She has been living in Saka for so many years, and many people have tried her ideas, but in the end, the grass on the graves of those guys has grown tall... Now, there is another newcomer who doesn't know whether to live or die, she I don't mind using force to tell this rich boy who just came to Saka Star that he can't afford to offend some people. "Don't worry, little white face, after I catch you, I will sell you to the most famous nightclub here. I think those ladies who come to Saka star to seek excitement and excitement will be very interested in you... hiccup-- It will sell for a good price."

"Haha..." Facing Valkyrie's provocation, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly, his figure flashed, and disappeared in place——

"...No..." Before Valkyrie's bad words were finished, he felt a pain in his back, and his whole body suddenly froze. Two dark shadows suddenly appeared around her. Before she could land, they raised her arms one by one. It was the two maids Qiu and Zi who had followed Zhou Ye.

"Okay... We can go to see the Grandmaster now." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Miss Yingbin, who had been stunned by this sudden change.

"Ah... OK, OK, please come with me..." Miss Yingbin said as she carefully led Zhou Ye's group towards the hall where Grandmaster Gao Tianzun was.

It's not too long... Zhou Ye and the others were led by Yingbin to the hall where Gao Tianzun was.

"Boss, Mr. Zhou Ye is here..." Yingbin respectfully reported to Gao Tianzun.

"Haha... my dear niece-in-law... uh—!" Grandmaster Gao Tianzun heard the report, stood up, stretched out his arms and was about to hug Zhou Ye, but was stunned by the people behind him. Now, I saw that behind Zhou Ye, there were four beautiful and beautiful women of all kinds, rich, plump and noble. This is not the point. For a person in his situation, women and so on are all It was just an ornament. Although Zhou Ye was considered his niece-in-law, he had no interest in taking care of his niece's family affairs.

What really surprised him was that the scavenger No. 142 who had just left him was actually supported by two beautiful girls wearing some kind of professional clothes (maid clothes) behind Zhou Ye... "This is...?"

"Oh, I fell in love with this guy... I think she's very good, so I just took it down and planned to bring it back to tune and teach it." Zhou Ye said with a calm look, as if he was talking about what he ate this morning. Anything as easy as breakfast.

"But... she is... a scavenger warrior here..." Gao Tianzun said speechlessly.

"Isn't the rule here, you can snatch your loot by any means?" Zhou Ye said indifferently, "I remember that the scavenger warriors are not affiliated with you, do they?"

"...Mr. Zhou Ye is right, boss... You set the rules of Saka Star yourself." Topaz had long disliked the scavenger No. 142. To her, this guy was A drunk, a rubbish... The boss's niece-in-law can take this trouble away, it's really good.

"Cough cough... Well, I'm just asking casually." Gao Tianzun gave up the idea of ​​being a scavenger No. 142, and he resumed his smile again: "I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, and that little girl Karina actually Married, how has she been recently?"

"Very good, at least for now... Baby Karina is very satisfied with her current life." Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Gao Tianzun.

"That's really good news... By the way, dear, would you like to see my new gladiator with me?" Gao Tianzun said with a smile: "That's a very interesting guy, his hands will discharge , and also called himself a thunderous..."

"I'm very interested, let's meet..."

Gao Tianzun pulled Zhou Ye up and walked towards the side hall on the side, introducing as he walked, "I was just about to pack that guy, you know - long hair makes people look a little sissy, it's very It's not good for the image I've created for him..."

Chapter 693

Sol feels that he is now facing the biggest crisis in his life——

At this moment, he is being restrained on the seat. This is not the point. The point is that there is an old man who looks old and dying next to him. He is holding a monstrous and inhumane thing in his forehand. A large Swiss Army Knife-like electronic fader...

"Do you try again? My hands are not as stable as they used to be..." The barber's grandfather said with a smile on his face.

"Odin is on top, you can't touch my hair, otherwise you will incur the wrath of Thor." Thor said solemnly, using the majesty of his own god to force the old guy back, but he held an electric fader. The old barber who answered him was the sound of the electric fader...

"Please...don't cut my hair, okay?" Thor, who shone in seconds, begged.

However, the old barber was unmoved, and as the buzzing approached towards Sol, he really had a feeling that he was doomed this time.

"Wow wow wow...Is this the Thunder Man Sol?" A mocking voice came. This familiar voice made Sol feel as if he was being devoured by lightning. "It's you... the accomplice of the usurper."

"Don't say it so ugly." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "I'm just fulfilling the obligation of a good man and helping my woman fulfill her greatest wish..."

"Did you know that... Because of your help and abuse, Asgard has fallen into unprecedented turmoil?" Sol, who saw Zhou Ye at this moment, forgot the biggest crisis in his life and asked.

"So what?" Zhou Ye shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "Do I need to take responsibility for Asgard?

My woman is in should be glad, if it wasn't for Frigg's intercession for you, you would have just died..."

"Mom...why are you standing behind this guy..." Only at this time did Sol see Frigga who was standing behind Zhou Ye, who was so young that he couldn't recognize him. A comrade-in-arms and friend who fought bravely to kill the enemy, Sif. "Sif...why are you...?"

"Sol..." Frigga looked at her son, a little sad, but also a little fortunate. If he hadn't unlocked some knowledge, I'm afraid his man would kill his son if he really met, although now Sol has It is impossible to go back to inherit the power of Odin and the throne, but it is a very good ending to be able to live a stable life here.

However, she had no explanation for her son's questioning... However, soon she no longer had to worry about how she explained it, because Zhou Ye had already wrapped her waist and said to Sol: "Your Mother has become my woman..."

"It's not true... Mom..." Saul was going crazy. He struggled desperately, trying to stand up and question Frigga... But it was in vain, he stared at Frigga There was even a hint of pleading in his eyes, begging Frigg to deny Zhou Ye's words.

"'s true." After Frigga said these words, her whole body was about to collapse. She lowered her head and leaned on Zhou Ye's body, not even daring to go. Take a look at your son.

"'re all lying to me..." Thor yelled madly, and electric currents the size of his thumb swayed around him... But they didn't, and the restraint on his neck was slightly It vibrated, and with a low hum, stab—he was electrocuted again.

"It's so funny... Thor is actually afraid of electricity... This is the best joke of the year." Zhou Ye felt that this scene was too ironic... But it seems right to think about it. In the movie Thor 1, this guy I was once directly stunned by Daisy's wolf-proof device, and now it's normal to be stunned by this thing... Is this another interpretation of the legendary drowned person who knows water?

"Dear, do you know this guy? Is it your friend?" Gao Tianzun kept silently watching the interaction between the two, until Sol broke free from the restraint chair, and then took down the remote control in his hand. "Do you need me to release this guy?"

"No, not only are we not friends... On the contrary, we are still enemies." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "So don't worry about me, and I'm also very interested in your champion show..."

"Really?" Gao Tianzun's eyes lit up when he heard Zhou Ye's words. "So are you interested in watching this guy perform together? Honey..."

"It's an honor..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"Tonight, there will be a grand performance... I'm already very much looking forward to how this little spark called Lei Ren will perform at night." Seeing Sol's performance just now, Gao Tianzun is very much looking forward to the evening show , for him... a long life needs to be filled with all kinds of interesting gambling, otherwise, wouldn't it be too hard.

"I'm looking forward to it too..." Zhou Ye nodded and smiled.

"Topaz, arrange a comfortable room for my dear niece-in-law, he needs a good rest now to meet the important program at night." Gao Tianzun turned his head and said to his subordinates.

"Of course, your order." Topaz said, raising his hand to Zhou Ye slightly. "plz follow me……"

"Then, let's see you tonight..." Zhou Ye said, leading the girls to follow Topaz towards the guest room area dedicated to entertaining distinguished guests.

Chapter 694

In the sky—dark clouds blocked the sun, and the fully-armed sisters rode a Pegasus under their crotch, holding the legendary standard weapon of the Valkyrie, the Dragon Tooth Sword, and launched a decisive death against the black-haired woman standing under the stone pillar with a grim expression. charge.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and she could even see clearly the sisters' goal this time, the deep hatred in the eyes of the black-haired woman known as the god of death, and the sword of the night sky she slowly threw at the sisters. .

It's here... it's here again... This time, we must prevent the tragedy from happening again, and we must never watch his lover die in front of him... No. 142 thought silently in his heart, watching the scene in front of him like a third party.

"Get away... Damn it, Vanessa get away..." No. 142 desperately called out her lover's name. However, even though she had exhausted all her strength, she still couldn't stop it from happening. ...

She watched her lover helplessly. Vanessa used her chest to block the sword of the night sky that had stabbed at her. She smiled and fell into her arms. Facing the fading life of her lover, she But can't do anything...

"Do not----!!!!!"

The sweaty Valkyrie finally struggled and woke up from a nightmare. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a completely unfamiliar ceiling... "I... Where is this?"

"You are in the Grandmaster's luxurious guest room." A strange male voice made Valkyrie's habitual hand touch his waist, where her dragon tooth sword should be attached... It was a weapon she never left.

However, Valkyrie's hand felt empty, whether it was the weapon pinned to his waist or the equipment hanging on his leg, all of them were gone.

"Are you looking for these little toys?" Zhou Ye looked at this Asgard's last Valkyrie with great interest, just like Xiaoye Cat, showing his teeth and claws at him. In front of him, there is a pile of odds and ends, including various high-tech gadgets, as well as cold weapons such as dragon tooth swords.

these kinds

There were so many small pieces of equipment that seemed to be very useful, but to Zhou Ye, they were really useless little bits and pieces.

"Now—!" Valkyrie temporarily gave up the plan to fight back. Although she didn't know how she fainted, she was definitely not the opponent of the guy in front of her. She stared at Zhou. Ye asked in a cold, frosty face, "Can you tell me...why is it me?"

"Because, you are very special..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Special? Where is the special?" Valkyrie laughed at himself: "Do you like a female drunk? Or... do you like a guy who can cut off your head at any time at night?"

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