After a while - with a grunt - Zhou Ye fulfilled his words and completely turned Mengyao into a woman of his own... Of course, he didn't forget to let Mengyao try the fun of that chair. Zhou Ye felt that Mengyao must have liked that chair very much, because she was screaming loudly from the chair...

France - Lyon - Interpol headquarters.

Ji Qi is an Interpol police officer affiliated with Southeast Asian affairs... In fact, she has another identity, that is, an undercover agent affiliated to Mo Chou who was cultivated by the Baidi family since childhood.

When she was sixteen years old, she was sent to study in France, and forged a resume of Duwan's identity...

This resume made it easy for her to sneak into the Interpol headquarters...and become a glorious Interpol.

In fact, Interpol is divided into two parts, one part is the local police officers with Interpol identity in the place where the crime happened, and the other part is the headquarters personnel...

And Ji Qi is a member of the Interpol headquarters.

It's French time, a little after eleven o'clock at night—

And Ji Qi is on duty in the headquarters... No way, Interpol, the time difference varies from place to place. If there is a clue over there, there is no one here at the headquarters, it will be a bit nonsense...

"Would you like a cup of coffee? Xiaoqi..." Abin, the leader of the Southeast Asia team, walked over to Ji Qi and asked.

He is also on duty...

"No, thank you..." Ji Qi raised her head, glanced at Abin, and shook her head with a smile... She knew that the team leader was interested in her, but she didn't want to respond to him at all— After all, she already has a man...

"Xiaoqi, what do you usually like to do?? Why don't you go to every gathering of your colleagues??" Although he was rejected, Abin did not give up, but moved the stool and sat on Ji Qi's. beside...

Ji Qi didn't answer Abin's question, but said without raising her head: "I'm sorry... Could you stay away from me a little... The smell of smoke on your body makes me feel uncomfortable..."

"Sorry..." Abin couldn't help but touched his nose, got up and walked towards his seat in embarrassment... Everyone said it so obviously, he would be a little too ungentleman if he stalked...

Ji Qi glanced at Abin's back, and sneered in disdain... Compared with her own men, these guys are like scumbags, so boring... Thinking of this, she couldn't help but quietly open it again on the computer I found a hidden folder with a lot of photos in it...

It was a photo of her taking a photo with a handsome man—the man in the photo was none other than Zhou Ye...

"Dear... I miss you so much, when will I be on vacation..." Looking at her bright smile in the photo, Ji Qi couldn't help sighing and said to herself.

At this moment, the emergency phone in the hall suddenly rang... Ji Qi didn't even want to stand up to answer the phone, she knew... that Abin would answer the phone.

As expected, Abin quickly ran to the phone and picked up the phone... "Hello, Interpol Headquarters... ok,...that's right...what?? this true? ??...that's great...I'll contact Thailand now...wait, I'd better go there in person..."

With that said, Abin hung up the phone... He picked up his jacket and said to Ji Qi, "Something important happened in Thailand..."

"What's the matter??" Hearing this, Ji Qi also became interested... Isn't her man in Thailand?

"Pony, the chief accountant of the doa group, was detained by the local police in Chiang Mai for some trivial matters... Now before the doa group finds out, I plan to ask them to send the pony to Bangkok to see if it can be done before The horse body opens the doa group's breakthrough..." As Abin said, he walked out...

"Wait for me, I'll go too..." Ji Qi heard this and stood up in a hurry... picked up the coat beside her... Chased after Abin... Just kidding, it's about her eldest sister Money bag, how could she not be nervous.

After hesitating for a while, Abin said, "...that's fine, I'll call Lisa and ask her to help me get off work..."

In fact, this is not against the rules, but... In order to be with the person he likes, he can't care... It would be great if he could develop feelings during the process of handling the case...

However... he obviously thinks too much. From the beginning to the end, Ji Qi's heart is only his own man, Zhou Ye... As for being forced, it is a fantasy. Although it is not conspicuous on the surface, Ji Qi is also in the plan of the Valkyrie. She was also injected with super soldier serum - let alone force, even ordinary drugs would not work on her.

The two walked out of the Interpol headquarters one after the other, got into the car, and went straight to the airport...

Chapter 994

Just when Jiki boarded the plane, on the road from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, a team of three cars was speeding towards Bangkok...

In the SUV in the middle, Ma Jiahui was wearing handcuffs and was sitting in the back seat between two people.

"Hey, man... don't squeeze so tightly, okay? It's so hot..." Ma Jiahui said with a dissatisfied expression.

"I don't want to squeeze you to sit, the problem car is so big... I can't move it anywhere!" Interpol, who was wearing a black suit, said helplessly, "Funding I'm nervous, there's no way... just bear with it, boss."

"From Hong Kong??" I heard

With this familiar local accent, Ma Jiahui immediately felt that this guy was much kinder. "Is that Liu Kee fish ball in Wan Chai still open?"

"It's open... that shop is doing very well now. I heard that the boss is planning to open a branch..." The Interpol did not wonder why Xiaoma knew about the fish ball shop, after all, the former headquarters of the doa group Just in Hong Kong, and as the chief accountant of doa, Ma Jiahui, of course, knows the most famous fish ball shop in Wanchai.

"It's good to drive..." Ma Jiahui sighed: "If I have the chance, I really want to try the fish balls there again..."

Having said this, Ma Jiahui fell silent...

Over the past few years, the doa group has become bigger and bigger, and Ma Jiahui is a little scared... He deeply understands the truth of shooting the first bird, and he has persuaded his cousin countless times [stop it]... However, All failed...Mr. Gao perfunctory every time he said that he will do it in the future, and he can't even hear this kind of perfunctory feeling lately...

In Ma Jiahui's view, this is obviously a sign that his cousin has become addicted to it...

He knew that although his cousin Mr. Gao was the boss of the doa group on the surface, in fact he was just a puppet. The real boss was a mysterious Mr. Gao called Ms. Kurai who was hiding behind him. woman.

Ma Jiahui is already a little tired...and also a little scared...In his opinion, the doa group has relocated from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai, Thailand, which is a dangerous signal... This shows that the doa group is being targeted by a certain country. , so had to move out of Hong Kong.

Unlike his cousin who is a little arrogant, Ma Jiahui is very self-aware. He knows that if this continues, the best outcome of waiting for him may be to be handed over as a scapegoat... But it is not his style to wait with one hand, so, He was going to fight back.

For this plan, he sent his daughter to his ex-wife's residence early, and then committed suicide by himself. He deliberately committed crimes in the downtown area of ​​Chiang Mai, and was arrested by the Chiang Mai police.

However, soon... a group of guys in black suits who looked dragged came to the police station in Chiang Mai and took him away...

Ma Jiahui was not at all surprised by this sudden situation. In other words, it just proved his conjecture—the doa group has been targeted for a long time... It seems that he chose to doa group before the ship sinks to the bottom. It's true to run away... I just don't know if my cousin, who is negotiating business in Brazil, will be furious when he finds out that he has taken away the company's 15 billion US dollars and runs away?

Next, I am afraid it is to chase and kill...

Thinking of this, Ma Jiahui couldn't help sighing... In fact, 15 billion is just a big head for people to look at from the outside. Behind him, he gave himself a billion dollars in darkness as his retirement money, and on the bright side The 15 billion of the money is just used to make the big guy behind the doa group throw the rat, lest he die because he is worth 15 billion now, and when he is dead, no one knows that Where did 15 billion go...

And this big move of 15 billion is enough to alarm the Interpol who stared at the doa group... Now, it's up to them to fight... In Ma Jiahui's view, doa can't win the Interpol, - Interpol The reason why the organization has been unable to take the doa group is because there is no evidence, and now there is evidence...because—he intends to be a tainted exchange for his own future safety

The doa group is immortal, he can't sleep well... I'm sorry cousin, the ship is going to sink, let's take care of myself...

The convoy is still speeding on the highway...Interpol's goal is Bangkok, why go to Bangkok? Because Chiang Mai is said to be the territory of Thailand, but in fact the boss there is the territory of the northern warlords, and those warlords have various private transactions with the doa group, otherwise why did the doa group not go to Bangkok when they relocated , and choose Chiang Mai?

The situation in Thailand is very strange. In Thailand... the army belongs directly to the king, and the government has no right to participate. What is especially strange is that the warlords are all hereditary... This has also caused the end to end, and this is precisely the most important part of the doa group. fancy place.

And at this moment, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in an extremely luxurious villa...

"Mr. Sargio... I wonder if you are still satisfied with our deal this time..." Mr. Gao sat on the sofa, smiling and talking to the Brazilian gangster Sargio, who was opposite him.

"Gao, your doa group is really amazing..." Sargio looked at the balance in his account on the computer and happily picked his thumb, "Very good..."

"Hehe... our doa group is definitely the most professional money laundering group, you can rest assured that the funds are with us..." Mr. Gao said, taking a cigar proudly. "No matter what country...we have a way to bypass the regulation and get the account within 24 hours..."

"good...very good..." Sargio was really happy...this time it was a multi-billion-dollar multinational business. Although the fees of the doa group are a bit high, I have to say that you get what you get for every penny. As long as there is a guarantee of safety, the higher the fee, the higher it is, it is better than all the money being withheld, then he will be completely lost...

Besides, the profit of the gambling business is so huge, and he doesn't care about the little money...

"Mr. Gao is dissatisfied with my reception? Why don't you touch these two beauties??" Sargio found only now that the two gifts that he arranged by Mr. Gao's side, Mr. Gao didn't even move.

"I'm very pleased with Mr Sageau's's just that I'm used to talking

When it's time for business, don't touch those beauties...because, sometimes, they make my vigilance weak, which is a taboo in our industry..." Mr. Gao explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Sargio raised a thumbs-up to Mr. Gao... "Professional..."

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