at his brother Sol. "I used to wonder why only one of the four friends around you, Sif, is a woman, and you haven't done anything to her yet... So you say hello... I really didn't expect it."

Of course Loki knew why Thor became like this, but he didn't want to mention it at all... He didn't want to think about it again.

"No... I'm not..." Saul wanted to explain, but seeing his brother's disheveled appearance, he couldn't explain the words out of his mouth...

"Don't say it anymore... I don't want to hear your voice now." Loki said, walked to the corner opposite Thor and sat down, but as soon as he sat down, he rubbed it and jumped up again... ...ahem, the trauma is a bit deep.

"Are you alright..." Saul asked with concern when he saw Loki's actions.

"I'm fine, I'm very good, I'm very good..." Loki said as he sat down again carefully, this time he only used half a pg, so although it still hurts a bit, it still hurts. In a position where it can be endured, let him crawl like he did before

On the ground, he said nothing...

At this moment, a familiar voice made the two brothers temporarily put aside their entanglements and stood up.

"I thought you were going to be abused by them, and now it seems that you are living a good life."

"Heimdall?" x2

Both Loki and Thor looked out of the prison, and stood there, the big black man in civilian clothes, who wasn't Heimdall? "You didn't get caught by them?"

"Of course not..." Heimdall, who was carrying the Guardian Sword, replied: "I hid when the palace was in turmoil... I watched the secret passage for a few days before slipping away when they changed shifts. Come in, what's the matter, let's talk outside..."

"Okay..." Thor nodded to Loki.

Heimdall directly opened the magic fence of the cell and released the two... Whispered: "Follow me."

Loki and Thor followed Heimdall's footsteps and walked towards the depths of the dungeon...

Thor automatically fell behind, allowing Loki to walk in front of him... But after a few steps, he looked at Loki who was faltering, and finally couldn't help but walk a few steps to his side and take him away. He put his hand on his shoulder and helped him walk out.

"I won't thank you..." Loki glanced at Thor and said expressionlessly.

Saul shook his head indifferently, "I didn't expect you to thank me... This is what I should do."

"..., do you think this will smooth out the hurt you caused me?" Loki whispered: "You can never imagine that I will forgive you in this life... you hantai..."

Sol did not fight with his younger brother like he used to, he is now coughing with an attitude of atonement...

On the other side, in the palace that was temporarily converted into a monitoring room, the girls were eating hot pot contentedly. They were not at all interested in the Thor brothers who disappeared from the screen... Or should I say, the escape of the Thor brothers was also due to them. part of the plan.

You know, the person Zhou Ye sent to clean up Heimdall was none other than Jean Grey. Want to escape from Jean Grey, the Phoenix girl? Heimdall is far from enough.

As for Heimdall, who is now leading the way for the Sol brothers? It is the puppet that was controlled by Jean Grey with her mind early on.

When most people talk about psychic ability, it is estimated that the strongest person is Professor X, but this is a misunderstanding. The real strongest psychic control is Jean Grey, who has become one with Phoenix. It's just that on weekdays, there is no time for her to show her spiritual power...

"For the sisters to work together to complete the achievement in the world of Thor x Evil God... Cheers..." Ophelia, who is of high nature, raised the wine glass in her hand and celebrated with her sisters.

The girls, who were completely caught up in inexplicable excitement and excitement, also raised their glasses high and shouted loudly, "Toast for the achievement of the world..."

There was laughter and laughter in the whole palace... but the escape trio on the other side was not so harmonious.

"Heimdall...why do we go to the Rainbow Bridge instead of going to the palace to wake up the father?" Sol, who was supporting his brother, asked Heimdall rudely. "Have you forgotten your duty?"

"I have never forgotten my duty..." Heimdall was not irritated by Thor's words, his voice was still calm and powerful, "Odin is still sleeping in Odin's sleep, but we can't do it without alerting the guards. rush in under the circumstances..."

"Then kill it..." Saul always had enigmatic confidence in his father. "As long as the father wakes up from his deep sleep and shouts from the heights, the people of Asgard will surely unite around my father. At that time, these intruders are a group of chickens and dogs..."

"...You have been imprisoned for too long, and you have been completely unaware of the recent changes in Asgard." Heimdall explained: "The people of Asgard have been used by the invaders in a strange way. The spell is bewitched, and they now deeply love Hela sitting on the throne, just as they loved Odin the father of the gods before..."

When Sol heard Heimdall's words, his whole body became weak like a deflated ball. He believed that Heimdall would not deceive himself. Heimdall's power was very powerful, but he once swore allegiance. His own father, Odin, was loyal to that throne. He is Asgard's first line of defense, and no one has ever escaped his eyes and invaded Asgard, except this time...

"...Then, what can we do even if we escape from Asgard now?" Thor was already a little discouraged...

Chapter 689

"Although Asgard has fallen..." Heimdall stared at Thor with his golden pupils and said, "But in the Nine Realms, we have other friends and reinforcements... Now, your mission is to As the Crown Prince of Sgard, in other worlds of the Nine Realms, gather our loyal allies... Then, counterattack Asgard..."

"Is this...is it really okay?" Heimdall's words were really unacceptable to Thor, who once thought that Asgard was number one in the world.

Among the nine kingdoms, those who have a good relationship with Asgard are estimated to be the Warner Protoss and Alfheim elf clan of Warnerheim, and the dwarf clan of Wattheim...

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