Others like Jotunheim's Frost Giants and Dark Elves' kingdom... that's no need to think about it, and Muspelheim's Fire Kingdom is an enemy like Asgard.

How can this be broken? Sol is a little confused...

"Then... do you have a better way than this?" Heimdall asked directly.

"...I think, this is already the best idea." Loki, who had not said a word, just listened to the two arguing quietly, knew that what Heimdall had said was already the most feasible solution. Bad ideas like rushing into the palace to wake up Odin, that's a total death sentence. "Heimdall, what are we going to do?"

"I will use the rainbow bridge to send you to Wanaheim..." Heimdall said: "There, I think you should be able to find our most solid allies, and then...you have contacted the Warner Protoss in Wanaheim. Then call me, and I will be here to teleport you to Alfheim again..."

"Well, I think I have no choice..." Sol finally had to accept Heimdall's plan...

The three of them carefully bypassed the crowded streets and walked towards the Rainbow Bridge...

In fact, there are still some people on the street at this moment who are celebrating for Hela's enthronement. They hold their wine glasses high and shout at everyone: "Long live His Majesty Hela, long live Asgard..."

Pedestrians harassed by the drunks responded to their chants with smiles on their faces. "Long live His Majesty Hela... Long live Asgard."

The impact of this scene on Thor was extremely huge. It seemed that overnight, all the Asgards of Asgard had forgotten their brothers... The despicable and shameless usurper Hela became everyone. The long-awaited king of Asgard.

This made Thor simply unacceptable. If Heimdall hadn't forcibly pulled him away, I'm afraid he would have rushed in front of those people and questioned those guys by pointing to his nose. "Your crown prince is here... Do you still remember who your future king is?"

After the baptism of this scene, Thor became a little silent, and Loki, who was supported by him, gave him a sympathetic look. This guy is indeed a little pitiful. The throne that was about to be acquired was taken away by someone. And he himself became a non-existent person.

Of course, Loki himself felt very resentful. He would be given ooxx by this guy Saul. After all, it was all the tricks of those guys. Although he didn't know what their purpose was, but...he Loki had already talked to those guys. The guy has become an eternal enemy. Sooner or later, he will double the insults and injuries to those guys, especially the man who dumped himself like a rag doll. He must...

The two brothers, who were very worried, never said a word along the way. They were directly led by Heimdall to the huge gate at the head of the Rainbow Bridge.

When they got here, they had to stop, not because they couldn't open the gate, but because there were two figures blocking their way in front of the gate.

"Oh, my two lovely brothers, where do you want to go?" Hela held the Sword of the Night Sky and looked at the trio standing in front of her with a smile.

"Just kill them... I still want to go back to be with my dear!" Jean Grey, in a red dress, had no interest in the troubled brothers and sisters. For her, instead of wasting time here, she would It would make sense to go back and snuggle up and doze off in the arms of your own man.

"You stop them, I'll start the teleportation..." Heimdall said, pulling out the guardian sword behind him and rushing towards the two women.

Thor and Loki also had to rush over... Heimdall was their last hope. If Heimdall was stopped by the two women, they would not be able to escape...

Thinking of this, Sol rushed over quickly and stopped Hela before Heimdall. In his opinion, Hela was already the most difficult character, and leaving the difficulties to himself was his apology to his brother. .

"Damn, I knew it would turn out like this..." While complaining, Loki rushed to Qin and said with a smile: "This beautiful lady, in fact, I am a pacifist, why don't we join together? How about drinking tea and chatting about the customs of Asgard?"

"There's so much nonsense..." Qin has always had only one attitude towards other men, that is... as if nothing, she pointed at Loki unceremoniously, and a dangerous flame burned directly at Loki .

"Your enemy is me..." Without the hammer, Thor directly smashed Hela with his fist. Hela smiled slightly and slid his sword into Sol's eyes. Sol, who was forced by this move, had to accept it. potential, embarrassed dodge.

The four were fighting and walking, or to be more precise, it should be Loki and Thor who were fighting while retreating. The two brothers were planning to retreat towards the teleportation point at the Rainbow Bridge.

In fact, the two women are here to act... Of course, in order to be realistic, Thor's skin was ripped open by Hela's Sword of the Night Sky, and there were scars everywhere... And Loki was almost completely cooked by Qin. .

Just when Thor and Loki felt that they might really have to explain it here today, Heimdall, who started teleportation with his guardian sword not far away, had already opened the Rainbow Bridge. He called out to Thor and Loki: "Come here, you should go."

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time..." Sol said, using the power of Hela to kick himself, turned and ran towards Heimdall... The colorful light transmitted by the Rainbow Bridge is in front of him. , when Saul felt that victory was in sight, a huge force attacked from behind,

He kicked into the teleportation beam... However, this does not mean that he has been completely rescued.

Because, this powerful force not only kicked him into the rainbow bridge, but even kicked him who had already entered the teleportation to smash the teleportation protection crystal wall, and fell directly into the unknown space...

And Loki is even more miserable... He was thrown out of the Rainbow Bridge by Qin directly, and there was an endless starry sky under him... The ghost knows where he will float to.

Chapter 690

Looking at the two brothers who had disappeared, Hela and Qin stood in place with a smile... Their mission has been completed, or in other words, their purpose has been achieved, and they were still the best pair of Asgard of the year. The loyal minister Heimdall had closed the Rainbow Bridge and knelt down in front of the two women. He had already been controlled by Qin.

"You asked me to throw Loki off Asgard, I know you wanted to try it out and see if you could continue Loki's fate and take the Mind Stone from Thanos, but why did you keep Thor? What about a life?" Qin asked in confusion.

"Of course it's because I want to give my dear a gift..." Hela said with a smile: "Don't you think that my dear has always been interested in capable Valkyries?"

"A capable Valkyrie?" Qin thought of something and nodded thoughtfully. In fact, Hela was still very resentful for the fish that slipped through her hands. "But... my dear, it seems that the green fat man has been sent to the laboratory. If that guy has no help, how can he escape from that planet again? Besides, you are sure that this untransformed guy can say Move that Valkyrie to attack Asgard?"

"..." Hela raised her forehead, "Oops, I forgot to think about this... What should I do, Qin."

"Hey..." Qin sighed, not expecting Hela to be confused occasionally. "Just tell the truth to my dear. Besides, the Gao Tianzun of the Saka star has some relatives with my dear..."

"Relationship?" Hela asked in amazement.

"Of course, have you forgotten Karina Devan? Our sister..." Qin asked rhetorically.

"Of course I remember Karina..." To know that Karina is a must attend every family gathering, how could Hela not know about her. "But isn't her father the collector, Di Fan? Why does he have anything to do with Gao Tianzun of Saka Star?"

"Don't you know that Gao Tianzun of Saka Star and collector Di Fan are brothers? My dear, I plan to go to Saka Star to take down that Valkyrie after a while... But now..." Qin sighed helplessly. : "You, when you have nothing to do, you should get together with your sisters and chat more..."

"..." At this moment, Hela really has a feeling of being a dog. If she knew this, why did she duplicate the behavior of Thor's fall to the Saka star? Thor will never be able to leave Saka Star from now on, but if something strange happens between him and the Valkyrie, it will really...

Thinking of this, Hela didn't dare to hesitate any longer. She grabbed Jean Grey's hand and ran towards the palace. "You have to help me this time, Qin..."

Two hours later————

"Baby Hela...you..." Zhou Ye looked at Hela, who was sitting in front of him speechlessly, with a cautious look because he did something wrong.

"I also want to give you a surprise..." Hela said a little aggrieved.

"I know... I know." Zhou Ye took Hela and Qin in his arms. With a wry smile, he said, "I originally wanted to go to Karina directly and go to Saka Star with her after I had settled the matter here... But now it seems that I have to take a shortcut... "

"What shortcut... dear?" Hela asked curiously.

"You, watching movies like me like fast forward... You didn't notice that there is an unstable space-time rift in Saka star that leads directly to the outer starry sky of Asgard?" Pull the dolphin for a shot.

"Then are you leaving tomorrow?" Hela asked reluctantly.

"No, I'll leave now." Zhou Ye sighed, "The time at Saka Star is very strange... Even if I and Saul were thrown just ten seconds apart from one another, maybe we reach Saka. The time of the star will be a few months apart, I don't want my capable Valkyrie to disappear because of some things..."

"Then... Okay." No matter how reluctant Hela was, she couldn't help it. After all, it was because of her own mistakes that she became like this... "Then who are you going to take there this time?"

"Sakaxing doesn't have any high-end combat power... I used to just go around casually, don't you think I can't even beat a Valkyrie with your man?" Zhou Ye smiled and said, "So I'm going to do it this time. Take the Amora sisters there, and it's just a play..."

"Really? My dear..." When Lorelei and Amora sisters heard this, their eyes lit up with surprise. This is the time when they are the most obsessed with their men... I can't wait to hang around 24 hours a day. On Zhou Ye's body, they could accompany their men on interstellar travel, which they could not wish for.

And although Sif and Frigg had no words, their expressions of disappointment were palpable... Obviously, they were not willing to part with their men now.

Of course Zhou Ye saw the dissatisfaction of the two at a glance and sighed. "Okay, Sif and Frigg are fine here anyway, just come with me."

"Hmm..." Sif and Frigg happily leaked smiles.

"After I'm gone, you have to keep an eye on Loki's movements, if he

Really came back with the Mind Stone... Then except for Qin, none of you are the opponents of the Mind Stone... Forget it, let me peek into the future. " Zhou Ye said, the golden eyes shone with a stream of light, and scenes of scenes were reflected on his pupils.

After a while, Zhou Ye smiled. "Ha, I didn't expect that there would be such a thing... Loki doesn't need to worry about it for the time being."

"What happened? Darling?" the girls asked curiously.

"The future is always changing. I can only say that for the time being, Loki is no longer a threat..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Now I have plenty of time to recruit a capable Valkyrie."

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