"Bad, it will make people's appetite..."

"That's right, my dear is so bad..."

"Hey, you all don't know the pain of peeping into the future..." Zhou Ye said with a [I don't want to] look: "After peeking into the future, there will be no surprises in life... Everything changes in your eyes. It's so sad, rightfully so."

After Zhou Ye finished speaking, without waiting for the girls to reply, he stood up and opened a portal to the Mars base. He was going to go there to drive out his personal medium-sized spacecraft. If it was just himself, he would It is completely possible to swagger into that space-time rift, but if you bring a few girls, you can't do this... After all, they don't have such a strong body as him. "Okay, it's not too late, I'll go first, you defend Asgard."

The four women named by Zhou Ye, together with Zhou Ye's two personal maids, followed closely behind Zhou Ye, and passed through the portal, leaving the other women here in awe...

Chapter 691

Saka star - an terrestrial planet at the singularity of the universe, surrounded by cosmic pathways, at the junction of the known world and the unknown world...

Although the forcible passage of the unstable space-time rift caused everyone to suffer, but the powerful physique of the Asa Protoss allowed them to recover quickly after the spacecraft left the passage. Looking at the endless mountain of garbage outside the observation window of the spacecraft, Lorelei couldn't help but sigh. "It's a really bad looking place..."

"Darling, are you sure we didn't go to the wrong place?" Amora agreed with her sister for the first time in her life.

"Of course we didn't go the wrong way..." Zhou Ye sat in the driver's seat, looking at the place in front of him that looked like an ocean of garbage, and said with a smile, "This should be the spatial singularity of Saka Star... Something from the outside fell, like a spaceship, like a tree, or... a creature."

The women surrounded their man, looking through the large transparent observation window in front of the spaceship, looking at the mountains of garbage under their feet. In the mountains of garbage, they saw all kinds of mechanical products, and some It is not a decoration of a civilization style at all.

In those mountains of garbage, there are many guys in ragged clothes. They wear strange clothes, some with masks, and some clothes look like a large curtain with a slit in the middle. In short, there are all kinds of things... They wandered back and forth by the garbage mountain, and from time to time something was ejected from the fiery red vortex column in the sky... They quickly surrounded it, as if searching for such a thing to be useful. value.

"A group of scavengers..." Lorelei dismissed them with disdain, she despised these guys at all.

Just then, an alarm sounded in the spacecraft. "There is an unidentified flying object approaching fast, please pay attention..."

"Huh?" Zhou Ye looked up and saw three or four extremely tattered-looking spaceships approaching them... In Zhou Ye's eyes, those spaceships were like large containers with patches on them. On these container ships, Zhou Ye didn't find any weapons and devices, some were just open hatches, and beggars with all unknown weapons...

"Unknown aircraft please indicate your identities... This is the Saka Star Guard." Such a voice came from one of the leading spaceships.

"It's... annoying." Zhou Ye said, pressing the weapon launch button in his hand... In an instant, the Hadron bombardment guns on both sides of the spaceship shot out blue rays of light, and these intentions surrounded Zhou Ye in the blink of an eye. The guy in the spaceship blew the ship and the people into slag.

"Nice job... my dear." Lorelei cheered, hugging Zhou Ye's cheek and taking a sip, and her sister Amora, who was beside her, took a sip on the other side of Zhou Ye without showing any weakness. "Honey, you are awesome."

"Will this cause any trouble?" Frigg was a little worried.

"It's just a group of scavengers... They often pretend to be the so-called maintainers of order. After deceiving the people in the spaceship, they will either capture the people inside and sell them to the Grandmaster's Colosseum to act as fighters, or they will take those poor guys. Eat it like food..." Although Zhou Ye had never been to Saka Star, he knew a lot about Saka Star, although Karina Difan told him a lot.

"Eat?" Frigg's eyes widened in disbelief. "Darling...the so-called eating...is that what I thought?"

"That's right, that's the literal meaning." Zhou Ye said while blinking at Frigga.

"Oh..." Frigga felt a rush in her stomach, it was really...

"Okay, it's time for us to find the grandmaster..." Zhou Ye said, turning the direction of the spaceship and speeding toward the urban area with many tall buildings on the horizon...

In this tech-filled urban center, there is a high-rise building that looks very special... This is a circular skyscraper... Although circular skyscrapers are rare, they are not special. The most special is ... On the outer wall of this building, there are giant masks hanging one after another... These masks decorate the building like a huge totem pole.

This building is the ruler of the planet Saka, the home of the grandmaster Gao Tianzun...

And when Zhou Ye's spaceship arrived in front of this building - Grandmaster Gao Tianzun was observing his latest harvest.

"It's really good, is this a male?" Gao Tianzun looked at the man with long golden hair in front of him, turned his head and asked the scavenger warrior No. 142 who brought him here.

"It should be..." No. 142 scavenger warrior, a face painted

A beautiful woman in a black leather suit with a few white eye lines and her hair pulled back. Although she is slender and does not look burly, no one here will despise her. You must know that the eye lines on her eyes are not painted in vain. Each eye line represents a powerful enemy who died in her hands... Ordinary The enemy is not qualified to be the decoration on her face.

"I think I need to get close to him and have a good look..." Gao Tianzun said, stood up gently, and walked towards the seat that bound the man with long blond hair in place. "I'm curious...who are you?"

"I'm--the God of Thunder." Thor, who had temporarily broken free from the shackles of his hands, shouted loudly, and as he raised his hands high, one after another of electric sparks swam in his hands.

"Wow - I didn't hear the sound of thunder, what is that thing in your hand? A small electric spark?" If Er did not leave this chair, he would not pose any threat to Gao Tianzun. "Leiren - I didn't expect you to be a warrior?"

"You are..." Sol raised his hand and wanted to punch the Grandmaster, but just as his arm was raised, a strong electric current came out from the restraint on his neck, and Sol shivered and slumped on the chair. up.

"I want 20 million... The future champion in the arena, I think it's worth the price." No. 142 put down the restraint remote control in her hand. She could see that the master was very interested in her trophy, and she didn't mind coming. A lion opened his mouth, anyway, money or something is just a number to the master.

"You're dreaming--!" Before the master could speak, the loyal dog Topaz said directly behind him.

"Don't talk nonsense - transfer it..." As expected by No. 142, the grandmaster has no concept of money, and the entire Saka star is his. In desperation, Topaz could only transfer money to No. 142 scavenger warrior.

"I'll let you know in advance when there is a good deal next time, boss..." No. 142 smiled and waved goodbye to the master. For her, this large sum of money was enough for her to live and dream for a while... At least enough to make her past The old debt owed at the bar has been settled, and there is still a lot of surplus.

Just after leaving the Grandmaster's hall on the 142nd, Topaz whispered in his ear: "Miss Karina's husband has come to visit you."

"Little Karina's husband?" Grandmaster was a little confused, "When did she get married... Why didn't that guy from Difan notify me?"

"The other day, Miss Karina sent you a message... You forgot?" Topaz felt a little helpless about his boss. Except for certain things that attracted him, he didn't seem to be interested in everything else. big.

"Oh..." After hearing the reminder from his subordinates, the master suddenly realized, he said with a smile: "My lovely niece-in-law is coming to visit me, which is really a good thing, where is he now?"

"They're outside the building now..." Topaz said.

"Hurry up and invite them in..." The master said with a smile, you know, he left the family a long time ago, but... his relationship with collector Di Fan is not bad.

Chapter 692

Scavenger No. 142 walked contentedly in the passage leading to the hangar. She was very happy, and she made a lot of money to grab this guy from the scavengers.

Although that guy kept clamoring for his Asgard prince, Thor, on the road, so what? Although she was once a member of the Valkyries and swore allegiance to the throne, so what?

She has paid enough for the bullshit of the Odin family... Her sisters, her lover, all died in the hands of Hela, the god of death in the last battle... Only she lost everything, lingering on alive.

In order not to repeatedly see her lover use her flesh and blood to stop the sword of the night sky that stabbed at her in the nightmare of midnight dreams... She had to become an alcoholic, a drunkard who drinks every day female alcoholic.

She no longer owes the Odin family anything, and her oath has no need to be kept since the moment her lover died in front of her... She is now free...

Valkyrie No. 142 stumbled forward while thinking about it. Everyone who saw her in the passage hurriedly dodged to the side... No way, there were horizontal ones in the past, but they either changed in the end. Become a Valkyrie's bounty, or become a ghost again and again, there is no law in Saka star, and there is no order maintainer.

As for the ruler of Saka Star, Gao Tianzun? He is obviously not a good government official... For him, as long as his subordinates don't rebel, he doesn't care about the rest... Saka Star's biggest rule is, don't rebel against the master Gao Tianzun, as for the others? There are no legal provisions to constrain civilians, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

When the drunken-eyed Valkyrie was about to walk to the hangar, she felt as if she had hit a wall - bang - if it was based on her past experience, if she bumped into someone before, she would basically Being knocked into the air by her... Not to mention, the powerful physique of the Asa Protoss is not a joke, let alone a powerful professional like Valkyrie?

However, the result of this collision made Valkyrie a little surprised. It seemed that the person he bumped into had nothing to do with him. Instead, he was hit by a powerful reaction force. Stabilize your body.

"..." Raising his slightly drunk eyes, Valkyrie looked at the guy who knocked him down. In the dimness, it seemed to be a handsome boy with blond hair and golden pupils. Behind the boy were five or six beautiful women. Although One of the women made her feel a little familiar... but now she doesn't want to go to the gang at all

It's annoying, because her inventory is about to run out, and she just made a lot of money and rushes back to replenish her inventory.

"You're lucky... bastard..." Valkyrie muttered in a low voice, while giving up his body to the side, trying to pass by...

However, something even more unexpected happened... The handsome young man with blond hair and golden eyes actually came to her with great interest, blocking her way...

"I remember when you just introduced Saka Star to me, you said that any form of snatch is not prohibited here? Is that right?" Zhou Ye looked at Valkyrie, who was shaking his body, and smiled at himself beside him. The men who were sent to receive him asked.

"Uh—that's right..." The welcoming lady replied somewhat stunned: "But the premise is... you can easily take down the opponent and make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness... Then the opponent will become yours. It's private property, whether you sell it or keep it... But, please be blunt, this lady is not ordinary..."

"Okay, I got it, you don't need to say the rest." Zhou Ye waved his hand and stopped the welcoming lady. Isn't his purpose here just for the Valkyrie who slipped through the net? Now that we met, he didn't mind taking it directly.

"For a long time... hiccup... I haven't seen such a courageous guy." The moment Valkyrie heard Zhou Ye's words, she had already completed the preparations for the fighting posture. She squatted down slightly, her hands behind her back. Behind him, he tightly gripped his dragon tooth dagger.

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