After everyone's cards were up, a woman quietly walked behind Zhou Ye with a glass of champagne, wanting to see what cards he had in his hand, but... to her disappointment, Zhou Ye never turned up Take a look at the card.

Seeing this situation, the three old thousand secretly beat drums in their hearts... Shouldn't they be walking at night and meeting ghosts? ? Is this guy a master? ?

"Hey—Brother Niu, play your cards..." Zhou Ye looked at the three of them exchanging glances, and knocked on the table to remind them in a funny way.

"Play a card... make a fortune..." Brother Niu waited for a long time without waiting for his niece's password, and finally he could only choose the safest card and play it out...

"Daughter...what kind of card is he..." Zhen Xdan kept winking at his daughter, asking her to find a way to see the card...Meng Yao was so anxious at the end, pretending to be careless, All the champagne in his hand was splashed on Zhou Ye...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, I'll wipe it for you..." Meng Yao said that she was about to wipe Zhou Ye's champagne, but her hand was secretly facing Zhou Ye. Ye's card was touched...

"No need..." As soon as Zhou Ye raised his hand, he blocked her outstretched hand, then dragged Mengyao into his arms and said with a slight smile, "Look at what your champagne can bring to me. How much luck..."

"I...I..." Meng Yao was a little dumbfounded...and her father was even more dumbfounded, what the fuck, is there such an operation? ? Isn't this guy afraid of his wife? ? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up at Wen Ling... Unexpectedly, Wen Ling didn't look at this at all, but chatted with Ah Cai in a low voice...

"Hurry up and play... big star..." Zhou Ye held Meng Yao with one hand and tapped the table lightly with the other, reminding Zhen Xdan to play the card quickly.

"Let's go out, don't worry, I will never come out to play cards for you, make a fortune..." Zhen Xdan said with a gloomy face, this guy is urging himself to play cards while eating his daughter's tofu. ...really... the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was not a taste.

"Then it's time for me to draw the cards, right??" Zhou Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to draw the cards...but was stopped by Mengyao... "Let me draw the cards for you..."

"Okay, no problem... It's definitely good for a beauty to draw cards..." Zhou Ye said with a smile and touched her slender waist slightly.

Meng Yao resisted the strange feeling coming from her waist and stretched out her hand to draw a card for Zhou Ye...

The original intention of her drawing cards was to be afraid of Zhou Ye cheating, and she herself couldn't change cards to cheat today. Who made her wear a swimsuit? ? Maybe someone could switch cards in a situation like this, but that's definitely not her...

Mengyao's hand just touched the card, and her heart was filled with secret joy. It was a wind-shaped card. Generally speaking, such a card is useless... Although her heart was already jumping with joy, her face was full of joy. But he pretended to be remorseful and said, "I'm sorry... I'm touching Dongfeng..."

"Beauty's luck is good..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took the card from Meng Yao's hand, and said, "Dongfeng - Kong!"



Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the three old thousand were speechless for a while. They looked at Zhen Yao with a depressed expression... I really wanted to ask my eldest niece, where the hell she was... They actually touched one when they came up. Concealed bar - can you still play happily...

Meng Yao was about to cry, she really didn't mean it...

However, the good drama is yet to come...

After Zhou Ye placed the Dongfeng concealed kong on the table, he drew another card at the bottom of the kong..., West Wind...

"Xifeng - Concealed gang..."

Then draw the card, "North Wind - Concealed Kong..."

Touch again, "Nanfeng - hidden bar..."

The three old thousand are already depressed... However, when Zhou Ye touched the bottom of the bar for the last time, a red letter appeared in his hand, "I'm sorry, everyone... I'm with me, the big four is happy + the character is the same color. + four bars + four dark carvings + front door clearing + flowers on the bars. A total of 373 times... 186.5 million per person... Thank you for your patronage..."

Looking at the mahjong tiles in front of Zhou Ye - the three old Qian Jia Mengyao, they were completely dumbfounded... 186,500,000 per person... They didn't sell that many...

Chapter 991

"I... We have no money..." The three old men were dumbfounded... This time they really hit the south wall.

"No money??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "That's easy to say... Then use her to pay off the debt..."

Zhou Ye said, his arms tightened, and he hugged Mengyao, who wanted to sneak out of his arms again...

"Ah-!!!" Meng Yao screamed violently, frightened by Zhou Ye's action. Pushing Zhou Ye hard, he shouted loudly, "I don't know them... I'm just a spectator... Why do you want to pay me off..."

"You really don't know them??" Zhou Ye glanced at Meng Yao with a half-smile, and said, "Then I can use the parts on them to pay off the debt... One hand, I count you ten million, One leg...more meat, even bones and meat, I count you 20 have two arms and two legs, so each of you is worse than me—126.5 million..."


When the three old thousand heard Zhou Ye's words, they couldn't help sweating on their faces... Just kidding, even if their arms and legs were chopped off, even if they were still alive, it wouldn't be interesting... Are they going to stage a scene where they are disabled and strong ?

And even if they lost their arms and legs, they still owe Zhou Ye more than 100 million... How are they going to live?


"Good...good should follow this young master..." Zhen Xdan's face trembled, he said to his daughter tremblingly: "Don't you want to see your father, I'm getting old I'm old, are you still missing a limb??"

"Yeah, good can do it..." Brother Jing and Brother Niu also begged bitterly: "Look at this young master's talent and will never endure hardship with him... "

Seeing that her father and two uncles were so eager to immediately wash and pack themselves before Zhou Ye, Meng Yao couldn't help but feel bitter... They all said that if you gamble for a long time, you will lose... They also want to cheat by cheating. money……

I don't even know where this place is... I've walked a lot at night and finally met a ghost, right? ? This yacht club is organized by the rich and rich in Macau, and none of the rich people there can get away with the word gambling...

"How is it? Have you thought about it?" Zhou Ye was not in a hurry, and happily watched Mengyao in his arms playing the face-changing game there... Sometimes blue, then purple... sometimes white... sometimes red Yes, it's really interesting...

At this moment - the female family members in the cabin have already gone out under the greetings of Wen Ling and A Cai... Only a few bodyguards on the boat were left behind, blocking the cabin door one after another... These people really ran away There is nowhere to run.

"I... I agreed..." Facing her father's plea, Meng Yao finally agreed...

"Hahaha...not bad...then our account will be written off!" Zhou Ye laughed, picked up Mengyao and walked What he has is... to play with the three of them, and what he wants is the little beauty Meng Yao...

The three old thousand looked at the back of Zhou Ye as he walked away, and suddenly felt a bit desolate... Does this count as stealing chickens without losing money?

At this time, Brother Niu looked at his two accomplices, and then said cautiously: "Then...that...we shouldn't have lost a lot...and how much the guy's wife lost to us. Ten million..."

"Bastard... That's the money I sold my daughter... You dare to spend it??" Zhen Xdan slapped the table angrily and said, "Give it to me..."

"Why, that's what everyone earned..."

"Bastard, without my daughter, you will all have your arms and legs removed..."

"This... it's just an accident..." Brother Jing said with an embarrassed expression: "No one wants it... Besides, if your daughter hadn't drawn a good card for that guy, how could we have lost? It's so miserable..."

"Bastard... what does this have to do with my daughter..."

"It's about your daughter..."

The three of them were talking and talking... and they started fighting, as if life and death were inextricably linked.

The bodyguards standing at the door didn't stop them, just stood there and watched happily...

The three of them scuffled into a ball, but... Soon, they started to play the Three Kingdoms. For a while, the two of them jointly fought one, and the other two fought together for a while... It was really messed up to the extreme.

The three of them were hit from the cabin to the outside of the cabin, and then from the outside of the cabin... into the water, and finally all three disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It was only at this time that the bodyguards found out...these three old men were playing fake idiots to escape from Jin Chan... But after thinking about it, they gave up looking for these three old men... After all, they are young masters. I didn't say I wanted to kill them...

On the other side - Zhou Ye had already returned to his yacht with Mengyao in his arms. For the first time, he had to find a place he was familiar with...

"Where are you taking me??" Meng Yao asked with a look of panic while struggling desperately in Zhou Ye's arms.

"Of course I'm doing what I like to do..." Zhou Ye hugged Mengyao, walked down the corridor of his yacht cabin, and asked with a smile, "What kind of room do you want to lose your first place in? Times? Fairy-tale style? One Thousand and One Nights style? British aristocratic style or…”

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