"But... Now that our business talks are over, shouldn't we celebrate?" Sargio smiled and patted the beautiful dolphin beside him, and said, "Girls, get up..."

Immediately, a beautiful woman stepped aside, turned on the stereo in the living room, and a burst of explosive music with unique Brazilian drums rang...

Chapter 995

Listening to this music that made people want to twist his body, Mr. Gao's spirit also relaxed... But at this moment, his personal assistant who was staying outside the hall walked up to him and whispered. He said in his ear, "Boss, your call...is the one you ordered and must be answered..."

Mr. Gao nodded and took the mobile phone from his assistant. When he saw the number displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, his pupils could not help shrinking. He hurriedly made a gesture of apology to Sargio, and hurriedly stood up. Get up... and walk outside.

"Boss..." Mr. Gao, who came out of the house, waved his hand to drive away the people around him, and hurriedly answered the phone. That respectful and humble ecology would definitely make his subordinates who had followed him for many years. Stunned.

"Do you know about your chief accountant entering the police station??" A familiar female voice came from the phone, and the cold tone made Mr. Gao sweat on his forehead.

"I know... I heard that it was just because of a trivial matter. I have sent someone to the police station to bail him out. I believe there will be a result soon..." Mr. Gao said hurriedly. Regarding the headquarters in Chiang Mai, Mr. Gao still I'm very relieved... After all, there... the sky and the earth are big, and the army is the largest. What is he afraid of relying on the army...

He has already heard from his subordinates that Xiaoma was arrested by the Chiang Mai police. It is said that it was only because his cousin Xiaoma committed suicide and openly showed that woman on the street. In his opinion... such a thing , very easy to settle...not a big deal at all.

"Haha..." The cold laughter from the microphone made Mr. Gao feel that all the hairs on his body exploded, and his heart sank, did he ignore something? ?

Thinking of this, Mr. Gao couldn't help but ask cautiously, "Could it be... is there something wrong with him??"

"Hehe... In a few hours, he will be taken to Bangkok by Interpol... What do you think??" Ms. Kurai's voice contained a hint of anger.

"What??" When Mr. Gao heard this sentence, he was also shocked...Fuck, as soon as he left his nest, that guy gave him something wrong? what's going on? ? Taken by Interpol? ? Is this the old bottom of the doa group? ? He wasn't sure if his cousin could hold on... If he couldn't hold on, then he would only have the right to kill his relatives.

"Don't worry, boss... I'll order someone to snatch the pony back..."

"No need..." Ms. Kurai's voice in the microphone was slightly dissatisfied. "I'll leave this to others to do, you avoid it..."

"Yes, boss..." Mr. Gao agreed in a cold sweat. He knew that this was because his boss was dissatisfied with him...

"That's it..." As the voice fell, the phone was hung up... Mr. Gao stood there thoughtfully...

Will my cousin be arrested? ? ? What does Mr. Gao think at this time, why does he feel that something is wrong...

Based on what he knows about his cousin, although his cousin is a joker, it's also a fight in a joke... his brain is absolutely good, otherwise he wouldn't bring him into the doa group to be the chief Accountants...

Thinking about it now... With the personality of my cousin, even if she was a woman on the street, she would never be caught by the police... Then...

When thinking of a certain possibility, Mr. Gao couldn't help shuddering...Fuck, this slapper doesn't really want to leave the doa group, right? ? This is just killing...

Unlike his cousin, Mr. Gao knows more about the inside story of the doa group... He remembered the inhuman existences of the big boss behind him... He didn't even dare to think of betrayal.

What are you kidding - money is good, but it's lifeless to spend... Does this street basher want to kill himself? ?

No—Mr. Gao suddenly remembered his cousin's personality. Pony used to make decisions after making decisions. Maybe he had something in his hand that would make the boss fight against rats? ? ?

Thinking of this, Mr. Gao immediately called the headquarters again... "Check the account transactions in the account handled by Xiaoma recently... Now, immediately, immediately..."

After hanging up the phone -

Mr. Gao didn't even think about going back to enjoy it, he just stood at the door... smoking one cigarette after another, his greatest crisis in history was coming...

If his cousin really did what he thought... if he left behind some backers, would the big boss behind him think that he was joining his cousin to deliberately cheat her? ?

It's very likely to happen - after all, who made the pony his cousin? ?

How to do? ? What should I do myself? ? Some people say...why don't you just share the money with your cousin, and then fly away? ?

What a joke, he knows better than anyone the power of the boss behind him... Although money is good, life is more important...

In just ten minutes, seven or eight more cigarette butts appeared under Mr. Gao's feet... Finally—his cell phone rang again.

"Hello? Yes...it's me...what?? $15 billion missing in my account???"

Mr. Gao's hand to answer the phone is weak

Slipped down - the worst happened, what to do? ? ?

Just then—Sargio came out of the door: "Hi, Gao, my friend, what are you doing here? The beauties are waiting...e

Don't be in a daze, it's not a gentleman's thing to make beautiful women wait too long..."

Hearing Sargio's words, Mr. Gao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I'm sorry, my friend, something small happened here..."

"What could be more important than playing with beautiful women? Come on... friends... let you feel the passion of Brazilian beautiful women..."

Mr. Gao just wanted to refuse, but he had an idea - when he was not at the end of the road, speaking of beauty - he suddenly thought of a noble person who was enough to save his life... Young Master Ye...

That's right - it's time to hug Young Master Ye's thigh.

As soon as he got out of the predicament, Mr. Gao's mind suddenly turned rapidly... Now the first question is to inform the boss behind the 15 billion US dollars of the pony a company, so that he can more or less save some of his The impression in the eyes of the behind-the-scenes boss is divided, and the second... is to prepare a gift for Young Master Ye...

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Mr. Gao's face again, and he said to Sargio: "Thank you, my friend, your reminder has helped me a lot... Could you please give me a little time? I want To handle some urgent business, and I think we have a big business to sigh in a while..."

"Big business?? You and me??" Sargio asked in confusion.

"That's right, my friend, believe me, it's definitely a big business..." Mr. Gao smiled and patted Sargio on the shoulder: "Now please give me some personal space... I want to make a very important call. phone!"

"Okay..." Sargio shrugged helplessly, and returned to the living room again in confusion.

Chapter 996

Zhou Ye's private yacht, the Great Emperor.

"Bad...Bad..." Meng Yao was lying on the couch, she was completely unable to move a finger, and now the only thing that can move is her unyielding little girl... "You... you want to Am I going to kill you?"

Because of her unwillingness to admit defeat, she has suffered a lot today—for the first time for others, Zhou Ye would only play for an hour or two at most, only her first time was spent for four hours... …

"It's you who kept shouting, [Come on, keep on coming, come again...I can still come...], I see that you are so happy, so I just cooperate with you!" Zhou Ye said, holding back his smile. .

"I...I was just being polite...you really come...bad guy..." Meng Yao got into Zhou Ye's arms for a while, but she was actually just holding on with an unyielding energy. After all—the means by which Zhou Ye got her was a little out of place.

And she heard people say that what men want to hear most is, I want to be an official—the most fearful thing to hear is, I want an official... However, today's experience makes her have a kind of garbage that wants to kill some of these things Xiaobian... What, the effect of force is mutual, okay? ? Do you really think cows are the only ones tired of ploughing the fields? Tian is also very tired, okay?

Moreover, she didn't expect that it was the first time she met a non-human guy like Zhou Ye, which was simply a tragedy...

In the final analysis - or because she wanted to beat Zhou Ye on this matter, and then laughed at Zhou Ye from the commanding heights - in the end, needless to say, the cattle were all right, and the fields were about to be ploughed... they were all broken. .

"Haha..." Listening to Meng Yao's defense, Zhou Ye chuckled lightly...

Is this polite? ? Since she's being polite - if he doesn't follow her heart, wouldn't he not be a man enough? "No way, I'm too honest, I'll believe it as soon as you're polite..."

"Bad...you did it on purpose..." Seeing the wicked smile of the man who stole his body and mind, Meng Yao felt another burst of coquettish anger.

Just as Zhou Ye was talking, the cell phone beside his pillow suddenly rang... The very distinctive ringtone of the phone made people know that the person calling was a woman...

【Dear, Mochou misses you...Dear...Mochou misses you...】

Zhou Ye picked up the phone and connected... Mo Chou's aggrieved voice came from Zhou Ye's ear: "Dear... Someone hacked my private money..."

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