"This thing is not a gift for you..." Zhou Ye smiled and handed the thing in his hand to Viagra, "This is a gift for your father..."

Although Zhou Ye shouted viagra every day, he still respected Wenling's father. No matter what, if people could hand over their precious daughter to him, it was their trust in him... Let's see what happened to my father-in-law. Can you come empty-handed?

"Romanny Condi's wine king..." Viagra opened his handbag, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He was really satisfied with Zhou Ye, his son-in-law. There's nothing wrong with it...

But then again, how many rich men don't bother? As a person from the past, Viagra still understands Zhou Ye very well... If he was as rich and handsome as Zhou Ye when he was young, I'm afraid he spent more money than Zhou Ye. "Let's go, I've already opened a bottle of Lafite in 1982. When Ah Jian arrives, let's have a good drink..."

Viagra was satisfied with Zhou Ye's gift, but David was not satisfied. "Hey, it's actually wine... it's boring!"

"What gift do you want... Every day I know to ask your brother-in-law for a gift..." Wen Ling would not be accustomed to her brother's problems, she rudely flicked her brother's forehead.

"Hey, it really was the water that the married sister poured out... I don't even think about my brother..." David sighed, looking like a kid, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Chapter 989

The group came to the deck of the bow, Viagra watched his daughter and his niece whispering there, while his son David looked bored and simply said: "Ah Ling, you can take Ah Cai and David to play there... Many of the people who came to the yacht club this time are your former friends, so go and have a good time with them..."

"Then let's go over there to play, let's go A Cai, I'll show you the friends I played with before..." A Ling was feeling bored with her father, hearing this was like an amnesty Usually, he directly pulled A Cai and walked towards the cabin with his younger brother... There was a group of people around there, and A Ling was curious about what they were doing...

"Hey, I'm getting old..." Viagra watched his daughter, son and A Cai go away together, and sighed, "I used to be like them, I like to play... Now I can't play anymore..."

"Viagra, you're too modest... What do you mean when you can't play anymore... I heard that you had a lot of fun in Hong Kong... Like a certain little female star??" Zhou Ye sat on the beach chair, He picked up the drink that was just delivered, took a sip, and joked.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It's just... who told you this??"

"Brother Jian told me..." Zhou Ye unceremoniously sold his other father-in-law, "He called me to ask for medicine, and said that he was deceived by you... all his strength was spent. It's on Wildflower... I'm just like him, I'm a little overwhelmed every day just by handing in the public food..."

"Hey, why didn't he say that he has five wives??" Viagra disdainfully plucked at his brother's old bottom, "Has five wives, he is not honest, and he dared to go to Hong Kong with me last time, almost I can't open the window..."

Zhou Ye laughed outright, these two old guys are over a hundred years old together, and neither of them agrees with the old man. Relying on the medicine he gave them, they even went out to pick up girls... eh! ! ! It's really endless life · xx more than ah...

"I seem to have heard someone speak ill of me..." Really speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived... Viagra just sold his brother's old bottom behind his back, and he was immediately punished...

Brother Jian walked to Viagra with a smile on his face, stared at Viagra and said, "Viagra, you are so inauthentic, I didn't even sell you... You actually sold me in front of my son-in-law... Can my brother do it? ..."

"I didn't sell you in front of your son-in-law... I was just chatting with my son-in-law..." Viagra pretended to be stupid.

"You said you didn't sell me... What were you talking about about Hong Kong just now??"

"We're just talking about a fun place in Hong Kong..."

"Why can't you open the window??"

"You heard it wrong, I said I can't go to the kitchen..."

Zhou Ye watched with great interest the two old guys were amused... In fact, they were just exchanging their feelings with each other in this slightly funny way, with the brotherhood between them... just some interesting things that are not on the table It's just a joke with each other, no one will be really angry because of it.

In the end, this farce ended with Viagra taking out the Lafite that he opened in 1982... but Zhou Ye also affected Chiyu a little bit. He was forced by his two old husbands to join forces, and finally had to hand over two secret medicines. Hearing the cost of privacy for two people...

I have to say that this secret medicine is still very effective for these two old guys... It doesn't hurt the body, and it strengthens the body and cultivates vitality... Take one pill every week, and I feel that the whole person is full of energy.

Just when the two old and one young were drinking and chatting, David suddenly ran over... He shouted anxiously: "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law... Come and see, my sister is playing mahjong with someone... I lost a lot of money..."

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned...

Brother Jian and Viagra were there because they didn't expect such a thing to happen in such a private occasion as a yacht club, while Zhou Ye was there because he thought of something...

Has it come this time? ? Then I'm sorry... Three old thousand, I accept your daughter rudely.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye stood up directly and said to his two old husbands, "I'll just go and have a look, you guys can continue playing..."

"Yeah!" Brother Jian is very relieved about this. What's he worried about Zhou Ye's gambling skills? He himself is the defeat of his son-in-law. If Zhou Ye can't handle it, then he will be paid for nothing...

Viagra watched his son-in-law follow his son into the cabin, and he asked worriedly: "Aye, can you do it... Don't lose to others in the end..."

Brother Jian took a sip of red wine and said, "Viagra, put your heart in your stomach... If he can't do it, no one can do it..."

"Did he already know your true story??" Viagra asked curiously, you know, he only knew that his son-in-law had a very big background and was rich and willful, but he really didn't know that his son-in-law could gamble...

"Of course..." Brother Jian admitted this sentence unceremoniously. He didn't mention the fact that he lost his daughter to Zhou Ye twenty years ago. Take the initiative to speak out...

At this time, Zhou Ye had already walked to the cabin under the leadership of David Boy. This was originally a small living room, but now the table and chairs in the middle have been removed, and replaced by a mahjong table and four stools... …

Wen Ling was sitting there playing mahjong at the moment... When Zhou Ye went in, he heard the three old people who were playing mahjong with Wen Ling shouting, "Di Hu, give me the money... give me the money quickly..."

"Ah... Then how much do I have to lose??" Wen Ling was a little dumbfounded... But it's okay, she's not bad for money. There are many more cards in Zhou Ye's cards...

"One hundred and five hundred thousand, Dihu sixty, a total of thirty million...give me the money..." said the fat man with glasses sitting under Wen Ling with a proud face.

"Oh..." Wen Ling asked stupidly, "Can I swipe my card?? I don't bring that much cash..."

"Of course..." The three old men winked at each other, and they were secretly happy... It seems that spending a lot of money to join the yacht club can really make a lot of money... So easy to get 30 million .

After Wen Ling finished swiping the card, Zhou Ye walked behind his woman and gently patted Wen Ling on the shoulder: "Okay, baby, your luck is not good... I'll help you play a game! "

"Okay, husband..." Wen Ling stood up, put a sip on her man's face, and said, "Honey, help me win them all... I've lost a lot of money..."

"Don't worry..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, he not only wanted to win them all, but also win that old Qian's daughter away...

Nine hundred and ninety chapters

"Ha, the wife loses the husband..." The wretched guy sitting opposite Zhou Ye asked proudly, "I just don't know who you want to fight after you lose? Is your father??"

"The three of you look so familiar..." Zhou Ye sat in the seat that Wen Ling let out, looked up at [Zhu Zhishan] who was sitting across from him, and said, "I don't know what to call..."

Said he Zhu Zhishan because this guy once played Zhu Zhishan in Xing Ye's [Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang], this guy is so talented, looking at it makes people have an urge to beat him up.

"Brother Jing..."

"Call me Brother Niu..." Zhu Zhishan said.

"Zhen Xdan..."

"..." Hearing the three people's words, Zhou Ye almost stopped laughing. These three people are more wretched than each other... It's not relieved that they don't beat them hard... "I don't know how to play it. ??"

"Five hundred thousand, no cap... how about it? Can't afford it??" The guy who called himself Brother Niu looked down on others, as if to say, if you can't afford to lose, you should hurry in. Bar……

In fact, this is one of their strategies. The children of rich families will have some arrogance, and they use this method to stimulate people to play with them...

"It doesn't matter, is there more, I can still afford to lose three to five billion..." As soon as Zhou Ye said these words, the three old thousand couldn't help but secretly exchanged glances, ha--it's a fool Bai Tian, ​​here comes a prodigal... It's really nice.

"Then let's start..." Brother Niu was about to shuffle the cards, but was stopped by Zhou Ye. "I can afford to lose, but I don't know if you can afford to lose..."

"Ha...Are you doubting our financial resources??" Brother Jing slapped the table and said loudly, "You don't want to inquire. In Hong Kong and Macau, who doesn't know about my brother Jing..."

Zhou Ye watched this guy perform there with a half-smile but not a smile... He was a little hairy after watching it all the time. When he thought that he was acting too much, Zhou Ye smiled and said: "In this case, I'll be fine... …”

Then the four of them began to shuffle... the cards...

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